Trump, Make Romney Your Trade Treaty Czar and Giuliani Your Sec of State!

Making Romney Sec of State will be a huge mistake as Romney has no experience in dealing with the Foreign Service, an ancient Red Dragon that must be slain or subdued in each new administration and/or brought to heel in chains of cold forged iron.

Giuliani is a very experienced mayor of New York who has foreign diplomatic experience by the very nature of that office, especially during the 9-11 attacks and the early War on Terror. He would make an excellent Sec of State, and will be completely loyal.

Bolton should be made Assistant Sec of State and can be Giuliani's pit bull.
I agree it would be a big mistake to bring Romney into the administration in any capacity. It is obvious Romney will not be able to take orders from Trump.
she was senator
How does that qualify a person for being SOS?
how does being a trust fund baby qualify trump to be president?

306 electoral college votes makes him qualified.

No, that if it happens will make him President -- not "qualified".
Hell, George W. Bush was President. James Buchanan was President. That's a title, not a résumé.

..........Obama...the list goes on and on. Obama certainly proved that the only qualification was electoral votes.
also a senator
How does that qualify a person for being SOS?
how does being a trust fund baby qualify trump to be president?

306 electoral college votes makes him qualified.

No, that if it happens will make him President -- not "qualified".
Hell, George W. Bush was President. James Buchanan was President. That's a title, not a résumé.

..........Obama...the list goes on and on. Obama certainly proved that the only qualification was electoral votes.
also a senator

so apparently your only qualification is being a Washington establishment insider.
how does being a trust fund baby qualify trump to be president?

306 electoral college votes makes him qualified.

No, that if it happens will make him President -- not "qualified".
Hell, George W. Bush was President. James Buchanan was President. That's a title, not a résumé.

..........Obama...the list goes on and on. Obama certainly proved that the only qualification was electoral votes.
also a senator

so apparently your only qualification is being a Washington establishment insider.
Since when does having any experience at all makes you an "establishment insider"?

Is that how you pick your doctor too?
306 electoral college votes makes him qualified.

No, that if it happens will make him President -- not "qualified".
Hell, George W. Bush was President. James Buchanan was President. That's a title, not a résumé.

..........Obama...the list goes on and on. Obama certainly proved that the only qualification was electoral votes.
also a senator

so apparently your only qualification is being a Washington establishment insider.
Since when does having any experience at all makes you an "establishment insider"?

Is that how you pick your doctor too?

That guy would pick the witch doctor as he doesn't believe in science or anything that is established.
Giuliani would make a better Trade Czar and Romney would be a better Secretary of State, IF those were the only 2 choices, imo. Secretary of State is by far, the hardest job out there....lots of traveling...lots and lots of stress....unbelievable need for calm cool and collected....and Romney appears much healthier and stronger than Giuliani.... but Trade Czar...Giuliani seems tough and strong in that negotiating area, and most of it could be done here in the USA and it would be easier physically for him for the next 4 years.....again, imo.
Other than being mayor during 9/11 what experience does he have?
Uh, just because Rudy allowed Police to do their job and reduce the crime rate by 90% is nothing to brag your world.
90% are you crazy? no he did not. He also didn't lower the crime rate in every other major city across the country that saw a similair crime rate drop that NYC did in the 1990's (when bill blinton was president)
Making Romney Sec of State will be a huge mistake as Romney has no experience in dealing with the Foreign Service, an ancient Red Dragon that must be slain or subdued in each new administration and/or brought to heel in chains of cold forged iron.

Giuliani is a very experienced mayor of New York who has foreign diplomatic experience by the very nature of that office, especially during the 9-11 attacks and the early War on Terror. He would make an excellent Sec of State, and will be completely loyal.

Bolton should be made Assistant Sec of State and can be Giuliani's pit bull.

Rudy Guiliani can't be Secretary of State, he has too many conflicts of interest, foreign investments, plus he doesn't have an ounce of experience regarding foreign policy. I also imagine when Democrats take over the house and or Senate in 2018--he will be investigated for his hand in Comey sending a letter to congress regarding reopening an investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails, while breaking long standing DOJ protocol. Because he had information coming out of the FBI New York Cities' office regarding this, and was about to leak it to the press. Being one of Trump's campaign advisers, and former mayor of New York, he should have never been privy to this information. So Guiliani is going to go down with the FBI director, James Comey. IOW Rudy Guiliani is a dirt bag, and doesn't belong anywhere near the Trump administration.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

Romney is not a real fan of Russia, so it would surprise me if he would accept a position as Secretary of State under Trump, and I really don't know why he would lower himself to accept any position in a Trump administration. Romney made it very clear that he can't stand Donald Trump.
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Other than being mayor during 9/11 what experience does he have?

