Trump Manages to Anger Both French and British Citizens With NRA Speech

Trump mentioned Chicago, which, he said, “has the toughest gun laws in the country, but you know what’s happening.” And then he offered some rather unspecific details about “a once very prestigious hospital” in London. “Right in the middle is like a war zone for horrible stabbing wounds,” he said. “Yes, that’s right,” he went on. “They don’t have guns, they have knives. And it’s said that there’s blood all over the floors at this hospital. They say it’s as bad as a military-war-zone hospital. Knives, knives, knives.”

At the N.R.A. Convention, Donald Trump Talks About Knives in London and Support from Kanye West | The New Yorker

Red meat for the NRA.
At least Trump didn't go on a worldwide apology tour, for American greatness . Lol, go to your cry closet.
In his attempt tp please the NRA, he angered at least two allies.

Trump Manages to Anger Both French and British Citizens With NRA Speech

President Donald Trump was able to anger people in two different European countries with his speech at the NRA convention as trauma surgeons in London pushed back against a ridiculous claim about knives and French leaders expressed disgust that the president mimicked the shooting of people in Paris in 2015 to make his point.

Trump told the audience in Dallas that a “once very prestigious” hospital in London was suddenly finding it difficult to deal with a surge of knife-attack victims. “They don’t have guns. They have knives and instead there’s blood all over the floors of this hospital,” he said. “They say it’s as bad as a military war zone hospital. Knives, knives, knives, knives.” The ever-classy president went on to make stabbing gestures.

He is right...just like he was right about Sweden......

gun and knife crime is increasing in Britain and can't hide that fact.
We thought that Dubya was the low water mark but this clown is something else.
See, now he's angered a Brit poofter! The man is great!
I am laughing at you. The rest of the world is laughing at you.
Yes, you're very gay. We got that. But no, the "rest" of the world isn't.
You're not paying attention.

World's confidence in US leadership under Trump at new low, poll finds

World's confidence in US leadership under Trump at new low, poll finds

Is that why one country says Trump should get peace prize, they got confidence in Trump

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
In his attempt tp please the NRA, he angered at least two allies.

Trump Manages to Anger Both French and British Citizens With NRA Speech

President Donald Trump was able to anger people in two different European countries with his speech at the NRA convention as trauma surgeons in London pushed back against a ridiculous claim about knives and French leaders expressed disgust that the president mimicked the shooting of people in Paris in 2015 to make his point.

Trump told the audience in Dallas that a “once very prestigious” hospital in London was suddenly finding it difficult to deal with a surge of knife-attack victims. “They don’t have guns. They have knives and instead there’s blood all over the floors of this hospital,” he said. “They say it’s as bad as a military war zone hospital. Knives, knives, knives, knives.” The ever-classy president went on to make stabbing gestures.
So. The French and British have never had an absolute right to firearms and self-defence fuck em for being so reliant on the good graces of their government for protection against criminals. Meanwhile back in the USA citizens have had the right to bear arms since day one.
Who. Gives. A. Fuck??? For generations the French and English pigs have ALWAYS HATED AMERICANS no matter what we do and don't do, no matter who we elect into public office. The ONLY things those two failed, coward, pedophile-enabler FAILED nations care about is sucking muslim cock. That's it! Britain and France have ALWAYS been about using us "bloody yanks" for every convenience and advantage while cursing our existence at the same time! While crawling on their supplicating bellies for every barbaric human rights atrocity and ridiculous demand of their Islam whoremasters!

Yes, I freely admit you won't meet an American son of a bitch who has a deeper-seated loathing of British and French mollusks than I do for the muslims these two rotten-to-the-core nations fellate. In all my international traveling the English, the French and the Germans have been the stupidest, rudest, malicious, paranoid, entitled, demanding, ignorant, spiteful, snobby, spoiled-punk VERMIN of my white race this American has ever, ever seen. There is literally no group of human-like creatures on this planet who provoke more hatred in me than western Eurotrash.
Who. Gives. A. Fuck??? For generations the French and English pigs have ALWAYS HATED AMERICANS no matter what we do and don't do, no matter who we elect into public office. The ONLY things those two failed, coward, pedophile-enabler FAILED nations care about is sucking muslim cock. That's it! Britain and France have ALWAYS been about using us "bloody yanks" for every convenience and advantage while cursing our existence at the same time! While crawling on their supplicating bellies for every barbaric human rights atrocity and ridiculous demand of their Islam whoremasters!

