Trump lashes out at ‘Jewish leaders’ for ‘lack of loyalty’ to him: ‘They should be ashamed of themselves’

Look Newb.....I'll do whatever I want.
The whole discussion is garbage because whether or not either of us is correct.....

I regret if I wasn't clear.
This is not a question involving if I am "correct" or not. I did not make assertions ..... you did.
The issue is that you made an assertion. In fact, several.
You were queried on how you knew that. What source(s) you could provide that would substantiate your avatar's word. Back up your avatar's credibility.

You refused, or you were unable. In any case, you have left your avatar's credibility hangin' in thin air.
And your defense of treating the forum ---and your avatar ---- in such an irresponsible manner is, well, it is: "Look Newb....I'll do whatever I want."

OK. You be you.
But the subtext understood by all is: "I'll lie if it makes my spurious argument not seem so phony."

So go for it, poster Mudwhistle. You be you.
For what that's worth.
I regret if I wasn't clear.
This is not a question involving if I am "correct" or not. I did not make assertions ..... you did.
The issue is that you made an assertion. In fact, several.
You were queried on how you knew that. What source(s) you could provide that would substantiate your avatar's word. Back up your avatar's credibility.

You refused, or you were unable. In any case, you have left your avatar's credibility hangin' in thin air.
And your defense of treating the forum ---and your avatar ---- in such an irresponsible manner is, well, it is: "Look Newb....I'll do whatever I want."

OK. You be you.
But the subtext understood by all is: "I'll lie if it makes my spurious argument not seem so phony."

So go for it, poster Mudwhistle. You be you.

For what that's worth. DID make assertions you cannot prove any more than any that I made.
You're simply parroting the MSM's talking-points. However I've heard otherwise.

The point in this should be who gives a flying-fuck who showed up at a Trump event.
Especially when you seem to support people who are without a doubt much much worse than someone who admittedly was trying to SET TRUMP UP IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!
Clearly the only reason Ye was there was to trash Trump and further his plans to be president. That is the context of this story anyway. What I've read seems to refute any guilt by association you unfairly want to apply to Trump.
However I've heard otherwise."
".....What I've read seems to refute......"

Cool that.
The questions remain though:
Where did you "hear otherwise".
Who was your source?
Let the forum know so interested members can go see for themselves.

And......what have you read?
In what publication?
Let the forum know so interested members can go see for themselves.

Saddle up, skinnyjeans. Show us what you've got. Give it your best shot.
Cool that.
The questions remain though:
Where did you "hear otherwise".
Who was your source?
Let the forum know so interested members can go see for themselves.

And......what have you read?
In what publication?
Let the forum know so interested members can go see for themselves.

Saddle up, skinnyjeans. Show us what you've got. Give it your best shot.
Your question is a dodge and irrelevant.
I made the only valid point here.
The inescapable conclusion is that your avatar lied in making the assertions in question.
That's on you.
Nobody else.
Man up. You are making your avatar look terrible.
I've been doing this way too long to fall for an attempt to bait me.

Your argument has been crushed and you can't admit it to yourself.

Last edited:
Just like they scream about fascism while supporting the over turning of elections (they lose). Consistency and a tether to reality aren't required.
Fascists are into censoring and using govt. institutions to oppress, persecute and destroy the opposition. Today's Democrat party are no different than Putin, Xi, Iran's Mullahs or N. Korea's Kim Jung Un. Of course like true fascists, they accuse the other of behavior they are more guilty of.
The inescapable conclusion is that your avatar lied in making the assertions in question.
That's on you.
Nobody else.
Man up. You are making your avatar look terrible.
"The circumstances as to how West and his guests came to be at the former president’s home on Thanksgiving have been the subject of much speculation. YouTuber Tim Pool had West, Fuentes, and Milo Yiannopolous on his podcast Timcast IRL on Monday night to get to the bottom of it, only to have West bristle and walk out as soon as Pool pushed back against the anti-semitism expressed by West and Fuentes.

However, during the brief exchange Pool had with West and the entourage, West mentioned that his meeting with Trump had been scheduled since October, and had already been once postponed. He said that his connection with Yiannopolous began when Yiannopolous reached out to him after his notoriously anti-semitic tweet, and that it was Yiannopolous who brought Fuentes on board.

West also confirmed, as a source close to the president told The Post Millennial, that Trump did not know who Fuentes was when he sat down with him at dinner.

