Trump must ruthlessly put down Progressive coup

OP- The propaganda is really getting out of control...if he hadn't lied to Pence about talking to the Russians about sanctions, seems like it would have been no problem. Nobody knows who leaked, could just as easily be RW NSA or FBI who don't like Russians DUHHHH. What a stupid mess...
Well that's hardly a coup, is it?
Actually there have been many outspoken Dumbocrats explicitly calling for a military coup and/or the assassination of President Trump. So yes - the left is desperately calling for the overthrow of a duly elected U.S. president and they aren't even attempting to hide it:

Madonna Drops F-Bombs at Anti-Trump Rally: 'I’ve Thought a Lot About Blowing Up the White House'

Sarah Silverman Asks Military to Overthrow 'Fascist' Trump

Rosie O'Donnell Supports 'Martial Law' to Delay Trump's Inauguration

Facebook Scrubs Videos Of Comedian Calling For Trump's Assassination
Comedians and Madonna's mataphor? lol. Get a grip...
Well that's hardly a coup, is it?
Actually there have been many outspoken Dumbocrats explicitly calling for a military coup and/or the assassination of President Trump. So yes - the left is desperately calling for the overthrow of a duly elected U.S. president and they aren't even attempting to hide it:

Madonna Drops F-Bombs at Anti-Trump Rally: 'I’ve Thought a Lot About Blowing Up the White House'

Sarah Silverman Asks Military to Overthrow 'Fascist' Trump

Rosie O'Donnell Supports 'Martial Law' to Delay Trump's Inauguration

Facebook Scrubs Videos Of Comedian Calling For Trump's Assassination
Comedians and Madonna's mataphor? lol. Get a grip...
"Blowing up the White House" isn't a metaphor snowflake. Either you don't know what the meaning of "metaphor" is or you're a typical LWNJ. And your silence on Sarah Silverman calling for a military coup while Rosie O'Donnell called for "Marshall Law" to prevent Trump from being sworn in, is duly noted.
As head of the Intelligence Committee, one must assume Mr. Clapper had the right and the need under the Patriot Act to spy on American Citizens; for it is within the scope of his duty to...
Just when I thought you couldn't possibly get any dumber - you find a way to reach new levels of unprecedented ignorance.

Snowflake....nobody has the "right" to spy on American citizens and it is not "within the scope" of any duty to spy on Americans. It is an egregious violation of our most basic laws and constitutional rights.

I seriously can't tell if you are borderline mentally retarded or if you're a troll.

"Title IX amends the National Security Act of 1947 to require the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) to establish requirements and priorities for foreign intelligence collected under FISA and to provide assistance to the United States Attorney General to ensure that information derived from electronic surveillance or physical searches is disseminated for efficient and effective foreign intelligence purposes.[135] With the exception of information that might jeopardize an ongoing law enforcement investigation, it was made a requirement that the Attorney General, or the head of any other department or agency of the Federal Government with law enforcement responsibilities, disclose to the Director any foreign intelligence acquired by the U.S. Department of Justice. The Attorney General and Director of Central Intelligence were directed to develop procedures for the Attorney General to follow in order to inform the Director, in a timely manner, of any intention of investigating criminal activity of a foreign intelligence source or potential foreign intelligence source based on the intelligence tip-off of a member of the intelligence community. The Attorney General was also directed to develop procedures on how to best administer these matters.[136]International terrorist activities were made to fall within the scope of foreign intelligence under the National Security Act.[137

Patriot Act - Wikipedia
As head of the Intelligence Committee, one must assume Mr. Clapper had the right and the need under the Patriot Act to spy on American Citizens; for it is within the scope of his duty to...
Just when I thought you couldn't possibly get any dumber - you find a way to reach new levels of unprecedented ignorance.

Snowflake....nobody has the "right" to spy on American citizens and it is not "within the scope" of any duty to spy on Americans. It is an egregious violation of our most basic laws and constitutional rights.

