Trump Incapable Of Coherent English! Claims Hillary Mentioned A Specific Recruitment Video!

Do you people really want four more years of having them BLAME you for everything they do wrong? seriously. she blamed a video and an American citizen for Benghazi.

lets hope not. kick them to curb so we don't have to listen this bs anymore
now for some important news

BREAKING: Mall of America Seeks Restraining Order Against #BlackLivesMatter Terrorist Group

Jim Hoft Dec 21st, 2015 10:59 am 104 Comments

The Mall of America in Minnesota is seeking a restraining order against the Black Lives Matter terrorist group. The radical Democrat-supported group is planning a massive rally in the Mall of America on Wednesday.

Black Lives Matter activists protests the death of Jamar Clark in Minnesota.

** A local children’s choir canceled their trip to mall after the protest was announced.

The Mall is private property and does not allow protests.
The Star-Tribune reported:

The Mall of America is taking legal action in an attempt to prevent a protest by the Minneapolis chapter of Black Lives Matter.

all of it here:
BREAKING: Mall of America Seeks Restraining Order Against #BlackLivesMatter Terrorist Group - The Gateway Pundit
Hillary Clinton Appeared on stage on Saturday Night--alleged by GOP to not be noticed--and managed not only to disparage Donald Trump's campaign, but create certain insight into Trump's inabilities, regarded the English Language. Likely the reason that his people disparage Hispanics is that Hispanic speak English far better than Trump, or the Trump supporters.

Is Clinton right that Trump Helping ISIL?
“And we also need to make sure that the really discriminatory messages that Trump is sending around the world don’t fall on receptive ears. He is becoming ISIS’s best recruiter. They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists. So I want to explain why this is not in America’s interest to react with this kind of fear and respond to this sort of bigotry.”

Noted in other threads, the videos easily originated from Al Jazeera, BBC, various government other private sector news organizations worldwide. There is no allusion to a specific video.

There is a clear context to the Clinton remarks, not noted by Trump, or by that Campaign, or by those supporters. There is Intensely Low Energy, Inabilities, clearly Incompetent: Shown Instead.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations able to see smoke signals, even from earth(?)! Many White Eyes not so capable at doing that!)

So Hillary got caught telling a bald faced lie, and you try to divert attention by harping on Trump's grammar?
Trump seemed coherent about the issue. As a matter of fact Matt Lauer said he would mentin it to Hillary. It seemed that the abused wife of the former president is rather incoherent when she said "we have ISIS where we want them". Where is that Mrs Clinton, in San Bernadino Ca?
Hillary Clinton roundly CONDEMNED for LYING about ANOTHER FRICKIN’ VIDEO!!
Posted by soopermexican on Dec 20, 2015 at 5:40 PM in Politics | 97 Comments

What is with this woman and lying about videos?!?! Anyway. So during the ridiculous Democrat debate yesterday, Hillary actually claimed that ISIS was using videos of Donald Trump to recruit more terrorists.

Well she’s full of it. More than usual.
image on Twitter



No evidence for Clinton claim that ISIS is already showing Trump in recruiting videos

But no silly Politifact is gonna get in her way, NO!!! This morning John Podesta went and doubled down on the claim. Hugh Hewitt was not happy:
Even CNN couldn’t help her out on this one:

Here’s her communications director lying about it too – she mumbles out the ridiculous defense with a trembling voice:

all of it here
Read more:
"Tramp" is already the Arabic Language name for Trump, who is clearly all over the local press coverage, various media, in the Middle East. So one fellow stops off at a Starbucks, and points to "Tramp" coverage in the local press. The one fellow simply points out, "See!" That is a recruiting tactic. The distortions of the debate transcript are even in TheRightScoop link. Clinton is alleged to have identified a specific video. Clinton merely alludes to "Tramp" videos everywhere--probably even in Chinese.
In that regard, Trump is a perfect tool for Daesh, insofar as he enrages Muslims and makes it look as though America is at war with the religion in general instead of with a radical fringe. In effect, he is just himself a ‘lone wolf’ writ large, acting willy-nilly for Daesh purposes, repeatedly going postal with his big mouth.

Arabic newspapers tend to agree that Trump is a propaganda gift to Daesh. (Amusingly, they transliterate his name as “Tramp”).

However, most Muslims who publish newspaper articles or other writing are cosmopolitan and understand that Trump represents a small but vocal minority in American society.

And most Muslims, as a Pew poll demonstrated, deeply dislike Daesh and reject the idea that it speaks for them.

People who can follow along the images on the screens of all the phones, in the local languages, know what they have seen!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Smoke Signals in Syria maybe differently interpreted, depending on what is being smoked(?)!)

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