Trump, Kelly, And Mattis, The "A" Team

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
We haven't had this strong of leadership in America since Reagan.

Liberals can stomp their feet all they want and call anyone who doesn't agree with their Socialist wet dream a racist but it doesn't change the reality we are better off. All lieberals have left is their little cultural and class war. And Trump smashed half of that this week. Now when Conservatives rally all they have to do is wait for the Alt-Left to start the fight. It will be obvious from now on who is the criminal thugs are. Like always they overplayed their hands. Fake News won't be able to cover for them anymore.

China and their puppet North Korea came face to face with Mattis and hauled ass for the hills.

Illegal immigration has been slashed and Canaduh is crying foul as they can't handle all the illegals flooding in.

Business confidence is soaring, housing is going gang busters.

And the best part, you don't hear shit from Obamakov and Hillaryous because they know the investigations are closing in on them.
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Do you know what type of leader surrounds himself with military and family?
Trump's trying to neat Kim Jong Un at his own game.
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We haven't had this strong of leadership in America since Reagan.

Liberals can stomp their feet all the want and call anyone who doesn't agree with their Socialist wet dream a racist but it doesn't change the reality we are better off. All lieberals have left is their little cultural and class war. And Trump smashed half of that this week. Now when Conservatives rally all they have to do is wait for the Alt-Left to start the fight. It will be obvious from now on who is the criminal thugs are. Like always they overplayed their hands. Fake News won't be able to cover for them anymore.

China and their puppet North Korea came face to face with Mattis and hauled ass for the hills.

Illegal immigration has been slashed and Canaduh is crying foul as they can't handle all the illegals flooding in.

Business confidence is soaring, housing is going gang busters.

And the best part, you don't hear shit from Obamakov and Hillaryous because they know the investigations are closing in on them.
You do know that there were more indictments and convictions in the Reagan Ad than prez before or since dont you.
Nope you probably don't.
Reagan had dementia while president and many suspect trump also does by EVERYTHING HE DOES AND SAYS. Plus it runs in his family.
I thorough expect Trump will beat Reagan's record with how many of his cabinet went to prison before he steps down or is impeached
We haven't had this strong of leadership in America since Reagan.

Liberals can stomp their feet all the want and call anyone who doesn't agree with their Socialist wet dream a racist but it doesn't change the reality we are better off. All lieberals have left is their little cultural and class war. And Trump smashed half of that this week. Now when Conservatives rally all they have to do is wait for the Alt-Left to start the fight. It will be obvious from now on who is the criminal thugs are. Like always they overplayed their hands. Fake News won't be able to cover for them anymore.

China and their puppet North Korea came face to face with Mattis and hauled ass for the hills.

Illegal immigration has been slashed and Canaduh is crying foul as they can't handle all the illegals flooding in.

Business confidence is soaring, housing is going gang busters.

And the best part, you don't hear shit from Obamakov and Hillaryous because they know the investigations are closing in on them.

I would certainly add Tillerson to the "A"-team.

However they all need more trustworthy members in their team to confront Deep State (if it even possible).
We haven't had this strong of leadership in America since Reagan.

Liberals can stomp their feet all they want and call anyone who doesn't agree with their Socialist wet dream a racist but it doesn't change the reality we are better off. All lieberals have left is their little cultural and class war. And Trump smashed half of that this week. Now when Conservatives rally all they have to do is wait for the Alt-Left to start the fight. It will be obvious from now on who is the criminal thugs are. Like always they overplayed their hands. Fake News won't be able to cover for them anymore.

China and their puppet North Korea came face to face with Mattis and hauled ass for the hills.

Illegal immigration has been slashed and Canaduh is crying foul as they can't handle all the illegals flooding in.

Business confidence is soaring, housing is going gang busters.

And the best part, you don't hear shit from Obamakov and Hillaryous because they know the investigations are closing in on them.
I can see the Orange Clown as George Peppard
We haven't had this strong of leadership in America since Reagan.

Liberals can stomp their feet all they want and call anyone who doesn't agree with their Socialist wet dream a racist but it doesn't change the reality we are better off. All lieberals have left is their little cultural and class war. And Trump smashed half of that this week. Now when Conservatives rally all they have to do is wait for the Alt-Left to start the fight. It will be obvious from now on who is the criminal thugs are. Like always they overplayed their hands. Fake News won't be able to cover for them anymore.

China and their puppet North Korea came face to face with Mattis and hauled ass for the hills.

Illegal immigration has been slashed and Canaduh is crying foul as they can't handle all the illegals flooding in.

Business confidence is soaring, housing is going gang busters.

And the best part, you don't hear shit from Obamakov and Hillaryous because they know the investigations are closing in on them.
You don't have to hear anything from Obama because he is still running the Government and still in Washington DC.

Tell me what is wrong with this picture?
Here are the "Active" Heads of the three most powerful Bureaucracies in Washington.

