‘TRUMP LAPTOP’ TERROR: Trump Aide Digitized Classified Info on Thumb Drive, Laptop, Twitter STUNNED

Yep! Got him now. The walls are closing in!
As usual, the Maoist/DSA Democrat Left’s hysteria doesn’t fit the facts.
So a Trump aide, not Trump himself, copied some files without realizing they were classified, and Leftist talking heads are already getting the hangman’s noose ready. Well, they’ve done this before. And when the Trump laptop story turns out to be as much of a nothingburger as the Russian Collusion Hoax, the Jan. 6 “insurrection,” and all the rest, Leftists won’t learn the obvious lesson any more than they did the other times. They’ll just go searching for the next opportunity to say it again.

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Hmm...., If this so called aide had a "Trump Laptop" which was legally the property of Donald Trump. Wouldn't he be obligated to turn that Laptop over to the rightful owner???
Unlike the Hunter Laptop. It was not left at a repair shop with a signed document with a 30 day loss of ownership clause! Trump's Laptop was still the personal property of the Former President and that aide had no right to browse it's contents or to hand it over to anybody other than than the rightful owner.
This aide might very well be in for a world of Legal Hurt from the former President.
Lefties seem to forget, Trump was President so he could declassify, all of the documents, that they claim, were on this laptop.
Hunter and Joe, on the other hand, that's certainly not the case.
Apparently the laptop was never Trump's laptop. It at all times belonged to the aide. Why are they using personal laptops? Every company supplies employees with laptops and takes them back.
Trump’s lawyers are starting to get it. The way to avoid a second search warrant and all the criminality it implies is to simply turn over what he has so that he can look like Biden and Pence. His lawyers did exactly that just last month. Except there is one glaring difference. Some of the classified documents were uploaded onto a laptop and put on thumb drives. Why would someone do that?

One doesn’t upload documents without a reason to preserve those documents in a different form than the paper that is almost always marked “classified.” The reason one uploads those documents is obvious and very dark. One can make as many copies as one wants and, with the press of one key through “What’sApp” or even a burner email account, the information can be in Moscow or Riyadh in seconds.

There are obviously no good answers.

More at the link below...

Sounds nefarious to me. What do you think?
Your conspiracy theory websites are unconvincing.
So, the Trump team was uploading classified paper documents to computer thumb drives. Doesn't sound good...
It sounds like you have what you always had against Trump, jack shit. You are a fool if you think Trump gets in trouble for ANY documents ANYWHERE. They could find a warehouse with a billion classified documents and he STILL wont get in trouble for it.

Yup, every accusation by a MAGAGATARD is a CONfession!

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