Trump In Fountain Hills...

Actually Arizona is number 7 and many other less populous states with warm climates are seeing an influx in population. But, hey, you have all that immigration going on for you as well, amiright?

You do have 5 Cs and you still don't have the number 1 state economy? Speaking of California, I like how you blame them when Arizona had budget challenges. Way to take responsibility. In other news, California is one of those states that is over paying (ranked #7) on federal taxes.

While California was hit hard by the recession and has a complex economy and diverse population, not to mention a schizophrenic way of passing unfunded legislation, since the GOP is a mere minority in the state house they appear to be doing much better. You should think Californian's who visit Arizona and spend money, odds are they have higher incomes.

Anyway, I'm not really here to hate on Arizona, I just thought it funny that the fake conservative travels way out to the fake lake in the desert.

Reading comprehension problems? They aren't visiting, they're MOVING here and up north. Tiny Prescott now has graffiti and gangs thanks to the Kalis. A couple Kali developers bought up over 500 properties in Flagstaff, ruining that market for low-price rentals. As to your numbers, they're bullshit...anybody can claim anything. And if you think Kali is doing better than us with Jerry Moonbeam in charge, check out their tax rates and attendant population loss. Trump is the first big shot politician to ever appear out in Fountain Hills that I recall....they liked what he has to say.
Tom are the demonstrations being portrayed in the media out there?

Pretty blase from what I've seen. Probably 2/3rds of the illegals who enter the US come through here so we are blessed with multiple "rights" and "aid" outfits who pretend to care about them. We have our share of protests downtown where they can roll in from south Phoenix and get back out without getting their heads broken. But Fountain Hills is Sheriff Joe's jurisdiction and his boys don't play nice like Phoenix or Scottsdale cops. It was only about 100 knotheads out there....blocked the road with 3 cars....they got towed and many birds were flipped by both sides. :lol:
Actually Arizona is number 7 and many other less populous states with warm climates are seeing an influx in population. But, hey, you have all that immigration going on for you as well, amiright?

You do have 5 Cs and you still don't have the number 1 state economy? Speaking of California, I like how you blame them when Arizona had budget challenges. Way to take responsibility. In other news, California is one of those states that is over paying (ranked #7) on federal taxes.

While California was hit hard by the recession and has a complex economy and diverse population, not to mention a schizophrenic way of passing unfunded legislation, since the GOP is a mere minority in the state house they appear to be doing much better. You should think Californian's who visit Arizona and spend money, odds are they have higher incomes.

Anyway, I'm not really here to hate on Arizona, I just thought it funny that the fake conservative travels way out to the fake lake in the desert.

Reading comprehension problems? They aren't visiting, they're MOVING here and up north. Tiny Prescott now has graffiti and gangs thanks to the Kalis. A couple Kali developers bought up over 500 properties in Flagstaff, ruining that market for low-price rentals. As to your numbers, they're bullshit...anybody can claim anything. And if you think Kali is doing better than us with Jerry Moonbeam in charge, check out their tax rates and attendant population loss. Trump is the first big shot politician to ever appear out in Fountain Hills that I recall....they liked what he has to say.

You're confusing the two. I'm saying to blame migrating Californian's when Arizona has budget problems and I then ALSO saying you should be thankful Californians visit your state as they tend to have more money than Arizonans.

I'm not concerned with tax rates, that;s not a sign of how a state is or is not performing. I personally don't believe taxes should be low or high just to say they are low or high.

Trump is the first whatshot? Anyway, who cares who has been to Fountain Hills? I'm sure McCain has been there plenty of times, so what?

Who said I'm blaming the Kalis for everything we're working on? You might recall only what ten minutes ago, I told you that Janet Napolitano left us with a $3B debt...unthinkable as well as we were doing...good luck ever getting another Rat elected governor here. Then she went to DC and blocked the completion of Chertoff's fence. We passed SB1070 and they ran like hell...we lost maybe 20% of the invaders to....are you ready? KALIFORNIA where they can get more free shit than we could provide thanks to the Anglo taxpayers there.

