Trump must ruthlessly put down Progressive coup

As far as the will of the people more people voted for Hillary than Trump no matter how much he and you lie about it.

No, more CALIFORNIANS (mostly illegals) voted for the witch than Trump, but Trump won ten more states and 306 electoral votes, 36 more than he needed.
Wow! he won 10 mor states than hr and couldn't even come close to winning the popular vote, even with the 10 more states!!

that's nothing to brag about!!

Do tell us what the hildabitches participation trophy looks like.
The word is "trophies" as in the kunt lost TWICE!!!!!!!
Charlie fucking Manson could have beat her.
I shot you in the foot, and then you shot yourself in the other foot. That's funny!
Bwahahahahaha! I love how aggravated and passive/aggressive you get when you get owned. I provided video from your messiah proving that the federal government has no such authorization. The U.S. Constitution says so and it trumps any and all legislation.

You know - all you need to do is read that simple three page document and you could avoid the daily humiliation you are forced to endure here.
poor dear.... reality....had it been repealed and something happened you hacks would have been shrieking that it was his fault. but you're ok with a president who is so distrusted by the intelligence forces that they won't disclose information they're afraid will be turned over to russia.

Well there is some vintage Jillian "logic". Shred the U.S. Constitution and renege on your campaign promises because your concerned what the other side of the aisle (who didn't elect you) might say if an event were to occur.

Yeah....because that's rational. We know how Obama was always sooooooo concerned with making conservatives happy. What's more likely - your hilarious version or the fact that a narcissist loved the unmitigated power of the illegal Patriot Act?
Well that's hardly a coup, is it?
Actually there have been many outspoken Dumbocrats explicitly calling for a military coup and/or the assassination of President Trump. So yes - the left is desperately calling for the overthrow of a duly elected U.S. president and they aren't even attempting to hide it:

Madonna Drops F-Bombs at Anti-Trump Rally: 'I’ve Thought a Lot About Blowing Up the White House'

Sarah Silverman Asks Military to Overthrow 'Fascist' Trump

Rosie O'Donnell Supports 'Martial Law' to Delay Trump's Inauguration

Facebook Scrubs Videos Of Comedian Calling For Trump's Assassination
Comedians and Madonna's mataphor? lol. Get a grip...
"Blowing up the White House" isn't a metaphor snowflake. Either you don't know what the meaning of "metaphor" is or you're a typical LWNJ. And your silence on Sarah Silverman calling for a military coup while Rosie O'Donnell called for "Marshall Law" to prevent Trump from being sworn in, is duly noted.
Actually, it is a metaphor. Jeebus what a dumb dupe....
Good for you!
At least you spelled the word right this time. Now find a dictionary and read what the word means.....asshole!
Remember when Nikita Krushchev said that one day Russia would take over the United States without firing a shot? Well it's happened.
Yeah it has. They infiltrated your party and completely took it over. And your dumb ass is so frigg'n stupid - you support Soviet era policies without even knowing you support Soviet era policies.

Sweetie - the Communist Party U.S.A. said of Barack Obama (and I quote) "we have a friend in the White House". They sure as hell never said that about Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, or Donald Trump.

Not only that, but Barack Obama appointed Van Jones - a self-professed communist - as one of his "czars" (a communist term).

Oh - and let's not forget that Barack Obama called card-carrying-member of the Communist Party U.S.A. - Frank Marshall Davis (card #47544) - his "mentor".

Thank you Dragonlady. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have illustrated your profound ignorance to everyone on USMB. They now know to simply ignore everything you post since all of it is hilariously inaccurate.

Scary New Revalation About Obama's Mentors That Barack Will NOT Want You To Read

Obama's Communist Czars - Van Jones, Valerie Jarrett, Cass Sunstein, Mark Lloyd - CommieBlaster
The CIA didn't illegally tape Trump's staff. They were tracking Russian Intelligence Operatives and spies, and found the entire senior level of the Trump Campaign was in regular contact with them.
"Russian Intelligence Operatives and spies" :lmao:

Talk about "FAKE NEWS". Dragonlady is sooooooo turned on right now wearing her tinfoil hat on and coming up with insanely wild conspiracies based on Hollywood movies. do realize that Hollywood is make believe, don't you? Hollywood is not "hard hitting journalism" you dolt.

How unhinged and anti-American does one have to be to think that Donald Trump - the life long billionaire capitalist - is a spy and "Manchurian Candidate" for the Russians?!?

It's funny to watch the Drumpfsters deflect to former President Obama who is now no longer President and to H. Clinton who, as we all know, lost the election.
Says the person who spent the past 8 and half years typing "George Bush" in every post. Sweetie - Obama has been out of office for three weeks. Bush has been gone for 9 years.

It's funny to watch the Drumpfsters deflect to former President Obama who is now no longer President and to H. Clinton who, as we all know, lost the election.
I seriously cannot believe that it took a "Busher" 3 weeks to complain that conservatives are mentioning Barack Obama. And she did it without the slightest hint of irony. :laugh:
The Russians are your enemies?? When did that happen?

The Russian Government is the enemy of freedom and liberty.

Then why was the Russian "reset" hailed as such a great thing?