Pool posited on Tuesday night that perhaps West and his entourage were planning an early episode walk-out, as they appeared to be able to charter a private jet back to LA, complete with a ready crew, with very little notice. Pool said that as West was leaving the studio grounds, he said he had done what he came to do.

Giorno also went public with her account of the dinner on Tuesday in a Twitter Spaces hosted by the account Crypto Lawyer, confirming much of what was said on Pool’s show, and corroborated what The Post Millennial learned.

Giorno responded to questions about her affiliation with Yiannopolous, saying that the two had known each other since Giorno worked as a consultant on Laura Loomer’s 2020 campaign. Giorno said that she was in the car with West and Fuentes on their way to Mar-a-Lago, and joined them for dinner with Trump. She said she sat to Trump’s right, since she was a former aide, and felt this would put him at ease.

"Do you think this was some kind of real Milo real grand successful plan? Do you think you were used?" Giorno was asked.

"Well, Milo actually said that I was," Giorno said, noting that "Milo actually went on the record" with Mark Caputo in an NBC piece on Tuesday. That is, in part, what led Giorno to go public herself.

"Milo said that he arranged the dinner ‘just to make Trump’s life miserable,’" Giorno said, quoting Yiannopolous from the Caputo article. "He was hoping that news of the dinner would leak and Trump would mishandle it. Nick Fuentes echoed that statement. And he said, ‘I hate to say it, but the chickens are coming home to roost.’ You know, this is the frustration with his base and with his true loyalists," she said.

"Milo and Nick have both admitted that it was a set-up," Giorno said."
Your argument has been crushed and you can't admit it to yourself.

Whether 'my' so-called argument has been 'crushed' is not germane.

The issue is your refusal --or your inability --- to back up your own word.

This is getting to be well-plowed ground.
You made assertions.
You refuse to back 'em up.
Despite several requests.
That's on you. Not on any so-called 'crushed' argument.

It is a cliche'...but an apt one: Your avatar is an "All hat, no cows, cowboy". There is no there there.

No disrespect intended.
Whether 'my' so-called argument has been 'crushed' is not germane.

The issue is your refusal --or your inability --- to back up your own word.

This is getting to be well-plowed ground.
You made assertions.
You refuse to back 'em up.
Despite several requests.
That's on you. Not on any so-called 'crushed' argument.

It is a cliche'...but an apt one: Your avatar is an "All hat, no cows, cowboy". There is no there there.

No disrespect intended.
Look at your alerts and read what I posted above.
Try to deny it all you want....they tried to set Trump up.
From post #169:

"Trump asked him to leave
And your point is what?

Clearly you're unable to read the post and take it as a whole rather than parse words and try to use parts of it to prove some point

The point is Fuentes was an uninvited quest that Trump didn't know.
Wasn't your point that Fuentes was there was the sole reason for all of the hubbub about it? That Trump was guilty by association with some prick he didn't even know?

Sorry, but you're boring me.
We're done talking here.
Wasn't your point that Fuentes was there
No. Never was. Go research my posts on this thread.
My query....was for your avatar to give the forum vetting or sourcing on all of your assertions.

You are unable or unwilling to do so.

Thus....and with no disrespect intended to you personally.....your avatar appears to be a fake and a phony who simply makes up stuff in an attempt to advance a false assertion.

So let us agree to leave it at that.
This exchange need be finished.
Fascists are into censoring and using govt. institutions to oppress, persecute and destroy the opposition. Today's Democrat party are no different than Putin, Xi, Iran's Mullahs or N. Korea's Kim Jung Un. Of course like true fascists, they accuse the other of behavior they are more guilty of.
The government didn't censor you, Twitter and Facebook did as is their right on their property. That's another thing about fascists they don't respect the individual rights of others.
Bull Fucking Shit!!!!!

You bastards claimed Israel flew those planes into those towers.

Nothing you say can be trusted when it comes to Jews.

Nope. that was the antigovernment conspiracy crackpots who claimed the Israeli did 9/11. They're stupid like you. was probably Hillary working with terrorists to start a war in the middle-east. Bush and Cheney were in on it too.

The US had nothing to do with the Arab Spring. Operation Mass Appeal was set up by the UK to sell the invasion of Iraq in 1998. Read Clean Break Strategy... and the PNAC letter to Clinton in 1998.

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