Trump: I don't know why people are doing it (announcing for the GOP Primary)

Just out curiosity, what is it that Trump promised and failed to do that Desantis would be able to do? In any event, there are two things going on:
Build the wall.

Here is a column by Ann Coulter that lists the number of times Trump caved on building the wall:

But, I don't need her to tell me that Trump promised to build the wall and never did. Memory and current events are all I need.
1. Something could happen to Trump and he not be the nominee
Yes, I think this is the most likely motivation for DeSantis. Trump is old, fat, and has the weaponized federal government and some weaponized state governments coming after him. He could literally drop dead at any moment to the suprise of no one. He's exactly the type guy that would run at high speed right up until the moment he is suddenly dropped by a heart attack or stroke.

A legal barrier to running is far less likely, because I don't believe that is the true aim. They just want to interfere in the 2024 election the same way they interfered in the 2020 election, by keeping him under a cloud of endless investigations.
2. People are lining up to be considered as VP
I said above, I think that is what Tim Scott and Nikki Haley are doing.
Build the wall.

Here is a column by Ann Coulter that lists the number of times Trump caved on building the wall:

But, I don't need her to tell me that Trump promised to build the wall and never did. Memory and current events are all I need.

Yes, I think this is the most likely motivation for DeSantis. Trump is old, fat, and has the weaponized federal government and some weaponized state governments coming after him. He could literally drop dead at any moment to the suprise of no one. He's exactly the type guy that would run at high speed right up until the moment he is suddenly dropped by a heart attack or stroke.

A legal barrier to running is far less likely, because I don't believe that is the true aim. They just want to interfere in the 2024 election the same way they interfered in the 2020 election, by keeping him under a cloud of endless investigations.

I said above, I think that is what Tim Scott and Nikki Haley are doing.
Desantis won't be able to build the wall. Democrats will stop him, just like they stopped Trump.
Because they suck as much as the Republicans.

Hardly. Republicans aren‘t fighting to let in low-skilled, uneducated illegal aliens…..stopping energy production…..driving racism against whites….pushing transgenderism on kids….and having porno as part of the reading list in 6th grade.
Nope. Never said that. Pull your head out of your partisan ass.
I didn’t say you said that. I‘m simply stating what’s true: Biden has dementia and is instituting policies that hurt Americans.
Desantis won't be able to build the wall. Democrats will stop him, just like they stopped Trump.
We know that they stopped Trump. Even when the GOP had the Senate and the House the whole first two years of his presidency, "Democrats stopped Trump."

I'm willing to give DeSantis a shot at it. But he won't get it until 2028, and then only if the doesn't screw up his chance by tilting at the Trump windmill in 2024.
Hardly. Republicans aren‘t ...
They aren't proposing anything to unite the country. They're culture warriors
I didn’t say you said that. I‘m simply stating what’s true: Biden has dementia and is instituting policies that hurt Americans.
The ONLY response Republicans ever come up with, when it's pointed out that their candidates suck, is that Democrats suck too. I totally agree. I just don't get why you're ignorant fucks keep voting for them.
They aren't proposing anything to unite the country. They're culture warriors

The ONLY response Republicans ever come up with, when it's pointed out that their candidates suck, is that Democrats suck too. I totally agree. I just don't get why you're ignorant fucks keep voting for them.
Because the Republican candidate is better than the Democrat, in most cases, and either one or the other will win.

I don’t get why YOU ignorant fucks throw your vote away on someone who can’t win. You’re helping the worse candidate of the two real options win.
It’s a little different now. The lowlifes are being dumped into liberal cities, and taxpayers are paying for them to trash hotel rooms.
I just don't think it's enough. Democrats will still stop the wall. In fact, part of the reason they stopped Trump's wall was to make Trump look bad to his voters, the very same tactic they would use against Desantis. Resist 47.
I just don't think it's enough. Democrats will still stop the wall. In fact, part of the reason they stopped Trump's wall was to make Trump look bad to his voters, the very same tactic they would use against Desantis. Resist 47.
OK….maybe not the wall. But Trump could institute the stay-in-Mexico policy we had. That dropped the number of scofflaws coming into the country by 90%.

But a lot of the damage is done. Here in the DC area, you hear more Spanish than English when you go out. Retail workers must be fluent in Spanish and English, meaning most American high school grads (or mothers looking to augment the family income) are locked out of the market.
Conservatives should have another option besides DJT in the primaries. That's how it's supposed to work, we should always have choices.
Because the Republican candidate is better than the Democrat, in most cases, ...
That's not nearly good enough, in most cases.
and either one or the other will win.
Only if we vote for them. Just say no.
I don’t get why YOU ignorant fucks throw your vote away on someone who can’t win. You’re helping the worse candidate of the two real options win.
Because "winning" with someone shitty is not a victory. It's a loss.

I don't vote to "win". It's not a fucking wager, and I don't get prize if my "horse" wins. Voting is one of the rare opportunities we have to give feedback to our government. I'm not going to waste that opportunity by voting for someone I don't actually support. That's a fraudulent vote in my view, and does the country a great disservice.
Conservatives should have another option besides DJT in the primaries. That's how it's supposed to work, we should always have choices.
And Democrats should have another option besides Biden, but the DNC isn’t allowing it.
OK….maybe not the wall. But Trump could institute the stay-in-Mexico policy we had. That dropped the number of scofflaws coming into the country by 90%.

But a lot of the damage is done. Here in the DC area, you hear more Spanish than English when you go out. Retail workers must be fluent in Spanish and English, meaning most American high school grads (or mothers looking to augment the family income) are locked out of the market.
Reminds me of something that happened in my life about 20 years ago. I was in retail management working with another retail manager in this one store. A Hispanic customer came up to us to ask something but she didn't know much English and neither one of us knew much Spanish. Anyway, she started giving us shit because we didn't have someone around who could understand her and the guy I was with said something like, "Hey, this is America. We speak English".
That's not nearly good enough, in most cases.

Only if we vote for them. Just say no.

Because "winning" with someone shitty is not a victory. It's a loss.

I don't vote to "win". It's not a fucking wager, and I don't get prize if my "horse" wins. Vote is one of the rare opportunities we have to give feedback to our government. I'm not going to waste that opportunity by voting for someone I don't actually support. That's a fraudulent vote in my view, and does the country a great disservice.
Then go ahead and vote the way you want. If the worst candidate gets in, that will be your doing and the idiots who think the same way.
President Trump was cheated by GOVT Election Fraud not by Voter Fraud. Let me be clear on that.
He has earned the nomination. His first term results were fantastic while having to fight even his own worthless party.

In addition his first four years were stalled and harassed by both parties and worthless GOVT workers.
HE is owed at least 6 more years and many should be locked up on Sedition.
Reminds me of something that happened in my life about 20 years ago. I was in retail management working with another retail manager in this one store. A Hispanic customer came up to us to ask something but she didn't know much English and neither one of us knew much Spanish. Anyway, she started giving us shit because we didn't have someone around who could understand her and the guy I was with said something like, "Hey, this is America. We speak English".
Same thing happened to me, also around 20 years ago. A wiman started having a fit because nobody who worked there spoke Spanish.

Now all forward-facing jobs require fluency in Spanish. That means immigrants will be hired before native-born Americans. At the store I was at yesterday, where everyone was speaking Spanish, I noticed that every cashier was Hispanic. American-born women in their 50s who want to supplement the family income won’t be able to find a job.

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