FBI, Ran by McCabe & Mueller
DOJ Ran by Rosenstein & Mueller
IRS Ran by Koskinen & Mueller

And if you think I am being a little over the top....Mueller can ask any three of these organizations to do anything he wants and give him any information he wants without any sort of due process, subpoena or court order. That makes him the effective head of all three of these organizations, with Obama's Appointees to carry out Mueller's Orders, and Trump's Appointees sidelined and disabled, and moved out of the way.

All of these organizations are still run by Obama Bin Spying Appointees.
We haven't had this strong of leadership in America since Reagan.

Liberals can stomp their feet all they want and call anyone who doesn't agree with their Socialist wet dream a racist but it doesn't change the reality we are better off. All lieberals have left is their little cultural and class war. And Trump smashed half of that this week. Now when Conservatives rally all they have to do is wait for the Alt-Left to start the fight. It will be obvious from now on who is the criminal thugs are. Like always they overplayed their hands. Fake News won't be able to cover for them anymore.

China and their puppet North Korea came face to face with Mattis and hauled ass for the hills.

Illegal immigration has been slashed and Canaduh is crying foul as they can't handle all the illegals flooding in.

Business confidence is soaring, housing is going gang busters.

And the best part, you don't hear shit from Obamakov and Hillaryous because they know the investigations are closing in on them.
I can see the Orange Clown as George Peppard
Giant Cheeto will resign and go back to full time money laundering for Russians. This job ain't no fun anymore
We haven't had this strong of leadership in America since Reagan.

Liberals can stomp their feet all the want and call anyone who doesn't agree with their Socialist wet dream a racist but it doesn't change the reality we are better off. All lieberals have left is their little cultural and class war. And Trump smashed half of that this week. Now when Conservatives rally all they have to do is wait for the Alt-Left to start the fight. It will be obvious from now on who is the criminal thugs are. Like always they overplayed their hands. Fake News won't be able to cover for them anymore.

China and their puppet North Korea came face to face with Mattis and hauled ass for the hills.

Illegal immigration has been slashed and Canaduh is crying foul as they can't handle all the illegals flooding in.

Business confidence is soaring, housing is going gang busters.

And the best part, you don't hear shit from Obamakov and Hillaryous because they know the investigations are closing in on them.

I would certainly add Tillerson to the "A"-team.

However they all need more trustworthy members in their team to confront Deep State (if it even possible).

Just look at the crybaby snowflakes jumping in here with their butthurt. Trump drives them batshyt crazy and they can't argue one point I made about their pet issues. Just you're racist. They rail he lacks "moral leadership" but they can't define it but they want Trump impeached for it.

God created lieberals for our entertainment.
We haven't had this strong of leadership in America since Reagan.

Liberals can stomp their feet all they want and call anyone who doesn't agree with their Socialist wet dream a racist but it doesn't change the reality we are better off. All lieberals have left is their little cultural and class war. And Trump smashed half of that this week. Now when Conservatives rally all they have to do is wait for the Alt-Left to start the fight. It will be obvious from now on who is the criminal thugs are. Like always they overplayed their hands. Fake News won't be able to cover for them anymore.

China and their puppet North Korea came face to face with Mattis and hauled ass for the hills.

Illegal immigration has been slashed and Canaduh is crying foul as they can't handle all the illegals flooding in.

Business confidence is soaring, housing is going gang busters.

And the best part, you don't hear shit from Obamakov and Hillaryous because they know the investigations are closing in on them.
You don't have to hear anything from Obama because he is still running the Government and still in Washington DC.

Tell me what is wrong with this picture?
Here are the "Active" Heads of the three most powerful Bureaucracies in Washington.

FBI, Ran by McCabe & Mueller
DOJ Ran by Rosenstein & Mueller
IRS Ran by Koskinen & Mueller

And if you think I am being a little over the top....Mueller can ask any three of these organizations to do anything he wants and give him any information he wants without any sort of due process, subpoena or court order.

All of these organizations are still run by Obama Bin Spying Appointees.

So Trump is even more of a limp dick than we thought he was? Fascinating
We haven't had this strong of leadership in America since Reagan.

Liberals can stomp their feet all the want and call anyone who doesn't agree with their Socialist wet dream a racist but it doesn't change the reality we are better off. All lieberals have left is their little cultural and class war. And Trump smashed half of that this week. Now when Conservatives rally all they have to do is wait for the Alt-Left to start the fight. It will be obvious from now on who is the criminal thugs are. Like always they overplayed their hands. Fake News won't be able to cover for them anymore.

China and their puppet North Korea came face to face with Mattis and hauled ass for the hills.

Illegal immigration has been slashed and Canaduh is crying foul as they can't handle all the illegals flooding in.

Business confidence is soaring, housing is going gang busters.

And the best part, you don't hear shit from Obamakov and Hillaryous because they know the investigations are closing in on them.

I would certainly add Tillerson to the "A"-team.

However they all need more trustworthy members in their team to confront Deep State (if it even possible).

