Trump kicking butt and taking names

Trump hit the ground running starting on day 1

The Wall, sanctuary cities, pipe lines, illegals, Obama care, bad trade deals, and more to come!!

He is pounding the liberal loon Dem's and their lame agenda into the ground. ...... :thup: ..... :cool:
If you are truly a Muslim, you are truly one idiot. Kind of like being a Jew for Hitler. Taking names?

Trump hit the ground running since day 1

The Wall, sanctuary cities, pipe lines, illegals, Obama care, bad trade deals, and more to come!!

He is pounding the liberal loon Dem's lame agenda into the ground. ...... :thup: ..... :cool:

But....he will never make it through the primaries...he is just going to get bored and quit........and jeb has 140 million dollars to spend.....and hilary has a double digit lead.....and he is never going to build the wall.....and finally, he will never get Mexico to pay for it....

They keep underestimating Trump....and I just hope they keep doing it....
Well, we know now not to underestimate just how psychotic he and his followers are.
Trump hit the ground running starting on day 1

The Wall, sanctuary cities, pipe lines, illegals, Obama care, bad trade deals, and more to come!!

He is pounding the liberal loon Dem's and their lame agenda into the ground. ...... :thup: ..... :cool:
If you are truly a Muslim, you are truly one idiot. Kind of like being a Jew for Hitler. Taking names?

Now you know why he was against socialist-in-chief Barry.
The Wall will be good. Two of them (north and south) would be great.

Protectionism will be good. Stopping all Chinese crap from being imported into the USA will be great.

We'll just need to wait and see.
25% unemployment and the Second Great Republican Depression will be good?
Trump hit the ground running starting day 1

The Wall, sanctuary cities, pipe lines, illegals, Obama care, bad trade deals, and more to come!!

Nothing has been done but sign a few papers.

So what?
I heard he got Jane Fonda to come and protest the pipeline. That's a big accomplishment. We found out she's an expert on oil spills.

Anyone can see the list of oil spills on the internet, and also Jane Fonda did apologize to those who had no choice but to go to Nam due to the draft, those like Trump and his buddies got out of it. Trump 2 boys were of age for Iraq, nope.
Some poorer people tried to go to Canada and got jail time.

They are a loser family, all of them.
Oil spills will happen only if liberals sabotage them. And I don't care if Trump's boys didn't join the military. Liberals are the reason there's no draft.
That is about as fucking dumb a thing to say as I have ever heard. Daily oil spill are a fact of life here in the US. Over half the pipes in the ground are overage, and they have to pump at reduced pressure because of that.
Trump hit the ground running starting on day 1

The Wall, sanctuary cities, pipe lines, illegals, Obama care, bad trade deals, and more to come!!

He is pounding the liberal loon Dem's and their lame agenda into the ground. ...... :thup: ..... :cool:
If you are truly a Muslim, you are truly one idiot. Kind of like being a Jew for Hitler. Taking names?

Now you know why he was against socialist-in-chief Barry.


Here is the Cash that I saw;

Johnny Cash - Wikipedia

When invited to perform at the White House for the first time in 1970,[78] Richard Nixon's office requested that he play "Okie from Muskogee" (a satirical Merle Haggard song about people who despised youthful drug users and war protesters), "Welfare Cadillac" (a Guy Drake song which denies the integrity of welfare recipients), and "A Boy Named Sue." Cash declined to play the first two and instead selected other songs, including "The Ballad of Ira Hayes" (about a brave Native American World War II veteran who was mistreated upon his return to Arizona), and his own compositions, "What Is Truth" and "Man in Black". Cash wrote that the reasons for denying Nixon's song choices were not knowing them and having fairly short notice to rehearse them, rather than any political reason.[26][page needed] However, Cash added, even if Nixon's office had given Cash enough time to learn and rehearse the songs, their choice of pieces that conveyed "anti-hippie and anti-black" sentiments might have backfired.[79] In his remarks when introducing Cash, Nixon joked that one thing he'd learned about the singer was one didn't tell him what to sing.[80]
will you be cheering when he puts in a Muslim registry like he promised

Believe me. If you are a muslim in America and attend a mosque. You are already on a government list. ..... :cool:

Just as the Founding Fathers envisioned ...
Really? Is that why the put this in the Constitution of the United States of America.

First Amendment
The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices. It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government.
Trump hit the ground running starting on day 1

The Wall, sanctuary cities, pipe lines, illegals, Obama care, bad trade deals, and more to come!!

He is pounding the liberal loon Dem's and their lame agenda into the ground. ...... :thup: ..... :cool:
If you are truly a Muslim, you are truly one idiot. Kind of like being a Jew for Hitler. Taking names?

Now you know why he was against socialist-in-chief Barry.


