Trump Is Going To Break Your Heart


Diamond Member
Nov 15, 2008
This gentleman just summed up everything I've been saying, both hilariously and accurately.

Kurt Schlichter - Trump Is Going To Break Your Heart

As a young man, I learned that sometimes that hot chick you're dating is also completely crazy and, as much fun as it is to go out with her, it's going to end badly. That's Donald Trump, the super hottie of the "I Hate the GOP Establishment with a Burning Passion That Has Rendered Me Insusceptible to Reason" crew. He's sexy, he likes to party, and he certainly puts out – in the sense that he fulfills your fantasies about giving it to the RINOs good and hard.

That intensely troubling metaphor aside, the point is still valid. Donald Trump is not a keeper, not the one you want to marry. He’s never going to make you happy. For now, he's going to say what makes you happy, and for now he's going to make a lot of the right people go nuts, but if you get hitched he’ll cheat on you with the liberals. At the end of the day, you’ll walk out of the courtroom wearing a barrel while Trump and the pool boy jet off to Tahiti on your dime.



Pretend I’m your buddy and we’re at a bar and I’m the guy who, among your friends, drew the short straw and has to tell you that your girlfriend is the antichrist.


Donald Trump is out for one thing, Donald Trump's personal aggrandizement. He cares nothing about you. He cares nothing about your aspirations and dreams. Don't misunderstand him when he pays attention to you. He's just trying to get what he wants from you, an earthshattering ego stroke.


Trump doesn't want to make America great. He doesn’t want to make you great. He wants to make you tell him that he's great. He doesn't love you, any more than the stripper in the Champagne Room loves you when you’ve still got money in your wallet.

That's it in a nutshell, folks. Never stick your dick in crazy, and never vote for it, either.
This gentleman just summed up everything I've been saying, both hilariously and accurately.

Kurt Schlichter - Trump Is Going To Break Your Heart

As a young man, I learned that sometimes that hot chick you're dating is also completely crazy and, as much fun as it is to go out with her, it's going to end badly. That's Donald Trump, the super hottie of the "I Hate the GOP Establishment with a Burning Passion That Has Rendered Me Insusceptible to Reason" crew. He's sexy, he likes to party, and he certainly puts out – in the sense that he fulfills your fantasies about giving it to the RINOs good and hard.

That intensely troubling metaphor aside, the point is still valid. Donald Trump is not a keeper, not the one you want to marry. He’s never going to make you happy. For now, he's going to say what makes you happy, and for now he's going to make a lot of the right people go nuts, but if you get hitched he’ll cheat on you with the liberals. At the end of the day, you’ll walk out of the courtroom wearing a barrel while Trump and the pool boy jet off to Tahiti on your dime.



Pretend I’m your buddy and we’re at a bar and I’m the guy who, among your friends, drew the short straw and has to tell you that your girlfriend is the antichrist.


Donald Trump is out for one thing, Donald Trump's personal aggrandizement. He cares nothing about you. He cares nothing about your aspirations and dreams. Don't misunderstand him when he pays attention to you. He's just trying to get what he wants from you, an earthshattering ego stroke.


Trump doesn't want to make America great. He doesn’t want to make you great. He wants to make you tell him that he's great. He doesn't love you, any more than the stripper in the Champagne Room loves you when you’ve still got money in your wallet.

That's it in a nutshell, folks. Never stick your dick in crazy, and never vote for it, either.
This looks like graffiti written on a bathroom wall in "the Hood"....... after looking at the link - Townhall - I cannot get over the filth and smut that is passing for journalism these days. Oh! The depths of muck the Left have now sunk themselves in!! It's sure to suck them straight down to hell (like quicksand). All one can do now........ is write God have mercy over the top of their heads and pray for them.
Pretty much there is nothing that can be said about Trump that will dissuade his supporters.

They don't even believe what he says- they believe what they believe he believes.

