Trump: I told Democrats there can be no DACA deal without a wall & an end to chain migration


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

"The Democrats have been told, and fully understand, that there can be no DACA without the desperately needed WALL at the Southern Border and an END to the horrible Chain Migration & ridiculous Lottery System of Immigration etc. We must protect our Country at all costs!" - President Trump

Trump has a big heart, but he's not stupid!
Not being stupid helps a lot. It is a welcome change.

It also helps to have President who puts Americans first---as is his job; and who seeks to enforce the law as he took an oath to do---rather than subvert the law like out last President did, by ignoring Immigration Laws and instead encouraging an Illegal Mexican Invasion to further his own perverted Marxist political aims.
This is great news to hear. We also need to end the subversion of the 14th Amendment due to the anchor baby epidemic. The 14th Amendment was never intended for that, only for slaves, period. Also this country was never meant to be populated by third world illegals. The founders specifically created this country for White people of European heritage. See the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress.
Not being stupid helps a lot. It is a welcome change.

It also helps to have President who puts Americans first---as is his job; and who seeks to enforce the law as he took an oath to do---rather than subvert the law like out last President did, by ignoring Immigration Laws and instead encouraging an Illegal Mexican Invasion to further his own perverted Marxist political aims.
----------------------------------------------------------------- aw , look at the 'bush' conservatives and the Ron Reagan , especially Ron Reagan that started the whole problem with his first amnesty McCauly . While i have no use for 'hussein obama' both repubs and dems are the same thing with a few exceptions . And ' bush' conservative 'jebito bush' and his mexican wife woulda been the worse of the bunch if 'jebito' had been elected , See republicans 'jeff flake' and 'juan mccain' McCauly . ------------------ just a comment .

The DACA people should get to stay under the following conditions

1) Full funding necessary to built a great big Wall;
2) Amended laws to automatically put anyone illegally sneaking into this country in jail (preferably Gitmo) for one year before deporting them;
3) Amended laws which severely restrict Chain Migration to Parents and Children only and then only if the sponsor is not sucking off the Federal Tit, and the immigrant can prove with reasonable certainty that he/she won't be sucking off the Federal Tit either;
4) End altogether Lottery Migration.
5) DACA people don't get the right to vote, unless they leave and re-enter legally;
6) DACA people get automatically deported if they commit any crime other than a minor traffic violation;
7) The Federal Government starts putting in jail any city or state officials who enforce or encourage Sanctuary Policies.
8) Laws ending all migration from barbaric countries whose culture is hateful toward the American way of life.

This subversive Obama shit has to stop. Americans First.
Not being stupid helps a lot. It is a welcome change.

It also helps to have President who puts Americans first---as is his job; and who seeks to enforce the law as he took an oath to do---rather than subvert the law like out last President did, by ignoring Immigration Laws and instead encouraging an Illegal Mexican Invasion to further his own perverted Marxist political aims.
----------------------------------------------------------------- aw , look at the 'bush' conservatives and the Ron Reagan , especially Ron Reagan that started the whole problem with his first amnesty McCauly . While i have no use for 'hussein obama' both repubs and dems are the same thing with a few exceptions . And ' bush' conservative 'jebito bush' and his mexican wife woulda been the worse of the bunch if 'jebito' had been elected , See republicans 'jeff flake' and 'juan mccain' McCauly . ------------------ just a comment .

Reagan got fooled. The Democrats are, and always have been, Liars. He gave them Amnesty for an agreement to end illegal immigration. Of course, they did not keep their end of the deal. End migration FIRST; then consider letting the DACA people stay under strict conditions.

Agree about Jeb Bush. Fuck him.

The DACA people should get to stay under the following conditions

1) Full funding necessary to built a great big Wall;
2) Amended laws to automatically put anyone illegally sneaking into this country in jail (preferably Gitmo) for one year before deporting them;
3) Amended laws which severely restrict Chain Migration to Parents and Children only and then only if the sponsor is not sucking off the Federal Tit, and the immigrant can prove with reasonable certainty that he/she won't be sucking off the Federal Tit either;
4) End altogether Lottery Migration.
5) DACA people don't get the right to vote, unless they leave and re-enter legally;
6) DACA people get automatically deported if they commit any crime other than a minor traffic violation;
7) The Federal Government starts putting in jail any city or state officials who enforce or encourage Sanctuary Policies.
8) Laws ending all migration from barbaric countries whose culture is hateful toward the American way of life.

This subversive Obama shit has to stop. Americans First.

GTMO isn't big enough. Give them a tent in a barbed-wire enclosed compound in the CA, AZ, NM, and TX desert with a gate through the wall opening into Mexico. That way we don't have to pay for their upkeep.
Not being stupid helps a lot. It is a welcome change.

It also helps to have President who puts Americans first---as is his job; and who seeks to enforce the law as he took an oath to do---rather than subvert the law like out last President did, by ignoring Immigration Laws and instead encouraging an Illegal Mexican Invasion to further his own perverted Marxist political aims.
----------------------------------------------------------------- aw , look at the 'bush' conservatives and the Ron Reagan , especially Ron Reagan that started the whole problem with his first amnesty McCauly . While i have no use for 'hussein obama' both repubs and dems are the same thing with a few exceptions . And ' bush' conservative 'jebito bush' and his mexican wife woulda been the worse of the bunch if 'jebito' had been elected , See republicans 'jeff flake' and 'juan mccain' McCauly . ------------------ just a comment .

Reagan got fooled. The Democrats are, and always have been, Liars. He gave them Amnesty for an agreement to end illegal immigration. Of course, they did not keep their end of the deal. End migration FIRST; then consider letting the DACA people stay under strict conditions.

Agree about Jeb Bush. Fuck him.
------------------------------------------ thanks for the reply . well Reagan was stupid then and its my conspiracy that his 'vp' [ghwb'] talked him into amnesty and this lends validity to my thoughts that MAYBE Reagan was indeed going Senile . And 'gwb' is also a problem , he wanted to give amnesty to millions , didn't enforce borders and afterall 'gwb' has extended mexican family through 'jebito' . . ----------------------- Also , and off topic but Reagan is responsible for some bad gun laws in the USA that affect Americans McCauly . .

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