What experience did Hillary have other then being first lady?(sic)
she was senator
How does that qualify a person for being SOS?
how does being a trust fund baby qualify trump to be president?

The same way Ben Carson is qualified to be housing secretary because he's able to cut people's heads open without killing them.
Other than being mayor during 9/11 what experience does he have?

What experience did Hillary have other then being first lady?(sic)
she was senator
How does that qualify a person for being SOS?
how does being a trust fund baby qualify trump to be president?

The same way Ben Carson is qualified to be housing secretary because he's able to cut people's heads open without killing them.

Yeah, being brilliant and talented certainly doesn't qualify him.
Other than being mayor during 9/11 what experience does he have?

What experience did Hillary have other then being first lady?(sic)
she was senator
she not only was a Senator, but She was a Senate Intelligence Select Committee Member...privleged to all the intelligence of the USA throughout the world....
Sounds like someone who should have known how to handle classified material. Not some imbecile who loaded an unprotected server with secrets.
Other than being mayor during 9/11 what experience does he have?

What experience did Hillary have other then being first lady?(sic)
she was senator
she not only was a Senator, but She was a Senate Intelligence Select Committee Member...privleged to all the intelligence of the USA throughout the world....
Sounds like someone who should have known how to handle classified material. Not some imbecile who loaded an unprotected server with secrets.
She didn't LOAD the unclassified server with any secrets taken from the govt files, her aids were discussing information that Syd Bloomenthal gave them, that happened to ALSO be information another Agency deemed top secret at the same time...the govt agency received this information from their own sources.

Hillary's aids did not know it was classified by this other agency, this is why no one was charged and nothing was MARKED TOP SECRET classified....they got this information from their own PUBLIC outside source and since a public source was able to get this information and pass it on to the Hillary team, they did not see it as top secret govt only info.

And I REPEAT, she and her staff did not load a single classified document gotten from the govt top secret system.
Other than being mayor during 9/11 what experience does he have?

What experience did Hillary have other then being first lady?(sic)
she was senator
she not only was a Senator, but She was a Senate Intelligence Select Committee Member...privleged to all the intelligence of the USA throughout the world....
Sounds like someone who should have known how to handle classified material. Not some imbecile who loaded an unprotected server with secrets.
She didn't LOAD the unclassified server with any secrets taken from the govt files, her aids were discussing information that Syd Bloomenthal gave them, that happened to ALSO be information another Agency deemed top secret at the same time...the govt agency received this information from their own sources.

Hillary's aids did not know it was classified by this other agency, this is why no one was charged and nothing was MARKED TOP SECRET classified....they got this information from their own PUBLIC outside source and since a public source was able to get this information and pass it on to the Hillary team, they did not see it as top secret govt only info.

And I REPEAT, she and her staff did not load a single classified document gotten from the govt top secret system.

Sigh, unless you are Comey reversing his sworn statement you are wrong.

Here is a site that is usually pro-left wing. They have rated your statement, mimicing Hillary's statements as FALSE: FBI tears holes in Hillary Clinton's email defense

Our ruling

Clinton said, "I never received nor sent any material that was marked classified."

Clinton has made this claim over and over again. An independent FBI investigation has found that to be inaccurate.

It’s important to remember that only "a very small number" of her emails, two, were marked classified when they were first sent, and just 110 out of the 30,000 she turned over were classified but unmarked. Evidence seems to indicate that Clinton generally dealt with classified information in an appropriate manner.

But over the course of a year, Clinton and her staff have painted a picture of an email setup where absolutely zero classified information slipped through the cracks, case closed.

We rate this statement False.

Editor's note: The day after we published this fact-check, Comey testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on July 7. Comey said he believes three emails on Clinton's server contained information labeled classified at the time they were sent. This information was not properly marked in that the emails did not have a classification header, even though a "(c)" immediately preceded text in the body of the emails, designating confidential information. Without the clear classification header, it's reasonable to infer that Clinton did not realize these three emails contained classified information, he said.
What experience did Hillary have other then being first lady?(sic)
she was senator
she not only was a Senator, but She was a Senate Intelligence Select Committee Member...privleged to all the intelligence of the USA throughout the world....
Sounds like someone who should have known how to handle classified material. Not some imbecile who loaded an unprotected server with secrets.
She didn't LOAD the unclassified server with any secrets taken from the govt files, her aids were discussing information that Syd Bloomenthal gave them, that happened to ALSO be information another Agency deemed top secret at the same time...the govt agency received this information from their own sources.

