Trump: I will veto Obama actions on guns

More winning..........said in another post a few moments ago...........getting to the point where this winning is getting so prolific, its hurting my sides from laughing so hard!!:2up:
Dude you need a life......and I know just were to start, the south side of Chicago!!
It's OK, liberals....

Take two of these and call your doctor in the morning if the pain persists:

View attachment 104976

Guns are being taken in more ways than most realize.
Those who don't realize it , they are expecting swat to break down the doors of gun owners, not that is not how it is. They use MEDICAL reasons to take your guns, they are using the IRS to take your guns. They are using MEDICAL POT to take your guns.......................
And here you are being a fear mongering jackass.

This is the problem with you NRA duped people. You can't even agree that a person who is declared mentally incompetent should not have a gun.

My God. This is how fucking stupid you people are.
View attachment 104976

Guns are being taken in more ways than most realize.
Those who don't realize it , they are expecting swat to break down the doors of gun owners, not that is not how it is. They use MEDICAL reasons to take your guns, they are using the IRS to take your guns. They are using MEDICAL POT to take your guns.......................
And here you are being a fear mongering jackass.

This is the problem with you NRA duped people. You can't even agree that a person who is declared mentally incompetent should not have a gun.

My God. This is how fucking stupid you people are.

Define mentally incompetent....

Does that include someone with insomnia....?

Does that include someone who has spoken to a grief counselor?


And who exactly is the NRA reaching.....I belong to the organization...but I don't read the magazine, and I rarely visit their website.....they don't advertise outside of the last who is the NRA scaring?

And as we keep explaining to you very dumb people....obama has stacked the federal court and the Supreme court with anti gun judges...this enabled him to work on gun control without losing more democrats to anti gun votes....

And had hilary won, and gotten a majority in the House and Senate they would have repealed the lawful commerce in arms act...and sued gun makers to make them self enforce gun restrictions.....

And as we keep explaining to you very dumb people....obama has stacked the federal court and the Supreme court with anti gun judges...this enabled him to work on gun control without losing more democrats to anti gun votes....

And had hilary won, and gotten a majority in the House and Senate they would have repealed the lawful commerce in arms act...and sued gun makers to make them self enforce gun restrictions.....
And we are to believe a lying prick like you? Ah yes, every time there is a mass shooting, assholes like you immediately state that what we need is more guns on the street. And every time we propose laws to punish those who handle guns in a negligent manner, you try to prevent that. No other first world nation has a gun death rate like ours.

And as we keep explaining to you very dumb people....obama has stacked the federal court and the Supreme court with anti gun judges...this enabled him to work on gun control without losing more democrats to anti gun votes....

And had hilary won, and gotten a majority in the House and Senate they would have repealed the lawful commerce in arms act...and sued gun makers to make them self enforce gun restrictions.....
And we are to believe a lying prick like you? Ah yes, every time there is a mass shooting, assholes like you immediately state that what we need is more guns on the street. And every time we propose laws to punish those who handle guns in a negligent manner, you try to prevent that. No other first world nation has a gun death rate like ours. me where I have lied where my links are lying....moron....

What laws have you proposed moron? And when you propose stupid laws that only effect normal, law abiding people and do nothing to stop criminals or mass shooters and we show you exactly why the law is lie....and say we don't want any laws....and you even lied in this post you just typed.....

No other nation has our mix of inner city criminals......but that is changing.....I have shown you over and over that Australia and Britain are experiencing increases in gun violence...why? Because they have imported people who do not share Australian and British values about killing.....

You are too stupid to understand that Britain had a low gun murder rate before they banned guns....and after they banned guns...the gun murder rate spiked, then returned to where it was....until 2015....when it went up 4.7%.........and now they are seeing more guns on British streets and they are arming more of their previously unarmed police...... seeing increased gun crime...I posted in other threads the 3 part article on the growing gun crime problem in Australia...the country that banned and confiscated guns....and now Melbourne is known as the city of the gun....

If you are going to post out of your ass, at least admit it...otherwise do some research......

And as we keep explaining to you very dumb people....obama has stacked the federal court and the Supreme court with anti gun judges...this enabled him to work on gun control without losing more democrats to anti gun votes....

And had hilary won, and gotten a majority in the House and Senate they would have repealed the lawful commerce in arms act...and sued gun makers to make them self enforce gun restrictions.....
And we are to believe a lying prick like you? Ah yes, every time there is a mass shooting, assholes like you immediately state that what we need is more guns on the street. And every time we propose laws to punish those who handle guns in a negligent manner, you try to prevent that. No other first world nation has a gun death rate like ours.

Here you go does gun crime increase when they banned and confiscated guns...on an island nation......and notice the increase in violent crime on top of that.....disarming normal, law abiding people does not decrease the gun crime rate or the crime rate..since law abiding people don't use guns to commit crimes....moron....

Violent crime in England and Wales is up 24%, police figures show

Violent crime in England and Wales has risen by 24%, including a 9% rise in knife crime and a 7% rise in gun crime in the 12 months to June, according to police recorded crime figures.
View attachment 104976

Guns are being taken in more ways than most realize.
Those who don't realize it , they are expecting swat to break down the doors of gun owners, not that is not how it is. They use MEDICAL reasons to take your guns, they are using the IRS to take your guns. They are using MEDICAL POT to take your guns.......................
And here you are being a fear mongering jackass.

This is the problem with you NRA duped people. You can't even agree that a person who is declared mentally incompetent should not have a gun.

My God. This is how fucking stupid you people are.

Define mentally incompetent....

Does that include someone with insomnia....?

Does that include someone who has spoken to a grief counselor?


And who exactly is the NRA reaching.....I belong to the organization...but I don't read the magazine, and I rarely visit their website.....they don't advertise outside of the last who is the NRA scaring?
You moron. There is a legal definition that exists today. Are you really this uninformed?

And as we keep explaining to you very dumb people....obama has stacked the federal court and the Supreme court with anti gun judges...this enabled him to work on gun control without losing more democrats to anti gun votes....

And had hilary won, and gotten a majority in the House and Senate they would have repealed the lawful commerce in arms act...and sued gun makers to make them self enforce gun restrictions.....
And we are to believe a lying prick like you? Ah yes, every time there is a mass shooting, assholes like you immediately state that what we need is more guns on the street. And every time we propose laws to punish those who handle guns in a negligent manner, you try to prevent that. No other first world nation has a gun death rate like ours.

Here you go does gun crime increase when they banned and confiscated guns...on an island nation......and notice the increase in violent crime on top of that.....disarming normal, law abiding people does not decrease the gun crime rate or the crime rate..since law abiding people don't use guns to commit crimes....moron....

Violent crime in England and Wales is up 24%, police figures show

Violent crime in England and Wales has risen by 24%, including a 9% rise in knife crime and a 7% rise in gun crime in the 12 months to June, according to police recorded crime figures.
Wow. That is some really stupid reasoning.

What would the crime rate be if they had the same gun availability as here?

To say that gun restrictions don't work because crime increasing is about the dumbest fucking thing I've read today.

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