I seriously can't tell if you are borderline mentally retarded or if you're a troll.
Remember when the moonbats HATED the Patriot Act? I do.
I say let this shit play out except the Trump administration should publicly reveal every thing these lefties are doing. Most sane people realise how batshit insane the elite of the left is, I say we let them continue eventually only a few hardcore wackadoodles will continue to support the far left the rest will finally come to their senses.
Implicating Putin as being culpable in all of this, and then slapping sanctions on them to get at Trump is a very dangerous situation the left has gotten this nation into. The left are complete fools, and they were the ones saying that they didn't trust Trump with the nuclear keys ??? These idiots would start world war three to get at Trump, and this nation is sitting here going along with this idiocy ? It amazes me that the liberal agenda to place boys in the girls restrooms, push the gay agenda over and above the rights of Christians who just want to believe and practice their faith openly in their lives, allow the potential of dangerous people to come in here and to kill the Americans using terrorist tactics, remain soft on border control, and allow murder in places like Chicago to just become or remain as some kind of new norm, keep businesses away due to high taxes, promotes globalism, allows the UN to make calls concerning our nation's business or security, empowers foriegners to think that they have more rights than American citizens, promotes diversity to the point of destabilizing community after community, kills millions of unborn Americans by way of abortion, and wants taxpayers to foot the bills for some of the craziest bull crap ever heard of. They also are anti-military anti-American values, anti-police, anti-religion, anti-christian, anti - law & order, anti-conservative excetra, is ruling this nation or wanting to rule this nation on and on ?? Pathetic.
Well that's hardly a coup, is it?
Actually there have been many outspoken Dumbocrats explicitly calling for a military coup and/or the assassination of President Trump. So yes - the left is desperately calling for the overthrow of a duly elected U.S. president and they aren't even attempting to hide it:

Madonna Drops F-Bombs at Anti-Trump Rally: 'I’ve Thought a Lot About Blowing Up the White House'

Sarah Silverman Asks Military to Overthrow 'Fascist' Trump

Rosie O'Donnell Supports 'Martial Law' to Delay Trump's Inauguration

Facebook Scrubs Videos Of Comedian Calling For Trump's Assassination
Comedians and Madonna's mataphor? lol. Get a grip...
"Blowing up the White House" isn't a metaphor snowflake. Either you don't know what the meaning of "metaphor" is or you're a typical LWNJ. And your silence on Sarah Silverman calling for a military coup while Rosie O'Donnell called for "Marshall Law" to prevent Trump from being sworn in, is duly noted.
Actually, it is a metaphor. Jeebus what a dumb dupe....
As head of the Intelligence Committee, one must assume Mr. Clapper had the right and the need under the Patriot Act to spy on American Citizens; for it is within the scope of his duty to...
Just when I thought you couldn't possibly get any dumber - you find a way to reach new levels of unprecedented ignorance.

Snowflake....nobody has the "right" to spy on American citizens and it is not "within the scope" of any duty to spy on Americans. It is an egregious violation of our most basic laws and constitutional rights.

I seriously can't tell if you are borderline mentally retarded or if you're a troll.

"Title IX amends the National Security Act of 1947 to require the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) to establish requirements and priorities for foreign intelligence collected under FISA and to provide assistance to the United States Attorney General to ensure that information derived from electronic surveillance or physical searches is disseminated for efficient and effective foreign intelligence purposes.[135] With the exception of information that might jeopardize an ongoing law enforcement investigation, it was made a requirement that the Attorney General, or the head of any other department or agency of the Federal Government with law enforcement responsibilities, disclose to the Director any foreign intelligence acquired by the U.S. Department of Justice. The Attorney General and Director of Central Intelligence were directed to develop procedures for the Attorney General to follow in order to inform the Director, in a timely manner, of any intention of investigating criminal activity of a foreign intelligence source or potential foreign intelligence source based on the intelligence tip-off of a member of the intelligence community. The Attorney General was also directed to develop procedures on how to best administer these matters.[136]International terrorist activities were made to fall within the scope of foreign intelligence under the National Security Act.[137

Patriot Act - Wikipedia
Yeah....we'll aware of the Patriot Act jack-ass. The illegal legislation that caused you dimwit Dumbocrats to lose your shit when George W. Bush and the Republican's created it. It then caused Barack Obama to run on shutting it down (which of course he did not - but instead expanded due to his obsession with power). The U.S. Constitution trumps and and all law - and as such - our 5th Amendment rights renders the Patriot Act 100% illegal.

