Trump May Close Southern Border for Coronavirus

Mexico and Canada are more important than China and should be the two countries we work with fixing issues with...

We should ‘work’ with Canada like neighbors work together...We should remove Mexico from the planet with nukes tomorrow. No nation has fucked this country and its citizens over like Mexico has...and it’s not even close.
Mexico and Canada are more important than China and should be the two countries we work with fixing issues with...

We should ‘work’ with Canada like neighbors work together...We should remove Mexico from the planet with nukes tomorrow. No nation has fucked this country and its citizens over like Mexico has...and it’s not even close.

Ummm, no!
Has the board ever united together to hoist one of it's members overboard for good? Just asking.
How many times does this make he's threatened to shut down the Southern border? How many times has he followed thru?
But his base loves the sound of an old tune..their knees jerk in rhythm to the melody!

“His base”?
Real Americans who speak the English language?
Those who are self funded and independent?
Those who refuse to beg for shit stolen from our most productive?
Those who look down at a penis or vagina and ‘identify’ themselves according to their findings?
Those prideful nationalists who love America’s value system, history, culture and traditions?
That base...or the other base...the 30 states and 2,623 counties that hired him?

The virus is here. The only thing closing the border will accomplish is protecting Mexico.
Several Chinese exhibiting symptoms have been apprehended at the border.

The Fear Virus: 3 Chinese Caught At Mexico Border With Flu, Quarantines In NY, Korean Cult Spreads COVID-19 - CD Media

From your link:

Yesterday, three Chinese men were apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border with flu-like symptoms. They were quarantined. It was determined they do not have the coronavirus (COVID-19)

They did not have the virus other than irrational fear there is no reason to shut down the U.S./Mexico border. That is assuming your link is even correct as they don'f offer any information except a tweet from a Trump wingnut who is not a reliable source.

The virus is here. The only thing closing the border will accomplish is protecting Mexico.
Several Chinese exhibiting symptoms have been apprehended at the border.

The Fear Virus: 3 Chinese Caught At Mexico Border With Flu, Quarantines In NY, Korean Cult Spreads COVID-19 - CD Media
totally BS..some guys with the flu...and idiots bite like trout..LOL!

How does it feel to be a tool?

Here..take this one and run with it! How interesting that these same stories..word for word..are being passed from one tin foil hat site to the next!

View – Whatfinger News Mag

Each announcement is made breathlessly on television and other media. What’s spreading is not only a virus, but fear. What’s troubling is that one aspect of the fear, which is unforeseen and ominous, appears to be justified: in the last week, a religious cult has been exposed at the heart of the coronavirus outbreak in Korea. Did they spread the disease knowingly?

The Shincheonji, a psuedo-Christian, South Korea-based cult, is behind the vast majority of the nearly 1,000 coronavirus infections in the country. Founded in 1984 by Lee Man-hee, Shincheonji now spans the globe, with 31 churches on six continents. The total number of adherents varies by source. Reuters claims the number is “over 200,000”.

Te most frightening figure is two-thirds. As in over 66% of the 977 diagnosed COVID-19 cases in South Korea involve a Shincheonji member. To suggest that such a frequency is happenstance beggars belief.

The virus is here. The only thing closing the border will accomplish is protecting Mexico.
Several Chinese exhibiting symptoms have been apprehended at the border.

The Fear Virus: 3 Chinese Caught At Mexico Border With Flu, Quarantines In NY, Korean Cult Spreads COVID-19 - CD Media

geez lenny - will you be linking this next?


The virus is here. The only thing closing the border will accomplish is protecting Mexico.
Several Chinese exhibiting symptoms have been apprehended at the border.

The Fear Virus: 3 Chinese Caught At Mexico Border With Flu, Quarantines In NY, Korean Cult Spreads COVID-19 - CD Media

From your link:

Yesterday, three Chinese men were apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border with flu-like symptoms. They were quarantined. It was determined they do not have the coronavirus (COVID-19)

They did not have the virus other than irrational fear there is no reason to shut down the U.S./Mexico border. That is assuming your link is even correct as they don'f offer any information except a tweet from a Trump wingnut who is not a reliable source.
Hey Dumbass....I can read.
My guess is you have a problem with spotting sarcasm.

The virus is here. The only thing closing the border will accomplish is protecting Mexico.
Several Chinese exhibiting symptoms have been apprehended at the border.

The Fear Virus: 3 Chinese Caught At Mexico Border With Flu, Quarantines In NY, Korean Cult Spreads COVID-19 - CD Media

From your link:

Yesterday, three Chinese men were apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border with flu-like symptoms. They were quarantined. It was determined they do not have the coronavirus (COVID-19)

They did not have the virus other than irrational fear there is no reason to shut down the U.S./Mexico border. That is assuming your link is even correct as they don'f offer any information except a tweet from a Trump wingnut who is not a reliable source.
Hey Dumbass....I can read.
My guess is you have a problem with spotting sarcasm.


The virus is here. The only thing closing the border will accomplish is protecting Mexico.
Several Chinese exhibiting symptoms have been apprehended at the border.

The Fear Virus: 3 Chinese Caught At Mexico Border With Flu, Quarantines In NY, Korean Cult Spreads COVID-19 - CD Media

From your link:

Yesterday, three Chinese men were apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border with flu-like symptoms. They were quarantined. It was determined they do not have the coronavirus (COVID-19)

They did not have the virus other than irrational fear there is no reason to shut down the U.S./Mexico border. That is assuming your link is even correct as they don'f offer any information except a tweet from a Trump wingnut who is not a reliable source.
Hey Dumbass....I can read.
My guess is you have a problem with spotting sarcasm.

Yeah, when it doesn't exist I have a hard time spotting sarcasm.

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