Trump loyalists team up with anti-vax doctors for ‘health and freedom’ tour

This shitshow is headlined by Patriot Mike Flynn and the acts are the biggest assembly of loons ever found in one tent.

Mike Lindell is probably the best known but my favourite is a "Docter" called Stella Immanuel who has stated that -
.America’s health problems were linked to alien DNA and sperm from demons

There are other crazies on board and perhaps it is lucky that pardoned felon Flynn is on board to lend the event some gravitas. I understand that Flynn is the "lock her up guy" who got locked up himself for lying.

Coming to a town near you and tickets available for a reasonable $250 or $500 VIP for those who dont want to mix with the unwashed.

Tommy says - At an event of this type it would seem worth the $500 to not sit with the unvaxxed herd. Stay safe.
It should be called, "The health OR freedom tour."

The trump Nazis demand the freedom to contract and croak from COVID. There is nothing healthy about that.

Slappy there thinks tattoos cause hepatitis. He's stuck even further back in the dark ages than you are.
Chang, did the CCP bosses call you "sloppy seconds?" :lmao:

Oh and stupid, tattoos are one of the causes of hep C. Do you give yourself prison tattoos in the Chinese work camp you live in with a poptop from a soda can and a bic pin?
Chang, did the CCP bosses call you "sloppy seconds?" :lmao:

Oh and stupid, tattoos are one of the causes of hep C. Do you give yourself prison tattoos in the Chinese work camp you live in with a poptop from a soda can and a bic pin?
My bad. Forgot how stupid you were. Shouldn't have engaged. Don't worry, won't happen again.
We'll be ready. For whatever happens. Looking forward to it.

Please keep it up with your diatribes. It's hilarious that you think that you are intimidating anyone with your death cult fantasies. I like the entertainment.
huh? I'm not trying to intimidate anybody....I have no death cult fantasies. You and your conspiracy theories however...
Keep hoping. 83% of us were immune before it got here.

One co-worker had it for three days, came to work and coughed on all of us.... Did not miss a shift either....

Covid - weak ass bullshit flu that left America last year
I had it. Now I have that thing that the weak-kneed sissies here wish they had -- immunity. YIPPEE!!!
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huh? I'm not trying to intimidate anybody....I have no death cult fantasies. You and your conspiracy theories however...
Oh, shut up. I see you there with your tube of K-Y while you fantasize about us "anti-vaxxers" dying horrible deaths, gasping piteously for our last lungful of air.

This shitshow is headlined by Patriot Mike Flynn and the acts are the biggest assembly of loons ever found in one tent.

Mike Lindell is probably the best known but my favourite is a "Docter" called Stella Immanuel who has stated that -
.America’s health problems were linked to alien DNA and sperm from demons

There are other crazies on board and perhaps it is lucky that pardoned felon Flynn is on board to lend the event some gravitas. I understand that Flynn is the "lock her up guy" who got locked up himself for lying.

Coming to a town near you and tickets available for a reasonable $250 or $500 VIP for those who dont want to mix with the unwashed.

Tommy says - At an event of this type it would seem worth the $500 to not sit with the unvaxxed herd. Stay safe.
2 things DemonRats hate more than anything

Health and freedom

Of course you’re upset
I had it. Now I have that thing that the weak-kneed sissies here wish they had -- immunity. YIPPEE!!!

It takes an 8th grade education to figure that out.

Those who have not figured that out are pathetic sub humans devoid of the ability to think beyond mindlessly repeating lies...
2 things DemonRats hate more than anything

Health and freedom

Of course you’re upset
You must be looking forward to discussing the following proposition.

America’s health problems were linked to alien DNA and sperm from demons

Let me know where you stand on that exciting development.
We need to get anti-vaxxers to understand that the vaccine is super dangerous. It's like a million guns that doctors put in your body. Why do you think they call it a "shot"? It's a million tiny guns we give to your immune system to help them fight the illegal Covid immigrants.

That's why you get two shots. The first shot is building a wall so Covid can't get in.

By the way, we use the genetic code of the virus to build the vaccine, so it's kind of like we built the wall but the virus paid for it.

The second shot is millions of tiny loaded AR-15s so your blood cells can fight the Covid that sneaks in past the wall.

But you should know we only give the tiny guns to some of the blood cells. You might think that every blood cell has a God-given right to bear tiny arms, and I know this is politically incorrect, but the only ones that are good enough and responsible enough to get the guns are the WHITE blood cells.

Fauci has it up to 3 now and is also pushing boosters every 6 months. You're an idiot kid.
You must be looking forward to discussing the following proposition.

America’s health problems were linked to alien DNA and sperm from demons

Let me know where you stand on that exciting development.

Ahmed, I know you've swallowed HUGE amounts of sperm from creatures with horns and hooves, but I don't think they were actually demons.....

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