Trump must ruthlessly put down Progressive coup

I don't know if Trump will "ruthlessly put down this progressive coup" but it sure is damn nice to see Portland, Oregon law enforcement putting it down. I've watched this several times already and it makes me smile every time. It's is so nice to see the thugs finally forced to obey the law like the rest of society. You want to make obscene gestures in public (illegal) at law enforcement no less (immoral) while approaching them aggressively and invading their personal space (illegal) - well - this is what you get:

Female protester reportedly tries to spit at cops. Bad move.
. Look what the radical left is causing... So sad. Those poor protestors probably couldn't tell you hardly any history of the nation if asked. Watters world proves it almost every show.



This is the woman's march the day after Trump's inauguration. If you want to see what was going on in your home state go to this link. It's clear they were in the MILLIONS.
Woman's march pictures

This was the night of the election when it was announced that Trump won.

This is Not my President's day--or what happened yesterday.

These are just a couple of the pictures. But it's clear to anyone with half a brain that Republicans are going to get their ass's kicked in 2018. In fact here is what is going on in Republican town halls right now across this country, including in conservative states like Tennessee & Utah--where very few Democrats live.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty

Which is why Republicans while on break are deciding not to have a Welcome home town hall.
With Congress out of session, many in Colorado ask: Where are the town halls? – The Denver Post

Republicans are going to get their ass's kicked so bad in 2018 it's going to be history making.


Republicans have awoken a sleeping GIANT and it's pissed. With this Russian connection all over the news it's only going to go downhill from here.
. Just shows me how bad this nation has truly gotten to be over time. Now that the citizens have someone to represent them again, it will be a hell of a climb back out of the hole this nation has gotten itself into over time. Their are alot of crazy people out there anymore, but their crazy will work against them not for them.
During the GOP convention The delirious one was promising to dismantle NATO.
Snowflake....he's 4 weeks into his presidency. On the campaign trial - Barack Obama promised to close Guantanamo Bay. 8 years later he left with it still open.

Funny how you remain dead-silent on that.

Well Dumbass in 4 weeks we have 2 Senate investigations ongoing into Trump's connection with Russia. His Executive orders have caved in under the law. He skirted around the acting attorney General, Sally Watts, called up one of his pom pom squad members Rudi Giuliani to write the order, then fired Sally Watts for telling her staff to not defend because it was unconstitutional. That couldn't have better played out in a comedy T.V. Reality show.
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

Then he was forced to fire his National Security adviser, General Flynn for lying to Mike Pence, and apparently Flynn also lied to the FBI. He is violation of the Logan Act, and will probably face criminal charges for lying to the FBI.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

We know now that Trump isn't going to build the fucking wall, because Congress will not appropriate money for something that is worthless, and Mexico isn't going to pay for it either. We know now that he never had any intention of mass deportation, only going after the criminal element like every other President has. We know now that the Dream act will stay in place, not that I mind that, but I sure as hell know you do.--LOL

He has declared terrorist attacks happened when they didn't in several locations, and he fucking LIES all the time. In the last 3 weeks, he has spent 700K per trip x 3 trips in taxpayer dollars to head to. what he refers to as the Southern White House, Palm Beach Florida, every single weekend. He and his sons have spent 11.3 million for travel expenses in the last month outdoing what Obama spent in a YEAR. And he also spent an enormous amount of taxpayer dollars to get down and campaign in Florida last week, even though he won the election.
In a month, the Trump family has cost taxpayers almost as much as the Obamas did in a year

We know now that Trump campaign aids were in continual contact with high level Russian officials while DNC databases were getting hacked into. Those phone records never go away. Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American National election is TREASON.

So this is the comrade's accomplishments in the last 4 weeks. You're right he has certainly outdone any other President before him.


. Who is we ??? Anti-American forces ??????
Meanwhile Bannon is saying in the National Security Council ( he has no business being on ) that NATO should be broken into pieces( making it easier for Putin to strong arm these countries)
Clearly Comrade Trump is in very serious trouble. Campaign aids were in contact with high level Russian officials throughout the campaign season, and they have the phone records to prove that.
Did you two really want to talk about Russia? Ok. Here we go! And...this includes the actual documents (instead of the tin-foil hat conspiracy theory you two deal in).
The money trail hunt begins with a document Infowars has obtained from the Russian Central Bank “Registry of Significant Control,” known generally as the “RSC Registry.”

This document traces the ownership of Metcombank, a relatively small Russian-domiciled bank located in the Russian Ural Mountains, to ownership by Viktor Vekselberg, a Russian billionaire with close ties to Putin.

