Trump Incapable Of Coherent English! Claims Hillary Mentioned A Specific Recruitment Video!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Hillary Clinton Appeared on stage on Saturday Night--alleged by GOP to not be noticed--and managed not only to disparage Donald Trump's campaign, but create certain insight into Trump's inabilities, regarded the English Language. Likely the reason that his people disparage Hispanics is that Hispanic speak English far better than Trump, or the Trump supporters.

Is Clinton right that Trump Helping ISIL?
“And we also need to make sure that the really discriminatory messages that Trump is sending around the world don’t fall on receptive ears. He is becoming ISIS’s best recruiter. They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists. So I want to explain why this is not in America’s interest to react with this kind of fear and respond to this sort of bigotry.”

Noted in other threads, the videos easily originated from Al Jazeera, BBC, various government other private sector news organizations worldwide. There is no allusion to a specific video.

There is a clear context to the Clinton remarks, not noted by Trump, or by that Campaign, or by those supporters. There is Intensely Low Energy, Inabilities, clearly Incompetent: Shown Instead.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations able to see smoke signals, even from earth(?)! Many White Eyes not so capable at doing that!)
Hillary Clinton Appeared on stage on Saturday Night--alleged by GOP to not be noticed--and managed not only to disparage Donald Trump's campaign, but create certain insight into Trump's inabilities, regarded the English Language. Likely the reason that his people disparage Hispanics is that Hispanic speak English far better than Trump, or the Trump supporters.

Is Clinton right that Trump Helping ISIL?
“And we also need to make sure that the really discriminatory messages that Trump is sending around the world don’t fall on receptive ears. He is becoming ISIS’s best recruiter. They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists. So I want to explain why this is not in America’s interest to react with this kind of fear and respond to this sort of bigotry.”

Noted in other threads, the videos easily originated from Al Jazeera, BBC, various government other private sector news organizations worldwide. There is no allusion to a specific video.

There is a clear context to the Clinton remarks, not noted by Trump, or by that Campaign, or by those supporters. There is Intensely Low Energy, Inabilities, clearly Incompetent: Shown Instead.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations able to see smoke signals, even from earth(?)! Many White Eyes not so capable at doing that!)

I agree! Thanks for the clarification. However, Adolf Trump's racist NaziCon base will ignore the truth and keep spinning it out of context. NaziCons don't like "context"...
Well considering the crowd he plays to, he'll double down on the word "Video" and the crowd goes wild!
Hillary Clinton Appeared on stage on Saturday Night--alleged by GOP to not be noticed--and managed not only to disparage Donald Trump's campaign, but create certain insight into Trump's inabilities, regarded the English Language. Likely the reason that his people disparage Hispanics is that Hispanic speak English far better than Trump, or the Trump supporters.

Is Clinton right that Trump Helping ISIL?
“And we also need to make sure that the really discriminatory messages that Trump is sending around the world don’t fall on receptive ears. He is becoming ISIS’s best recruiter. They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists. So I want to explain why this is not in America’s interest to react with this kind of fear and respond to this sort of bigotry.”

Noted in other threads, the videos easily originated from Al Jazeera, BBC, various government other private sector news organizations worldwide. There is no allusion to a specific video.

There is a clear context to the Clinton remarks, not noted by Trump, or by that Campaign, or by those supporters. There is Intensely Low Energy, Inabilities, clearly Incompetent: Shown Instead.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations able to see smoke signals, even from earth(?)! Many White Eyes not so capable at doing that!)
Desperation, eh? Hillary will lie about anything.
Ms. Clinton cannot be credited with a lie as follows:
"So what Clinton said is on the mark:

“I worry greatly that the rhetoric coming from the Republicans, particularly Donald Trump, is sending a message to Muslims here in the United States and literally around the world that there is a “clash of civilizations,” that there is some kind of Western plot or even “war against Islam,” which then I believe fans the flames of radicalization.”

Daesh itself is not outraged by Trump’s comments, since they believe all Americans hate Sunni Muslims and want to commit genocide against them. . . .

Daesh is a low-budget affair that enlists other people to do its dirty work, in an effort to save money. It has called for ‘lone wolf’ attacks on the West. But that is actually a sign of extreme weakness and lack of resources. . . .(Note--as in, ISIL has been "Contained.")

