The only thing that should matter here is whether or not Trump utilized the legal methods of deductions in preparing his taxes.

Everything else is meaningless, especially the left's emotional outbursts concerning Trump's taxes.
What kind of a moron loses a billion dollars during the biggest boom in generations?
1995 was right in the middle of the largest economic expansion in any of our lifetimes.

The dotcom boom was heating up, the markets were expanding like never before, everyone was working, the deficit was shrinking on its way to becoming a surplus.

It was damn near impossible for a rich person to NOT get richer, much richer, in 1995.

But Donald Trump managed to lose nearly a billion dollars.

What a loser.
Trump wrote no laws and would be a fool to not usee them to his advantage. If you have a problem with tax laws, blaming the rich that use them is beyond stupid and misdirected. Grow the fuck up and figure out where the problem really is.

The problem is Republicans writing tax laws that benefit the rich and fuck the middle class.
Republicans get the blame for tax laws? How stupid can a guy possibly be? Why, you're nothing but a little twisted hatemonger. The rich actually pay most of the taxes collected. I think the middle class pays too much but I also think the government spends too much.
This is living proof that this guy is completely clueless and knows very little about the real world. What kind of certificate does and artist, musician, carpenter, cabinet maker, furniture maker, house painter, etc. have? Depending on your state you may not even need a license for many trades, concrete, brick laying, painting, etc.

Hate to tell you this; Every job except for degree certificate jobs are low skill.
Let's see

Someone who struggles to support his family not having to pay taxes
Someone who lives in a penthouse not having to pay taxes

Donny Freeloader

Maybe you don't understand the word. A freeloader is one who takes from people. Trump didn't take anything from anybody. People on welfare, they take from other people. Food stamp people, they take from other people. People on Obama Care, they take from other people.

Trump is taking hundreds of millions from the taxpayer while a welfare family gets a few thousand
Let's see

Someone who struggles to support his family not having to pay taxes
Someone who lives in a penthouse not having to pay taxes

Donny Freeloader

Maybe you don't understand the word. A freeloader is one who takes from people. Trump didn't take anything from anybody. People on welfare, they take from other people. Food stamp people, they take from other people. People on Obama Care, they take from other people.

Trump is taking hundreds of millions from the taxpayer while a welfare family gets a few thousand
Times that welfare family by millions, and I'll take Trump getting a little bit any day.
Let's see

Someone who struggles to support his family not having to pay taxes
Someone who lives in a penthouse not having to pay taxes

Donny Freeloader

Maybe you don't understand the word. A freeloader is one who takes from people. Trump didn't take anything from anybody. People on welfare, they take from other people. Food stamp people, they take from other people. People on Obama Care, they take from other people.

Trump is taking hundreds of millions from the taxpayer while a welfare family gets a few thousand
Times that welfare family by millions, and I'll take Trump getting a little bit any day.

Why am I not surprised?
The only thing that should matter here is whether or not Trump utilized the legal methods of deductions in preparing his taxes.

Everything else is meaningless, especially the left's emotional outbursts concerning Trump's taxes.
What matters is that we have a rigged system where a billionaire can exploit deductions, credits, and exemptions to zero out his taxes and that we taxpaying suckers have to make up the difference.

The taxpaying playing field is unlevel. THAT is what fucking matters. THAT is what I have been trying to get across to you rubes on this forum for years.

You've been suckered into thinking deductions, credits, and exemptions mean you get to keep more of your money, when it is actually the opposite. It is a massive wealth transfer system which TAKES money from you and puts it in the pockets of people like Donald Trump.
The only thing that should matter here is whether or not Trump utilized the legal methods of deductions in preparing his taxes.

Everything else is meaningless, especially the left's emotional outbursts concerning Trump's taxes.
What matters is that we have a rigged system where a billionaire can exploit deductions, credits, and exemptions to zero out his taxes and that we taxpaying suckers have to make up the difference.

The taxpaying playing field is unlevel. THAT is what fucking matters. THAT is what I have been trying to get across to you rubes on this forum for years.

You've been suckered into thinking deductions, credits, and exemptions mean you get to keep more of your money, when it is actually the opposite. It is a massive wealth transfer system which TAKES money from you and puts it in the pockets of people like Donald Trump.

What matters is that we have a rigged system where a billionaire can exploit deductions, credits, and exemptions to zero out his taxes

Writing off previous losses isn't exploiting anything.

It is a massive wealth transfer system which TAKES money from you and puts it in the pockets of people like Donald Trump.

How does that loss take my money and give it to Trump?
Walk thru the steps.
What matters is that we have a rigged system where a billionaire can exploit deductions, credits, and exemptions to zero out his taxes and that we taxpaying suckers have to make up the difference.

The taxpaying playing field is unlevel. THAT is what fucking matters. THAT is what I have been trying to get across to you rubes on this forum for years.

You've been suckered into thinking deductions, credits, and exemptions mean you get to keep more of your money, when it is actually the opposite. It is a massive wealth transfer system which TAKES money from you and puts it in the pockets of people like Donald Trump.

