Trump lashes out at ‘Jewish leaders’ for ‘lack of loyalty’ to him: ‘They should be ashamed of themselves’


Well, I must say, I haven't read that in any published sources. Now, it may very well be out there....published by someone, I just haven't seen it.

So then, can we ask the good poster Mudwhistle to give us some sourcing on how he came to his "understanding" that:
neither Ye or Fuentes was invited?
That he asked Fuentes to leave?
That Trump told security to escort them out?
That Trump didn't know who he was having dinner with?

Where did you get that information, poster 'mudwhistle'?
You'll never get that's just more con-spiracies for that poster.
Nope. I'm a realist, and I don't side with my enemies against my own country....and anyone who does is basically a worthless commie bastard butt-reaming-asshole to me.
And it doesn't take long for MAGAts to drag their sexual fantasies into any thread.

Well, I must say, I haven't read that in any published sources. Now, it may very well be out there....published by someone, I just haven't seen it.

So then, can we ask the good poster Mudwhistle to give us some sourcing on how he came to his "understanding" that:
neither Ye or Fuentes was invited?
That he asked Fuentes to leave?
That Trump told security to escort them out?
That Trump didn't know who he was having dinner with?

Where did you get that information, poster 'mudwhistle'?
If Trump was at a dinner with an unknown number of people, it's reasonable to assume he didn't know everyone there.
I'm almost certain that there were no homicidal maniacs there like when Biden had dinner in China with the CCP.
I'm also certain there wasn't any people that practice genocide and mass extermination of people and pets like Billionaire Klaus Schwab, who had Biden and other notable Globalists over for dinner in Davos awhile back. Nobody seemed to care who Biden had dinner with. I sense a bit of selective outrage here.
"If Trump was at a dinner with an unknown number of people, it's reasonable to assume he didn't know everyone there."

Yeah, but......
Yeah, but .... he knew the people at his personal table. One was Kanye West, who he specifically invited....and he has said so. One was his Florida campaign manager. One was some aeronautical guy who accompanied West. And one was the famous bigot that Trump allies Gosar and Greene had appeared with multiple times at white-supremist gatherings.......both much in the news.

So, that still leaves the questions directed to you poster Mudwhistle, i.e., where did you get your information that none at the table were invited? that Trump had security throw 'em out? That he didn't know who they were?

You pitched it, Mudwhistle. Now field it.
Whatcha got, amigo?
I'm Jewish, I'm a Democrat, tell me how Democrats are not exactly my friends, but Republicans are.
oI'm Jewish, I'm a Democrat, tell me how Democrats are not exactly my friends, but Republicans are.
See nothing wrong with them not condemning Antisemitism? See nothing wrong with what Ilan Omar said? Nancy Pelosi didn’t condemn her . What if someone especially a Jewish individual said something derogatory about her religion?
With the increased crime, No bail etc I don’t know why anyone would vote Democratic

Yeah, but......
Yeah, but .... he knew the people at his personal table. One was Kanye West, who he specifically invited....and he has said so. One was his Florida campaign manager. One was some aeronautical guy who accompanied West. And one was the famous bigot that Trump allies Gosar and Greene had appeared with multiple times at white-supremist gatherings.......both much in the news.

So, that still leaves the questions directed to you poster Mudwhistle, i.e., where did you get your information that none at the table were invited? that Trump had security throw 'em out? That he didn't know who they were?

You pitched it, Mudwhistle. Now field it.
Whatcha got, amigo?
Clearly you believe everything you read from a media that is not only biased but actively working to destroy Trump.

And I've read that Ye and company was going to the party to set this trap for Trump so the same media that was covering up for Hunter Biden could distract from the release by Elon Musk of absolute proof that Twitter and the FBI have been colluding to help Biden win the election and destroy Trump as well.

So taking that into account I don't give a Good Goddamn Hell about what they say or what you have to say about some little shit who showed up to his party and admittedly set him up.
In ten years you won't be able to find anyone who admits to voting for Trump.
Trump will end up dropping out once he swindles the suckers out of all the cash he can ream out of them. But until then we'll have to put up with that pile of shit.

It will take ten years to rid the Country of the stench & rot he's left behind.
Obama's first visit at the WH with Netanyahu resulted in the prick having the Israeli president being escorted out the back door where they dump the obvious insult.
When Trump took over he moved our embassy to Jerusalem where it belonged, despite the screams of Jew haters like Obama and his Muslim friends.
By all means distort everything. If you must.

