Trump May Be Right About Cruz! Even GOP Doesn't Like Him--Likely Including Rubio, Christie, & Bush!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Los Angeles Times noted just today, that Democrats are likely to benefit from Hispanic youth volunteers turning out in droves: To participate in the 2016 elections. Senator Cruz apparently can only hope that White Christian adults turn out for him In Iowa, however, where polling suggests he may even have a slim chance at a win. The chance is so slim, and supportive of Trump: That mostly anyone should conclude that "Republican Jews for Donald," is not that sizable a voting group--New York they may be thought to be. Cruz may have had a focus problem, picking some group that needed to be hated In Iowa(?). Mainly Rush Limbaugh seems to be trying to make them all stay at home(?) (People do note that crazy people seem to be running the campaigns!)

Trump notes that actually Senator Cruz is really not liked by his Republican peers, and apparently even their rank and file. That interpretation seems to be finding support in GOP primary state polls. Mainly Trump is the GOP favorite, state by state.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest 2016 GOP Presidential Primary Polls

Jeb Bush could probably still benefit from a name change: Something better suited to advanced higher ratings! Sanders is a fairly neutral name, for example(?). Christie has his chance. Rubio needs to downplay the Cuban connection--maybe to be from Bolivia instead(?). Mexico probably wouldn't work, among Republicans

For his next chance at major name for himself, Trump is likely looking more to International Tennis fame.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(International Tennis now making a name: Where Really, Really, Hyoooge Deals can be made(?)!)
The establishment doesn't like Cruz?.....That's a resume enhancement:cool-45:
I have a very strong sense-----that THIS TIME------the two parties are BOTH
having a very hard time liking their own candidates -------I am old enough to
remember the ENTHUSIASM over "FAVORITE SONS"--------there don't
seem to be no consensus on ------FAVE SONS
The DNC has their favorite, Hillary. I don't think it ia amazing that Sanders and Clinton are not BFF's
The Iowa Governor / Favorite son is campaigning against Cruz, himself! Ben Carson seems to have unrelated staff problems, again.

The governor of Iowa really wants to see Ted Cruz defeated

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Intervention everywhere, seems be now expected in GOP--reminding us of all deities in charge--and apparently fighting amongst themselves(?)!
The establishment doesn't like Cruz?.....That's a resume enhancement:cool-45:

You do realize that you've already rino'd yourself right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency--LOL

This country isn't going to elect a far right Cuban that was born in Canada. Cruz would never win the largest party today--Independents--and women would cream him over his abortion stance.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing


Donald Trump won't win either. He and his supporters have managed to chase off 17% of the population when we needed at least 46% of this block to win the White House.
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

Probably from an International viewpoint, and certainly a U. S. National viewpoint: It is worth noting that at least Republicans see their people--more or less like the Democrats see them:)?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Inspired leadership of RNC--Put them in all one place or two, and many, many times for everyone to see!)
I was a registered Republican going back to Barry Goldwater. But I watched the essential nature of that party gradually change and when Ronald Reagan, the man from General Electric, a corporatist puppet, was elected I re-registered as a Democrat. (I'm actually an Independent with Socialist leaning but there is no Independent or Socialist parties in New Jersey and I wish to vote in primaries.)

Since I re-registered I've watched the Republican Party degenerate year-by-year, culminating with the ignorant, criminal elitist, George W. Bush. That man is the reason I am neither ashamed nor regretful to say I voted for Obama -- who was not my first choice (Dennis Kucinich was).

Cruz is another outstanding example of the decline of the Republican Party. He is a smugly arrogant opportunist who would emulate George W. Bush -- except for the obvious I.Q. disparity.
good grief, Oreo. grow up
as for this about how the others in the GopE not liking him that what MAKES me like him all the more.

Go Cruz. take down the corrupted old fogie Hillary and the commie loving Bernie. the old freaking fossil
Sarah Palin finally appears to be endorsing Trump(?)! The pretty much gets the Republican down its version of "serious business," if poor ratings(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(A thing notable about the Clinton e-mail trails: No one needs to ask, "What do they know? And When did they know it?" Even the matter of "Who?!?" is available on public record!)
Sarah Palin finally appears to be endorsing Trump(?)! The pretty much gets the Republican down its version of "serious business," if poor ratings(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(A thing notable about the Clinton e-mail trails: No one needs to ask, "What do they know? And When did they know it?" Even the matter of "Who?!?" is available on public record!)
please, what do you know about ratings. . And those two Lilly white old geezers from the Corrupted old folks home (Democrat party) can't even get a rating. we are wondering if they even have a pulse. you lefties should be hanging your head in shame you talk how you're so much for the WOMAN. I hope people are paying attention to you people from that ugly party
I laff and laff. I think it's just amazingly funny that Shrillary could lose to a batshit crazy senior citizen senile Socialist like Sanders.

The liberal/progressive/Socialist Democrap Party is straining to pick the most un-electable piece of far left shit they can eject from their collective colon.
I laff and laff. I think it's just amazingly funny that Shrillary could lose to a batshit crazy senior citizen senile Socialist like Sanders.

The liberal/progressive/Socialist Democrap Party is straining to pick the most un-electable piece of far left shit they can eject from their collective colon.

that's why they needed to attack a woman Governor who won with an 80% approval rating by the people of her state. . And they have some corrupted career old lady politician (Clinton) who rode off her President hubbies coattails for her start and then was Appointed her position of SOS, and screwed that up with not ONE accomplishment under her belt for it. and then you have the career politician old geezer (ole Bernie the commie) who's has been sucking a living off us taxpayers, for I think like 50 years now. and he has NOTHING in all those years to brag about. they and their followers are pathetic
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