Trump must ruthlessly put down Progressive coup

Yes, both sides have done poorly since Reagan was in power. Saint Ronnie probably did the most damage with his revisions to the tax code which set the whole transfer of wealth in motion, because it also caused wages to stagnate.

It makes no sense to vote Republican. They're the worst when it comes to stupid shit which ends up screwing over the non-wealthy. I understand their Obamacare Replacement Plan gives a flat tax credit to taxpayers to purchase health insurance, so again, the poor will have no coverage because they can't afford to make up the cost difference between the tax credit and the insurance costs, and the rich who were paying full freight for their health insurance, will now get a big tax break. The middle class is screwed again.
You're a goddamn liar. Reagan ushered in a historic growth period. I'm not going to let you rewrite history to suit yourself, outside of our borders at that.

Over regulation is killing us. Taxes are killing us. Overspending is killing us. Run your own country into the dirt, asshole!
Pop quiz: Name the candidates that the CPUSA endorsed in 2008, '12, and '16?

Dems are so Communist that CPUSA doesn't even have to run their own candidate
The CPUSA has basically disbanded and is nothing but a website. Of course they prefer the Dems to the lying, fake news, cheating, pander to the rich, screw the workers New BS GOP, dupe.

That's a lie.

"Communist Party USA Chairman Vows Cooperation With Democratic Party The chairman of the National Committee of the Communist Party USA has penned a 2,023-word manifesto making the critical point that American Communists are eager to work with the Democratic Party to advance the modern communist agenda and achieve communist goals.

Communist Party chairman John Bachtell published his essay last week at People’s World, a “daily news website of, for and by the 99% and the direct descendant of the Daily Worker.” Communist Party USA Work With Democrats The Daily Caller

It really doesn't matter what the Communist Party puts on its website. I don't see the Democratic Party rushing out to embrace them, or thanking them for their support.

The KKK and the American Nazi Party both endorsed Trump and the Republicans. Does this mean that their goals and agenda are that of Republicans, or is this somehow "different" in your eyes.
David Duke said he agrees with Trump's agenda.

This David Duke???

David Duke....the Democrat????

State Senator, 1975 (Baton Rouge Area)[edit]
Threshold > 50%

First Ballot, November 1, 1975

Louisiana State Senate, 1975
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Kenneth Osterberger 22,287 66
Democratic David Duke 11,079 33
N/A Others 1
Total 100
State Senator, 10th District, 1979 (Suburban New Orleans)[edit]
Threshold > 50% First Ballot, October 27, 1979

Louisiana State Senate, 10th District, 1979
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Joseph Tiemann 21,329 57
Democratic David Duke 9,897 26
N/A Others 6,459 17
Total 37,685 100
Democratic Nomination for United States Presidential Candidate, 1988 (Louisiana results)[edit]
Threshold = Plurality

1988 Democratic Presidential primary in Louisiana
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Jesse Jackson 221,522 35
Democratic Al Gore 174,971 28
Democratic Michael Dukakis 95,661 15
Democratic Dick Gephardt 67,029 11
Democratic Gary Hart 26,437 4
Democratic David Duke 23,391 4
Democratic Others 16,008 3
Total 625,019 100
Electoral history of David Duke - Wikipedia
Dems are so Communist that CPUSA doesn't even have to run their own candidate
The CPUSA has basically disbanded and is nothing but a website. Of course they prefer the Dems to the lying, fake news, cheating, pander to the rich, screw the workers New BS GOP, dupe.

That's a lie.

"Communist Party USA Chairman Vows Cooperation With Democratic Party The chairman of the National Committee of the Communist Party USA has penned a 2,023-word manifesto making the critical point that American Communists are eager to work with the Democratic Party to advance the modern communist agenda and achieve communist goals.

Communist Party chairman John Bachtell published his essay last week at People’s World, a “daily news website of, for and by the 99% and the direct descendant of the Daily Worker.” Communist Party USA Work With Democrats The Daily Caller

It really doesn't matter what the Communist Party puts on its website. I don't see the Democratic Party rushing out to embrace them, or thanking them for their support.

