Trump is a Shameless, Anti Gay Bigot and this Crusade by His State Department Proves it

So the woke OP just called potential gay marriages child abuse! I never went off topic! I responded to what you said about marriage, so maybe you should stay on topic!
Jesus fucking Christ! I call gay marriage child abuse?? You're just playing sick and childish games. I called marrying off a child, to anyone, regadless of age or gender child abuse. The fact that some states allow it does not make it OK

Then you have the nerve to "disagree " when I posted this (#408)

"Who am I to tell them no? (on child marriage) I am someone who spent a career in child welfare and I am here to tell you that allowing a child to get married- to anyone amounts to child abuse and smacks of exploitation. Parents and judges be damned."

Do you see the problem with that? You're admit that you are in support of child marriage! And then you suggest that I would allow 14 year olds to marry!! (post 404). What the fuck do you actually believe. ? Is it possible that you don't understand the difference of marriage between consenting adults and marriages that involve children?
So the woke OP from The commie-infested, queer-loving liberal NE just called potential gay marriages child abuse! I never went off topic! I responded to what you said about marriage, so maybe you should stay on topic!
Same sex marriage to relevant to the top. Child marriage is not
It would surely be amusing to be there to see it, when you finally stand before God to account for what you have done with your life.

You'll have the chance to tell Him to His face, that he does not exist, and that all who believed in Him are delusional.

I will not be standing before any celestial diety. Don't threaten people with that silly assumptions. That's a very poor rebuttal when you attempt to defend your position.

How could you possibly know the chronology of events after death? Did you receive an order service from the heavens? Email maybe that is only available to the godbotherers?
Do you realise how stupid and ignorant you sound?

You have nothing but delusions. Youve wasted your whole life worshipping a ghost because of your fear of death and feeble minded superstition.
Not a sceric of fact or truth in your whole religion crap. Nothing. You've been conned by the fraudulent charlatans who repeat to themselves every day, " dear sucker, you keep the faith and I'll keep the money".

Have a nice day. I am.
I will not be standing before any celestial diety. Don't threaten people with that silly assumptions. That's a very poor rebuttal when you attempt to defend your position.

How could you possibly know the chronology of events after death? Did you receive an order service from the heavens? Email maybe that is only available to the godbotherers?
Do you realise how stupid and ignorant you sound?

You have nothing but delusions. Youve wasted your whole life worshipping a ghost because of your fear of death and feeble minded superstition.
Not a sceric of fact or truth in your whole religion crap. Nothing. You've been conned by the fraudulent charlatans who repeat to themselves every day, " dear sucker, you keep the faith and I'll keep the money".

Have a nice day. I am.
You nailed it Brother!! Word up!! Bobby has problems,
Jesus fucking Christ! I call gay marriage child abuse?? You're just playing sick and childish games. I called marrying off a child, to anyone, regadless of age or gender child abuse. The fact that some states allow it does not make it OK

Then you have the nerve to "disagree " when I posted this (#408)

"Who am I to tell them no? (on child marriage) I am someone who spent a career in child welfare and I am here to tell you that allowing a child to get married- to anyone amounts to child abuse and smacks of exploitation. Parents and judges be damned."

Do you see the problem with that? You're admit that you are in support of child marriage! And then you suggest that I would allow 14 year olds to marry!! (post 404). What the fuck do you actually believe. ? Is it possible that you don't understand the difference of marriage between consenting adults and marriages that involve children?
If you were down with them, you'd say yes. Let gay kids get married. You are supposed to be a queer-lover living in New England, are you not? It happens in your region not, mine!
If you were down with them, you'd say yes. Let gay kids get married. You are supposed to be a queer-lover living in New England, are you not? It happens in your region not, mine!
You are either crazy or stupid. Just not sure which Maybe both. I just hope that you don't have access to any children. I am guessing that the Center for Missing and Exploited Children--that organization that reports perverts to the police- would have an interest in your posts .
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Abraham.killed shit. It's all rubbish and.lies. You don't know what Abraham will do. You still think you're a prophet or soMething. Have a listen to the rubbish you belch as if you know everything. Grow up. You're just another delusional godbotherer.
The Bible is a recordings of what people did and said. Abraham talked to Jesus before he had blood in him. Muslims hate the name Melchizedek and Jesus substituting other names. Muslims did not substitute the other names. The encounter occurred. Abraham saw what the fornicating enemies of Jesus did not see. You are as blind as them, and people who Jesus spoke parables too. Matthew 13:13, KJV. The soul that sins it shall die. You are going to say that is a lie?
I oppose any government involvement at any level in marriage,,

as for the 14 yr old thats the business of the parents and the girl/boy not me,,

and as for the other perverted examples I think the community can impose a sufficient punishment for such a thing,, also the protection of minors is a requirement of state/local governments,,
Allow the little ones to come unto me. Jesus would have been accused of being a pedophile. That is not the kind of judging Jesus talked about. Jesus did not give us an example of condeming judging. That kind of judguing feels good to sinful flesh. Jesus said children of God. Where did Jesus say anything different, like minors? Satan made state, and local governments saying be afraid of me, tying to be like God. That is the devil through people.
I don't give a rats ass what you believe And , I suggest that you be careful about what you accuse me of advocating. There is nothing that I ever said that can be interpreted as promoting child abuse. You can shut up now.,

This ain't your othr forum, where you deviants and freaks have moderators covering your sick ass crap. I suggest you kiss my ass, gimp; you don't get to decide anything here.
It might be gay people you hate intensely.
Most Americans do because of their religion.
Waite! What? This does not sound like you unless you have misdirected this to me when intended for someone else. Even at that someting is wrong here .

I thought that we were on the same side. You think that I hate gay people ? Most americans hates gays because of their religion.? What religion is that. ? None of this makes any sense.
Allow the little ones to come unto me. Jesus would have been accused of being a pedophile. That is not the kind of judging Jesus talked about. Jesus did not give us an example of condeming judging. That kind of judguing feels good to sinful flesh. Jesus said children of God. Where did Jesus say anything different, like minors? Satan made state, and local governments saying be afraid of me, tying to be like God. That is the devil through people.
Allow the little ones to come unto me. Jesus would have been accused of being a pedophile. That is not the kind of judging Jesus talked about. Jesus did not give us an example of condeming judging. That kind of judguing feels good to sinful flesh. Jesus said children of God. Where did Jesus say anything different, like minors? Satan made state, and local governments saying be afraid of me, tying to be like God. That is the devil through people.
Waite! What? This does not sound like you unless you have misdirected this to me when intended for someone else. Even at that someting is wrong here .

I thought that we were on the same side. You think that I hate gay people ? Most americans hates gays because of their religion.? What religion is that. ? None of this makes any sense.
It wouldn't to you.

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