trump loving anti-vaccine DJ dies of COVID related complications

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C19 is not that bad--what makes it ''bad'' is the obesity/high blood pressure/etc
There goes the Trump-Derangement-Syndrome again. Just because "individuals" opt to not vaccinate, they just have to pin it on Trump, as if somehow, magically, there are absolutely no left-leaning people that that haven't been vaccinated. Hey, JimH52, the leftist media has for a long time now, been pushing the narrative that young healthy people have "only mild or no symptoms" and that it's mostly the elderly with co-morbidities that are at extreme risk. So, the "young healthy people" who were probably voting left, most likely aren't vaccinated. Perhaps you should do on-campus interviews with the college students in blue states and see how many aren't vaccinated. You might be surprised to find out that it's more the leftist base that isn't.

So sad...Ignorance is often paid with a hard lesson

What is sad is that these type stories doesn't change the narrative on the ground---the vaccines are failing to continue to protect us. Covid is winning and your little canard is being rendered moot.

So sad...Ignorance is often paid with a hard lesson
People who have been vaccinated also die of COVID related complications

But, you sick fuckers don't celebrate their deaths, do you?

Because it doesn't fit your sick Marxist narrative.
What is sad is that these type stories doesn't change the narrative on the ground---the vaccines are failing to continue to protect us. Covid is winning and your little canard is being rendered moot.
the longer you idiotic anti vaccine crazies hold out...the more chance a more deadly variant will emerge.

Then of course you will say..."I told you. The vaccine doesn't stop it. "

You will be to blame when that happens. You are a true treasonous POS.

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