Trump is the greatest president we had since Reagan.

It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..
Trump is a coward and a piece of shit

Another intellectual wonder. With brilliant minds like this supporting Hillary, it is no surprise she lost.
It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..
Reagan would be calling this guy out on Putin


"Mr. ......what is his name again?"
"Putin, Mr. President"
"Oh yeah... Putin Mr. President... Tear down this wall!"
"The wall is already down sir"
"Really? then what am I calling him out for?"
"Beats me sir"
"Okay, I'm gonna take a nap, call me if you need me"
It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..
Reagan would be calling this guy out on Putin


"Mr. ......what is his name again?"
"Putin, Mr. President"
"Oh yeah... Putin Mr. President... Tear down this wall!"
"The wall is already down sir"
"Really? then what am I calling him out for?"
"Beats me sir"
"Okay, I'm gonna take a nap, call me if you need me"

uh huh.
It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..
Trump is a coward and a piece of shit

Another intellectual wonder. With brilliant minds like this supporting Hillary, it is no surprise she lost.

I asked you to define leadership. Why did you not do so, since the post in which I asked this question was one in which you feigned to be an authority on the subject (post #19)?
Trump is not fit to hold a candle for Reagan. Reagan understood policy and was not a moron like Trump. Reagan successfully debated Robert Kennedy on television. In 1980, he ran on specific issues and was able to explain them. In addition, he did not go out of his way to personally insult people. He was a conservative and did not express admiration for thugs like Putin. He also joined forces with the Pope to end the Warsaw Pact and later the Soviet Union itself.
It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..
Trump is a coward and a piece of shit

Another intellectual wonder. With brilliant minds like this supporting Hillary, it is no surprise she lost.

I asked you to define leadership. Why did you not do so, since the post in which I asked this question was one in which you feigned to be an authority on the subject (post #19)?
You have to admit, if you are honest, that is a very broad topic. Millions of pages have been written on it. Hitler was a tremendous leader, but the world would have been much better off if he was stillborn. It's not a simple question that can be easily defined in a few words on an Internet forum. Regarding Presidents, Lincoln faced massive issues but eventually was able to pull the nation back together. I appreciate Ike. Lately we have had a tough run. Reagan would be the closest in the last 40 years.
Trump is not fit to hold a candle for Reagan. Reagan understood policy and was not a moron like Trump. Reagan successfully debated Robert Kennedy on television. In 1980, he ran on specific issues and was able to explain them. In addition, he did not go out of his way to personally insult people. He was a conservative and did not express admiration for thugs like Putin. He also joined forces with the Pope to end the Warsaw Pact and later the Soviet Union itself.

Trump is not fit to hold a candle for Reagan. Reagan understood policy and was not a moron like Trump. Reagan successfully debated Robert Kennedy on television. In 1980, he ran on specific issues and was able to explain them. In addition, he did not go out of his way to personally insult people. He was a conservative and did not express admiration for thugs like Putin. He also joined forces with the Pope to end the Warsaw Pact and later the Soviet Union itself.

Is this the debate - highly edited, or so it appears - to which you refer:

It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..

Ha.ha.----Ronald Reagan would have never approved of Donald Trump--and he's probably rolling over in his grave over it right now. They are polar opposites, and Frankly Ronald Reagan would be wholly insulted if you mentioned his name in the same paragraph with the Ass Clown that is sitting in the Oval office right now.

Reagan was a Uniter not a Divider. He tore down walls, not built them. In fact if Ronald Reagan were alive and running in 2016 you--and Rush Limbaugh and every other right wing talk show host would have labeled him an Establishment Republican. He was a moderate Republican that refused to campaign on already settled U.S. Supreme court decisions like Roe v Wade. And he did sign an executive order that legalized all illegals in this country. You would have hated Ronald Reagan.

Here is one of Ronald Reagan's top staffers, Doug Elmets who just erected a statue of Ronald Reagan and he can explain the difference to you.

Former Reagan official: Trump is no Ronald Reagan


Donald Trump is unfit to wipe Ronald Reagan's boots.

Last edited:
It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..
Trump is a coward and a piece of shit

Another intellectual wonder. With brilliant minds like this supporting Hillary, it is no surprise she lost.

I asked you to define leadership. Why did you not do so, since the post in which I asked this question was one in which you feigned to be an authority on the subject (post #19)?
You have to admit, if you are honest, that is a very broad topic. Millions of pages have been written on it. Hitler was a tremendous leader, but the world would have been much better off if he was stillborn. It's not a simple question that can be easily defined in a few words on an Internet forum. Regarding Presidents, Lincoln faced massive issues but eventually was able to pull the nation back together. I appreciate Ike. Lately we have had a tough run. Reagan would be the closest in the last 40 years.