As we shall see this document provides evidence of the circuitous path the Russian government has been using since Hillary Clinton was secretary of state to make large financial payments to John Podesta and to the Clinton Foundation.
If you thought that was delicious - just realize that was simply an appetizer. We are far from getting to the main course snowflakes:
As the RSC Registry makes clear, Vekselberg has been paying Clinton and Podesta through a complicated money laundering scheme involving Metcombank in Russia, with payments tracing back to the Renova Group, a Russian-based energy and investment international conglomerate also owned by Vekselberg.
This link from a March 3, 2013 article has Vekselberg going on record confirming the deposits:
Skolkovo explains why it deposited money in Metcombank
The funds rediverted to Clinton and Podesta through the Renova Group and Metcombank originate in large part from Rusnano — a state-owned investment fund owned by the Russian government. Conveniently, Vekselberg is a board member for Renova.
Like an infomercial....but wait! There's more!
Metcombank appears to be the bank Vekselberg has used to make transfers to the Clinton Foundation, with the money flowing first through the Moscow branch of Metcombank, and from there into Deutsche Bank and Trust Company Americas in New York City, finally ending up in a private bank account in the Bank of America that is operated by the Clinton Foundation.
And here is where things get really scary - as Secretary of State, Hitlery Clinton oversaw the transfer of valuable and precious uranium mines from the U.S. to......Russia!

Yes, Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid U.S. Russian Uranium Deal | The Huffington Post

Now remember all of you amateur anti-American hatriots - this link has the actual documents available to read as well additional links and information that I didn't even add here (it was just too much). I wonder how much "outrage" we will see from 'ole oreo and Unreasonable about how Russia was funneling vast sums of money to Hitlery Clinton, how they were controlling her, and how she transferred the material used for nuclear weapons to our greatest geopolitical threat.

Exclusive: Russian Bank Docs Show How Putin Laundered Money to Hillary & Podesta
Republicans have awoken a sleeping GIANT and it's pissed.
*Yawn*. You post this same stupid line at the end of every silly post you make. This is your attempt to self-soothe. You're trying to convince yourself that there are many like you (anti-American hatriots) and that a marxist regime is just over the horizon.

Your side of the aisle is exactly the same today as it was on November 8th when Donald Trump wiped the floor with you people. And you'll be exactly the same a year from now too (because....well....that's what happens when one is incapable of learning - they permanently remain in the same place).
. If they keep protesting, and losing their jobs because of their idiocy, then they will find themselves thinking "what the heck just happened", as the nation picks itself back up from the super it was in for way to long. Keep on showing us liberals out there protesting, just how bad you are being supported by the ignorant working class of this nation. It's getting old big time.
Republicans have awoken a sleeping GIANT and it's pissed.
*Yawn*. You post this same stupid line at the end of every silly post you make. This is your attempt to self-soothe. You're trying to convince yourself that there are many like you (anti-American hatriots) and that a marxist regime is just over the horizon.

Your side of the aisle is exactly the same today as it was on November 8th when Donald Trump wiped the floor with you people. And you'll be exactly the same a year from now too (because....well....that's what happens when one is incapable of learning - they permanently remain in the same place).
. If they keep protesting, and losing their jobs because of their idiocy, then they will find themselves thinking "what the heck just happened", as the nation picks itself back up from the super it was in for way to long. Keep on showing us liberals out there protesting, just how bad you are being supported by the ignorant working class of this nation. It's getting old big time.

There is NO ONE in this country believes that Trump would have won this election without the assistance of Vladimir Putin and FBI Directors James Comey's unprecedented failure to follow long standing DOJ policy. EVERYONE knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field. Add to this, that she kicked Trump's ass by 3 million popular votes, makes Trump the most Illegitimate President to ever be sworn into the Oval office.


They have the phone records that prove Trump's campaign aids were in continual contact with high level Russian officials while the DNC was getting hacked. Collusion with a Foreign Adversary to interfere into an American National Election is TREASON.

There are two Senate investigations underway about this right now.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation
Trump-Russia 'exhaustive' investigation needed following Flynn resignation, says GOP Senate Intel Member -

Here is Shep Smith of Fox News explaining this for you.

The DOJ has announced that it will be investigating FBI Director James Comey.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
Comey notified Congress of email probe despite DOJ concerns -
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy


You see it's not necessarily that Trump won, it's HOW he won--that is producing all these protests. And rightfully so.

Americans are not going to sit down for this, much less tolerate it. It is the most blatant attack on our Democracy in the history of this nation.

They're not going to stop.
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Republicans have awoken a sleeping GIANT and it's pissed.
*Yawn*. You post this same stupid line at the end of every silly post you make. This is your attempt to self-soothe. You're trying to convince yourself that there are many like you (anti-American hatriots) and that a marxist regime is just over the horizon.