Yes, I freely admit you won't meet an American son of a bitch who has a deeper-seated loathing of British and French mollusks than I do for the muslims these two rotten-to-the-core nations fellate. In all my international traveling the English, the French and the Germans have been the stupidest, rudest, malicious, paranoid, entitled, demanding, ignorant, spiteful, snobby, spoiled-punk VERMIN of my white race this American has ever, ever seen. There is literally no group of human-like creatures on this planet who provoke more hatred in me than western Eurotrash.
Trumps base speaks.
In his attempt tp please the NRA, he angered at least two allies.

Trump Manages to Anger Both French and British Citizens With NRA Speech

President Donald Trump was able to anger people in two different European countries with his speech at the NRA convention as trauma surgeons in London pushed back against a ridiculous claim about knives and French leaders expressed disgust that the president mimicked the shooting of people in Paris in 2015 to make his point.

Trump told the audience in Dallas that a “once very prestigious” hospital in London was suddenly finding it difficult to deal with a surge of knife-attack victims. “They don’t have guns. They have knives and instead there’s blood all over the floors of this hospital,” he said. “They say it’s as bad as a military war zone hospital. Knives, knives, knives, knives.” The ever-classy president went on to make stabbing gestures.

No joke, I would not be surprised to see Lying Donald start going "pew, pew pew" like he's holding a cap gun. Or "kapow, pow pow, kablammy". For all the people that watched Mayberry and wondered why people thought Gomer Pyle was slow they finally have their doppleganger in office. Even they never thought such a day would arrive.
In his attempt tp please the NRA, he angered at least two allies.

Trump Manages to Anger Both French and British Citizens With NRA Speech

President Donald Trump was able to anger people in two different European countries with his speech at the NRA convention as trauma surgeons in London pushed back against a ridiculous claim about knives and French leaders expressed disgust that the president mimicked the shooting of people in Paris in 2015 to make his point.

Trump told the audience in Dallas that a “once very prestigious” hospital in London was suddenly finding it difficult to deal with a surge of knife-attack victims. “They don’t have guns. They have knives and instead there’s blood all over the floors of this hospital,” he said. “They say it’s as bad as a military war zone hospital. Knives, knives, knives, knives.” The ever-classy president went on to make stabbing gestures.

No joke, I would not be surprised to see Lying Donald start going "pew, pew pew" like he's holding a cap gun. Or "kapow, pow pow, kablammy". For all the people that watched Mayberry and wondered why people thought Gomer Pyle was slow they finally have their doppleganger in office. Even they never thought such a day would arrive.
We have a ridiculous liar and clown as president.
In his attempt tp please the NRA, he angered at least two allies.

Trump Manages to Anger Both French and British Citizens With NRA Speech

President Donald Trump was able to anger people in two different European countries with his speech at the NRA convention as trauma surgeons in London pushed back against a ridiculous claim about knives and French leaders expressed disgust that the president mimicked the shooting of people in Paris in 2015 to make his point.

Trump told the audience in Dallas that a “once very prestigious” hospital in London was suddenly finding it difficult to deal with a surge of knife-attack victims. “They don’t have guns. They have knives and instead there’s blood all over the floors of this hospital,” he said. “They say it’s as bad as a military war zone hospital. Knives, knives, knives, knives.” The ever-classy president went on to make stabbing gestures.
It's better to be pissed off than to be pissed on. France and Britain will be thoroughly piss soaked if they don't withdraw from the Iran deal.
Trump knows all about gettin pissed on
In his attempt tp please the NRA, he angered at least two allies.

Trump Manages to Anger Both French and British Citizens With NRA Speech

President Donald Trump was able to anger people in two different European countries with his speech at the NRA convention as trauma surgeons in London pushed back against a ridiculous claim about knives and French leaders expressed disgust that the president mimicked the shooting of people in Paris in 2015 to make his point.

