Trump is the greatest president we had since Reagan.

his ennui in the face of the glorious islamic SPRING was a matter of extreme naivete'

I vehemently disagree.

It was a deliberate policy to undermine the interests of western civilization in favor of arming and expanding the reach of jihad.

Obozo is stupid, but not as stupid as his sycophants.

It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..
Trump in a million years could never be the man Ronald Reagan was. I remember Reagan. Trump is way to ego driven to be a great president. If we are lucky he will be a average president. Comparing him to Reagan just because Obama was and is a monumental failure is absurd. Regan was a conservative not a liberal like Trump.

Trump sent a message.. To Assad and little Kim...

Your domince is over..


He never sold anything. He has never done anything productive in his life. He is a parasite and should have been aborted.

You're wrong; Obama has sold bullshit and fairy tales for his entire adult life, he was good at it and he's still doing it.
It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..
Trump in a million years could never be the man Ronald Reagan was. I remember Reagan. Trump is way to ego driven to be a great president. If we are lucky he will be a average president. Comparing him to Reagan just because Obama was and is a monumental failure is absurd. Regan was a conservative not a liberal like Trump.

Trump sent a message.. To Assad and little Kim...

Your domince is over..


your chances in the spelling bee are over
It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..
Were you going for irony?.....or did you unwittingly stumble into it?
It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..
Trump in a million years could never be the man Ronald Reagan was. I remember Reagan. Trump is way to ego driven to be a great president. If we are lucky he will be a average president. Comparing him to Reagan just because Obama was and is a monumental failure is absurd. Regan was a conservative not a liberal like Trump.

It is true that Donald is far more a LIBERAL than was Reagan-----the rest of your comment is idiotic
What has Donald Trump really done???? He nominated a good Judge and what??? The Paris accord? a PR stunt that any one Not a drooling retard would have done.... Attack the Media? While this was and is his greatest accomplishment it is nothing more then PR to assuage his ego. What Legislation has he helped pass????? What ?? What has our president in over several months done??????? Just because regressives are losing their minds doesn't mean Trump is awesome it just means Trump is not them....
you are sick. --------he did his homework


He did his homework?

Wow... that's something you're SUPPOSED to do, like wiping your own ass.

If his policies are the result of "effort", he was either trying like hell to destroy the country or become the illustration in the definition of "Cluster Fuck".

Reagan stunk. Trump stinks.
It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..
Trump in a million years could never be the man Ronald Reagan was. I remember Reagan. Trump is way to ego driven to be a great president. If we are lucky he will be a average president. Comparing him to Reagan just because Obama was and is a monumental failure is absurd. Regan was a conservative not a liberal like Trump.

Trump sent a message.. To Assad and little Kim...

Your domince is over..

How did he do that???? By being a pussy and saying other countries should clean up the mess these idiots created?
Exactly what hope has Trump given you?
It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..
Were you going for irony?.....or did you unwittingly stumble into it?
So now Trump after 120 pus days he is best president since Reagan. Does that mean we don't have to wait and give him more time anymore?
I find it interesting that so many try to pawn off Saint Ronnie's disastrous regime as a positive. Jimmy Carter had way more going for America than most knew. As for the dictator in charge he is destroying the nation and the USA's leadership role in the world. Go anywhere in the world today and listen to the jokes about trumps little dick and his having to grab pussy.

Stop shitting your pants over what some socialists think. If leadership is sending billions to the Iranian military and building terrorist groups in the ME, Obama is your man, but that is not my definition of leadership.

What is your idea of the definition of leadership?
  • Brinkmanship?
  • Isolationism?
  • Bigotry?
I can tell you what it is not: Trumpism, i.e. the ideology of a narcissistic megalomaniac, manifested by his self righteous, sanctimonious, smug, preachy hypocrisy. A person who is unfit to hold the power s/he has been granted, and by their use, or non use, of their authority, i.e. misfeasance, malfeasance and nonfeasance.
They do have a lot in common - both could look you in the eye and lie. Ronnie RayGun raised taxes on the working class and slashed taxes for his 1% cronies, just like trumpery says he will do. Ronnie made the US a debtor nation and we all know trumpery is the ultimate globalist. Ronnie cost us for generations to come and trumpery says he will do the same. Ronnie flaunted the law, openly committed incredible crimes and believed he was immune from the law. Just like King TrumpleThinSkin.

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I find it interesting that so many try to pawn off Saint Ronnie's disastrous regime as a positive. Jimmy Carter had way more going for America than most knew. As for the dictator in charge he is destroying the nation and the USA's leadership role in the world. Go anywhere in the world today and listen to the jokes about trumps little dick and his having to grab pussy.

Yep. Reagan was a criminal disaster and President Carter Was actually very good for the country.

Trump ends any hope we had of saving the Middle Class and catching up with the rest of the world.

But his 1% cronies have good reason to love him, as do his owners, Pooting and China.

Sent from my iPad using
I find it interesting that so many try to pawn off Saint Ronnie's disastrous regime as a positive. Jimmy Carter had way more going for America than most knew. As for the dictator in charge he is destroying the nation and the USA's leadership role in the world. Go anywhere in the world today and listen to the jokes about trumps little dick and his having to grab pussy.

Stop shitting your pants over what some socialists think. If leadership is sending billions to the Iranian military and building terrorist groups in the ME, Obama is your man, but that is not my definition of leadership.

What is your idea of the definition of leadership?
  • Brinkmanship?
  • Isolationism?
  • Bigotry?
I can tell you what it is not: Trumpism, i.e. the ideology of a narcissistic megalomaniac, manifested by his self righteous, sanctimonious, smug, preachy hypocrisy. A person who is unfit to hold the power s/he has been granted, and by their use, or non use, of their authority, i.e. misfeasance, malfeasance and nonfeasance.

Thank you for submitting your resume, don't call us, we'll call you.
It's obvious, he gave us a new hope ..

Even though he is a liberal with a (R) after his name. You can't deny it.

He is just like Reagan after Jimmy's cluster fuck..
Reagan would be calling this guy out on Putin

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