Yeah, but......
Yeah, but .... he knew the people at his personal table. One was Kanye West, who he specifically invited....and he has said so. One was his Florida campaign manager. One was some aeronautical guy who accompanied West. And one was the famous bigot that Trump allies Gosar and Greene had appeared with multiple times at white-supremist gatherings.......both much in the news.

So, that still leaves the questions directed to you poster Mudwhistle, i.e., where did you get your information that none at the table were invited? that Trump had security throw 'em out? That he didn't know who they were?

You pitched it, Mudwhistle. Now field it.
Whatcha got, amigo?
They get much of this stuff from one of two places: The fertile imaginations of their "media", or their own fertile imaginations.
Considering all his recent problems, I don't think rants against Jewish people will help Trump right now. Desantis must be enjoying his descent into nothingness.

Trump only cares for those who devote themselves to him. If that person is a Nazi or a white supremacist or QAnon, a murderer; it does not matter.
If those who criticize him are the finest human possible, that does not matter. They are evil in his world and to the Trump minions whose brains he controls.
This meeting?

"The Iran nuclear deal became a contentious issue between Israel and the U.S. when Netanyahu was prime minister and former President Barack Obama was in power with then-Vice President Joe Biden as his number two.

Obama’s willingness to go ahead with the deal, despite Israel’s objections, caused tensions between the two allies until former President Donald Trump took over and repaired ties with Israel.

Trump also withdrew the U.S. from the nuclear deal, citing its ineffectiveness at keeping nuclear arms away from Iran, and reimposed harsh sanctions against Tehran, aimed at preventing Iran’s theocratic government from obtaining the revenue necessary to pursue its nuclear program.

However, with Biden in the White House, the U.S. has backtracked from the posture Trump had, and is now seeking to negotiate with Tehran, whose commitment and adherence to a potential renegotiated nuclear deal remains in question."

"For a head of government to visit the White House and not pose for photographers is rare. For a key ally to be left to his own devices while the President withdraws to have dinner in private was, until this week, unheard of. Yet that is how Benjamin Netanyahu was treated by President Obama on Tuesday night, according to Israeli reports on a trip viewed in Jerusalem as a humiliation.

After failing to extract a written promise of concessions on settlements, Obama walked out of his meeting with Netanyahu but invited him to stay at the White House, consult with advisers and “let me know if there is anything new”, a U.S. congressman, who spoke to the Prime Minister, said.

“It was awful,” the congressman said. One Israeli newspaper called the meeting “a hazing in stages”, poisoned by such mistrust that the Israeli delegation eventually left rather than risk being eavesdropped on a White House telephone line. Another said that the Prime Minister had received “the treatment reserved for the President of Equatorial Guinea”.

Left to talk among themselves Netanyahu and his aides retreated to the Roosevelt Room.
He spent a further half-hour with Obama and extended his stay for a day of emergency talks to try to restart peace negotiations. However, he left last night with no official statement from either side. He returned to Israel yesterday isolated after what Israeli media have called a White House ambush for which he is largely to blame.

Sources said that Netanyahu failed to impress Obama with a flow chart purporting to show that he was not responsible for the timing of announcements of new settlement projects in east Jerusalem. Obama was said to be livid when such an announcement derailed the visit to Israel by Joe Biden, the Vice-President, this month and his anger towards Israel does not appear to have cooled.

More On This...​

Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, cast doubt on minor details in Israeli accounts of the meeting but did not deny claims that it amounted to a dressing down for the Prime Minister, whose refusal to freeze settlements is seen in Washington as the main barrier to resuming peace talks."

Just like his last visit to Washington, the meeting at the White House did not include photo opportunities or a press briefing following the session. The White House had no immediate comment on what was discussed by the two leaders in the Oval Office.


He bows down to Muslims, but doesn’t want to be seen in the same building or room with an Eeeeevil Jooooooooooo.

I wonder if he made PM Netanyahu leave through the garbage door just like he did with The Dalai Lama.

Makes you also think about what’s in store for Rahm Emmanuel, David Axelrod, and the rest of Da Juice in his administration when their usefulness is done…. or why they were brought on board in the first place – The Jewish vote was basically guaranteed “D” (except for the 22% of ‘my people’ like me).

Kenny Solomon


Never trust Jews. They'll stab you in the back.

The rant of a typical Trump supporter. An embarrassment to the human race and his family. I feel bad for his family. They need to explain him.

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