Trump is continuing to destroy Obama's Legacy of Destruction

Of course the law had nothing to do with our sovereignty, it was about the world's illegal arms traffickers, brainwashed functional morons.

You are confused Moon Bat, as usual. How come you Moon Bats are always confused about everything?

Why the U.S. Must Unsign the Arms Trade Treaty in 2018

Why the U.S. Must Unsign the Arms Trade Treaty in 2018

Defenders of the ATT commonly argue that the treaty sets a minimum standard that is lower than the existing U.S. standard for arms exports.
They therefore conclude the ATT will have no effect on U.S. policy. This argument is incorrect. The standards at the heart of the ATT are not set in stone: The definitions of crimes against humanity, IHL, and IHRL will evolve over time. By signing the ATT, the U.S. has committed itself to changing its practices as the standards that define the ATT change. Were the U.S. to ratify the ATT, that commitment would be even firmer. The ATT is, in effect, an escalator: Once you step onto it, you are no longer in control of your direction of travel.
You have to be a dumbass American hating President to sign an International UN treaty that undermines our Bill of Rights.

These Moon Bats were morons to have elected the worthless sonofabitch. What the hell were those morons thinking?

No Flash they are NOT stupid, they know exactly what they are doing, they are NOT stupid they are deliberate Traitors to their nation.

I understand your distinction but to me stupidity is allowing our country to be destroyed with traitorous acts at like that.

Okay but who is the stupid? The one's who have ALLOWED the Traitor's to do it. The Traitor's are not stupid, they are Evil, the followers of the Traitor's are totally stupid because they are so stupid they do not realise they have been USED as the means to an end and the plan was that WHEN the Traitor's did not NEED the followers anymore then the followers would be the FIRST to be put up against a wall and shot, you know EXACTLY like it happened in The Soviet Union with Stalin and the NKVD it was Yagoda, Yezhov, Agranov, Frinovsky and Beria who all gave the execution orders after ALL the Useful Idiots were not needed anymore.
Trump undid another part of Obama's legacy of destruction today.

Trump is revoking the filthy UN Arms Treaty that would have undermined US sovereignty and our Constitution.

He signed the revocation on camera at the NRA Convention.

Glad that Trump is undoing the damage done by that worthless American hating Muslim Globalist Negro.

God bless Trump. God damn that asshole Obama for fucking this country.
Why don't you have a few balls and say what you mean, an uppity nixxer? 100x smarter and richer than you zero college rube
Trump undid another part of Obama's legacy of destruction today.

Trump is revoking the filthy UN Arms Treaty that would have undermined US sovereignty and our Constitution.

He signed the revocation on camera at the NRA Convention.

Glad that Trump is undoing the damage done by that worthless American hating Muslim Globalist Negro.

God bless Trump. God damn that asshole Obama for fucking this country.

This below is permanently situated outside the UN Building in New York, the tied gun it is called "Non-Violence" it was created by the Swedish Sculptor Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd in the early 1980s after that Communist and hypocrite John Lennon was shot (Imagine a world without possessions, ROFLAO, said John Lennon who had a Rolls Royce and a boat and MANY possessions, hypocrite who did NOT practice WHAT he PREACHED, typical Leftist) So anyhow the below creation was apparently ALL because John Lennon was shot, BUT it's placing OUTSIDE the UN Building in New York works in with their UN Arms Treaty ie. the Commie UN want ALL citizens in ALL nations DISARMED because UNTIL ALL citizens in ALL nations are DISARMED they CANNOT completely implement The International Globalist Agenda....they WANT NO persons being able to DEFEND themselves, their family OR their nation from that Agenda.

I love Pres trump.
Love to return to lynching and dragging my wife by the hair before raping her.
Trump undid another part of Obama's legacy of destruction today.

Trump is revoking the filthy UN Arms Treaty that would have undermined US sovereignty and our Constitution.

He signed the revocation on camera at the NRA Convention.

Glad that Trump is undoing the damage done by that worthless American hating Muslim Globalist Negro.

God bless Trump. God damn that asshole Obama for fucking this country.

This below is permanently situated outside the UN Building in New York, the tied gun it is called "Non-Violence" it was created by the Swedish Sculptor Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd in the early 1980s after that Communist and hypocrite John Lennon was shot (Imagine a world without possessions, ROFLAO, said John Lennon who had a Rolls Royce and a boat and MANY possessions, hypocrite who did NOT practice WHAT he PREACHED, typical Leftist) So anyhow the below creation was apparently ALL because John Lennon was shot, BUT it's placing OUTSIDE the UN Building in New York works in with their UN Arms Treaty ie. the Commie UN want ALL citizens in ALL nations DISARMED because UNTIL ALL citizens in ALL nations are DISARMED they CANNOT completely implement The International Globalist Agenda....they WANT NO persons being able to DEFEND themselves, their family OR their nation from that Agenda.