Why Reagan? Why not Obama or FDR? Both of the D's inherited a mess! Trump hasn't inherited a mess as he claims, most of his problems are of his making.
I'm sure Reagan would be cool with Trump giving Putin the green light to take another crack at Ukraine and the Baltic republics too for good measure
What mess? oshitass did his own mess making. He, billyblowjob, and the fatassfrank from newyerk were the main men in the entire housing mess they created it just as they have all of our budgetary problems with pay for votes programs. Any pile of dogshit would make a better president than any of those loosers.
What mess? oshitass did his own mess making. He, billyblowjob, and the fatassfrank from newyerk were the main men in the entire housing mess they created it just as they have all of our budgetary problems with pay for votes programs. Any pile of dogshit would make a better president than any of those loosers.

The only thing which comes to mind while reading this ^^^ post, is to praise the author for providing proof of the reasoning and thinking skills of a 21st Century supporter of Donald Trump.
What mess? oshitass did his own mess making. He, billyblowjob, and the fatassfrank from newyerk were the main men in the entire housing mess they created it just as they have all of our budgetary problems with pay for votes programs. Any pile of dogshit would make a better president than any of those loosers.

The only thing which comes to mind while reading this ^^^ post, is to praise the author for providing proof of the reasoning and thinking skills of a 21st Century supporter of Donald Trump.
You divined some meaning from it?
Reagan was an old, senile tool who screwed over the middle class for his rich buddies.

Trump is headed down that path.
What mess? oshitass did his own mess making. He, billyblowjob, and the fatassfrank from newyerk were the main men in the entire housing mess they created it just as they have all of our budgetary problems with pay for votes programs. Any pile of dogshit would make a better president than any of those loosers.

The only thing which comes to mind while reading this ^^^ post, is to praise the author for providing proof of the reasoning and thinking skills of a 21st Century supporter of Donald Trump.

You divined some meaning from it?

Q. You divined some meaning from it?[/QUOTE]

A. Word salad, sadly the anchovy has a very distinct fishy odor.
  • The economy added 138,000 net new jobs, well below expectations.
  • The unemployment rate declined to 4.3%, its lowest level since 2001.
  • Wage growth slowed a bit, with average hourly earnings up 4 cents.
“There’s very little about the report that you can look to and draw a positive from,” said Mark Hamrick, senior economic analyst at financial information website
It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..
Speak for yourself, all the Donald has given me is a new douche bag in the Oval Office to mock and ridicule, which I do appreciate, since mocking and ridiculing his bumbling predecessor was getting a bit old.

As far as all this "new hope" nonsense, placing your "hopes" in politicians is like buying a thousand lottery tickets and counting on them to all be winners.

"There is a chalk outline slowly being drawn around common sense and most people can't identify the victim." -- Dennis Miller

He's taking his place as the head of leadership instead of the tail. And just saved the US 3 trillion dollars in the Paris Accord money grab. Be happy. It's a lovely day to be an American again...
I see Trump duped you by quoting from a well debunked report, It was a total sham & embarrassment to this country. Trump was too stupid to consider the benefits of fighting climate change.
He has certainly done more for this country than was done in 8 years of democrats. He's restored our strength and integrity.

QUOTE="bear513, post: 17411624, member: 36770"]It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..

he does have some Reagan characteristics. ------but much more a SHOWMAN
and a really GLIB TONGUE------Reagan had stunted speech-----based on his
dementia. Donald is not demented-----just mildly dim[/QUOTE]

You have dementia. And you are fully dim.
He has certainly done more for this country than was done in 8 years of democrats. He's restored our strength and integrity.

QUOTE="bear513, post: 17411624, member: 36770"]It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..

he does have some Reagan characteristics. ------but much more a SHOWMAN
and a really GLIB TONGUE------Reagan had stunted speech-----based on his
dementia. Donald is not demented-----just mildly dim

You have dementia. And you are fully dim.[/QUOTE]

The only similarity I see is that the MSM pretty much disliked both of them coming in and gave them rough coverage. Nixon too, but he really was a paranoid, and he had real reasons to be paranoid, and some were his own making. LOL

Reagan, however, was a gentleman, and he was staunchly pro-Nato. There was nothing Alt-R about Reagan. Trade was never the enemy but rather the goal. And that isn't to say Germany's perpetual trade surpluses with EVERYONE are a good thing, or that none of the Nato members should not contribute more. The world has changed in 37 years.
It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..
well Reagan was a liberal first.

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