Trump must ruthlessly put down Progressive coup

They don't have enough money to run a candidate. And who in their right mind would vote for that failed ideology? and every single one of your left-wing hatriots here on USMB support that failed ideology 24x7. It's funny - you mindless minions are so dimwitted that you literally have no idea what you support.
Hilarious coming from a fake news/greedy idiot megarich GOP superdupe. NOBODY'S FOR THE STATE OWNING THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION, A-HOLE.
The American Nazi Party endorsed Trump. As did the KKK. They didn't even run their own candidates...
What does that tell you about how badly Barack Obama failed and how unelectable Hitlery Clinton was? They pushed even the most ardent left to the right.
The amount of fake news about failed Obama and corrupt Hillary from Putin and Comey and the last 25 years WAS amazing....and the biggest disgrace of the last 60 years that I know of....all for the greedy idiot GOP RICH, DUPE.
They don't have enough money to run a candidate. And who in their right mind would vote for that failed ideology? and every single one of your left-wing hatriots here on USMB support that failed ideology 24x7. It's funny - you mindless minions are so dimwitted that you literally have no idea what you support.
Hilarious coming from a fake news/greedy idiot megarich GOP superdupe. NOBODY'S FOR THE STATE OWNING THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION, A-HOLE.
What? That's exactly what you've advocated that around the clock here on USMB. I rest my case - you mindless minions are so dimwitted that you literally have no idea what you support.
They don't have enough money to run a candidate. And who in their right mind would vote for that failed ideology? and every single one of your left-wing hatriots here on USMB support that failed ideology 24x7. It's funny - you mindless minions are so dimwitted that you literally have no idea what you support.
Hilarious coming from a fake news/greedy idiot megarich GOP superdupe. NOBODY'S FOR THE STATE OWNING THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION, A-HOLE.
What? That's exactly what you've advocated that around the clock here on USMB. I rest my case - you mindless minions are so dimwitted that you literally have no idea what you support.
You're out of your tiny mind. Single payer is as close as I'd get- like the give me an example, LIAR. lol.. .
They don't have enough money to run a candidate. And who in their right mind would vote for that failed ideology? and every single one of your left-wing hatriots here on USMB support that failed ideology 24x7. It's funny - you mindless minions are so dimwitted that you literally have no idea what you support.
Hilarious coming from a fake news/greedy idiot megarich GOP superdupe. NOBODY'S FOR THE STATE OWNING THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION, A-HOLE.
What? That's exactly what you've advocated that around the clock here on USMB. I rest my case - you mindless minions are so dimwitted that you literally have no idea what you support.
. Yep, the liberals were exactly wanting to overthrow the private sector in order to push their far leftist agenda on this country. By any means nessesary we saw the left doing this. I mean they wanted the state to raise our children instead of the parents doing so, and they advocated (spoke openly) about it. In fact they got so comfortable about succeeding in their agenda, that they began speaking openly about alot of things in which got them rejected in 2016. They just can't accept that rejection, because they think that they were right, their agenda was right, and they were going to shove it down the Americans throats no matter how bitter it was to the nation. Well they got rejected, and as soon as Trump destroy's their fake news hatriot outlets, then the fix (as one fake news journalist put it), will be in.
They don't have enough money to run a candidate. And who in their right mind would vote for that failed ideology? and every single one of your left-wing hatriots here on USMB support that failed ideology 24x7. It's funny - you mindless minions are so dimwitted that you literally have no idea what you support.
Hilarious coming from a fake news/greedy idiot megarich GOP superdupe. NOBODY'S FOR THE STATE OWNING THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION, A-HOLE.
What? That's exactly what you've advocated that around the clock here on USMB. I rest my case - you mindless minions are so dimwitted that you literally have no idea what you support.
You're out of your tiny mind. Single payer is as close as I'd get- like the give me an example, LIAR. lol.. .
They don't have enough money to run a candidate. And who in their right mind would vote for that failed ideology? and every single one of your left-wing hatriots here on USMB support that failed ideology 24x7. It's funny - you mindless minions are so dimwitted that you literally have no idea what you support.
Hilarious coming from a fake news/greedy idiot megarich GOP superdupe. NOBODY'S FOR THE STATE OWNING THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION, A-HOLE.
What? That's exactly what you've advocated that around the clock here on USMB. I rest my case - you mindless minions are so dimwitted that you literally have no idea what you support.
. Yep, the liberals were exactly wanting to overthrow the private sector in order to push their far leftist agenda on this country. By any means nessesary we saw the left doing this. I mean they wanted the state to raise our children instead of the parents doing so, and they advocated (spoke openly) about it. In fact they got so comfortable about succeeding in their agenda, that they began speaking openly about alot of things in which got them rejected in 2016. They just can't accept that rejection, because they think that they were right, their agenda was right, and they were going to shove it down the Americans throats no matter how bitter it was to the nation. Well they got rejected, and as soon as Trump destroy's their fake news hatriot outlets, then the fix (as one fake news journalist put it), will be in.
BS, and we've gotten nowhere the last 30 years. If getting fair pay and benefits and investment in the nonrich and the country is overthrowing the private sector LOL, guilty, ya gd silly brainwashed functional morons...see sig.
They don't have enough money to run a candidate. And who in their right mind would vote for that failed ideology? and every single one of your left-wing hatriots here on USMB support that failed ideology 24x7. It's funny - you mindless minions are so dimwitted that you literally have no idea what you support.
Hilarious coming from a fake news/greedy idiot megarich GOP superdupe. NOBODY'S FOR THE STATE OWNING THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION, A-HOLE.
What? That's exactly what you've advocated that around the clock here on USMB. I rest my case - you mindless minions are so dimwitted that you literally have no idea what you support.
You're out of your tiny mind. Single payer is as close as I'd get- like the give me an example, LIAR. lol.. .
Regulations. not the state owning the means of production duh. Cutting pollution and the screwing of workers is not communism, dingbat dupes.
You're out of your tiny mind. Single payer is as close as I'd get- like the give me an example, LIAR. lol.. .
You've insisted that the government should control all business. You've insisted that government should force businesses to engage in gay weddings. You've insisted that government should force businesses into "green energy". You've insisted that government should force businesses into endless labor laws and outrageous minimum wages.