I love Pres trump.
Love to return to lynching and dragging my wife by the hair before raping her.

So Friday night is kinky sex night at your house?

That is despicable! I haven't visited that New York shithole in quite awhile and never knew it was there. Bat shit crazy globalists that hate the idea of individual liberty.

Thank goodness that Trump restored a little bit of that today.

Only a moron like Obama would have signed a UN treaty in direct opposition to our Bill of Rights.

Sorry but some foreigner doesn't get the right to infringe upon my Constitutional rights. That was settled a long time ago.

Obama was an Useful Idiot for the Globalists for signing it and these stupid Moon Bats were morons for electing someone like Obama who did sign it.

They also have the plan, they being the UN that if there are riots or whatever in ANY Sovereign Nation against UN Agenda 2030 that they can send in UN Troops ie. Blue Helmets, the difference though being that The Blue Helmets are NOT allowed to use guns to restore order in Third World Shit Holes like Mali or Angola or whatever BUT in Western Nations if they would be sent in they would be FULLY armed and so you see THIS is ANOTHER reason why the UN is NOT to be trusted and NEEDS to be DESTROYED.

They launched a Tracker for the UN Agenda 2030 and the good thing right now in 2019 is that a MAJORITY of Western Nations are VERY VERY below reaching the goals of this Destructive Agenda which essentially is that WE have to ALL be reduced to one MASSIVE Shit Hole because Third World Shit Holes do NOT have the intelligence OR the capability to NOT be Third World Shit Holes and so Western Nations need to Redistribute The Wealth in TWO ways a) IMPORT UNLIMITED amounts of Third World Shit Holers into Western Nations and b) GIVE EVERYTHING WE CAN to the Third World Shit Holes because of Muh Stopping Poverty and Muh Climate Change etc

Measuring progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals - SDG Tracker
Obama was far superior to rumpy in every way imaginable. His legacy is very simple honor, truth, justice. And yes trump is undoing those things in America.
Of course the law had nothing to do with our sovereignty, it was about the world's illegal arms traffickers, brainwashed functional morons.

You are confused Moon Bat, as usual. How come you Moon Bats are always confused about everything?

Why the U.S. Must Unsign the Arms Trade Treaty in 2018

Why the U.S. Must Unsign the Arms Trade Treaty in 2018

Defenders of the ATT commonly argue that the treaty sets a minimum standard that is lower than the existing U.S. standard for arms exports. They therefore conclude the ATT will have no effect on U.S. policy. This argument is incorrect. The standards at the heart of the ATT are not set in stone: The definitions of crimes against humanity, IHL, and IHRL will evolve over time. By signing the ATT, the U.S. has committed itself to changing its practices as the standards that define the ATT change. Were the U.S. to ratify the ATT, that commitment would be even firmer. The ATT is, in effect, an escalator: Once you step onto it, you are no longer in control of your direction of travel.

The UN has ALWAYS been EVIL, it was designed and constructed by Communists and Communist Sympathisers with the specific End Game aim of being The World Government to eventually replace ALL Sovereign Nations and it is with THIS why they ALL are pushing for Open Borders and DEMANDING that Western Nations take in UNLIMITED amounts of Third World Shit Holers and why they say No Nationality that EVERYONE is instead a Global Citizen etc

And the above is NOT a Conspiracy Theory they have actually been VERY open about ALL of this. Unlike Leftists who ARE pushing an ACTUAL Conspiracy Theory ie. Trump is a Kremlin Agent.

The United Nations Parliamentary Assembly = The World Government. NOTE: The Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly was FORMED BY DEMOCRACY WITHOUT BORDERS ie. the crowd who are pushing Open Borders for Western Nations and UNLIMITED amounts of Third World Shit Holers to be IMPORTED into Western Nations as Muh Refugees:

"A United Nations Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA) is a proposed addition to the United Nations System that would allow for greater participation and voice for Members of Parliament. The idea was raised at the founding of the League of Nations in the 1920s and again following the end of World War II in 1945, but remained dormant throughout the Cold War. The Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly(CEUNPA) was formed in 2007 by Democracy Without Borders[1] (formerly Committee for a Democratic U.N.) to coordinate pro-UNPA efforts, which as of June 2017 has received the support of nearly 1,500 Members of Parliament from over 100 countries worldwide.[2][3] The Commission on Global Security, Justice and Governance, chaired by former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former Nigerian Foreign Minister Ibrahim Gambari, has called for the creation of a United Nations Parliamentary Network "to raise greater awareness and participation by strengthening the voices of legislators in global institutions."[4] The commission proposes that this Network "would be similar in initial composition to the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank and International Monetary Fund and the Parliamentary Conference on the World Trade Organization".[5]

