Trump Is Now Suggesting Ron DeSantis Is a Pedophile

You can answer the questions this time. If the GOP endorsed pedophilia, would you be concerned with the GOP losing votes? Would you still vote for them?

Maybe you should just stick with dropping funny ratings instead of embarrassing yourself next time.

Can't come up with any real responses, can you. lol just made up deflections. Loser gimp.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Donald Trump and everything he stands for, but I mean, you look at him and people just across the U.S., and even some Republicans, I mean, they just look at the guy and are just disgusted by him for stupid reasons. I love Donald Trump, but I think DeSantis would be better for the country as a whole.

The Party dies without Trump. Doesn't bother me if it dies, but that is just a fact; it goes nowhere and loses the indies that elected him twice. The DeSantis can't bring in the indies in the numbers Trump can. The GOP establishment has alienated itself same as it did in the late 1920's and early 1930's, with even more ridiculous policies than they tried to sell then. Hoover's RFC corporate welfare agenda for the rich combined with bayoneting war veterans is pretty tame compared to the idiotic ideologies they market these days.
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They've made themselves Useless Idiots for all real life purposes.


But it's fun to watch the little monkeys dance around on their masters' strings.











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Got a link to Trump calling DeSantis a pedophile?
Republicans be like, "Ron wasn't having sex with minors. He was just getting them drunk".
Trump merely shared a article from the Hill Reporter in October 2021 where they accused DeSantis of grooming high school girls. Trump posted: "That's not Ron is it? He would never do such a thing!"

You are only parroting what others SAID about it .....'Others said"

"Trump is falsely accusing DeSantis of pedophilia," right-wing commentator Ian Miles Cheong tweeted. "It is only fair to point out the fact that he traveled on Epstein's Lolita Express seven times. It is also fair to point out that Trump lied about the number of times he traveled on that plane."

Trump is playing you and the lefties like a fiddle. You're such a sucker.
USMB Republicans feel very uncomfortable about Trump bashing DeSantis. They often pretend Trump didn't mean it or is just joking about it. Now this guy pretends that Trump was defending Rob when he said Ron "wouldn't do such a thing."
Nothing suggests Trump's comment was sarcasm. That comment wasn't made by him but you sucked like a sucker fish. :D
Tropes going to run a game from the sentence with word from the defendant is different to make everything just called being sarcastic
The Party dies without Trump. Doesn't bother me if it dies, but that is just a fact; it goes nowhere and loses the indies that elected him twice. The DeSantis can't bring in the indies in the numbers Trump can. The GOP establishment has alienated itself same as it did in the late 1920's and early 1930's, with even more ridiculous policies than they tried to sell then. Hoover's RFC corporate welfare agenda for the rich combined with bayoneting war veterans is pretty tame compared to the idiotic ideologies they market these days.
DeSantis beats Biden according to all polls.
lol at the commies and faggots trying to pretend their sources have credibility n stuff.

Remember kids, only Democrat backing 'rights' groups had pedo gangs like NAMBLA as their founding members and cherished them for almost two decades with nary a negative word and carried their advertisements in their 'community magazines', so wen they run around pretending they hate pedoes n stuff you can be dead certain they're just lying thier asses off; in fact they are one of their core base groups of voters.
The source is Donald Trump.
It's an interesting point, but I don't think that is what is going on.

Trump sees DeSantis as his biggest threat. Thus he attacks him. That's what Alpha Males do.

He is trying to appeal to us Right Wingers. The Left does not seem to care about grooming like us. They are the ones who take their kids to drag shows, teaching their kids at a young age to be accepting of heathens.

Personally, it's not working for me. Not upset at all about that picture.

But this is different. This is disgusting. This is what Trump should be attacking...


Stopped reading at tRump and Alpha male. Nothing could be farther from Alpha male than tRump. Well except maybe Ron DeSatan!
Can't come up with any real responses, can you. lol just made up deflections. Loser gimp.
Hmm no answer again. I see. You’re one of those idiots who immediately runs away as soon as your stupid claims get challenged.

Run along you little bitch. This is the part where you say nothing useful while continuing to dodge what you were asked.

You guys are very predictable. Watch. You’re going to do exactly what I said. Go on. Let’s see it.
"Rolling Stone", the magazine that groomed generations of kids into thinking that marijuana was cool. You almost gotta laugh.

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