Trump "Meltdown": Rages at Speaker Pelosi to her face over Turkey crisis

Poor little Nancy and Chucky boy can hand it out but when it comes back their way they cry like little kids. Too bad for there is a President that will fight back.
You watch her on TV and can’t see through her bullshit? What not dishonest about her, and what is credible? I’ll provide proof, on Election Day when I vote R.

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Republicans are on the committees, as you said. But they are not being allowed to cross-examine witnesses, subpoena their own witnesses, or otherwise question the proceedings. The entire shitshow is pretty much being conducted in secret, with only what the Democrats want being leaked to the sympathetic press.

Can you say "Kangaroo Court"?
It's not a trial. That comes later, in the Senate.

You guys and girls had better get busy if you're planning on taking control of the Senate in 2020.

Probably not happening. The cheating districts won't be re drawn by then.

So Senator's represent "Districts" you really ARE as stupid as you look.
Not what was meant. When the districts are redrawn, the cheating states will have actual representative state legislatures, and the voting suppression measures will be thrown out.

Wow, you're really unprepared for this, arent you? Yes, the States are going to look very different, when some of the republican cheating is rolled back.


"You guys and girls had better get busy if you're planning on taking control of the Senate in 2020."

"Probably not happening. The cheating districts won't be re drawn by then"

You're out of your league boy.
GOOD she is a dishonest bitch...

What is "dishonest" about her? Please provide "credible" proof.
Holding impeachment behind closed doors and leaking tid bits that make Trump look bad...she is spending our tax dollars on a political inquiry....she should be using DNC dollars...
if you want me to go into her son's sweetheart business deals like Joe's son i will oblige....
Impeachment isn't happening yet. You know are just being dishonest. It's part and parcel of being a trumpanzee and part of the orange god cult.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Wednesday that President Donald Trump berated House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) during a meeting on the president’s handling of the Turkey crisis.

Schumer told reporters that Trump “was insulting to the speaker” at the meeting and that he called Pelosi a “third-rate politician.” The senator also said the meeting was more of a “diatribe” than a “dialogue.”

The meeting came after what Pelosi said was “a very difficult time for” Trump, referencing the House’s nonbinding resolution that opposes the president’s withdrawal of U.S. troops from northern Syria.

Democrats and Republicans overwhelmingly condemned Trump’s decision to effectively greenlight Turkey’s invasion of the region, a move that put America’s Kurdish allies in danger and would likely lead to a resurgence of ISIS.

More: Chuck Schumer: Trump 'Was Insulting' To Nancy Pelosi In Turkey Discussions

Democrats storm out. I don't blame them!
Ah, yes that liberal terminology again. Republicans always have a melt down, while Nancy the moron Pelosi, is so angelic.

If Trump had press in the room - he couldn't spin his lies.

Shortly after Pelosi was seen entering her office


Nah, Pelosi kept her cool. She's under Trump's skin and in his head. And she knows it.

Which is why she just laughed.

And laughed.

And laughed some more.
She stormed out of the oval office...

They cut the camera off on the FOX feed. She was asked point blank if Don called her a communist. She could not give a straight answer. She sounds like Jimmy Stewart, the way she stutters. That’s her tell when she is lying.

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Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Wednesday that President Donald Trump berated House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) during a meeting on the president’s handling of the Turkey crisis.

Schumer told reporters that Trump “was insulting to the speaker” at the meeting and that he called Pelosi a “third-rate politician.” The senator also said the meeting was more of a “diatribe” than a “dialogue.”

The meeting came after what Pelosi said was “a very difficult time for” Trump, referencing the House’s nonbinding resolution that opposes the president’s withdrawal of U.S. troops from northern Syria.

Democrats and Republicans overwhelmingly condemned Trump’s decision to effectively greenlight Turkey’s invasion of the region, a move that put America’s Kurdish allies in danger and would likely lead to a resurgence of ISIS.

More: Chuck Schumer: Trump 'Was Insulting' To Nancy Pelosi In Turkey Discussions

Democrats storm out. I don't blame them!

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Wednesday that President Donald Trump berated House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) during a meeting on the president’s handling of the Turkey crisis.

Schumer told reporters that Trump “was insulting to the speaker” at the meeting and that he called Pelosi a “third-rate politician.” The senator also said the meeting was more of a “diatribe” than a “dialogue.”