Good to see you're not concerned about taxes....don't pay any, right? We were a shit-magnet for years from the rust belt....but they brought the same problems they had there with them here. So for every 3 newcomers we got, two skeedadled when it hit 110 (in the shade) in July. If it weren't for the heat, we'd have ten million trying to make a living here. As for our water, we got plenty...even with our explosion in population, over 90% of our water still goes to agriculture.
You brought up California to scapegoat anything going on in Arizona. And again, what state in 2008/20009 wasn't doing badly? Arizona was hit very hard int he housing market, I'm still not really sure if they've recovered to this day.

And, I think you're making shit up about who and why people move and when they move back. Who is really building your houses and picking your fruit? I think you have a lot of documented and undocumented workers still in your state and they contribute handsomely.

Anyway, Arizona is good for a second home, they're dirt cheap.
You brought up California to scapegoat anything going on in Arizona. And again, what state in 2008/20009 wasn't doing badly? Arizona was hit very hard int he housing market, I'm still not really sure if they've recovered to this day.

And, I think you're making shit up about who and why people move and when they move back. Who is really building your houses and picking your fruit? I think you have a lot of documented and undocumented workers still in your state and they contribute handsomely.

Anyway, Arizona is good for a second home, they're dirt cheap.

I know who's building the houses and picking the fruit but it wasn't always that way....a contractor's dream when he can pay workers in cash at half the rate he paid ten years ago. All that has to change...we have to send them HOME...maybe they'll overthrown their own government. That's why the ruling families in Mehico are glad to assist in their departure...the young and restless tend to take to the streets when life is intolerable. And don't ever say or imply I'm a liar, asshole. I've been in several businesses here for over 40 years and can profile a newcomer on sight. I've taken the time on my Saturday afternoon to enlighten you about the Valley and now you've repaid me with an insult.
On a Saturday morning I would imagine most of those heading west on Shea aren't going to the Trump rally but are headed for the Beeline Highway and off to Saguaro Lake or the rim. They unnecessarily pissed a lot of people off and did themselves no favors.
You brought up California to scapegoat anything going on in Arizona. And again, what state in 2008/20009 wasn't doing badly? Arizona was hit very hard int he housing market, I'm still not really sure if they've recovered to this day.

And, I think you're making shit up about who and why people move and when they move back. Who is really building your houses and picking your fruit? I think you have a lot of documented and undocumented workers still in your state and they contribute handsomely.

Anyway, Arizona is good for a second home, they're dirt cheap.

I know who's building the houses and picking the fruit but it wasn't always that way....a contractor's dream when he can pay workers in cash at half the rate he paid ten years ago. All that has to change...we have to send them HOME...maybe they'll overthrown their own government. That's why the ruling families in Mehico are glad to assist in their departure...the young and restless tend to take to the streets when life is intolerable. And don't ever say or imply I'm a liar, asshole. I've been in several businesses here for over 40 years and can profile a newcomer on sight. I've taken the time on my Saturday afternoon to enlighten you about the Valley and now you've repaid me with an insult.

Maybe if you care so much you guys shouldn't be buying products created by the labor of immigrants? But, no, you expect everything to be done for you. Not even a single step in the direction of boycotting Arizona citrus or landscaping, you guys suck that shit right up and are happy to pay less for it. You're part of your own perceived problem.

And you don't need to educate me on Arizona, I'm quite familiar with the state.
Maybe if you care so much you guys shouldn't be buying products created by the labor of immigrants? But, no, you expect everything to be done for you. Not even a single step in the direction of boycotting Arizona citrus or landscaping, you guys suck that shit right up and are happy to pay less for it. You're part of your own perceived problem.

And you don't need to educate me on Arizona, I'm quite familiar with the state.

You obviously don't know shit about the state of Arizona....I'm sure we're going to boycott a product until it costs us more money. You leftists don't have a're weakling elitist snobs without a lick of common sense. Everything you've said in this thread would be embarrassing if you did.
On a Saturday morning I would imagine most of those heading west on Shea aren't going to the Trump rally but are headed for the Beeline Highway and off to Saguaro Lake or the rim. They unnecessarily pissed a lot of people off and did themselves no favors.

I think you meant heading east on Shea to go to Saguaro or the Rim. And you're's still nippy up there for those (including me) who feel we got cheated out of our last month of winter with the balmy February we had. :neutral:

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