In that regard, Trump is a perfect tool for Daesh, insofar as he enrages Muslims and makes it look as though America is at war with the religion in general instead of with a radical fringe. In effect, he is just himself a ‘lone wolf’ writ large, acting willy-nilly for Daesh purposes, repeatedly going postal with his big mouth.

Arabic newspapers tend to agree that Trump is a propaganda gift to Daesh. (Amusingly, they transliterate his name as “Tramp”).

"Tramp" likely isn't even all that fluent in Arabic, albeit "Tramp" does claim some level of expertise the non-existent, "Radical Islam," brand of what are actually secular kamikazes. The faith Moslems are actually a majority in 47 nations on the planet, engaging in normal day to day business and life as is usual.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Great Secretary of State Shows Planet: What commercial breaks are really for, at home and even on the stage(?)--and likely, to be diplomatic about it, even abroad!)
Remember folks, you didn't hear what you heard with you very own ears. And you never see her lie either with your very own eyes.

it's ALL OUR FAULT for her being a straight up lying witch
Isis is using a video of Bill Clinton as the national fornicator to recruit. They are having some success too.
they are USING Obama, Hillary and everyone else who stands up groveling and whining about how they are being insulted by us American citizens. so they are like: hell yeah many useful tools in that Democrat party for us to use. they are siding with US TERRORIST

IT'S the damn saddest thing I've even seen them on their knees groveling to islam. I don't care who the hell is insulted I just want you pukes to stop these terrorist attacks. but we know that isn't your first priority.
Speaking of a lack of coherence...

they are USING Obama, Hillary and everyone else who stands up groveling and whining about how they are being insulted by us American citizens. so they are like: hell yeah many useful tools in that Democrat party for us to use. they are siding with US TERRORIST

pieces of garbage. I don't care who the hell is insulted I just you pukes to stop these terrorist attacks. but we know that is your first priority.
Speaking of a lack of coherence...

they are USING Obama, Hillary and everyone else who stands up groveling and whining about how they are being insulted by us American citizens. so they are like: hell yeah many useful tools in that Democrat party for us to use. they are siding with US TERRORIST

pieces of garbage. I don't care who the hell is insulted I just you pukes to stop these terrorist attacks. but we know that is your first priority.

then put it on ignore or just be a jerk
Hillary Clinton Appeared on stage on Saturday Night--alleged by GOP to not be noticed--and managed not only to disparage Donald Trump's campaign, but create certain insight into Trump's inabilities, regarded the English Language. Likely the reason that his people disparage Hispanics is that Hispanic speak English far better than Trump, or the Trump supporters....

Was the OP trying to be ironic with that post?
the op is a DNC tool. haven't figured out yet if they're paid or do their spinning for them for free.

that whole thing Saturday night was so disgusting they need someone to clean their crap they spewed all over everyone that night. all three of them were jerkoffs

it should have been called, the night the old fogies blew their wad dumping on trump
The same ISIS recruitment claim has been leveled against Obama for his drone warfare
The same ISIS recruitment claim has been leveled against Obama for his drone warfare

well I'm sure him bombing the shit out of seven countries in middle east, taking out dictators and then leaving the people there defenseless, has anything to do with Recruitment of these lowlife Terrorist that Obama and Hillary seems to be more worried about them being insulted.
Trump is cerebral low energy, and likely a psycho mess to boot. The Remarks of Secretary Clinton allude to no specific video. The GOP Frontrunner wants an apology on the basis that the video, nowhere referenced, doesn't exist. That is not an issue. No one claims that it exists.

It is conceded worldwide that the low-energy buffoon is not cerebral on policy, military, or diversity matters. One of the better remarks of the weekend is from his campaign spokesperson. "What good does it do to have a good nuclear triad if you're afraid to use it?” she asked.

Push the nuclear button, and all you get is a good old fashioned, nuclear bluster! What harm can a nuclear blast really do, when you come right down to brass tacks(?)!

Really low, low energy. Really low, low Competence. Really low, low, levels of mental heath.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe find old videos Christians at worship, in the KKK, for Trump campaign volunteers recruiting(?)!)
that party can lie and lie and they know their voters will still make excuse for them like this thread, and many will still vote for them lying or not. how sad and it's why we are in the mess we are now

WE should all be insulted by this and that party who blames America and American citizens for helping to recruit these lowlifes who is strapping on bombs and killing people at Christmas party.

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