The meeting came after what Pelosi said was “a very difficult time for” Trump, referencing the House’s nonbinding resolution that opposes the president’s withdrawal of U.S. troops from northern Syria.

Democrats and Republicans overwhelmingly condemned Trump’s decision to effectively greenlight Turkey’s invasion of the region, a move that put America’s Kurdish allies in danger and would likely lead to a resurgence of ISIS.

More: Chuck Schumer: Trump 'Was Insulting' To Nancy Pelosi In Turkey Discussions

Democrats storm out. I don't blame them!

Go ahead and campaign on sending our soldiers to die in a religious war. I dare you, go for it.

Trump campaigned on getting us out of these endless wars over which form of Islam is correct and Americans are sick of it.

That is what five year olds do....He has destined the Kurds and their families...including death at the HANDS of the Turks...the Incompetent Bastard....

The bipartisan vote in the condemning the incompetence of trump's decision probably gave him a fear that the GOP has finally realized he is a danger to the World.

The blood is flooding in Syria due to an impulsive asshole in the White House...named trump
liberal Bush and Obama condemned US troops to their deaths. Yet no politician's child has died over there "yet".
Shortly after Pelosi was seen entering her office


Nah, Pelosi kept her cool. She's under Trump's skin and in his head. And she knows it.

Which is why she just laughed.

And laughed.

And laughed some more.
My understanding is Trump told her to STFU in a special way and she stormed out.....because she thinks she should be president....and will be if she could just get rid of Trump and Pence in a hurry.

Trump meltdown down, going into a desperately, rambling diatribe.

And Pelosi put the child on time out.

Pelosi has lived, rent free, in Trump's head ever since she handed him his ass in spectacular fashion over his government shut down blunder. Which is why as Trump blustered and yelled and tantrumed....

Nancy just laughed.

No moron. It was Chuckles the clown Schumer and Piglosi who were throwing a tantrum for the cameras. Funny how nobody else left. Nancy the Drunk got put in her place and threw a hissy fit and stormed out. Your fantasies aren’t even near reality.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Wednesday that President Donald Trump berated House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) during a meeting on the president’s handling of the Turkey crisis.

Schumer told reporters that Trump “was insulting to the speaker” at the meeting and that he called Pelosi a “third-rate politician.” The senator also said the meeting was more of a “diatribe” than a “dialogue.”

The meeting came after what Pelosi said was “a very difficult time for” Trump, referencing the House’s nonbinding resolution that opposes the president’s withdrawal of U.S. troops from northern Syria.

Democrats and Republicans overwhelmingly condemned Trump’s decision to effectively greenlight Turkey’s invasion of the region, a move that put America’s Kurdish allies in danger and would likely lead to a resurgence of ISIS.

More: Chuck Schumer: Trump 'Was Insulting' To Nancy Pelosi In Turkey Discussions

Democrats storm out. I don't blame them!
poor babies -We got yelled at ! Whaaaaah

Pelosi has his punk ass by the balls.

The vote on the House resolution rebuking Trump was 354 to 60 with three Republicans and independent Rep. Justin Amash (Mich.) voting present.

First she punked him on the floor of the House, and then punked him again to his face in his own office.
It has been widely reported that approximately 10,000 Kurds have died while fighting and defeating ISIS - so why does Trump try to take the credit? Trump rewards the Kurds with genocide.

How many American men and women should have their arms and legs blown off protecting the Kurds pick a number.
Well, trumpanzees are too busy gearing up for their fantasy civil war.
Trump is clearly feeling the heat from his Kurd betrayal.
my my lookie at the warmongering liberal folks
We should be celebrating that a prez wants to get us out of the ME.
No president so far has gotten the policy right...except one, Donald J Trump.

You mean like a thousand U.S. troops who were preventing genocide of our Kurdish ally and preventing a resurgence of ISIS? Really...? BTW, those troops were acting mostly in an advisory capacity to the Kurds who were doing all the fighting - and dying.
The Kurds are a mix over the place. We need to bring our boys home. We can send a drone over there if needed. You know to save our troops?
They aren't going home, they're going to Saudi Arabia...trump makes more money that way.
GOOD she is a dishonest bitch...

What is "dishonest" about her? Please provide "credible" proof.

You watch her on TV and can’t see through her bullshit? What not dishonest about her, and what is credible? I’ll provide proof, on Election Day when I vote R.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Holding impeachment behind closed doors and leaking tid bits that make Trump look bad...she is spending our tax dollars on a political inquiry....she should be using DNC dollars...
if you want me to go into her son's sweetheart business deals like Joe's son i will oblige....
Republicans are on this committees as well.

