Trump must ruthlessly put down Progressive coup

The Deplorables are fit to be tied now that all news stations including their beloved Fox News is covering these developing Russian scandals.

It's not like we didn't warn you about Trumputin.
The deplorables could give a shit what the leftty propagandists do.

It's hilarious reading the spastic delusional tards; they think they're relevant or something.
This is literally the funniest fucking thread on the forum.

I can't wait for the impeachment.

Prosecuting Obama's and Hillary's criminal acts no longer requires the impeachment process, dummy; they're out of office now.
Oh the wonderful times ahead!
President Trump has been dealing with the most ruthless, conniving, greedy corrupt POS 'businessmen' on the planet for decades.
He ALWAYS comes out the winner!
Anyone who believes President Trump is some sort of a stupid duffus who can be spied on and undermined and will sit back and take it is a fucking idiot.
At this very minute President Trump has the list of the traitors, within the administration and the traitors at CNN/WAPO/MSNBC etc, on his desk.
When this fucking bullshit is over there are going to be a LOT of LIBs and some REPs walking around Washington wearing 'shit-eating grins' who are busy arranging for moving companies.
President Trump is going to drop legal MOABS on America's traitors.
Ten years in a Federal prison located in a 'tent prison in S. Nevada is going to be the well deserved fate of these seditious traitors.
yup and yup and yup
Remember when Nikita Krushchev said that one day Russia would take over the United States without firing a shot? Well it's happened.
Yeah it has. They infiltrated your party and completely took it over. And your dumb ass is so frigg'n stupid - you support Soviet era policies without even knowing you support Soviet era policies.

Sweetie - the Communist Party U.S.A. said of Barack Obama (and I quote) "we have a friend in the White House". They sure as hell never said that about Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, or Donald Trump.

Not only that, but Barack Obama appointed Van Jones - a self-professed communist - as one of his "czars" (a communist term).

Oh - and let's not forget that Barack Obama called card-carrying-member of the Communist Party U.S.A. - Frank Marshall Davis (card #47544) - his "mentor".

Thank you Dragonlady. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have illustrated your profound ignorance to everyone on USMB. They now know to simply ignore everything you post since all of it is hilariously inaccurate.

Scary New Revalation About Obama's Mentors That Barack Will NOT Want You To Read

Obama's Communist Czars - Van Jones, Valerie Jarrett, Cass Sunstein, Mark Lloyd - CommieBlaster

Posting article from "Western Journalism" and "". Yes really truthful, reliable sources those. Do you have anything that isn't from an "alt-right" source?

Western Journalism is a renowned "fake news" site. The owner has openly admitted to trolling rightwingers with outright fabrications and lies, and they fall for it every time, because conservatives have been trained by Fox, Rush and Beck to swallow anything, and now Trump has you swallowing everything he does.

There are none so blind as rightwingers who voted for Trump.

So the site has the same level of cred as CNN, MSNBC, Huffington Post, Salon, or any academic journal published in the last 40 years. Good point.
Oh the wonderful times ahead!
President Trump has been dealing with the most ruthless, conniving, greedy corrupt POS 'businessmen' on the planet for decades.
He ALWAYS comes out the winner!
Anyone who believes President Trump is some sort of a stupid duffus who can be spied on and undermined and will sit back and take it is a fucking idiot.
At this very minute President Trump has the list of the traitors, within the administration and the traitors at CNN/WAPO/MSNBC etc, on his desk.
When this fucking bullshit is over there are going to be a LOT of LIBs and some REPs walking around Washington wearing 'shit-eating grins' who are busy arranging for moving companies.
President Trump is going to drop legal MOABS on America's traitors.
Ten years in a Federal prison located in a 'tent prison in S. Nevada is going to be the well deserved fate of these seditious traitors.