Did that work and make Russia not the enemy of freedom and liberty? What does that have to do with the constant communication the Trump campaign had with Russian intellegence agents?
It is fall down hilarious watching the dimwitted Dumbocrat minions chasing their tails on what they believe today:
  • When Barack Obama was in office and promised to "repair relations with Russia" the left instantly experienced raging hard-ons (and that was just their "females"). They swooned over "Mao-siah Obama".
  • When Hitlery Clinton actually presented them with the humiliating, cringing, Staples "Reset Button", the wingnuts actually ejaculated semen everywhere (and again - that was just their "females").
  • When Mitt Romney stated - without any of the endless classified national security information presented to "Mao-siah Obama" daily - that Russia was the U.S.'s #1 geopolitical threat, "Mao-siah Obama" mocked him, stating "the 80's called - they want their Cold War back". Once again the left swooned. They laughed and laughed and laughed until they got wet between their legs (and that was just their "men" - so hard to keep track with those cross-dressing, sexually deviant freaks who is who and what is what)
  • But.....when Donald Trump comes along and actually achieves what "Mao-siah Obama" promised to but was too inept to achieve, suddenly the LWNJ's are against it after they were for it. :uhh:
Progressive operatives lurking inside the government and Intel community are staging a coup d'etat and must be dealt with accordingly. Gone are the days when government employees do the work of the American people. This seditious faction nested inside the government is undermining a duly elected President, threatening national security and violating all of our most basis rights and freedoms.

They must be dug out root and branch and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It's sedition, it's a coup and it must be be dealt with accordingly.

Exactly. Deport them, on inner tubes, to Cuba. Airlift them to Mexico. Shove them on leaky old freighters leaving for Asia or Africa.
The Deplorables are fit to be tied now that all news stations including their beloved Fox News is covering these developing Russian scandals.

It's not like we didn't warn you about Trumputin.
The deplorables could give a shit what the leftty propagandists do.
Oh the wonderful times ahead!
President Trump has been dealing with the most ruthless, conniving, greedy corrupt POS 'businessmen' on the planet for decades.
He ALWAYS comes out the winner!
Anyone who believes President Trump is some sort of a stupid duffus who can be spied on and undermined and will sit back and take it is a fucking idiot.
At this very minute President Trump has the list of the traitors, within the administration and the traitors at CNN/WAPO/MSNBC etc, on his desk.
When this fucking bullshit is over there are going to be a LOT of LIBs and some REPs walking around Washington wearing 'shit-eating grins' who are busy arranging for moving companies.
President Trump is going to drop legal MOABS on America's traitors.
Ten years in a Federal prison located in a 'tent prison in S. Nevada is going to be the well deserved fate of these seditious traitors.
This is literally the funniest fucking thread on the forum.

I can't wait for the impeachment.
As head of the Intelligence Committee, one must assume Mr. Clapper had the right and the need under the Patriot Act to spy on American Citizens; for it is within the scope of his duty to...
Just when I thought you couldn't possibly get any dumber - you find a way to reach new levels of unprecedented ignorance.

Snowflake....nobody has the "right" to spy on American citizens and it is not "within the scope" of any duty to spy on Americans. It is an egregious violation of our most basic laws and constitutional rights.

I seriously can't tell if you are borderline mentally retarded or if you're a troll.
Remember when the moonbats HATED the Patriot Act? I do.

I do too, but unlike you/crazy right wingers, Democrats, liberals and progressives recognize that we are a nation of laws, and work to repeal a law which infringes on the rights of others, and obey the law until reason overcomes bigotry.
. Yeah Obama was against the Patriot act until he saw that it would allow his administration to use it to spy on his political enemies. Then it was ok.

poor dear.... reality....had it been repealed and something happened you hacks would have been shrieking that it was his fault. but you're ok with a president who is so distrusted by the intelligence forces that they won't disclose information they're afraid will be turned over to russia.

. Oh is that their latest lame excuse ??
Remember when Nikita Krushchev said that one day Russia would take over the United States without firing a shot? Well it's happened.
Yeah it has. They infiltrated your party and completely took it over. And your dumb ass is so frigg'n stupid - you support Soviet era policies without even knowing you support Soviet era policies.

Sweetie - the Communist Party U.S.A. said of Barack Obama (and I quote) "we have a friend in the White House". They sure as hell never said that about Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, or Donald Trump.

Not only that, but Barack Obama appointed Van Jones - a self-professed communist - as one of his "czars" (a communist term).

Oh - and let's not forget that Barack Obama called card-carrying-member of the Communist Party U.S.A. - Frank Marshall Davis (card #47544) - his "mentor".

Thank you Dragonlady. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have illustrated your profound ignorance to everyone on USMB. They now know to simply ignore everything you post since all of it is hilariously inaccurate.

Scary New Revalation About Obama's Mentors That Barack Will NOT Want You To Read

Obama's Communist Czars - Van Jones, Valerie Jarrett, Cass Sunstein, Mark Lloyd - CommieBlaster

Posting article from "Western Journalism" and "". Yes really truthful, reliable sources those. Do you have anything that isn't from an "alt-right" source?

Western Journalism is a renowned "fake news" site. The owner has openly admitted to trolling rightwingers with outright fabrications and lies, and they fall for it every time, because conservatives have been trained by Fox, Rush and Beck to swallow anything, and now Trump has you swallowing everything he does.

There are none so blind as rightwingers who voted for Trump.

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