Republicans are on the committees, as you said. But they are not being allowed to cross-examine witnesses, subpoena their own witnesses, or otherwise question the proceedings. The entire shitshow is pretty much being conducted in secret, with only what the Democrats want being leaked to the sympathetic press.

Can you say "Kangaroo Court"?
It's not a trial. That comes later, in the Senate.

You guys and girls had better get busy if you're planning on taking control of the Senate in 2020.

Probably not happening. The cheating districts won't be re drawn by then.

"Cheating"? You guys and girls have perfected that to an art form. Why else would you be against voter ID, for open borders, for giving illegals driver's licenses, and for reinstating felon's right to vote?

A little gerrymandering is like stealing a pack of gum, compared to the shit you people try to get away with.
Shortly after Pelosi was seen entering her office


Nah, Pelosi kept her cool. She's under Trump's skin and in his head. And she knows it.

Which is why she just laughed.

And laughed.

And laughed some more.
My understanding is Trump told her to STFU in a special way and she stormed out.....because she thinks she should be president....and will be if she could just get rid of Trump and Pence in a hurry.

Trump meltdown down, going into a desperately, rambling diatribe.

And Pelosi put the child on time out.

Pelosi has lived, rent free, in Trump's head ever since she handed him his ass in spectacular fashion over his government shut down blunder. Which is why as Trump blustered and yelled and tantrumed....

Nancy just laughed.

No moron. It was Chuckles the clown Schumer and Piglosi who were throwing a tantrum for the cameras. Funny how nobody else left. Nancy the Drunk got put in her place and threw a hissy fit and stormed out. Your fantasies aren’t even near reality. 'smiling like its funny' and 'being unable to contain her glee' is having a meltdown?

Nancy laughed her ass off at Trump's little meltdown. As I said....she's under his skin and in his head. And she knows it.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Wednesday that President Donald Trump berated House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) during a meeting on the president’s handling of the Turkey crisis.

Schumer told reporters that Trump “was insulting to the speaker” at the meeting and that he called Pelosi a “third-rate politician.” The senator also said the meeting was more of a “diatribe” than a “dialogue.”

The meeting came after what Pelosi said was “a very difficult time for” Trump, referencing the House’s nonbinding resolution that opposes the president’s withdrawal of U.S. troops from northern Syria.

Democrats and Republicans overwhelmingly condemned Trump’s decision to effectively greenlight Turkey’s invasion of the region, a move that put America’s Kurdish allies in danger and would likely lead to a resurgence of ISIS.

More: Chuck Schumer: Trump 'Was Insulting' To Nancy Pelosi In Turkey Discussions

Democrats storm out. I don't blame them!
poor babies -We got yelled at ! Whaaaaah

Pelosi has his punk ass by the balls.

The vote on the House resolution rebuking Trump was 354 to 60 with three Republicans and independent Rep. Justin Amash (Mich.) voting present.

First she punked him on the floor of the House, and then punked him again to his face in his own office.

Of course she does.....go for it. She is a bitch and clown, much like yourself.
I see Trump. But not the 3rd rate DemonRATS!


They call him a traitor,. Putin's puppet, and far worse and THEY GET OUTRAGE???....ROTFLMFAO!!!
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Wednesday that President Donald Trump berated House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) during a meeting on the president’s handling of the Turkey crisis.

Schumer told reporters that Trump “was insulting to the speaker” at the meeting and that he called Pelosi a “third-rate politician.” The senator also said the meeting was more of a “diatribe” than a “dialogue.”

The meeting came after what Pelosi said was “a very difficult time for” Trump, referencing the House’s nonbinding resolution that opposes the president’s withdrawal of U.S. troops from northern Syria.

Democrats and Republicans overwhelmingly condemned Trump’s decision to effectively greenlight Turkey’s invasion of the region, a move that put America’s Kurdish allies in danger and would likely lead to a resurgence of ISIS.

More: Chuck Schumer: Trump 'Was Insulting' To Nancy Pelosi In Turkey Discussions

Democrats storm out. I don't blame them!
Ah, yes that liberal terminology again. Republicans always have a melt down, while Nancy the moron Pelosi, is so angelic.

If Trump had press in the room - he couldn't spin his lies.

He can't have the press see a woman owning him.

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