At the very least, he's definitely forcing the rats out of the walls and going on public record as vermin and assorted traitors. The more they try to sink him with fake 'scandals', the fewer people who will turn out to vote for their criminal 'candidates' in the mid-terms and 2020. Let them rant. The major media rags and networks completely shot whatever cred they had within months of his running, and yet they're too stupid to realize that and still think they're 'relevant' and 'winning' something. Watch the former billions the Parties spent with them in past elections evaporate like water at noon in a desert. They'll be taking huge salary cuts and network news depts. will be folding soon, replaced by Kandi, The Topless News Reader and Bozo Mark II, Anchor Clown of the Future, for $40k a year at best.

Well, except 'Kandi', she'll pull down around $200k, but still ...
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Remember when Nikita Krushchev said that one day Russia would take over the United States without firing a shot? Well it's happened.
Yeah it has. They infiltrated your party and completely took it over. And your dumb ass is so frigg'n stupid - you support Soviet era policies without even knowing you support Soviet era policies.

Sweetie - the Communist Party U.S.A. said of Barack Obama (and I quote) "we have a friend in the White House". They sure as hell never said that about Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, or Donald Trump.

Not only that, but Barack Obama appointed Van Jones - a self-professed communist - as one of his "czars" (a communist term).

Oh - and let's not forget that Barack Obama called card-carrying-member of the Communist Party U.S.A. - Frank Marshall Davis (card #47544) - his "mentor".

Thank you Dragonlady. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have illustrated your profound ignorance to everyone on USMB. They now know to simply ignore everything you post since all of it is hilariously inaccurate.

Scary New Revalation About Obama's Mentors That Barack Will NOT Want You To Read

Obama's Communist Czars - Van Jones, Valerie Jarrett, Cass Sunstein, Mark Lloyd - CommieBlaster

Posting article from "Western Journalism" and "". Yes really truthful, reliable sources those. Do you have anything that isn't from an "alt-right" source?

Western Journalism is a renowned "fake news" site. The owner has openly admitted to trolling rightwingers with outright fabrications and lies, and they fall for it every time, because conservatives have been trained by Fox, Rush and Beck to swallow anything, and now Trump has you swallowing everything he does.

There are none so blind as rightwingers who voted for Trump.
Why are you so concerned about the links? Because you can't dispute anything I said (you certainly didn't even try). Please articulate for us which part of what I said you have a problem with. Hell, I even posted the actual Communist Party USA card number of Frank Marshall Davis so you could Google it and confirm for yourself.
Well that's hardly a coup, is it?
Actually there have been many outspoken Dumbocrats explicitly calling for a military coup and/or the assassination of President Trump. So yes - the left is desperately calling for the overthrow of a duly elected U.S. president and they aren't even attempting to hide it:

Madonna Drops F-Bombs at Anti-Trump Rally: 'I’ve Thought a Lot About Blowing Up the White House'

Sarah Silverman Asks Military to Overthrow 'Fascist' Trump

Rosie O'Donnell Supports 'Martial Law' to Delay Trump's Inauguration

Facebook Scrubs Videos Of Comedian Calling For Trump's Assassination
Comedians and Madonna's mataphor? lol. Get a grip...
"Blowing up the White House" isn't a metaphor snowflake. Either you don't know what the meaning of "metaphor" is or you're a typical LWNJ. And your silence on Sarah Silverman calling for a military coup while Rosie O'Donnell called for "Marshall Law" to prevent Trump from being sworn in, is duly noted.
Actually, it is a metaphor. Jeebus what a dumb dupe....
Good for you!
At least you spelled the word right this time. Now find a dictionary and read what the word means.....asshole!
Only if you believe Madonna actually planned to do it, superdumb superdupe. Get some fresh air.
You are the fucking stupid....

They were listening to the Russian, you know the enemy... Still surrendering there comrade...

The Russians are your enemies?? When did that happen?

Nope; no declared war anywhere I can see.


The Russian Government is the enemy of freedom and liberty.