Who rigged the system and who allowed the deductions?
What matters is that we have a rigged system where a billionaire can exploit deductions, credits, and exemptions to zero out his taxes and that we taxpaying suckers have to make up the difference.

The taxpaying playing field is unlevel. THAT is what fucking matters. THAT is what I have been trying to get across to you rubes on this forum for years.

You've been suckered into thinking deductions, credits, and exemptions mean you get to keep more of your money, when it is actually the opposite. It is a massive wealth transfer system which TAKES money from you and puts it in the pockets of people like Donald Trump.

Who rigged the system and who allowed the deductions?
Special interests put a lot of money into the coffers of our politicians in exchange for $1.2 trillion of annual tax expenditures in the tax code.

YOU allow the deductions because we have a 98 percent re-election rate for Congressional incumbents.

YOU allow the deductions every time you whine like a welfare queen if someone threatens the mortgage interest deduction or the child tax credit or the employer-sponsored health insurance exemption or the zillion other tax expenditures you defend.

You are a sucker if you defend these deductions, credits, and exemptions because they are actually TAKING money from your pocket while you gave been brainwashed into the big lie that you are getting to keep more of your own money.

As you can see from Trump taking advantage of the tax expenditures available to the wealthy, he gets to pay less taxes. So someone else has to make up the difference. And that's YOU, sucker.

Your house cost more, and your tax rates are higher, because of the mortgage interest deduction. So while you have been led to bleev, "I am getting to keep more of my own money", the MID is actually zeroed out by the higher home price and higher tax rates you are paying.

But your higher house price is a boon for the mortgage lenders, brokers, and real estate agents who make more profit from higher prices.


In every way, shape, and form, tax expenditures are a means by which special interests tilt the playing field in their favor, while tricking the suckers into cooperating in the robbery of their own wallets.
Tax Records Obtained by The Times Reveal Trump May Have Avoided Paying Taxes for Nearly Two Decades
Donald J. Trump declared a $916 million loss on his 1995 income tax returns, a tax deduction so substantial it could have allowed him to legally avoid paying any federal income taxes for up to 18 years, records obtained by The New York Times show.

The 1995 tax records, never before disclosed, reveal the extraordinary tax benefits that Mr. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, derived from the financial wreckage he left behind in the early 1990s through mismanagement of three Atlantic City casinos, his ill-fated foray into the airline business and his ill-timed purchase of the Plaza Hotel in Manhattan.
Goddamn, that means he didn't pay all those police, our military, our veterans or the infrastructure that his goods moves across. This man is a crook.

"May have" ....LOL.
The Left thinks we can solve the unlevel playing field by taxing the rich more.

Nope. That's like making the guy who lives in a house bigger than you give up his car because you got robbed last night.

That does not stop the thieves. At all.

You have to stop the thieves. And right now, the thieves have police protection.

The solution is to level the playing field. Take away all those legal devices which give the special interests the upper hand.

Ban tax expenditures.

Doing so would have a doubleplus bonus. If a politician is not allowed to put a tax break in the tax code for his donors, then you have removed the incentive for those donors. PRESTO! Instant campaign finance reform.

This is how we decentralize. This is how we remove incentives for corruption. The more you centralize power, the easier you make it to capture power.

Every time you give the federal government more control, the happier you make the special interests.

The Left is going about this all wrong.
Either way it does not look good for Trump

He is running as such a great businessman who managed to lose close to a billion dollars in one year

He has not paid taxes in decades making him one of the 47%...a serial moocher
You don't know if he lost a billion in a year. Although, with our crazy economy, it could be right. The serial moochers are those who get welfare checks, apartment subsidies and other welfare appropriations from the government and never pay a dime in taxes!

Trump is worse than all the welfare mooches combined

They may scam the taxpayer for $20,000 while Trump scams the taxpayer for a billion dollars

Conservatives have been pushing for simpler tax plans for decades. Where have you been?

If Trump plays by the rules, YOUR RULES, then what ground for complaint do you have?

Simpler plans that drastically reduce the tax burden of the wealthy while increasing taxes on the working poor

Show one that doesn't

Trump plays by the rules?
So do the working poor who don't pay taxes

Guess which group Republicans bitch about?

This whole thread is about Trump supposedly paying ZERO. How could a simpler plan reduce that?

Seems to me that fewer deductions would result in him, and other rich guys, thus paying MORE.

Everyone and every time some one discusses simpler plans, those that abuse the system to avoid paying their fair share, regardless of socio-economic status are almost always the primary point.
Special interests put a lot of money into the coffers of our politicians in exchange for $1.2 trillion of annual tax expenditures in the tax code.

Are you talking about banks, businesses, or unions?

YOU allow the deductions because we have a 98 percent re-election rate for Congressional incumbents.

Nope, I live in Michigan where Democrats had most of control since 60's. I did not vote for them, your side did.

YOU allow the deductions every time you whine like a welfare queen if someone threatens the mortgage interest deduction or the child tax credit or the employer-sponsored health insurance exemption or the zillion other tax expenditures you defend.