Here is the Cash that I saw;

Johnny Cash - Wikipedia

When invited to perform at the White House for the first time in 1970,[78] Richard Nixon's office requested that he play "Okie from Muskogee" (a satirical Merle Haggard song about people who despised youthful drug users and war protesters), "Welfare Cadillac" (a Guy Drake song which denies the integrity of welfare recipients), and "A Boy Named Sue." Cash declined to play the first two and instead selected other songs, including "The Ballad of Ira Hayes" (about a brave Native American World War II veteran who was mistreated upon his return to Arizona), and his own compositions, "What Is Truth" and "Man in Black". Cash wrote that the reasons for denying Nixon's song choices were not knowing them and having fairly short notice to rehearse them, rather than any political reason.[26][page needed] However, Cash added, even if Nixon's office had given Cash enough time to learn and rehearse the songs, their choice of pieces that conveyed "anti-hippie and anti-black" sentiments might have backfired.[79] In his remarks when introducing Cash, Nixon joked that one thing he'd learned about the singer was one didn't tell him what to sing.[80]

You were talking to Sunni Man, I was replying to you about Sunni Man.

Why are you suddenly talking about Cash? :cuckoo:
Trump hit the ground running starting day 1

The Wall, sanctuary cities, pipe lines, illegals, Obama care, bad trade deals, and more to come!!

Nothing has been done but sign a few papers.

So what?
I heard he got Jane Fonda to come and protest the pipeline. That's a big accomplishment. We found out she's an expert on oil spills.

Anyone can see the list of oil spills on the internet, and also Jane Fonda did apologize to those who had no choice but to go to Nam due to the draft, those like Trump and his buddies got out of it. Trump 2 boys were of age for Iraq, nope.
Some poorer people tried to go to Canada and got jail time.

They are a loser family, all of them.
Oil spills will happen only if liberals sabotage them. And I don't care if Trump's boys didn't join the military. Liberals are the reason there's no draft.
That is about as fucking dumb a thing to say as I have ever heard. Daily oil spill are a fact of life here in the US. Over half the pipes in the ground are overage, and they have to pump at reduced pressure because of that.
You have rocks in your head, Bub.
I'm very aware that Muslims are Conservative, but most on the Right are not aware. They call anything they don't like Liberal.
I have always been puzzled as to why the liberals champion the muslims, which they have nothing in common with?

My theory is that its a way to poke the Christians, whom they detest, in the eye by befriending the muslims. ...... :cool:
How long have you been in the US, Sunni? I don't give a damn whether you are Christian, Buddhist, or Muslim, or whatever religion or philosophy you wish to base your life on. Just don't try to force me into your belief. Here is what I believe in, and why I champion Muslim's, even those like you.

First Amendment
The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices. It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government.
Trump hit the ground running since day 1

The Wall, sanctuary cities, pipe lines, illegals, Obama care, bad trade deals, and more to come!!

He is pounding the liberal loon Dem's lame agenda into the ground. ...... :thup: ..... :cool:

But....he will never make it through the primaries...he is just going to get bored and quit........and jeb has 140 million dollars to spend.....and hilary has a double digit lead.....and he is never going to build the wall.....and finally, he will never get Mexico to pay for it....

They keep underestimating Trump....and I just hope they keep doing it....

He has Putin and the billionaires backing him all those in his cabinets. Lame duck come 2018, but he will of done enough damage by then, you can't stop progress. I find many Democrats are much more Christian that the GOP, low wages, screw healthcare, hatred and bigotry. Sorry Sunni we do not want sharia law here.

You sure can squeeze a lot of left looniness in one comment

You read the whole Thing?

FFS, why?

Nothing has been done but sign a few papers.

So what?
I heard he got Jane Fonda to come and protest the pipeline. That's a big accomplishment. We found out she's an expert on oil spills.

Anyone can see the list of oil spills on the internet, and also Jane Fonda did apologize to those who had no choice but to go to Nam due to the draft, those like Trump and his buddies got out of it. Trump 2 boys were of age for Iraq, nope.
Some poorer people tried to go to Canada and got jail time.

They are a loser family, all of them.
Oil spills will happen only if liberals sabotage them. And I don't care if Trump's boys didn't join the military. Liberals are the reason there's no draft.
That is about as fucking dumb a thing to say as I have ever heard. Daily oil spill are a fact of life here in the US. Over half the pipes in the ground are overage, and they have to pump at reduced pressure because of that.
You have rocks in your head, Bub.
Thank you, for me that is a compliment. LOL
News to most.

Nope, news to you.

But here is the real news that makes you wonder at what point did the 'real news' become indistinguishable from the Onion?

Democrats hold lessons on how to talk to real people

Maybe you should take one of those lessons.
I've been posting for years that ISIS is not true Islam, and have lambasted by the Right, saying I was wrong.

So who is the "TRUE" Islam? Sunni? Shiite? Sufi??


News to most.

Nope, news to you.

But here is the real news that makes you wonder at what point did the 'real news' become indistinguishable from the Onion?

Democrats hold lessons on how to talk to real people

Maybe you should take one of those lessons.
I've been posting for years that ISIS is not true Islam, and have lambasted by the Right, saying I was wrong.

Lambasted by whom? How about few names...

OK, mister know-it-all, why don't you say who IS true Islam.

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