Trump told the audience in Dallas that a “once very prestigious” hospital in London was suddenly finding it difficult to deal with a surge of knife-attack victims. “They don’t have guns. They have knives and instead there’s blood all over the floors of this hospital,” he said. “They say it’s as bad as a military war zone hospital. Knives, knives, knives, knives.” The ever-classy president went on to make stabbing gestures.

No joke, I would not be surprised to see Lying Donald start going "pew, pew pew" like he's holding a cap gun. Or "kapow, pow pow, kablammy". For all the people that watched Mayberry and wondered why people thought Gomer Pyle was slow they finally have their doppleganger in office. Even they never thought such a day would arrive.

Not only that, but our brave President would have stormed into Parkland unarmed and taken out the killer single handed
Trump mentioned Chicago, which, he said, “has the toughest gun laws in the country, but you know what’s happening.” And then he offered some rather unspecific details about “a once very prestigious hospital” in London. “Right in the middle is like a war zone for horrible stabbing wounds,” he said. “Yes, that’s right,” he went on. “They don’t have guns, they have knives. And it’s said that there’s blood all over the floors at this hospital. They say it’s as bad as a military-war-zone hospital. Knives, knives, knives.”

At the N.R.A. Convention, Donald Trump Talks About Knives in London and Support from Kanye West | The New Yorker

Red meat for the NRA.

Red meat or not, it's the truth. There was just an article about the stabbing epidemics in London a few weeks ago and the hospitals complaining they can't keep up with the number of victims coming in.
In his attempt tp please the NRA, he angered at least two allies.

Trump Manages to Anger Both French and British Citizens With NRA Speech

President Donald Trump was able to anger people in two different European countries with his speech at the NRA convention as trauma surgeons in London pushed back against a ridiculous claim about knives and French leaders expressed disgust that the president mimicked the shooting of people in Paris in 2015 to make his point.

Trump told the audience in Dallas that a “once very prestigious” hospital in London was suddenly finding it difficult to deal with a surge of knife-attack victims. “They don’t have guns. They have knives and instead there’s blood all over the floors of this hospital,” he said. “They say it’s as bad as a military war zone hospital. Knives, knives, knives, knives.” The ever-classy president went on to make stabbing gestures.
Trump is truly a ridiculous, ignorant idiot.

What was ignorant about what he said? Are you inferring those things did not happen?

London surgeon treating children in uniform for gun and knife wounds | Daily Mail Online
Trump mentioned Chicago, which, he said, “has the toughest gun laws in the country, but you know what’s happening.” And then he offered some rather unspecific details about “a once very prestigious hospital” in London. “Right in the middle is like a war zone for horrible stabbing wounds,” he said. “Yes, that’s right,” he went on. “They don’t have guns, they have knives. And it’s said that there’s blood all over the floors at this hospital. They say it’s as bad as a military-war-zone hospital. Knives, knives, knives.”

At the N.R.A. Convention, Donald Trump Talks About Knives in London and Support from Kanye West | The New Yorker

Red meat for the NRA.

Red meat or not, it's the truth. There was just an article about the stabbing epidemics in London a few weeks ago and the hospitals complaining they can't keep up with the number of victims coming in.
Did it mention blood all over the floors?
Trump mentioned Chicago, which, he said, “has the toughest gun laws in the country, but you know what’s happening.” And then he offered some rather unspecific details about “a once very prestigious hospital” in London. “Right in the middle is like a war zone for horrible stabbing wounds,” he said. “Yes, that’s right,” he went on. “They don’t have guns, they have knives. And it’s said that there’s blood all over the floors at this hospital. They say it’s as bad as a military-war-zone hospital. Knives, knives, knives.”

At the N.R.A. Convention, Donald Trump Talks About Knives in London and Support from Kanye West | The New Yorker

Red meat for the NRA.
At least Trump didn't go on a worldwide apology tour, for American greatness . Lol, go to your cry closet.
The facts:
When President Obama began his term, he made a number of speeches in the Middle East and elsewhere -- all designed to forge better ties with Europe, the Middle East, and Latin America.
Critics such as Romney have said Obama apologized for past actions in such addresses.
Obama did indeed mention past U.S. flaws in speeches. But in those addresses, Obama never uttered an apology for the United States.
Those statements were snippets, part of larger and grander narratives about repairing ties, building friendship and working together.

