Trump: Make America American again.

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Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
How many of you read this title and cried racism or bigot...blah blah blah?
If one person does..that's pretty damn sad.
How many of you read this title and cried racism?
If one person does..that's pretty damn sad.
All I saw was you outing yourself as a bitchass **** **********

I can't read asterisks...Go ahead and say what you mean...don't be scared...everyone's a badass behind their keyboard.
This probably comes as a total surprise to you but this country was built and made great by REAL American's...This may also come as a great surprise to you but this country is quickly going to shit thanks to Un-American's. (you know what that means)
Migrating opportunist only came to this country because of it's greatness...because of REAL American's!
I can't for the life of me figure out why they try so hard to turn greatness in the same shit-holes they ran from.
We see they countries 'they' build...they're total and complete filthy shit-holes and all you nut-jobs want to do is continue to arm and enable 'them' to destroy one neighborhood at a time here.
It's time to get AMERICAN again...that's how things will be great again.
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