Supporters have set forth possible UNPA implementations, including promulgation of a new treaty; creation of a UNPA as a subsidiary body of the UN General Assembly; and evolution of a UNPA from the Inter-Parliamentary Union or another non-governmental organization. Several proposals for apportionment of votes have been raised to address disparities in UN members' population and economic power. CEUNPA advocates initially giving the UNPA advisory powers and gradually increasing its authority over the UN system. In 2018, CEUNPA's co-founders Jo Leinen and Andreas Bummel published a 420-pages book on the history, current relevance and future implementation of the idea titled "A World Parliament: Governance and Democracy in the 21st Century".["

United Nations Parliamentary Assembly - Wikipedia

The below IS The Enemy, the below ARE the Traitors to Western Civilisation who support the above. Again NOT a Conspiracy Theory they ACTUALLY have a website and this CROWD have to be STOPPED by ANY and ALL MEANS necessary. The GOOD thing is, they number less than 5,000 peoples who are constructing this, they are in the MINORITY and they KNOW they are in the MINORITY and while they are still in the MINORITY then the MAJORITY CAN stop them and they have to be stopped.

They EVEN have their own website to push The Agenda to END Sovereign Nations and in the place have a One World Government:


The Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly is a global network of parliamentarians, non-governmental organizations, scholars, and dedicated citizens that advocates democratic representation of the world's citizens at the United Nations. A United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, UNPA, for the first time would give elected citizen representatives, not only states, a direct and influential role in global policy.

Campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly
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Obama was far superior to rumpy in every way imaginable. His legacy is very simple honor, truth, justice. And yes trump is undoing those things in America.

Thank you for your one brain cell contribution to this thread, that must have exhausted you so you better go and Recharge it.
I was still wrong, just excited. Need to finish reading....

Go Trump, he can have the fuckin bump stocks.

He still needs to undo the GHW Bush regulations banning gun imports, repeal the CGA of 86 and I'll be happy with him. I can tolerate some of the NFA, but we need the Hearing Protection Act passed. The 1968 GCA establishing back ground checks is annoying, but tolerable.

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Obama was far superior to rumpy in every way imaginable. His legacy is very simple honor, truth, justice. And yes trump is undoing those things in America.

Thank you for your one brain cell contribution to this thread, that must have exhausted you so you better go and Recharge it.

That bed wetter is a posting bot, there is not a single organic brain cell involved with any of it's posts.
Obama was far superior to rumpy in every way imaginable. His legacy is very simple honor, truth, justice. And yes trump is undoing those things in America.

Obama was a worthless piece of affirmative action Muslim shit that increased poverty, decreased family income, accrued tremendous debt and had dismal economic growth. Those things are in addition to destroying health care gutting our military and making the weak US foreign policy the laughing stock of the world.

If that is your idea of "superior" then you are one confused Moon Bat.

God bless Trump for destroying whatever Obama claim to have as a legacy. All that is left is legacy of destruction.
Obama was far superior to rumpy in every way imaginable. His legacy is very simple honor, truth, justice. And yes trump is undoing those things in America.

Obama was a worthless piece of affirmative action Muslim shit that increased poverty, decreased family income, accrued tremendous debt and had dismal economic growth. Those things are in addition to destroying health care gutting our military and making the weak US foreign policy the laughing stock of the world.

If that is your idea of "superior" then you are one confused Moon Bat.

God bless Trump for destroying whatever Obama claim to have as a legacy. All that is left is legacy of destruction.

That's all there was in the meat puppet faggot's "legacy". Destruction.

8 years of regressive policy, economic stagnation and malaise, corruption of every significant federal agency by democrook apparatchiks, global instability and a massive spread of jihadist terror worldwide. It was deliberate too. Leftists are the avowed enemy of the COTUS and the republic. They're "citizens of the world" committed to a global collectivist government. Since the Bolsheviks murdered their way into power and created the USSR, communists around the world have worked to undermine the US as their primary enemy.

Make no mistake about it. These are not people we merely disagree with. They are a committed enemy in our midst.
Obama was far superior to rumpy in every way imaginable. His legacy is very simple honor, truth, justice. And yes trump is undoing those things in America.

Obama was a worthless piece of affirmative action Muslim shit that increased poverty, decreased family income, accrued tremendous debt and had dismal economic growth. Those things are in addition to destroying health care gutting our military and making the weak US foreign policy the laughing stock of the world.

If that is your idea of "superior" then you are one confused Moon Bat.

God bless Trump for destroying whatever Obama claim to have as a legacy. All that is left is legacy of destruction.
You are pathetic

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