CNN Fact Check: Obama went on an apology tour, Romney and others say - CNNPolitics
Trump mentioned Chicago, which, he said, “has the toughest gun laws in the country, but you know what’s happening.” And then he offered some rather unspecific details about “a once very prestigious hospital” in London. “Right in the middle is like a war zone for horrible stabbing wounds,” he said. “Yes, that’s right,” he went on. “They don’t have guns, they have knives. And it’s said that there’s blood all over the floors at this hospital. They say it’s as bad as a military-war-zone hospital. Knives, knives, knives.”

At the N.R.A. Convention, Donald Trump Talks About Knives in London and Support from Kanye West | The New Yorker

Red meat for the NRA.

Red meat or not, it's the truth. There was just an article about the stabbing epidemics in London a few weeks ago and the hospitals complaining they can't keep up with the number of victims coming in.
Did it mention blood all over the floors?

It's called hyperbole. Do you make nothing but literal statements day in and day out? You must be the life of every party.
Trump mentioned Chicago, which, he said, “has the toughest gun laws in the country, but you know what’s happening.” And then he offered some rather unspecific details about “a once very prestigious hospital” in London. “Right in the middle is like a war zone for horrible stabbing wounds,” he said. “Yes, that’s right,” he went on. “They don’t have guns, they have knives. And it’s said that there’s blood all over the floors at this hospital. They say it’s as bad as a military-war-zone hospital. Knives, knives, knives.”

At the N.R.A. Convention, Donald Trump Talks About Knives in London and Support from Kanye West | The New Yorker

Red meat for the NRA.

Red meat or not, it's the truth. There was just an article about the stabbing epidemics in London a few weeks ago and the hospitals complaining they can't keep up with the number of victims coming in.
So Trump wants them to use guns instead?
Trump mentioned Chicago, which, he said, “has the toughest gun laws in the country, but you know what’s happening.” And then he offered some rather unspecific details about “a once very prestigious hospital” in London. “Right in the middle is like a war zone for horrible stabbing wounds,” he said. “Yes, that’s right,” he went on. “They don’t have guns, they have knives. And it’s said that there’s blood all over the floors at this hospital. They say it’s as bad as a military-war-zone hospital. Knives, knives, knives.”

At the N.R.A. Convention, Donald Trump Talks About Knives in London and Support from Kanye West | The New Yorker

Red meat for the NRA.

Red meat or not, it's the truth. There was just an article about the stabbing epidemics in London a few weeks ago and the hospitals complaining they can't keep up with the number of victims coming in.
Did it mention blood all over the floors?

It's called hyperbole. Do you make nothing but literal statements day in and day out? You must be the life of every party.
Difference is, he is POTUS

He is supposedly highlighting a problem and recommending solutions. If he is lying about the extent of the problem, he is creating a crisis where none exists
Trump mentioned Chicago, which, he said, “has the toughest gun laws in the country, but you know what’s happening.” And then he offered some rather unspecific details about “a once very prestigious hospital” in London. “Right in the middle is like a war zone for horrible stabbing wounds,” he said. “Yes, that’s right,” he went on. “They don’t have guns, they have knives. And it’s said that there’s blood all over the floors at this hospital. They say it’s as bad as a military-war-zone hospital. Knives, knives, knives.”

At the N.R.A. Convention, Donald Trump Talks About Knives in London and Support from Kanye West | The New Yorker

Red meat for the NRA.
At least Trump didn't go on a worldwide apology tour, for American greatness . Lol, go to your cry closet.
The facts:
When President Obama began his term, he made a number of speeches in the Middle East and elsewhere -- all designed to forge better ties with Europe, the Middle East, and Latin America.
Critics such as Romney have said Obama apologized for past actions in such addresses.
Obama did indeed mention past U.S. flaws in speeches. But in those addresses, Obama never uttered an apology for the United States.
Those statements were snippets, part of larger and grander narratives about repairing ties, building friendship and working together.

CNN Fact Check: Obama went on an apology tour, Romney and others say - CNNPolitics
CNN? :abgg2q.jpg:

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