Trump is the candidate the GOP deserves.
This gentleman just summed up everything I've been saying, both hilariously and accurately.

Kurt Schlichter - Trump Is Going To Break Your Heart

As a young man, I learned that sometimes that hot chick you're dating is also completely crazy and, as much fun as it is to go out with her, it's going to end badly. That's Donald Trump, the super hottie of the "I Hate the GOP Establishment with a Burning Passion That Has Rendered Me Insusceptible to Reason" crew. He's sexy, he likes to party, and he certainly puts out – in the sense that he fulfills your fantasies about giving it to the RINOs good and hard.

That intensely troubling metaphor aside, the point is still valid. Donald Trump is not a keeper, not the one you want to marry. He’s never going to make you happy. For now, he's going to say what makes you happy, and for now he's going to make a lot of the right people go nuts, but if you get hitched he’ll cheat on you with the liberals. At the end of the day, you’ll walk out of the courtroom wearing a barrel while Trump and the pool boy jet off to Tahiti on your dime.



Pretend I’m your buddy and we’re at a bar and I’m the guy who, among your friends, drew the short straw and has to tell you that your girlfriend is the antichrist.


Donald Trump is out for one thing, Donald Trump's personal aggrandizement. He cares nothing about you. He cares nothing about your aspirations and dreams. Don't misunderstand him when he pays attention to you. He's just trying to get what he wants from you, an earthshattering ego stroke.


Trump doesn't want to make America great. He doesn’t want to make you great. He wants to make you tell him that he's great. He doesn't love you, any more than the stripper in the Champagne Room loves you when you’ve still got money in your wallet.

That's it in a nutshell, folks. Never stick your dick in crazy, and never vote for it, either.
This looks like graffiti written on a bathroom wall in "the Hood"....... after looking at the link - Townhall - I cannot get over the filth and smut that is passing for journalism these days. Oh! The depths of muck the Left have now sunk themselves in!! It's sure to suck them straight down to hell (like quicksand). All one can do now........ is write God have mercy over the top of their heads and pray for them.
This gentleman just summed up everything I've been saying, both hilariously and accurately.

Kurt Schlichter - Trump Is Going To Break Your Heart

As a young man, I learned that sometimes that hot chick you're dating is also completely crazy and, as much fun as it is to go out with her, it's going to end badly. That's Donald Trump, the super hottie of the "I Hate the GOP Establishment with a Burning Passion That Has Rendered Me Insusceptible to Reason" crew. He's sexy, he likes to party, and he certainly puts out – in the sense that he fulfills your fantasies about giving it to the RINOs good and hard.

That intensely troubling metaphor aside, the point is still valid. Donald Trump is not a keeper, not the one you want to marry. He’s never going to make you happy. For now, he's going to say what makes you happy, and for now he's going to make a lot of the right people go nuts, but if you get hitched he’ll cheat on you with the liberals. At the end of the day, you’ll walk out of the courtroom wearing a barrel while Trump and the pool boy jet off to Tahiti on your dime.



Pretend I’m your buddy and we’re at a bar and I’m the guy who, among your friends, drew the short straw and has to tell you that your girlfriend is the antichrist.


Donald Trump is out for one thing, Donald Trump's personal aggrandizement. He cares nothing about you. He cares nothing about your aspirations and dreams. Don't misunderstand him when he pays attention to you. He's just trying to get what he wants from you, an earthshattering ego stroke.


Trump doesn't want to make America great. He doesn’t want to make you great. He wants to make you tell him that he's great. He doesn't love you, any more than the stripper in the Champagne Room loves you when you’ve still got money in your wallet.

That's it in a nutshell, folks. Never stick your dick in crazy, and never vote for it, either.

This looks like graffiti written on a bathroom wall in "the Hood"....... after looking at the link - Townhall - I cannot get over the filth and smut that is passing for journalism these days. Oh! The depths of muck the Left have now sunk themselves in!! It's sure to suck them straight down to hell (like quicksand). All one can do now........ is write God have mercy over the top of their heads and pray for them.