Your side of the aisle is exactly the same today as it was on November 8th when Donald Trump wiped the floor with you people. And you'll be exactly the same a year from now too (because....well....that's what happens when one is incapable of learning - they permanently remain in the same place).
. If they keep protesting, and losing their jobs because of their idiocy, then they will find themselves thinking "what the heck just happened", as the nation picks itself back up from the super it was in for way to long. Keep on showing us liberals out there protesting, just how bad you are being supported by the ignorant working class of this nation. It's getting old big time.

There is NO ONE in this country believes that Trump would have won this election without the assistance of Vladimir Putin and FBI Directors James Comey's unprecedented failure to follow long standing DOJ policy. EVERYONE knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field. Add to this, that she kicked Trump's ass by 3 million popular votes, makes Trump the most Illegitimate President to ever be sworn into the Oval office.


They have the phone records that prove Trump's campaign aids were in continual contact with high level Russian officials while the DNC was getting hacked. Collusion with a Foreign Adversary to interfere into an American National Election is TREASON.

There are two Senate investigations underway about this right now.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation
Trump-Russia 'exhaustive' investigation needed following Flynn resignation, says GOP Senate Intel Member -

Here is Shep Smith of Fox News explaining this for you.

The DOJ has announced that it will be investigating FBI Director James Comey.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
Comey notified Congress of email probe despite DOJ concerns -
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy


You see it's not necessarily that Trump won, it's HOW he won--that is producing all these protests. And rightfully so.

Americans are not going to sit down for this, much less tolerate it. It is the most blatant attack on our Democracy in the history of this nation.

They're not going to stop.

The best part of that is you're completely powerless to stop Uncle Vlad from running the table in 2018, flipping all 25 Democrat Senate seats, even in NY.
Republicans have awoken a sleeping GIANT and it's pissed.
*Yawn*. You post this same stupid line at the end of every silly post you make. This is your attempt to self-soothe. You're trying to convince yourself that there are many like you (anti-American hatriots) and that a marxist regime is just over the horizon.

Your side of the aisle is exactly the same today as it was on November 8th when Donald Trump wiped the floor with you people. And you'll be exactly the same a year from now too (because....well....that's what happens when one is incapable of learning - they permanently remain in the same place).
. If they keep protesting, and losing their jobs because of their idiocy, then they will find themselves thinking "what the heck just happened", as the nation picks itself back up from the super it was in for way to long. Keep on showing us liberals out there protesting, just how bad you are being supported by the ignorant working class of this nation. It's getting old big time.

There is NO ONE in this country believes that Trump would have won this election without the assistance of Vladimir Putin and FBI Directors James Comey's unprecedented failure to follow long standing DOJ policy. EVERYONE knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field. Add to this, that she kicked Trump's ass by 3 million popular votes, makes Trump the most Illegitimate President to ever be sworn into the Oval office.


They have the phone records that prove Trump's campaign aids were in continual contact with high level Russian officials while the DNC was getting hacked. Collusion with a Foreign Adversary to interfere into an American National Election is TREASON.

There are two Senate investigations underway about this right now.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation
Trump-Russia 'exhaustive' investigation needed following Flynn resignation, says GOP Senate Intel Member -

Here is Shep Smith of Fox News explaining this for you.

The DOJ has announced that it will be investigating FBI Director James Comey.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
Comey notified Congress of email probe despite DOJ concerns -
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy


You see it's not necessarily that Trump won, it's HOW he won--that is producing all these protests. And rightfully so.

Americans are not going to sit down for this, much less tolerate it. It is the most blatant attack on our Democracy in the history of this nation.

They're not going to stop.
. Since you idiots wouldn't prosecute the hildabeast, and bring justice to that situation, then you don't have a leg to stand upon in pursuing justice in anything else. Obama's administration turned out to be one of the most corrupt administration's in the history of this nation. Just because they had this nation so beat down and fooled doesn't make them any less guilty than they were. Selective justice is what you dolts are all about, and it's all because of your socialist agenda that got derailed. Trump not pursuing justice against Hillary like he campaigned on may be the biggest mistake he made in all of this. Susan Rice should be brought up on treason charges along with Hillary and everyone else involved in the cover up and lies of Benghazi. Yes Lord, let's get the screws of justice turning please, because it does matter Hillary. You all give Hillary a pass, and Obama a pass because they were these poor little victims in your minds, when in fact they were more dangerous than 50 Donald Trump's could ever be to this nation.
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This is starting to remind me of what is going on in Turkey...Silencing anyone that speaks out and putting down people.

I'll die in war to beat you bastards if need be.
This is starting to remind me of what is going on in Turkey...Silencing anyone that speaks out and putting down people.

I'll die in war to beat you bastards if need be.
. It's that bad for you eh ?? ROTFLMBO.

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