Trump interview with Wayne Allyn Root & another with Eric Bolling on Newsmax, says DeSantis probably won't run, we're headed for world war under Biden

Most folks respect credible evidence, corroborative sworn testimonies by individuals of integrity, and substantive proof.

The weird worshipers just chug their orange Kool-Aid.

are you wearing a pussy hat and a pink dress as you post ? after all according to your leaders you can change your gender at will ..
Trump is not a tyrant ... he truly believed there was massive election fraud ... he wanted the courts to look into it and the courts decided there was no grounds to take the cases filed ... Gore claimed Florida was fraudulent and took it to the courts .. he actually got further along in changing the outcome of an election than Trump did .. Clinton and the left screamed for 4 yrs that the 2016 election was stolen ... the facts are very simple whether Trump runs or not [and he may not ] the next POTUS will be an America first conservative ... and if Trump decides not to run he will be the de facto king maker just as Bill Clinton was for over a decade and Obama is today for the left ..

Hillary conceded almost immediately. Trump claimed that 3 to 5 million illegals voted.
Hillary conceded almost immediately. Trump claimed that 3 to 5 million illegals voted.
Hillary screemed that Russia cost her the election by helping Trump for 4 yrs ! the left even touted Russian collusion while attempting to remove him from office with Crossfire Hurricane !
Most folks respect credible evidence, corroborative sworn testimonies by individuals of integrity, and substantive proof.

The weird worshipers just chug their orange Kool-Aid.

I dunno. Wasn't there cognitive dissonance with American First (where have we heard that recently)?
How about the John Birchers v. those in the Weatherunderground? And those folks like Ayers, split from a peaceful Students for Democratic Society, even though like Bernie it had socialist underpinnings.
The History channel right now has a documentary on the war on contraception (Comstock) and booze (prohibition)
Hillary screemed that Russia cost her the election by helping Trump for 4 yrs ! the left even touted Russian collusion while attempting to remove him from office with Crossfire Hurricane !
She's right. LOL

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