You do know that "Townhall" is one of the most rightwing of the rightwing sites on the internet...Yes? No? Your post seems to accuse them of being deep in the "depths of muck the Left have now sunk themselves in!"
so true-------Trump is not good marriage material-----BUT----he will probably make
a good president for at least four years
well I guess he can't break it anymore than that Obama has all them fainting over his swag or skinny self.

and if you're that wrapped up into a politician where your heart can get broken, something seriously with you. sheeeesh

sorry Cecelia, no dig at you but the author of this piece :wink:
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Hillary thinks she can run a campaign sitting on her ass.
The Republicans and the media are doing all of the heavy lifting for her.
and now they are blocking the aid extension for 911 responders.....they wont forget 9/11 when it services their purposes but they forget the responders .....nice gop real fucking nice
This gentleman just summed up everything I've been saying, both hilariously and accurately.

Kurt Schlichter - Trump Is Going To Break Your Heart

As a young man, I learned that sometimes that hot chick you're dating is also completely crazy and, as much fun as it is to go out with her, it's going to end badly. That's Donald Trump, the super hottie of the "I Hate the GOP Establishment with a Burning Passion That Has Rendered Me Insusceptible to Reason" crew. He's sexy, he likes to party, and he certainly puts out – in the sense that he fulfills your fantasies about giving it to the RINOs good and hard.

That intensely troubling metaphor aside, the point is still valid. Donald Trump is not a keeper, not the one you want to marry. He’s never going to make you happy. For now, he's going to say what makes you happy, and for now he's going to make a lot of the right people go nuts, but if you get hitched he’ll cheat on you with the liberals. At the end of the day, you’ll walk out of the courtroom wearing a barrel while Trump and the pool boy jet off to Tahiti on your dime.



Pretend I’m your buddy and we’re at a bar and I’m the guy who, among your friends, drew the short straw and has to tell you that your girlfriend is the antichrist.


Donald Trump is out for one thing, Donald Trump's personal aggrandizement. He cares nothing about you. He cares nothing about your aspirations and dreams. Don't misunderstand him when he pays attention to you. He's just trying to get what he wants from you, an earthshattering ego stroke.


Trump doesn't want to make America great. He doesn’t want to make you great. He wants to make you tell him that he's great. He doesn't love you, any more than the stripper in the Champagne Room loves you when you’ve still got money in your wallet.

That's it in a nutshell, folks. Never stick your dick in crazy, and never vote for it, either.
This looks like graffiti written on a bathroom wall in "the Hood"....... after looking at the link - Townhall - I cannot get over the filth and smut that is passing for journalism these days. Oh! The depths of muck the Left have now sunk themselves in!! It's sure to suck them straight down to hell (like quicksand). All one can do now........ is write God have mercy over the top of their heads and pray for them.

What in the holy blue blazing Hell are you babbling about, pinhead?
Pretty much there is nothing that can be said about Trump that will dissuade his supporters.

They don't even believe what he says- they believe what they believe he believes.

Trump is the candidate the GOP deserves.

It's like he's the GOP version of Barack Obama.
This gentleman just summed up everything I've been saying, both hilariously and accurately.

Kurt Schlichter - Trump Is Going To Break Your Heart

As a young man, I learned that sometimes that hot chick you're dating is also completely crazy and, as much fun as it is to go out with her, it's going to end badly. That's Donald Trump, the super hottie of the "I Hate the GOP Establishment with a Burning Passion That Has Rendered Me Insusceptible to Reason" crew. He's sexy, he likes to party, and he certainly puts out – in the sense that he fulfills your fantasies about giving it to the RINOs good and hard.