The KKK and the American Nazi Party both endorsed Trump and the Republicans. Does this mean that their goals and agenda are that of Republicans, or is this somehow "different" in your eyes.

You CANNOT be as stupid as you appear!!!

The Democrats have exactly the same aims as the Communist Party.

Check out these dozen aims of Liberals/Progressives/Democrats today...

1. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.(Obama: "I'll be more flexible after the election...")
2. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.
3. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

4. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.
5. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
6. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

7. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
8. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."
9. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

10. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."
11. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
12. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

These were the goals of the communist party, as read on the floor of Congress January 10, 1963.

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

Still doubt you've been taught to believe exactly what the CPUSA espoused???
Exactly the sort of thinking advanced by Lenin and Marx.

Your post is so full of false information and flat out lies, there is no point of addressing it. I know it's one of your favourite talking points, but it has no basis in reality.

Repeating endless lies doesn't make them true. Liberals don't want centralized control of culture or industry. They are not undermining the family, rather seeking to strengthen it.

As always, you come up with alt-right descriptions of liberals which are easy for you to vilify, because the truth exposes the idiocy of your claims.

1. "....there is no point of addressing it."

I certainly, an imbecile, would be less than equipped to discuss anything other than Lifetime TV, or fav BonBons.

2. Any with a modicum of intelligence will read the list I provided and see 'Democrat' written all over them.

3. There is no such thing as 'alt-right' is a term created by your folks to give the less intelligent some sort of bumper sticker to focus hatred on.

And....there is no Far Right in this country either.
Remember when Nikita Krushchev said that one day Russia would take over the United States without firing a shot? Well it's happened.

Pop quiz: Name the candidates that the CPUSA endorsed in 2008, '12, and '16?

Dems are so Communist that CPUSA doesn't even have to run their own candidate
The CPUSA has basically disbanded and is nothing but a website. Of course they prefer the Dems to the lying, fake news, cheating, pander to the rich, screw the workers New BS GOP, dupe.

That's a lie.

"Communist Party USA Chairman Vows Cooperation With Democratic Party The chairman of the National Committee of the Communist Party USA has penned a 2,023-word manifesto making the critical point that American Communists are eager to work with the Democratic Party to advance the modern communist agenda and achieve communist goals.

Communist Party chairman John Bachtell published his essay last week at People’s World, a “daily news website of, for and by the 99% and the direct descendant of the Daily Worker.” Communist Party USA Work With Democrats The Daily Caller
They wish, superdupe. lol.

Not much of a denial, huh.

David Duke said he agrees with Trump's agenda.
Did David Duke say that the KKK "has a friend in the White House now"? Because that's what the Communist Party U.S.A. said about Obama. Oops....
Nobody cares what the obsolete CPUSA joke says except RW brainwashed ignoramuses. There are basically no communists left, but plenty of RW racists and bigots.

No need for CPUSA when you have the Democrat Party.
David Duke said he agrees with Trump's agenda.
Did David Duke say that the KKK "has a friend in the White House now"? Because that's what the Communist Party U.S.A. said about Obama. Oops....
Nobody cares what the obsolete CPUSA joke says except RW brainwashed ignoramuses. There are basically no communists left, but plenty of RW racists and bigots.
. Oh so communism has simply vanished since Trump took office ? OK then.
Since the USSR went...

"Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real."
Dennis Prager

You can run, but you can't hide.
David Duke said he agrees with Trump's agenda.
Did David Duke say that the KKK "has a friend in the White House now"? Because that's what the Communist Party U.S.A. said about Obama. Oops....
Nobody cares what the obsolete CPUSA joke says except RW brainwashed ignoramuses. There are basically no communists left, but plenty of RW racists and bigots.
. Oh so communism has simply vanished since Trump took office ? OK then.
Since the USSR went...
David Duke said he agrees with Trump's agenda.
Did David Duke say that the KKK "has a friend in the White House now"? Because that's what the Communist Party U.S.A. said about Obama. Oops....
Nobody cares what the obsolete CPUSA joke says except RW brainwashed ignoramuses. There are basically no communists left, but plenty of RW racists and bigots.
. Oh so communism has simply vanished since Trump took office ? OK then.
Since the USSR went...
Otherwise communism broke containment, and has been loosed on the world just like Islam, Nazism and the like ?