Here snowflake - since we know you'll swallow any load from your messiah - here he is campaigning on ending the Patriot Act because it is unconstitutional. Feel stupid yet? You should.

As head of the Intelligence Committee, one must assume Mr. Clapper had the right and the need under the Patriot Act to spy on American Citizens; for it is within the scope of his duty to...
Just when I thought you couldn't possibly get any dumber - you find a way to reach new levels of unprecedented ignorance.

Snowflake....nobody has the "right" to spy on American citizens and it is not "within the scope" of any duty to spy on Americans. It is an egregious violation of our most basic laws and constitutional rights.

I seriously can't tell if you are borderline mentally retarded or if you're a troll.
Remember when the moonbats HATED the Patriot Act? I do.

I do too, but unlike you/crazy right wingers, Democrats, liberals and progressives recognize that we are a nation of laws, and work to repeal a law which infringes on the rights of others, and obey the law until reason overcomes bigotry.
As head of the Intelligence Committee, one must assume Mr. Clapper had the right and the need under the Patriot Act to spy on American Citizens; for it is within the scope of his duty to...
Just when I thought you couldn't possibly get any dumber - you find a way to reach new levels of unprecedented ignorance.

Snowflake....nobody has the "right" to spy on American citizens and it is not "within the scope" of any duty to spy on Americans. It is an egregious violation of our most basic laws and constitutional rights.

I seriously can't tell if you are borderline mentally retarded or if you're a troll.

"Title IX amends the National Security Act of 1947 to require the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) to establish requirements and priorities for foreign intelligence collected under FISA and to provide assistance to the United States Attorney General to ensure that information derived from electronic surveillance or physical searches is disseminated for efficient and effective foreign intelligence purposes.[135] With the exception of information that might jeopardize an ongoing law enforcement investigation, it was made a requirement that the Attorney General, or the head of any other department or agency of the Federal Government with law enforcement responsibilities, disclose to the Director any foreign intelligence acquired by the U.S. Department of Justice. The Attorney General and Director of Central Intelligence were directed to develop procedures for the Attorney General to follow in order to inform the Director, in a timely manner, of any intention of investigating criminal activity of a foreign intelligence source or potential foreign intelligence source based on the intelligence tip-off of a member of the intelligence community. The Attorney General was also directed to develop procedures on how to best administer these matters.[136]International terrorist activities were made to fall within the scope of foreign intelligence under the National Security Act.[137

Patriot Act - Wikipedia
Yeah....we'll aware of the Patriot Act jack-ass. The illegal legislation that caused you dimwit Dumbocrats to lose your shit when George W. Bush and the Republican's created it. It then caused Barack Obama to run on shutting it down (which of course he did not - but instead expanded due to his obsession with power). The U.S. Constitution trumps and and all law - and as such - our 5th Amendment rights renders the Patriot Act 100% illegal.

Here snowflake - since we know you'll swallow any load from your messiah - here he is campaigning on ending the Patriot Act because it is unconstitutional. Feel stupid yet? You should.

Obama limited it, dupe.
As head of the Intelligence Committee, one must assume Mr. Clapper had the right and the need under the Patriot Act to spy on American Citizens; for it is within the scope of his duty to...
Just when I thought you couldn't possibly get any dumber - you find a way to reach new levels of unprecedented ignorance.