Then why was the Russian "reset" hailed as such a great thing?

Did that work and make Russia not the enemy of freedom and liberty? What does that have to do with the constant communication the Trump campaign had with Russian intellegence agents?
"Constant communication"?
Bullshit lie

Constant I tell ya. I heard that both Donnie and Vlad had Bat-Phones installed with a constant connection.:ack-1:
Remember when Nikita Krushchev said that one day Russia would take over the United States without firing a shot? Well it's happened.

Pop quiz: Name the candidates that the CPUSA endorsed in 2008, '12, and '16?

Dems are so Communist that CPUSA doesn't even have to run their own candidate
. The reason Dems are so communist, is because they can't win the people over with their ideas, so they have to force the people to go along with them. They've been active doing this for way to long, and hopefully it will stop NOW.
Remember when Nikita Krushchev said that one day Russia would take over the United States without firing a shot? Well it's happened.

Pop quiz: Name the candidates that the CPUSA endorsed in 2008, '12, and '16?

Dems are so Communist that CPUSA doesn't even have to run their own candidate
The CPUSA has basically disbanded and is nothing but a website. Of course they prefer the Dems to the lying, fake news, cheating, pander to the rich, screw the workers New BS GOP, dupe.
Remember when Nikita Krushchev said that one day Russia would take over the United States without firing a shot? Well it's happened.

Pop quiz: Name the candidates that the CPUSA endorsed in 2008, '12, and '16?

Dems are so Communist that CPUSA doesn't even have to run their own candidate

They don't have enough money to run a candidate. And who in their right mind would vote for that failed ideology?

The American Nazi Party endorsed Trump. As did the KKK. They didn't even run their own candidates, because Trump's platform conforms to their ideology.

But you have no problem with that.
Remember when Nikita Krushchev said that one day Russia would take over the United States without firing a shot? Well it's happened.

Pop quiz: Name the candidates that the CPUSA endorsed in 2008, '12, and '16?

Dems are so Communist that CPUSA doesn't even have to run their own candidate
The CPUSA has basically disbanded and is nothing but a website. Of course they prefer the Dems to the lying, fake news, cheating, pander to the rich, screw the workers New BS GOP, dupe.
So the Democrats are running CPUSA? Why do they support Democrat candidates?
Remember when Nikita Krushchev said that one day Russia would take over the United States without firing a shot? Well it's happened.

Pop quiz: Name the candidates that the CPUSA endorsed in 2008, '12, and '16?

Dems are so Communist that CPUSA doesn't even have to run their own candidate
The CPUSA has basically disbanded and is nothing but a website. Of course they prefer the Dems to the lying, fake news, cheating, pander to the rich, screw the workers New BS GOP, dupe.
So the Democrats are running CPUSA? Why do they support Democrat candidates?

Are you being deliberately obtuse or are you that stupid?
Remember when Nikita Krushchev said that one day Russia would take over the United States without firing a shot? Well it's happened.

Pop quiz: Name the candidates that the CPUSA endorsed in 2008, '12, and '16?

Dems are so Communist that CPUSA doesn't even have to run their own candidate
The CPUSA has basically disbanded and is nothing but a website. Of course they prefer the Dems to the lying, fake news, cheating, pander to the rich, screw the workers New BS GOP, dupe.
So the Democrats are running CPUSA? Why do they support Democrat candidates?
CPUSA doesn't really exist, and of course what's left hate the greedy idiot megarich New BS GOP, dupe.
They don't have enough money to run a candidate. And who in their right mind would vote for that failed ideology? and every single one of your left-wing hatriots here on USMB support that failed ideology 24x7. It's funny - you mindless minions are so dimwitted that you literally have no idea what you support.
The American Nazi Party endorsed Trump. As did the KKK. They didn't even run their own candidates...
What does that tell you about how badly Barack Obama failed and how unelectable Hitlery Clinton was? They pushed even the most ardent left to the right.

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