Thanks to Franklin Roosevelt.
Since the USSR went...
Oh man...clearly we are dealing with a 5th grader here. Communism = U.S.S.R.

What a freaking ignoramus simpleton...
All the financing the CPUSA got disappeared, stupid, and their hopes or delusions. DUH, dupe.

But they're Communists and they endorsed the Democrat candidate. Without using the words "pubbe dupe" tell us why Communists endorse Democrats
Because the the New BS GOP is a lying, cheating, pander to the mega rich and giant corporations, bigoted, racist, isolationist, ugly American disgrace? lol. And there really aren't any US communists of any substance any more. They are like the New Black Panthers lol.
Yes, both sides have done poorly since Reagan was in power. Saint Ronnie probably did the most damage with his revisions to the tax code which set the whole transfer of wealth in motion, because it also caused wages to stagnate.

It makes no sense to vote Republican. They're the worst when it comes to stupid shit which ends up screwing over the non-wealthy. I understand their Obamacare Replacement Plan gives a flat tax credit to taxpayers to purchase health insurance, so again, the poor will have no coverage because they can't afford to make up the cost difference between the tax credit and the insurance costs, and the rich who were paying full freight for their health insurance, will now get a big tax break. The middle class is screwed again.
You're a goddamn liar. Reagan ushered in a historic growth period. I'm not going to let you rewrite history to suit yourself, outside of our borders at that.

Over regulation is killing us. Taxes are killing us. Overspending is killing us. Run your own country into the dirt, asshole!
S+L corrupt bubble/recession, tripled the debt, set in motion the ruin of the nonrich and the country, all to save the mega rich and the giant corps from paying their fair share. Great job! Reaganism rolls on, defended to the death by the bought off New BS GOP.
No need for CPUSA when you have the Democrat Party.
So tragic. So true. That's exactly why the CPUSA doesn't run their own candidate.
No financial support since the fall of the had been a sham for years, mainly FBI agents lol.
Yes, both sides have done poorly since Reagan was in power. Saint Ronnie probably did the most damage with his revisions to the tax code which set the whole transfer of wealth in motion, because it also caused wages to stagnate.

It makes no sense to vote Republican. They're the worst when it comes to stupid shit which ends up screwing over the non-wealthy. I understand their Obamacare Replacement Plan gives a flat tax credit to taxpayers to purchase health insurance, so again, the poor will have no coverage because they can't afford to make up the cost difference between the tax credit and the insurance costs, and the rich who were paying full freight for their health insurance, will now get a big tax break. The middle class is screwed again.
You're a goddamn liar. Reagan ushered in a historic growth period. I'm not going to let you rewrite history to suit yourself, outside of our borders at that.

Over regulation is killing us. Taxes are killing us. Overspending is killing us. Run your own country into the dirt, asshole!
Taxes certainly aren't killing the megarich or giant corps, dupe. That and lack of investment in the nonrich and the country are killing the country, dupe.
Yes, both sides have done poorly since Reagan was in power. Saint Ronnie probably did the most damage with his revisions to the tax code which set the whole transfer of wealth in motion, because it also caused wages to stagnate.

It makes no sense to vote Republican. They're the worst when it comes to stupid shit which ends up screwing over the non-wealthy. I understand their Obamacare Replacement Plan gives a flat tax credit to taxpayers to purchase health insurance, so again, the poor will have no coverage because they can't afford to make up the cost difference between the tax credit and the insurance costs, and the rich who were paying full freight for their health insurance, will now get a big tax break. The middle class is screwed again.
You're a goddamn liar. Reagan ushered in a historic growth period. I'm not going to let you rewrite history to suit yourself, outside of our borders at that.