Snowflake....nobody has the "right" to spy on American citizens and it is not "within the scope" of any duty to spy on Americans. It is an egregious violation of our most basic laws and constitutional rights.

I seriously can't tell if you are borderline mentally retarded or if you're a troll.

"Title IX amends the National Security Act of 1947 to require the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) to establish requirements and priorities for foreign intelligence collected under FISA and to provide assistance to the United States Attorney General to ensure that information derived from electronic surveillance or physical searches is disseminated for efficient and effective foreign intelligence purposes.[135] With the exception of information that might jeopardize an ongoing law enforcement investigation, it was made a requirement that the Attorney General, or the head of any other department or agency of the Federal Government with law enforcement responsibilities, disclose to the Director any foreign intelligence acquired by the U.S. Department of Justice. The Attorney General and Director of Central Intelligence were directed to develop procedures for the Attorney General to follow in order to inform the Director, in a timely manner, of any intention of investigating criminal activity of a foreign intelligence source or potential foreign intelligence source based on the intelligence tip-off of a member of the intelligence community. The Attorney General was also directed to develop procedures on how to best administer these matters.[136]International terrorist activities were made to fall within the scope of foreign intelligence under the National Security Act.[137

Patriot Act - Wikipedia
Yeah....we'll aware of the Patriot Act jack-ass. The illegal legislation that caused you dimwit Dumbocrats to lose your shit when George W. Bush and the Republican's created it. It then caused Barack Obama to run on shutting it down (which of course he did not - but instead expanded due to his obsession with power). The U.S. Constitution trumps and and all law - and as such - our 5th Amendment rights renders the Patriot Act 100% illegal.

Here snowflake - since we know you'll swallow any load from your messiah - here he is campaigning on ending the Patriot Act because it is unconstitutional. Feel stupid yet? You should.

LOL, I shot you in the foot, and then you shot yourself in the other foot. That's funny!
As head of the Intelligence Committee, one must assume Mr. Clapper had the right and the need under the Patriot Act to spy on American Citizens; for it is within the scope of his duty to...
Just when I thought you couldn't possibly get any dumber - you find a way to reach new levels of unprecedented ignorance.

Snowflake....nobody has the "right" to spy on American citizens and it is not "within the scope" of any duty to spy on Americans. It is an egregious violation of our most basic laws and constitutional rights.

I seriously can't tell if you are borderline mentally retarded or if you're a troll.

"Title IX amends the National Security Act of 1947 to require the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) to establish requirements and priorities for foreign intelligence collected under FISA and to provide assistance to the United States Attorney General to ensure that information derived from electronic surveillance or physical searches is disseminated for efficient and effective foreign intelligence purposes.[135] With the exception of information that might jeopardize an ongoing law enforcement investigation, it was made a requirement that the Attorney General, or the head of any other department or agency of the Federal Government with law enforcement responsibilities, disclose to the Director any foreign intelligence acquired by the U.S. Department of Justice. The Attorney General and Director of Central Intelligence were directed to develop procedures for the Attorney General to follow in order to inform the Director, in a timely manner, of any intention of investigating criminal activity of a foreign intelligence source or potential foreign intelligence source based on the intelligence tip-off of a member of the intelligence community. The Attorney General was also directed to develop procedures on how to best administer these matters.[136]International terrorist activities were made to fall within the scope of foreign intelligence under the National Security Act.[137

Patriot Act - Wikipedia
Yeah....we'll aware of the Patriot Act jack-ass. The illegal legislation that caused you dimwit Dumbocrats to lose your shit when George W. Bush and the Republican's created it. It then caused Barack Obama to run on shutting it down (which of course he did not - but instead expanded due to his obsession with power). The U.S. Constitution trumps and and all law - and as such - our 5th Amendment rights renders the Patriot Act 100% illegal.

Here snowflake - since we know you'll swallow any load from your messiah - here he is campaigning on ending the Patriot Act because it is unconstitutional. Feel stupid yet? You should.

Obama limited it, dupe.