Should I go on? There is literally no limit to what you believe government should force businesss to do.
You're out of your tiny mind. Single payer is as close as I'd get- like the give me an example, LIAR. lol.. .
You've insisted that the government should control all business. You've insisted that government should force businesses to engage in gay weddings. You've insisted that government should force businesses into "green energy". You've insisted that government should force businesses into endless labor laws and outrageous minimum wages.

Should I go on? There is literally no limit to what you believe government should force businesss to do.
BS. And none of which is communist- the state OWNING the means of production.
They don't have enough money to run a candidate. And who in their right mind would vote for that failed ideology? and every single one of your left-wing hatriots here on USMB support that failed ideology 24x7. It's funny - you mindless minions are so dimwitted that you literally have no idea what you support.
Hilarious coming from a fake news/greedy idiot megarich GOP superdupe. NOBODY'S FOR THE STATE OWNING THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION, A-HOLE.
What? That's exactly what you've advocated that around the clock here on USMB. I rest my case - you mindless minions are so dimwitted that you literally have no idea what you support.
. Yep, the liberals were exactly wanting to overthrow the private sector in order to push their far leftist agenda on this country. By any means nessesary we saw the left doing this. I mean they wanted the state to raise our children instead of the parents doing so, and they advocated (spoke openly) about it. In fact they got so comfortable about succeeding in their agenda, that they began speaking openly about alot of things in which got them rejected in 2016. They just can't accept that rejection, because they think that they were right, their agenda was right, and they were going to shove it down the Americans throats no matter how bitter it was to the nation. Well they got rejected, and as soon as Trump destroy's their fake news hatriot outlets, then the fix (as one fake news journalist put it), will be in.
BS, and we've gotten nowhere the last 30 years. If getting fair pay and benefits and investment in the nonrich and the country is overthrowing the private sector LOL, guilty, ya gd silly brainwashed functional morons...see sig.
. If giving my hard earned money to people laughing in my face as they talk on their free cell phones, and type on their free i-net service while buying steak and lobster on their EBT cards, living in Apts. built better than my house, driving vehicles with 5,000 dollars worth of rims on them, staying up all night when most working people are sleeping, free health care, free dental, and making babies to either abort or to grow up thinking that the government is their daddy because it ends up being their daddy, then you say I am a dummy for not liking what I and others who have worked all our lives are witnessing first hand or have been seeing taking place in America over the years ?

Working people can't get raises or invest in anything, because it's become almost impossible to save money these days, and yes it is because of the stagnated wages over the last 30 years for sure, but it's because of (companies leaving / less job competition)+(millions of people having far less opportunity and choices in the matter)=(abuse and stagnated wages), and then companies becoming disloyal to America because they saw an America who no longer respected itself or it's citizens, and then you had the government wanting companies to begin paying for all of it's failed policies over the years, so heck you can't blame them for jumping on the NAFTA train out of here, and to hide their money over seas.

