Trump Is Going To Break Your Heart

and now they are blocking the aid extension for 911 responders.....they wont forget 9/11 when it services their purposes but they forget the responders .....nice gop real fucking nice

Is this a thread about "What nasty, awful legislation can I excoriate Republican Congressmembers about"? No, I don't believe it is, and since I started it, I would know.

Get on topic, or get the fuck out. Not interested in your #BlackLivesMatter derailment bullshit.
well I guess he can't break it anymore than that Obama has all them fainting over his swag or skinny self.

and if you're that wrapped up into a politician where your heart can get broken, something seriously with you. sheeeesh

sorry Cecelia, no dig at you but the author of this piece :wink:

Um, yeah, whatever, you clearly didn't get it at all, other than "Ooh, boy, I can say something nasty about Obama."
Hillary thinks she can run a campaign sitting on her ass.
The Republicans and the media are doing all of the heavy lifting for her.

Well, in all fairness to Hillary, she has good reason to think that. It's not like Obama and her husband won because they were such stellar, amazing choices in and of themselves. They won because the GOP leadership doesn't have a complete set of testicles among them, and the media all have their lips firmly attached to the ass of whichever candidate has a (D) after the name. You could dig up my dead dog's corpse and run it as the Democrat candidate, and the media would be tripping over each other to write stories about what a clever, out-of-the-box, progressive idea it was.
Hillary thinks she can run a campaign sitting on her ass.
The Republicans and the media are doing all of the heavy lifting for her.

Well, in all fairness to Hillary, she has good reason to think that. It's not like Obama and her husband won because they were such stellar, amazing choices in and of themselves. They won because the GOP leadership doesn't have a complete set of testicles among them, and the media all have their lips firmly attached to the ass of whichever candidate has a (D) after the name. You could dig up my dead dog's corpse and run it as the Democrat candidate, and the media would be tripping over each other to write stories about what a clever, out-of-the-box, progressive idea it was.
I wish we could keep these media idiots out of the process, because they are a disgrace.
trump is a disgrace... how sad so many can't see that.

i knew this place was infested with whackjobs and idiots but wow...
He's probably finished after this piece goes into circulation.

I find the fact that you are a Trump supporter to be really, really funny.

me too... his favorite cereal must be cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

such a sad testament to the state of our leadership...

championing harm to innocents is cool..huh?

anyone who thinks he actually has a chance to be potus is literally oblivious to the real world around them.
that's the REAL WORLD i'm talking about, not a confederacy of angry dunces bouncing off the walls with daily pissing matches in an asinine internet echo chamber.
Hillary thinks she can run a campaign sitting on her ass.
The Republicans and the media are doing all of the heavy lifting for her.

Well, in all fairness to Hillary, she has good reason to think that. It's not like Obama and her husband won because they were such stellar, amazing choices in and of themselves. They won because the GOP leadership doesn't have a complete set of testicles among them, and the media all have their lips firmly attached to the ass of whichever candidate has a (D) after the name. You could dig up my dead dog's corpse and run it as the Democrat candidate, and the media would be tripping over each other to write stories about what a clever, out-of-the-box, progressive idea it was.
I wish we could keep these media idiots out of the process, because they are a disgrace.

I just wish our nation was so dumbed-down that people listen to them and take them seriously.

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