Over regulation is killing us. Taxes are killing us. Overspending is killing us. Run your own country into the dirt, asshole!

My country is humming along smoothly. We just signed a new free trade deal with the European Union, we're taking in hundreds of frightened American refugees walking through the snow from New England into Quebec, and into Manitoba. This is unprecedented in our history.

And we have the fastest growing middle class in the world.
My country is humming along smoothly. We just signed a new free trade deal with the European Union, we're taking in hundreds of frightened American refugees walking through the snow from New England into Quebec, and into Manitoba. This is unprecedented in our history.

And we have the fastest growing middle class in the world.
We've got new trade deals coming along too. And you can have all the refugees as far as I'm concerned.
My country is humming along smoothly.
If that were true - you wouldn't feel the need to come to a US website and interject your opinion - of which literally nobody here cares about. We're America - we could give a shit what the people of any other nation thinks (because if they could think at all, their nation wouldn't be so inferior to ours)
My country is humming along smoothly. We just signed a new free trade deal with the European Union, we're taking in hundreds of frightened American refugees walking through the snow from New England into Quebec, and into Manitoba. This is unprecedented in our history.

And we have the fastest growing middle class in the world.
We've got new trade deals coming along too. And you can have all the refugees as far as I'm concerned.

No you don't. You haven't even begun negotiating these deals because Trump doesn't have a team in place. You have to hire the negotiators before you begin negotiations. Has Trump even had his Commerce Secretary confirmed yet.

Trump has pulled out of the TPP, and threatened to re-negotiate NAFTA, but he promised Trudeau he wasn't going after Canada (not that his word means anything), and the Mexican President cancelled their meeting, so where are these supposed negotiations taking place?

While Trump was attacking the US Media, Trudeau was addressing the European Parliament and signing the new Trade Agreement with the EU.
My country is humming along smoothly. We just signed a new free trade deal with the European Union, we're taking in hundreds of frightened American refugees walking through the snow from New England into Quebec, and into Manitoba. This is unprecedented in our history.

And we have the fastest growing middle class in the world.
Yeah....just "humming along". Right into collapse.

Canada Won't Ride Out Another Financial Crisis Like Last Time: HSBC

With GDP down, is Canada heading toward a financial crisis?
Yes, both sides have done poorly since Reagan was in power. Saint Ronnie probably did the most damage with his revisions to the tax code which set the whole transfer of wealth in motion, because it also caused wages to stagnate.

It makes no sense to vote Republican. They're the worst when it comes to stupid shit which ends up screwing over the non-wealthy. I understand their Obamacare Replacement Plan gives a flat tax credit to taxpayers to purchase health insurance, so again, the poor will have no coverage because they can't afford to make up the cost difference between the tax credit and the insurance costs, and the rich who were paying full freight for their health insurance, will now get a big tax break. The middle class is screwed again.
You're a goddamn liar. Reagan ushered in a historic growth period. I'm not going to let you rewrite history to suit yourself, outside of our borders at that.

Over regulation is killing us. Taxes are killing us. Overspending is killing us. Run your own country into the dirt, asshole!
Taxes certainly aren't killing the megarich or giant corps, dupe. That and lack of investment in the nonrich and the country are killing the country, dupe.
You may want to consider learning a new word.
My country is humming along smoothly. We just signed a new free trade deal with the European Union, we're taking in hundreds of frightened American refugees walking through the snow from New England into Quebec, and into Manitoba. This is unprecedented in our history.

And we have the fastest growing middle class in the world.
We've got new trade deals coming along too. And you can have all the refugees as far as I'm concerned.
I only hope that a family member or friend jumps onto her USMB account to tell us about how she was stoned to death by Syrian muslims for being a "whore" because other muslims brutally raped her and in the eyes of muslims - that makes her tainted and a "whore". I wonder how much she'll love all of those refugees and illegal aliens then?

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