I don't allow deductions, and if you follow my posts since I became member here, I am against all deductions, including standard deductions. As of my deductions, I'm going to keep writing off every single one, as long they are legally available to me.

You are a sucker if you defend these deductions, credits, and exemptions because they are actually TAKING money from your pocket while you gave been brainwashed into the big lie that you are getting to keep more of your own money.
Find one post where I defend existence of any deduction. You wont find it. However, as long they're in effect, I am going to use them.

As you can see from Trump taking advantage of the tax expenditures available to the wealthy, he gets to pay less taxes. So someone else has to make up the difference. And that's YOU, sucker.
Using current tax code in own favor doesn't means automatic tax avoidance. No, nobody is making up the difference for the money that was never paid to the system.

Your house cost more, and your tax rates are higher, because of the mortgage interest deduction. So while you have been led to bleev, "I am getting to keep more of my own money", the MID is actually zeroed out by the higher home price and higher tax rates you are paying.
Not necessarily. I build my own house and I save a lot of money that way, so I am actually ahead from the start. Yes, I do pay tax based on home value, but I paid for the home much less than is worth to begin with.

But your higher house price is a boon for the mortgage lenders, brokers, and real estate agents who make more profit from higher prices.
You're implying that everyone made the same mistake as you do. I explained above, how I saved money, not my problem if others do different.


In every way, shape, and form, tax expenditures are a means by which special interests tilt the playing field in their favor, while tricking the suckers into cooperating in the robbery of their own wallets.
I guess in your eyes I am one of those special interest tilt who isn't paying enough. Well, I'll exploit every tax break, every tax deduction, every loophole as long is there. For one simple reason... I don't like where government is spending my tax money.
Special interests put a lot of money into the coffers of our politicians in exchange for $1.2 trillion of annual tax expenditures in the tax code.

Are you talking about banks, businesses, or unions?


YOU allow the deductions because we have a 98 percent re-election rate for Congressional incumbents.

Nope, I live in Michigan where Democrats had most of control since 60's. I did not vote for them, your side did.

Your state has a Republican House, a Republican Senate, and a Republican governor. Try again.

And I am an old school Republican conservative. My rant against tax expenditures should have been a HUGE FUCKING CLUE.

YOU allow the deductions every time you whine like a welfare queen if someone threatens the mortgage interest deduction or the child tax credit or the employer-sponsored health insurance exemption or the zillion other tax expenditures you defend.

I don't allow deductions, and if you follow my posts since I became member here, I am against all deductions, including standard deductions. As of my deductions, I'm going to keep writing off every single one, as long they are legally available to me.

Surprise! We are on the same side then.

But you will find that the vast majority of pseudocons who think they are right wingers are violently opposed to ending their deductions, credits and exemptions. They steadfastly refuse to see these as government gifts which come at the expense of other people's wallets.

If you understand where I am coming from, a whole shitload of my posts on this forum will suddenly begin to make sense. Unfortunately, quite a few retarded pseudocons are mentally blocked by their preconceived notions and their massive ignorance.
Your state has a Republican House, a Republican Senate, and a Republican governor. Try again.

True, my state is almost all red today. Just tell me since when? How about reason why?

Surprise! We are on the same side then.

But you will find that the vast majority of pseudocons who think they are right wingers are violently opposed to ending their deductions, credits and exemptions. They steadfastly refuse to see these as government gifts which come at the expense of other people's wallets.

I am not.

Every deduction is putting someone ahead of someone else. End them all.
Begin with standard deductions.
Your state has a Republican House, a Republican Senate, and a Republican governor. Try again.

True, my state is almost all red today. Just tell me since when? How about reason why?

Why are you bringing up your state when I am talking about FEDERAL tax expenditures?

FEDERAL tax expenditures add up to $1.2 trillion in annual government gifts. I have no idea how much Michigan's annual tax expenditures are.

Surprise! We are on the same side then.

But you will find that the vast majority of pseudocons who think they are right wingers are violently opposed to ending their deductions, credits and exemptions. They steadfastly refuse to see these as government gifts which come at the expense of other people's wallets.

I am not.

Every deduction is putting someone ahead of someone else. End them all.
Begin with standard deductions.

I'm with you all the way. I am all for eliminating all tax expenditures, with the single possible exception of the EIC. That is the only one which has a proven record of increasing production.

The rest are all boondoggles aimed at making the playing field EXTREMELY tilted.

To me, all this shit about the Fair Tax or a Flat Tax is just so much smoke if we don't start with a plan to eliminate exemptions, deductions, and credits first. The Fair Tax and the Flat Tax are just as vulnerable to these corruptions as the current system.

I much prefer a tax on consumption (Fair Tax) to a tax on production (Income/Flat Tax), but we need to stop this tax expenditure organized criminal enterprise first.

Three of our candidates all proposed a "post card tax return" this election cycle. But they were all dishonest in their messaging.

The only way you can have a post card tax return is by eliminating almost all tax deductions. But none of them presented it that way, and Ted Cruz flat out lied that it would mean we could abolish the IRS.

If these fuckers would start telling the TRUTH, we could kick some ass and revive the conservative movement.

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