Trump is trying to reverse some of this craziness, but many see it as a threat to their free rides / accepted dpendency, and others see him as a threat to their freely hating on America in order to acquire their I'll gotten gains over the years (paid for by a guilt ridden government), otherwise upon doing so. Others see him as a threat to them pushing agenda's down people's throats (bad medicine used as a metaphor), in which the majority of the people reject or have rejected.

The government was working to make this nation completely dependent upon it under Democrat rule, but the people said no more in this election. Now where it all goes from here we shall see, because there are forces trying to change Trump or trying to oust him. These are forces the American people need to keep a watchful eye out for, because they want to derail Trump. It best to lift people out of poverty the right way, and not do it the way it has been done over the years. The good and charity the nation had given was then turned into dependency, and that's where it all went wrong, then you had operatives who exploited the charity to pursue a long term agenda in which put the growth in birth rates among the poor into warp drive. This got so bad that the abortion machine went into overdrive in an attempt to try and keep balance, and this is why the politicians have been supportive of the abortion machine over the years now. You think it is about a woman's right to choose ? It's the leftist government convincing the poor woman that it is OK to kill her baby, and don't let anyone tell you differently. What, over 50 million aborted now ?

Education (the right education), is the only way out of this mess, because this nation has went through a terrible time over the last 30 years or more, and hopefully the nation will turn, but do it in a very fair and compassionate way. Yes, help the poor of course, but don't help the poor by giving them so much that it has them so dependent that they can't get out or worse they end up laughing at those who work as if the ones who work are fools for doing so. Hey we are all Americans here be it black, white, Asian, Latino etc. and we are here to live together as an American family, and to work to help one another, so let's get it right finally. I might not be as angry if I could get some subsidizing or a little free stuff after all the hard work me and my wife have done over the years, but that doesn't fit in with the leftist agenda does it ?
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If giving my hard earned money to people laughing in my face as they talk on their free cell phones, and type on their free i-net service while buying steak and lobster on their EBT cards, living in Apts. built better than my house, driving vehicles with 5,000 dollars worth of rims on them, staying up all night when most working people are sleeping, free health care, free dental, and making babies to either abort or to grow up thinking that the government is their daddy because it ends up being their daddy, then you say I am a dummy for not liking what I and others who have worked all our lives are witnessing first hand or have been seeing taking place in America over the years ?

Working people can't get raises or invest in anything, because it's become almost impossible to save money these days, and yes it is because of the stagnated wages over the last 30 years for sure, but it's because of (companies leaving / less job competition)+(millions of people having far less opportunity and choices in the matter)=(abuse and stagnated wages), and then companies becoming disloyal to America because they saw an America who no longer respected itself or it's citizens, and then you had the government wanting companies to begin paying for all of it's failed policies over the years, so heck you can't blame them for jumping on the NAFTA train out of here, and to hide their money over seas.

Trump is trying to reverse some of this craziness, but many see it as a threat to their free rides / accepted dpendency, and others see him as a threat to their freely hating on America in order to acquire their I'll gotten gains over the years (paid for by a guilt ridden government), otherwise upon doing so. Others see him as a threat to them pushing agenda's down people's throats (bad medicine used as a metaphor), in which the majority of the people reject or have rejected.

The government was working to make this nation completely dependent upon it under Democrat rule, but the people said no more in this election. Now where it all goes from here we shall see, because there are forces trying to change Trump or trying to oust him. These are forces the American people need to keep a watchful eye out for, because they want to derail Trump. It best to lift people out of poverty the right way, and not do it the way it has been done over the years. The good and charity the nation had given was then turned into dependency, and that's where it all went wrong, then you had operatives who exploited the charity to pursue a long term agenda in which put the growth in birth rates among the poor into warp drive. This got so bad that the abortion machine went into overdrive in an attempt to try and keep balance, and this is why the politicians have been supportive of the abortion machine over the years now. You think it is about a woman's right to choose ? It's the leftist government convincing the poor woman that it is OK to kill her baby, and don't let anyone tell you differently. What, over 50 million aborted now ?

