Trump Is Being Tested...And He's Failed Spectacularly

At least his first response wasn't to draw a red line in the sand

Have you been paying the slightest bit of attention? Donald has been issuing constant warnings and threats of military action.

He drew a red line with Iran. They crossed it.
He drew a red line with Korea. They crossed it several times.
Now he is drawing a red line with Syria.

All fat ass Donald knows how to do is puff his chest and make empty threats.

What red line? I hope he accidentally nukes the shit out if what ever piss ass country you live in because your to cowardly to say.
North Korea has shown their hand, now you have Asad showing his power.

What was Trump's response...?

"This is really, really, REALLY bad. My mind is changed, but I won't tell you what I'll do militarily. Don't take it as a definite sign of a military option, because I won't tell's my secret you see."

What a weak and feckless response!

Prepare for more despots and dictators to act up.

Strap in's going to be a doozie!

No it isn't. Only an idiot would give the enemy a break down of what and when.
You keep telling yourself that.

How would we know?

Because he continues to display cowardice.

How would you know? He already has said over and over that he (unlike some other Presidents) would never give away what may or may not be done.
That is how it should be. What idiot gives the enemy a play by play AHEAD of time? We're just used to IF anything was done...being told all of the details prior.
You really have bought in to that sap's claptrap hook, line and sinker...haven't you?

How would we know?

Because he continues to display cowardice.

All he's done since he's taken office is bust the balls of the piece of shits in this country while governing on behalf of our best. Is that what pussies do?
It's been a few months and he still has all you whack-job bottom dwellers pissing your pants while everyone stand-up and legit couldn't be happier...hahaha
It's being said that we know Assad was behind the gas attack in Syria because the attack was carried out by fixed wing aircraft, and only two entities are flying fixed wing in that area: Russia and Syria. But neither Syria nor Russia has the slightest interest in gassing civilians as that would be sure to escalate international involvement. However, Israel would like to see an escalation and weren't they caught just last week flying fixed wing illegally inside of Syria?

It's a near certainty Israel is responsible for the gas attack in Syria. That being said, if the gas attack successfully dupes Trump into launching a war in Syria, then he is as stupid as Bush.

Correction: O started more wars in the ME than bush could ever dream of.
North Korea has shown their hand, now you have Asad showing his power.

What was Trump's response...?

"This is really, really, REALLY bad. My mind is changed, but I won't tell you what I'll do militarily. Don't take it as a definite sign of a military option, because I won't tell's my secret you see."

What a weak and feckless response!

Prepare for more despots and dictators to act up.

Strap in's going to be a doozie!

No it isn't. Only an idiot would give the enemy a break down of what and when.
yep, and we kicked him out last November.
Trump's been punked by Iran, Syria, North Korea, and now China.

This is what happens when you never ask your morbidly obese naked Emperor what his plans are.

The poor dumb rubes have still not caught on to the fact Trump had no plans. None. Nothing for health care. Nothing for China. Nothing for ISIS. Nothing for Iran. Nothing for North Korea.

At this late date, they STILL have not cottoned onto the fact Dear Leader is a big sack of lying shit.

There's stupid, and then there is willfully stupid.
North Korea has shown their hand, now you have Asad showing his power.

What was Trump's response...?

"This is really, really, REALLY bad. My mind is changed, but I won't tell you what I'll do militarily. Don't take it as a definite sign of a military option, because I won't tell's my secret you see."

What a weak and feckless response!

Prepare for more despots and dictators to act up.

Strap in's going to be a doozie!
How much does, "Shire Reeve of the World", pay?
How would we know?

Because he continues to display cowardice.

How would you know? He already has said over and over that he (unlike some other Presidents) would never give away what may or may not be done.
That is how it should be. What idiot gives the enemy a play by play AHEAD of time? We're just used to IF anything was done...being told all of the details prior.
You really have bought in to that sap's claptrap hook, line and sinker...haven't you?


Newp, not at all. Not like you have bought into the Dem agenda. Name me other Presidents that told what they were going to do in detail besides Obama.
North Korea has shown their hand, now you have Asad showing his power.

What was Trump's response...?

"This is really, really, REALLY bad. My mind is changed, but I won't tell you what I'll do militarily. Don't take it as a definite sign of a military option, because I won't tell's my secret you see."

What a weak and feckless response!

Prepare for more despots and dictators to act up.

Strap in's going to be a doozie!
As we speak I suspect DJT is telling Xi in Florida that the US will soon strike N.Korea with missiles and that we expect China to stay out of it.
How is Trumps response any different than that of the previous President? If you feel Trumps response is spectacular failure then you must have thought Obamas were as well.
Jeeze give DJT a chance -- it has not even been 100 days.

BHO had 8 years.
Kat Well it has been several weeks since Iran defied his warning and tested another ballistic missile. How long should we give the coward to back up his threats? If he were serious about enforcing his red line in the sand, then he would of appealed to the UN and North Atlantic Council by now.

Face it! He is a pathetic little coward that is fair game to be walked on by every dictator and war criminal on planet earth! The failing United States has disgraced itself once again.
Iran is Israel's problem.

Israel is the superpower in that region.

Iran is not the USA's problem.

Don't worry.

The Jewish State is not known for inaction.
North Korea has shown their hand, now you have Asad showing his power.

What was Trump's response...?

"This is really, really, REALLY bad. My mind is changed, but I won't tell you what I'll do militarily. Don't take it as a definite sign of a military option, because I won't tell's my secret you see."

What a weak and feckless response!

Prepare for more despots and dictators to act up.

Strap in's going to be a doozie!
It's nothing less than amazing that someone who keeps failing keeps winning and keeps those of your ilk whining.

How would we know?

Because he continues to display cowardice.

How would you know? He already has said over and over that he (unlike some other Presidents) would never give away what may or may not be done.
That is how it should be. What idiot gives the enemy a play by play AHEAD of time? We're just used to IF anything was done...being told all of the details prior.
You really have bought in to that sap's claptrap hook, line and sinker...haven't you?

So what happens to your 'buddies with Putin' meme if he does attack Assad?
How is Trumps response any different than that of the previous President? If you feel Trumps response is spectacular failure then you must have thought Obamas were as well.
Jeeze give DJT a chance -- it has not even been 100 days.

BHO had 8 years.
I am my post is for those who are calling his initial response a failure and seeing if they thought the Obama response was also failure.
North Korea has shown their hand, now you have Asad showing his power.

What was Trump's response...?

"This is really, really, REALLY bad. My mind is changed, but I won't tell you what I'll do militarily. Don't take it as a definite sign of a military option, because I won't tell's my secret you see."

What a weak and feckless response!

Prepare for more despots and dictators to act up.

Strap in's going to be a doozie!


North Korea has shown their hand, now you have Asad showing his power.

What was Trump's response...?

"This is really, really, REALLY bad. My mind is changed, but I won't tell you what I'll do militarily. Don't take it as a definite sign of a military option, because I won't tell's my secret you see."

What a weak and feckless response!

Prepare for more despots and dictators to act up.

Strap in's going to be a doozie!

You were saying.........

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