Hillary's aids did not know it was classified by this other agency, this is why no one was charged and nothing was MARKED TOP SECRET classified....they got this information from their own PUBLIC outside source and since a public source was able to get this information and pass it on to the Hillary team, they did not see it as top secret govt only info.

And I REPEAT, she and her staff did not load a single classified document gotten from the govt top secret system.

Sigh, unless you are Comey reversing his sworn statement you are wrong.

Here is a site that is usually pro-left wing. They have rated your statement, mimicing Hillary's statements as FALSE: FBI tears holes in Hillary Clinton's email defense

Our ruling

Clinton said, "I never received nor sent any material that was marked classified."

Clinton has made this claim over and over again. An independent FBI investigation has found that to be inaccurate.

It’s important to remember that only "a very small number" of her emails, two, were marked classified when they were first sent, and just 110 out of the 30,000 she turned over were classified but unmarked. Evidence seems to indicate that Clinton generally dealt with classified information in an appropriate manner.

But over the course of a year, Clinton and her staff have painted a picture of an email setup where absolutely zero classified information slipped through the cracks, case closed.

We rate this statement False.

Editor's note: The day after we published this fact-check, Comey testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on July 7. Comey said he believes three emails on Clinton's server contained information labeled classified at the time they were sent. This information was not properly marked in that the emails did not have a classification header, even though a "(c)" immediately preceded text in the body of the emails, designating confidential information. Without the clear classification header, it's reasonable to infer that Clinton did not realize these three emails contained classified information, he said.
And here we see the frightened trumpbot when cornered mindlessly shouts like a frightened squirrell about email servers, showing the shallowness of this entire campaign
speaking of unqualified why is nobody talking about nikki haley the half indian token governor from south carolina youngest governor in the country, and from what I can tell has never been outside the US (she might not own a passport), her entire resume appears to be cutting taxes while cutting funding for schools, being one of the few women in politics who is pro-life, and being against immigrants. Thats all. shes a bookeeper with an bachelors in accounting who spent 2 years as a state representative before being governor for 6 years (she will be quitting midterm as governor sound familiar)

Nikki Haley - Wikipedia

compared to the resume of the current ambassador Samantha Power
From 1993 to 1996, she worked as a war correspondent, covering the Yugoslav Wars for U.S. News & World Report, The Boston Globe, The Economist, and The New Republic. When she returned to the United States, she attended Harvard Law School, receiving her J.D. in 1999. The following year, she published her first edited and compiled work, Realizing Human Rights: Moving from Inspiration to Impact (edited with Graham Allison). Her first book, A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide, grew out of a paper she wrote while attending law school. The book won the Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction and the J. Anthony Lukas Book Prize[11] in 2003. This work and related writings received criticism from historian Howard Zinn for downplaying the importance of "unintended" and "collateral" civilian deaths that could be classified as genocidal.[12] The book was also criticized by Edward S. Herman for downplaying cases of "U.S.-encouraged and supported genocide"[13] and by Joseph Nevins for Power's case selection, analysis, and portrayal of the U.S. as an "outsider" to mass atrocities.[14]

From 1998 to 2002, Power served as the Founding Executive Director of the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government, where she later served as the Anna Lindh Professor of Practice of Global Leadership and Public Policy.

In 2004, Power was named by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in the world that year.[15] In fall 2007, she began writing a regular column for Time.

Power spent 2005–06 working in the office of U.S. Senator Barack Obama as a foreign policy fellow, where she was credited with sparking and directing Obama's interest in the Darfur conflict.[16] She served as a senior foreign policy adviser to Obama's 2008 presidential campaign

Samantha Power - Wikipedia
Other than being mayor during 9/11 what experience does he have?
Uh, just because Rudy allowed Police to do their job and reduce the crime rate by 90% is nothing to brag your world.
90% are you crazy? no he did not. He also didn't lower the crime rate in every other major city across the country that saw a similair crime rate drop that NYC did in the 1990's (when bill blinton was president)
I was talking about NYC.
I lived it.

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