Education (the right education), is the only way out of this mess, because this nation has went through a terrible time over the last 30 years or more, and hopefully the nation will turn, but do it in a very fair and compassionate way. Yes, help the poor of course, but don't help the poor by giving them so much that it has them so dependent that they can't get out or worse they end up laughing at those who work as if the ones who work are fools for doing so. Hey we are all Americans here be it black, white, Asian, Latino etc. and we are here to live together as an American family, and to work to help one another, so let's get it right finally. I might not be as angry if I could get some subsidizing or a little free stuff after all the hard work me and my wife have done over the years, but that doesn't fit in with the leftist agenda does it ?

Well, you'll swallowed the right wing lies, hook, line and sinker. Your money isn't going to people with free cell phones, you dolt, it's going to Trump and his cabinet. YOU're paying for the military to protect "American interests" abroad. "American Interests" is code for "property owned by American corporations". You're paying for all of the guys like Trump, who use great amounts of infrastructure, and public services (just the bill for processing his 3000+ lawsuits through the courts, must be in the millions), without paying taxes.

YOUR hard earned dollars aren't going to lazy slackers, unless you consider. It's going to lazy shareholders. To the wealthy. Reagan's tax code began the greatest transfer of wealth in world history: from the working and middle class to the top.

Your outrage is misplaced. It's not the lazy inner city folk who are bleeding you white, it's the Donald Trumps, and the Waltons. Republicans keep pointing their fingers at the social programs and blaming welfare and food stamps, while they refuse to raise the minimum wage, or do anything about health care costs bankrupting Americans.

And just for the record. I don't know of any person, who doesn't think that capitalism is better than communism. But unfettered and unregulated capitalism is just as destructive as communism, and just as violent. Both rely on the destruction of opposition.

As long as fools like you keep believing that social programs are the problem, the Republican Party can continue to stack the deck against you.
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If giving my hard earned money to people laughing in my face as they talk on their free cell phones, and type on their free i-net service while buying steak and lobster on their EBT cards, living in Apts. built better than my house, driving vehicles with 5,000 dollars worth of rims on them, staying up all night when most working people are sleeping, free health care, free dental, and making babies to either abort or to grow up thinking that the government is their daddy because it ends up being their daddy, then you say I am a dummy for not liking what I and others who have worked all our lives are witnessing first hand or have been seeing taking place in America over the years ?

Working people can't get raises or invest in anything, because it's become almost impossible to save money these days, and yes it is because of the stagnated wages over the last 30 years for sure, but it's because of (companies leaving / less job competition)+(millions of people having far less opportunity and choices in the matter)=(abuse and stagnated wages), and then companies becoming disloyal to America because they saw an America who no longer respected itself or it's citizens, and then you had the government wanting companies to begin paying for all of it's failed policies over the years, so heck you can't blame them for jumping on the NAFTA train out of here, and to hide their money over seas.

Trump is trying to reverse some of this craziness, but many see it as a threat to their free rides / accepted dpendency, and others see him as a threat to their freely hating on America in order to acquire their I'll gotten gains over the years (paid for by a guilt ridden government), otherwise upon doing so. Others see him as a threat to them pushing agenda's down people's throats (bad medicine used as a metaphor), in which the majority of the people reject or have rejected.

The government was working to make this nation completely dependent upon it under Democrat rule, but the people said no more in this election. Now where it all goes from here we shall see, because there are forces trying to change Trump or trying to oust him. These are forces the American people need to keep a watchful eye out for, because they want to derail Trump. It best to lift people out of poverty the right way, and not do it the way it has been done over the years. The good and charity the nation had given was then turned into dependency, and that's where it all went wrong, then you had operatives who exploited the charity to pursue a long term agenda in which put the growth in birth rates among the poor into warp drive. This got so bad that the abortion machine went into overdrive in an attempt to try and keep balance, and this is why the politicians have been supportive of the abortion machine over the years now. You think it is about a woman's right to choose ? It's the leftist government convincing the poor woman that it is OK to kill her baby, and don't let anyone tell you differently. What, over 50 million aborted now ?

Education (the right education), is the only way out of this mess, because this nation has went through a terrible time over the last 30 years or more, and hopefully the nation will turn, but do it in a very fair and compassionate way. Yes, help the poor of course, but don't help the poor by giving them so much that it has them so dependent that they can't get out or worse they end up laughing at those who work as if the ones who work are fools for doing so. Hey we are all Americans here be it black, white, Asian, Latino etc. and we are here to live together as an American family, and to work to help one another, so let's get it right finally. I might not be as angry if I could get some subsidizing or a little free stuff after all the hard work me and my wife have done over the years, but that doesn't fit in with the leftist agenda does it ?