Just look at the crybaby snowflakes jumping in here with their butthurt. Trump drives them batshyt crazy and they can't argue one point I made about their pet issues. Just you're racist. They rail he lacks "moral leadership" but they can't define it but they want Trump impeached for it.

God created lieberals for our entertainment.

And we're enjoying watching the Trumpies go into full panic mode
We haven't had this strong of leadership in America since Reagan.

Liberals can stomp their feet all the want and call anyone who doesn't agree with their Socialist wet dream a racist but it doesn't change the reality we are better off. All lieberals have left is their little cultural and class war. And Trump smashed half of that this week. Now when Conservatives rally all they have to do is wait for the Alt-Left to start the fight. It will be obvious from now on who is the criminal thugs are. Like always they overplayed their hands. Fake News won't be able to cover for them anymore.

China and their puppet North Korea came face to face with Mattis and hauled ass for the hills.

Illegal immigration has been slashed and Canaduh is crying foul as they can't handle all the illegals flooding in.

Business confidence is soaring, housing is going gang busters.

And the best part, you don't hear shit from Obamakov and Hillaryous because they know the investigations are closing in on them.

I would certainly add Tillerson to the "A"-team.

However they all need more trustworthy members in their team to confront Deep State (if it even possible).

Just look at the crybaby snowflakes jumping in here with their butthurt. Trump drives them batshyt crazy and they can't argue one point I made about their pet issues. Just you're racist. They rail he lacks "moral leadership" but they can't define it but they want Trump impeached for it.

God created lieberals for our entertainment.

And we're enjoying watching the Trumpies go into full panic mode
I'm not sure it's panic, but people have noted that the only way to defeat Nazis and White Supremicists it to out them, and humiliate them for their racist toxic UnAmerican views. Trump has given them cover, because he's a nazi sympathizer himslef, and full blown racist. We'll see if people have the stones to stand up to him. If he invides Golden Gate, and Kerr stands with Durant tells him to go fuck himslef ... maybe
White House is in shambles and the Trumpies think it's blue sky. Ya just can't make this shit up.
And " morning in America. "

Our national nightmare will be over soon. Bill Maher said 3 months ago that Trump won't make it to Christmas. I think he's spot on. When ya got Republican Sen Bob Corker saying Trump isn't stable and Mitt Romney backing him, something is afoot.
We haven't had this strong of leadership in America since Reagan.

Liberals can stomp their feet all the want and call anyone who doesn't agree with their Socialist wet dream a racist but it doesn't change the reality we are better off. All lieberals have left is their little cultural and class war. And Trump smashed half of that this week. Now when Conservatives rally all they have to do is wait for the Alt-Left to start the fight. It will be obvious from now on who is the criminal thugs are. Like always they overplayed their hands. Fake News won't be able to cover for them anymore.

China and their puppet North Korea came face to face with Mattis and hauled ass for the hills.

Illegal immigration has been slashed and Canaduh is crying foul as they can't handle all the illegals flooding in.

Business confidence is soaring, housing is going gang busters.

And the best part, you don't hear shit from Obamakov and Hillaryous because they know the investigations are closing in on them.

I would certainly add Tillerson to the "A"-team.

However they all need more trustworthy members in their team to confront Deep State (if it even possible).

Just look at the crybaby snowflakes jumping in here with their butthurt. Trump drives them batshyt crazy and they can't argue one point I made about their pet issues. Just you're racist. They rail he lacks "moral leadership" but they can't define it but they want Trump impeached for it.

God created lieberals for our entertainment.

And we're enjoying watching the Trumpies go into full panic mode
I'm not sure it's panic, but people have noted that the only way to defeat Nazis and White Supremicists it to out them, and humiliate them for their racist toxic UnAmerican views. Trump has given them cover, because he's a nazi sympathizer himslef, and full blown racist. We'll see if people have the stones to stand up to him. If he invides Golden Gate, and Kerr stands with Durant tells him to go fuck himslef ... maybe

When you see this much shit hitting the fan from where we are sitting, you can bet it's full blown crisis inside the W H.
We haven't had this strong of leadership in America since Reagan.

Liberals can stomp their feet all they want and call anyone who doesn't agree with their Socialist wet dream a racist but it doesn't change the reality we are better off. All lieberals have left is their little cultural and class war. And Trump smashed half of that this week. Now when Conservatives rally all they have to do is wait for the Alt-Left to start the fight. It will be obvious from now on who is the criminal thugs are. Like always they overplayed their hands. Fake News won't be able to cover for them anymore.

China and their puppet North Korea came face to face with Mattis and hauled ass for the hills.

Illegal immigration has been slashed and Canaduh is crying foul as they can't handle all the illegals flooding in.

Business confidence is soaring, housing is going gang busters.

And the best part, you don't hear shit from Obamakov and Hillaryous because they know the investigations are closing in on them.
AND then we have Bannon ONE down and 3 to go ,,,,As far as Bannon goes it reminds me of an old country song ""Thank God and Greyhound you're gone

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