Oooops, GOP blocked those limits...
Updated - The Obameter: Revise the Patriot Act to increase oversight on government surveillance
As head of the Intelligence Committee, one must assume Mr. Clapper had the right and the need under the Patriot Act to spy on American Citizens; for it is within the scope of his duty to...
Just when I thought you couldn't possibly get any dumber - you find a way to reach new levels of unprecedented ignorance.

Snowflake....nobody has the "right" to spy on American citizens and it is not "within the scope" of any duty to spy on Americans. It is an egregious violation of our most basic laws and constitutional rights.

I seriously can't tell if you are borderline mentally retarded or if you're a troll.
Remember when the moonbats HATED the Patriot Act? I do.

I do too, but unlike you/crazy right wingers, Democrats, liberals and progressives recognize that we are a nation of laws, and work to repeal a law which infringes on the rights of others, and obey the law until reason overcomes bigotry.
. Yeah Obama was against the Patriot act until he saw that it would allow his administration to use it to spy on his political enemies. Then it was ok.
As head of the Intelligence Committee, one must assume Mr. Clapper had the right and the need under the Patriot Act to spy on American Citizens; for it is within the scope of his duty to...
Just when I thought you couldn't possibly get any dumber - you find a way to reach new levels of unprecedented ignorance.

Snowflake....nobody has the "right" to spy on American citizens and it is not "within the scope" of any duty to spy on Americans. It is an egregious violation of our most basic laws and constitutional rights.

I seriously can't tell if you are borderline mentally retarded or if you're a troll.
Remember when the moonbats HATED the Patriot Act? I do.

I do too, but unlike you/crazy right wingers, Democrats, liberals and progressives recognize that we are a nation of laws, and work to repeal a law which infringes on the rights of others, and obey the law until reason overcomes bigotry.
. Yeah Obama was against the Patriot act until he saw that it would allow his administration to use it to spy on his political enemies. Then it was ok.

poor dear.... reality....had it been repealed and something happened you hacks would have been shrieking that it was his fault. but you're ok with a president who is so distrusted by the intelligence forces that they won't disclose information they're afraid will be turned over to russia.

Spying on an incoming administration with the intention of blackmailing, leaking information, and trying to subvert it.....yes that could be seen as a coup. It's an attempt to get Trump removed from office. The globalist want Trump out, they will take Pence or any other GOP. It's not surprising that loons like you are going along with it.

You are the fucking stupid....

They were listening to the Russian, you know the enemy... Still surrendering there comrade...

The Russians are your enemies?? When did that happen?

Nope; no declared war anywhere I can see.


The Russian Government is the enemy of freedom and liberty.

Then why was the Russian "reset" hailed as such a great thing?

Did that work and make Russia not the enemy of freedom and liberty? What does that have to do with the constant communication the Trump campaign had with Russian intellegence agents?
"Constant communication"?
Bullshit lie
Well the Trumpbots are hitting the tree, even if they're missing the target completely. Yes, there is a "coup d'etat", and yes it needs to be ruthlessly quashed. It's the take-over of the US government by agents of the Russian President, Vladimir Putin.

Remember when Nikita Krushchev said that one day Russia would take over the United States without firing a shot? Well it's happened. Trump is Putin's man from top to bottom.

Trump's campaign staff coordinated with the Russians to get a KGB plant elected President. And you idiots not only let it happen, you adamantly refuse to believe the evidence of your own eyes and ears when's he's been caught.

The CIA didn't illegally tape Trump's staff. They were tracking Russian Intelligence Operatives and spies, and found the entire senior level of the Trump Campaign was in regular contact with them.

That posters here are prepared to believe the Russians ahead of the FBI and the CIA, shows how brainwashed you are against liberals. The liberals are Americans, not foreign nationals who want to neuter the US military so they can conquer Europe without challenge.

Are you so consumed with hatred of your fellow Americans that you believe Putin over those you disagree with? If you answer yes, you deserve what's happening to you.

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