Well, you'll swallowed the right wing lies, hook, line and sinker. Your money isn't going to people with free cell phones, you dolt, it's going to Trump and his cabinet. YOU're paying for the military to protect "American interests" abroad. "American Interests" is code for "property owned by American corporations". You're paying for all of the guys like Trump, who use great amounts of infrastructure, and public services (just the bill for processing his 3000+ lawsuits through the courts, must be in the millions), without paying taxes.

YOUR hard earned dollars aren't going to lazy slackers, unless you consider. It's going to lazy shareholders. To the wealthy. Reagan's tax code began the greatest transfer of wealth in world history: from the working and middle class to the top.

Your outrage is misplaced. It's not the lazy inner city folk who are bleeding you white, it's the Donald Trumps, and the Waltons. Republicans keep pointing their fingers at the social programs and blaming welfare and food stamps, while they refuse to raise the minimum wage, or do anything about health care costs bankrupting Americans.

And just for the record. I don't know of any person, who doesn't think that capitalism is better than communism. But unfettered and unregulated capitalism is just as destructive as communism, and just as violent. Both rely on the destruction of opposition.

As long as fools like you keep believing that social programs are the problem, the Republican Party can continue to stack the deck against you.
. OK, so that is the other side of the coin (minus your hatred of Trump), and yes the working class tax dollars is paying for it all (both sides of the coin), and it is killing us. We hav been made servants for both sides of the coin, but you protect one side over the other, and they are both equally damaging to the working class taxpayer to date. Find someone else that you think you can run your bull crap on, because we are smart to both sides that have been killing us out here, and it is going to change. Go Trump.
OK, so that is the other side of the coin (minus your hatred of Trump), and yes the working class tax dollars is paying for it all (both sides of the coin), and it is killing us. We hav been made servants for both sides of the coin, but you protect one side over the other, and they are both equally damaging to the working class taxpayer to date. Find someone else that you think you can run your bull crap on, because we are smart to both sides that have been killing us out here, and it is going to change. Go Trump.

Here's the difference. The poor aren't the ones who set up this system, or who use the government to maintain it. The poor aren't in a position to makes changes to that system. Yes the middle class is "monkey in the middle", but the poor are being scapegoated in all of this.

Yes, both sides have done poorly since Reagan was in power. Saint Ronnie probably did the most damage with his revisions to the tax code which set the whole transfer of wealth in motion, because it also caused wages to stagnate.

It makes no sense to vote Republican. They're the worst when it comes to stupid shit which ends up screwing over the non-wealthy. I understand their Obamacare Replacement Plan gives a flat tax credit to taxpayers to purchase health insurance, so again, the poor will have no coverage because they can't afford to make up the cost difference between the tax credit and the insurance costs, and the rich who were paying full freight for their health insurance, will now get a big tax break. The middle class is screwed again.
OK, so that is the other side of the coin (minus your hatred of Trump), and yes the working class tax dollars is paying for it all (both sides of the coin), and it is killing us. We hav been made servants for both sides of the coin, but you protect one side over the other, and they are both equally damaging to the working class taxpayer to date. Find someone else that you think you can run your bull crap on, because we are smart to both sides that have been killing us out here, and it is going to change. Go Trump.

Here's the difference. The poor aren't the ones who set up this system, or who use the government to maintain it. The poor aren't in a position to makes changes to that system. Yes the middle class is "monkey in the middle", but the poor are being scapegoated in all of this.

Yes, both sides have done poorly since Reagan was in power. Saint Ronnie probably did the most damage with his revisions to the tax code which set the whole transfer of wealth in motion, because it also caused wages to stagnate.

It makes no sense to vote Republican. They're the worst when it comes to stupid shit which ends up screwing over the non-wealthy. I understand their Obamacare Replacement Plan gives a flat tax credit to taxpayers to purchase health insurance, so again, the poor will have no coverage because they can't afford to make up the cost difference between the tax credit and the insurance costs, and the rich who were paying full freight for their health insurance, will now get a big tax break. The middle class is screwed again.
. So their will be poor just lying in the streets starving to death right in front of our eyes now or being pushed over the cliff because they can't carry a health care policy ?? Have you ever seen this before ? No you haven't, but you have a political ax to grind for your fellow Democrats in power, and this against the Republicans in power. If don't get alot of sympathy in the situation, well don't be surprised.
OK, so that is the other side of the coin (minus your hatred of Trump), and yes the working class tax dollars is paying for it all (both sides of the coin), and it is killing us. We hav been made servants for both sides of the coin, but you protect one side over the other, and they are both equally damaging to the working class taxpayer to date. Find someone else that you think you can run your bull crap on, because we are smart to both sides that have been killing us out here, and it is going to change. Go Trump.

