Trump leads Biden in 7 swings states….(AZ, GA, PA, MI, NC, NV, WY) Can Biden lose these states and still get 270? What political changes for Biden?

They kept saying that over and over on non-Fox TV until it was boring as hell. We knew Biden would get a shitload of the votes late. But clearly MAGA media didn't tell them that, so they bought the alternative reality, as usual. Much more convenient.

Wrong, as usual.

FOX News and other conservative outlets were reporting that the MSM were getting their clapping seals used to the idea - we knew well in advance.

Will we see the famous UNPRECEDENTED Biden F-curve from 2020?


Look for this graph more widespread than in 2020. In 2020, I think it happened in 5 swing states….now it might be 7.

It is a FACT that mail in ballots went to Biden in overwhelming numbers.

Which is impossible, statistically.

If it happens again the righties will completely dismantle state election systems.

Because they're consistently generating statistically impossible results.
It is a FACT that mail in ballots went to Biden in overwhelming numbers.

Which is impossible, statistically.

If it happens again the righties will completely dismantle state election systems.

Because they're consistently generating statistically impossible results.

My man. Yes. I am in corporate finance. If we had irregularities at only 5 locations, and I told our CEO those 5 graphs are not weird and he should just ignore them…I would be fired.
The funny thing is, illegals don't vote. And legals are conservative. Half of them vote Republican and they are pro life.

If you think Democrats want illegals to come in so we can get their kids votes in 18 years, you're an idiot.
bobo do you know any hispanics?....yes many are conservative but wont vote republican because they look at them as being racist towards them.....and thats not saying they will vote democrat because a hell of a lot of them know when they are being used and what the democrats think of them too....
Hispanics may be conservative (whatever that means these days) but most vote Democrat.
Socially conservative, politically left. That’s what they created in their own countries, and you can’t bring there to here, without here becoming there.
Socially conservative, politically left. That’s what they created in their own countries, and you can’t bring there to here, without here becoming there.
Indeed. A culture that you've lived and breathed for your whole life is hard to get rid of. Hard not to pass it on to your kids, especially when you've moved into a community that also lived and breathed that culture for decades. Mass migration, legal or otherwise, always leads to cultural clashes. White cultures will die as we continue to be replaced in our own countries.

Will we see the famous UNPRECEDENTED Biden F-curve from 2020?


Look for this graph more widespread than in 2020. In 2020, I think it happened in 5 swing states….now it might be 7.
When you can stuff ballot boxes, polls don't mean a thing
The Dems and the entire liberal media knew the fix was in.

They said, “You might go to bed thinking Trump on, and wake up with Biden as POTUS because of the mail in ballots.”

They flat out told us they were cheating.

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