Trump Lawyers Say They Have Proof CIA Held Conference Calls With AOC, Bernie, And 200 Others On How To Commit Sabotage...People Are Going To Jail

Powell is a QAnon supporter so this sounds about right.

What does that even mean?
QAnon is a bunch of super fringe nutters on the internet. Powell has cozied up to some of the vocal proponents. Her making claims about the CIA helping Biden is the fringe crazy crap that would come straight out of QAnon’s MO.
Yeah....and I heard Hillary loves the taste of fried fetuses as well.
I just heard that space aliens gave Trump a golden shower and cheated him on the election process by creating an alternate universe control simulation...its actually November 21st, 1978.
CIA having a conference call about this, with 200 people?

Yeah, VERY unlikely, lol.

They don't have conference calls when overthrowing foreign dictators, so the chances of this having happened when dealing with the U.S (which, as far as I understand, isn't even in their purview, domestic issues are FBI, not CIA) is about as likely as me winning the provincial lottery.
No.....I said they held conference calls with at least 200 people....not necessarily at the same time.
I guess you've never heard of phone records being used in court before.

Even still, that's a hell of a lot of loose ends to keep an eye on.

What if they recorded the calls? Or leaked this to the media, foreign or otherwise? 200 People is a massive number of people to keep the faith in a secret, illegal activity.

Whatever they have will have to be shown in a court of law. I will say this,Trumps lawyers have been more open and transparent than Dominion Software representatives. Their silence coupled with Election Night results and vote counting stopping, is the reason there are so many Americans who believe the election was not on the level.
I heard this yesterday afternoon. Sidney Powell said on Newsmax that they have proof of the CIA working with Bernie Sanders, AOC, and at least 200 others on how to sabotage the Trump Administration.

I expect them to start cleaning house in the CIA and the FBI in the next few weeks. Regardless of the outcome of the election....this is treason.....sedition....whatever you want to call it.

She also said that Bernie Sanders knows Hillary used Dominion Software to cheat him out of his spot on the Democratic ticket and that he accepted a bribe to keep silent. All of this has been ignored by the FBI, NSA, Homeland Security, etc.

LOL Biden is the new communist leader, are you really expecting the commies in the FBI and CIA to investigate themselves?

How would this happen
Trump lawyers have said a whole lot of shit, doesn't make it true.

It's time for them to put up or shut the fuck up.

Like you are the boss of them darling.

Ever hear of the four corners darling.

Not saying I believe it but hypothetically. If you had proof what is the hurry. There is no statute of limitations in play.
Let the guilty incriminate themselves further. Continue to gather further evidence.

Just because you have TDS / Trump OCD and can't take it nobody cares.

Stayed scared sugar.

Ah yes, the fallback of the weak... TDS / Trump OCD. You have nothing else in your arsenal.

Here's a news flash: I suffer from neither. One thing you Trumplodytes have failed to learn in your four years on your knees is: just because one does not like President Trump, that does not mean they suffer from any mental disorder (though it could be argued that those who have unfettered love for him do) nor does it make them a liberal. I am not thrilled with the idea of either of these two buffoons being president.

I'm not scared, this country has survived bad Presidents in the past and it can probably survive two in a row.

Whatever will you Trump drones do when you no longer have his balls to wash...
Well, OP, Hillary’s fetuses are not far from the mark, because not only is there an abortionist linked to the Clinton link that we have already posted on USMB, that same link is a CIA link. For those anti-conspiracy psychopaths reading this thread, this should tweak them out even more: the same link is a Pentecostal mafia link. (USMB search engine)
I heard this yesterday afternoon. Sidney Powell said on Newsmax that they have proof of the CIA working with Bernie Sanders, AOC, and at least 200 others on how to sabotage the Trump Administration.

I expect them to start cleaning house in the CIA and the FBI in the next few weeks. Regardless of the outcome of the election....this is treason.....sedition....whatever you want to call it.

She also said that Bernie Sanders knows Hillary used Dominion Software to cheat him out of his spot on the Democratic ticket and that he accepted a bribe to keep silent. All of this has been ignored by the FBI, NSA, Homeland Security, etc.

seems rather incredible considering out of 200 hundred there wouldn't be a couple of whistle blowers
I just heard that space aliens gave Trump a golden shower and cheated him on the election process by creating an alternate universe control simulation...its actually November 21st, 1978.
Stop listening to the voices in your head
I heard this yesterday afternoon. Sidney Powell said on Newsmax that they have proof of the CIA working with Bernie Sanders, AOC, and at least 200 others on how to sabotage the Trump Administration.

I expect them to start cleaning house in the CIA and the FBI in the next few weeks. Regardless of the outcome of the election....this is treason.....sedition....whatever you want to call it.

She also said that Bernie Sanders knows Hillary used Dominion Software to cheat him out of his spot on the Democratic ticket and that he accepted a bribe to keep silent. All of this has been ignored by the FBI, NSA, Homeland Security, etc.

seems rather incredible considering out of 200 hundred there wouldn't be a couple of whistle blowers

Well...there's alot of things in play here. People are being threatened, bribed, ending up I can see why this could happen.
I figure if the leaders of this mess end up going to prison then the whistleblowers will be coming out of the woodwork.
Trump lawyers have said a whole lot of shit, doesn't make it true.

It's time for them to put up or shut the fuck up.

Like you are the boss of them darling.

Ever hear of the four corners darling.

Not saying I believe it but hypothetically. If you had proof what is the hurry. There is no statute of limitations in play.
Let the guilty incriminate themselves further. Continue to gather further evidence.

Just because you have TDS / Trump OCD and can't take it nobody cares.

Stayed scared sugar.

Ah yes, the fallback of the weak... TDS / Trump OCD. You have nothing else in your arsenal.

Here's a news flash: I suffer from neither. One thing you Trumplodytes have failed to learn in your four years on your knees is: just because one does not like President Trump, that does not mean they suffer from any mental disorder (though it could be argued that those who have unfettered love for him do) nor does it make them a liberal. I am not thrilled with the idea of either of these two buffoons being president.

I'm not scared, this country has survived bad Presidents in the past and it can probably survive two in a row.

Whatever will you Trump drones do when you no longer have his balls to wash...
Are you looking forward to eating dogs cooked alive while you watch
CIA having a conference call about this, with 200 people?

Yeah, VERY unlikely, lol.

They don't have conference calls when overthrowing foreign dictators, so the chances of this having happened when dealing with the U.S (which, as far as I understand, isn't even in their purview, domestic issues are FBI, not CIA) is about as likely as me winning the provincial lottery.

Let me know when he starts with the "They know what will happen to them if they talk" gambit. It's stock and trade with all CIA conspiracy theories.
I heard this yesterday afternoon. Sidney Powell said on Newsmax that they have proof of the CIA working with Bernie Sanders, AOC, and at least 200 others on how to sabotage the Trump Administration.

I expect them to start cleaning house in the CIA and the FBI in the next few weeks. Regardless of the outcome of the election....this is treason.....sedition....whatever you want to call it.

She also said that Bernie Sanders knows Hillary used Dominion Software to cheat him out of his spot on the Democratic ticket and that he accepted a bribe to keep silent. All of this has been ignored by the FBI, NSA, Homeland Security, etc.

Of course Bernie knew he was swindled out of his spot. Everyone did. The fact that he is a huge sell out ( and so are his supporters) should tell you all you need to know about them and their “ movement”.
Here is hoping AOC ends up in prison....the place the bitch wants to put all the Trump supporters.

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