That intensely troubling metaphor aside, the point is still valid. Donald Trump is not a keeper, not the one you want to marry. He’s never going to make you happy. For now, he's going to say what makes you happy, and for now he's going to make a lot of the right people go nuts, but if you get hitched he’ll cheat on you with the liberals. At the end of the day, you’ll walk out of the courtroom wearing a barrel while Trump and the pool boy jet off to Tahiti on your dime.



Pretend I’m your buddy and we’re at a bar and I’m the guy who, among your friends, drew the short straw and has to tell you that your girlfriend is the antichrist.


Donald Trump is out for one thing, Donald Trump's personal aggrandizement. He cares nothing about you. He cares nothing about your aspirations and dreams. Don't misunderstand him when he pays attention to you. He's just trying to get what he wants from you, an earthshattering ego stroke.


Trump doesn't want to make America great. He doesn’t want to make you great. He wants to make you tell him that he's great. He doesn't love you, any more than the stripper in the Champagne Room loves you when you’ve still got money in your wallet.

That's it in a nutshell, folks. Never stick your dick in crazy, and never vote for it, either.
This looks like graffiti written on a bathroom wall in "the Hood"....... after looking at the link - Townhall - I cannot get over the filth and smut that is passing for journalism these days. Oh! The depths of muck the Left have now sunk themselves in!! It's sure to suck them straight down to hell (like quicksand). All one can do now........ is write God have mercy over the top of their heads and pray for them.
This gentleman just summed up everything I've been saying, both hilariously and accurately.

Kurt Schlichter - Trump Is Going To Break Your Heart

As a young man, I learned that sometimes that hot chick you're dating is also completely crazy and, as much fun as it is to go out with her, it's going to end badly. That's Donald Trump, the super hottie of the "I Hate the GOP Establishment with a Burning Passion That Has Rendered Me Insusceptible to Reason" crew. He's sexy, he likes to party, and he certainly puts out – in the sense that he fulfills your fantasies about giving it to the RINOs good and hard.

That intensely troubling metaphor aside, the point is still valid. Donald Trump is not a keeper, not the one you want to marry. He’s never going to make you happy. For now, he's going to say what makes you happy, and for now he's going to make a lot of the right people go nuts, but if you get hitched he’ll cheat on you with the liberals. At the end of the day, you’ll walk out of the courtroom wearing a barrel while Trump and the pool boy jet off to Tahiti on your dime.



Pretend I’m your buddy and we’re at a bar and I’m the guy who, among your friends, drew the short straw and has to tell you that your girlfriend is the antichrist.


Donald Trump is out for one thing, Donald Trump's personal aggrandizement. He cares nothing about you. He cares nothing about your aspirations and dreams. Don't misunderstand him when he pays attention to you. He's just trying to get what he wants from you, an earthshattering ego stroke.


Trump doesn't want to make America great. He doesn’t want to make you great. He wants to make you tell him that he's great. He doesn't love you, any more than the stripper in the Champagne Room loves you when you’ve still got money in your wallet.

That's it in a nutshell, folks. Never stick your dick in crazy, and never vote for it, either.

This looks like graffiti written on a bathroom wall in "the Hood"....... after looking at the link - Townhall - I cannot get over the filth and smut that is passing for journalism these days. Oh! The depths of muck the Left have now sunk themselves in!! It's sure to suck them straight down to hell (like quicksand). All one can do now........ is write God have mercy over the top of their heads and pray for them.

You do know that "Townhall" is one of the most rightwing of the rightwing sites on the internet...Yes? No? Your post seems to accuse them of being deep in the "depths of muck the Left have now sunk themselves in!"

He apparently also "thinks" - to use the term VERY loosely - that I'm a Hillary supporter, so clearly, his brain shuts down the instant he pictures his hero.

Yes, we're all duly impressed with the leftist ability to throw out legislation names and pretend it tells one anything about what the bill actually is, or why the people who voted against it objected.

It must be very peaceful and easy to have thoughts more shallow than an Arizona mud puddle.

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