Here's the difference. The poor aren't the ones who set up this system, or who use the government to maintain it. The poor aren't in a position to makes changes to that system. Yes the middle class is "monkey in the middle", but the poor are being scapegoated in all of this.

Yes, both sides have done poorly since Reagan was in power. Saint Ronnie probably did the most damage with his revisions to the tax code which set the whole transfer of wealth in motion, because it also caused wages to stagnate.

It makes no sense to vote Republican. They're the worst when it comes to stupid shit which ends up screwing over the non-wealthy. I understand their Obamacare Replacement Plan gives a flat tax credit to taxpayers to purchase health insurance, so again, the poor will have no coverage because they can't afford to make up the cost difference between the tax credit and the insurance costs, and the rich who were paying full freight for their health insurance, will now get a big tax break. The middle class is screwed again.
. So their will be poor just lying in the streets starving to death right in front of our eyes now or being pushed over the cliff because they can't carry a health care policy ?? Have you ever seen this before ? No you haven't, but you have a political ax to grind for your fellow Democrats in power, and this against the Republicans in power. If don't get alot of sympathy in the situation, well don't be surprised.

I am not a Democrat, I'm a Liberal, a CANADIAN Liberal, with no co-pay healthcare from cradle to grave. We also have a minimum wage of $11.25 an hour, which Walmart cheerfully pays because they don't pay out huge amounts in employee health insurance costs.
Remember when Nikita Krushchev said that one day Russia would take over the United States without firing a shot? Well it's happened.

Pop quiz: Name the candidates that the CPUSA endorsed in 2008, '12, and '16?

Dems are so Communist that CPUSA doesn't even have to run their own candidate
The CPUSA has basically disbanded and is nothing but a website. Of course they prefer the Dems to the lying, fake news, cheating, pander to the rich, screw the workers New BS GOP, dupe.

That's a lie.

"Communist Party USA Chairman Vows Cooperation With Democratic Party The chairman of the National Committee of the Communist Party USA has penned a 2,023-word manifesto making the critical point that American Communists are eager to work with the Democratic Party to advance the modern communist agenda and achieve communist goals.

Communist Party chairman John Bachtell published his essay last week at People’s World, a “daily news website of, for and by the 99% and the direct descendant of the Daily Worker.” Communist Party USA Work With Democrats The Daily Caller
OK, so that is the other side of the coin (minus your hatred of Trump), and yes the working class tax dollars is paying for it all (both sides of the coin), and it is killing us. We hav been made servants for both sides of the coin, but you protect one side over the other, and they are both equally damaging to the working class taxpayer to date. Find someone else that you think you can run your bull crap on, because we are smart to both sides that have been killing us out here, and it is going to change. Go Trump.

Here's the difference. The poor aren't the ones who set up this system, or who use the government to maintain it. The poor aren't in a position to makes changes to that system. Yes the middle class is "monkey in the middle", but the poor are being scapegoated in all of this.

Yes, both sides have done poorly since Reagan was in power. Saint Ronnie probably did the most damage with his revisions to the tax code which set the whole transfer of wealth in motion, because it also caused wages to stagnate.

It makes no sense to vote Republican. They're the worst when it comes to stupid shit which ends up screwing over the non-wealthy. I understand their Obamacare Replacement Plan gives a flat tax credit to taxpayers to purchase health insurance, so again, the poor will have no coverage because they can't afford to make up the cost difference between the tax credit and the insurance costs, and the rich who were paying full freight for their health insurance, will now get a big tax break. The middle class is screwed again.
. So their will be poor just lying in the streets starving to death right in front of our eyes now or being pushed over the cliff because they can't carry a health care policy ?? Have you ever seen this before ? No you haven't, but you have a political ax to grind for your fellow Democrats in power, and this against the Republicans in power. If don't get alot of sympathy in the situation, well don't be surprised.

I am not a Democrat, I'm a Liberal, a CANADIAN Liberal, with no co-pay healthcare from cradle to grave. We also have a minimum wage of $11.25 an hour, which Walmart cheerfully pays because they don't pay out huge amounts in employee health insurance costs.
. Your government is subsidizing that big ole corp Walmart eh ? Why can't Walmart carry your policy, and your government lower your taxes ? Not sure how it works there, so you can school me if you want to.

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