Trump must ruthlessly put down Progressive coup

You can't even explain why Trump isn't a fascist.
. You can't explain why he is. We are all ears.
OKay well that's easy.

1) He's condemned the court system in the US
2) His campaign has strategized with Russian officials
3) He's signed a shitload of EOs without any concept of their legality or the perspective of Congress.
4) He's made no attempt to explain how he would work with congress on anything, like funding his retarded wall idea.
5) He says any negative polls on him are fake and shouldn't be trusted.

You one funny mofo!!
You know I'm right. You just can't admit it.

OK, right on point 1.. but then so did Obama. #2 is just plain insane. #3, OK, yet so did Obama. #4.. who cares? #5... I believe him.

This is what's so pathetic about you people. You can't actually defend Trump. All you can do is say "well Obama derp, derp, derp!"

Obama the secret Muslim waging a secret war against the Grabber in Chief whom I suspect is a secret Viking.

Vikings did a lot of grabbing because they could too you know.
Eight years showed us what a spiteful and vindictive little fuck that King Putt is. I wouldn't put this past him or any of his henchmen in the deep state.
You can't even explain why Trump isn't a fascist.

How do you disprove a negative?
You don't. You defend all of the fascist accusations made against him. None of you can.

Ok, let's address one of your myths. He expressed dissatisfaction with a couple of specific court decisions, how is that any more fascist than when your dear leader did the same?
Here's a direct quote:

"Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!"

He believes the court system is dangerous. In another quote he said the court system was a national securty concern.

Now you want to try actually answering the question I asked?
Obama said nothing of the sort. Quit bringing him up. Stop being a pussy and address Trump himself.
Progressive operatives lurking inside the government and Intel community are staging a coup d'etat and must be dealt with accordingly. Gone are the days when government employees do the work of the American people. This seditious faction nested inside the government is undermining a duly elected President, threatening national security and violating all of our most basis rights and freedoms.

They must be dug out root and branch and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It's sedition, it's a coup and it must be be dealt with accordingly.

Could not agree more. The CIA is corrupt and needs to be dealt with and harshly.

The C.I.A. might respond with....
....extreme prejudice.

Good luck and send news about how it works out.
The I in CIA Stands for Ego

Trump has his supporters there and they, too, know how to shoot. Others need him to fire the swampspooks to create vacancies they want to get promoted to fill.
Progressive operatives lurking inside the government and Intel community are staging a coup d'etat and must be dealt with accordingly. Gone are the days when government employees do the work of the American people. This seditious faction nested inside the government is undermining a duly elected President, threatening national security and violating all of our most basis rights and freedoms.

They must be dug out root and branch and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It's sedition, it's a coup and it must be be dealt with accordingly.

This ^^^ is a call for a purge, Uncle Joe Stalin must be very proud of CrusaderFrank.

BTW CF, trump has undermined himself. Remember, if you ever learned, these three themes in novels: Man against Man; Man against Nature; and Man against Himself.

The final story when written will have trump against all of the above, and it is all because he is unfit and unqualified to be the POTUS; as a narcissist, he will blame other men and nature, never himself. And as a megalomaniac, he may create more chaos in the world than any past war, economic collapse or pandemic.
Ah, digging deeper into this theory lies the rub: Alex Jones and InfoWars...The Godfather of Fake News. Hahahahaha......Connecting the dots on this bullshit is so easy.

This guys babbles almost as badly as KellyAnorexia Nervosa Conway.

The video for this bullshit below: Alex Jones Blames Flynn Resignation On “Coup” Inside White House
ALEX JONES (HOST): Make no mistake. What you’ve seen is the ongoing countercoup. And it’s not a good sign because there was a coup, we had a countercoup. It’s a countercoup to the countercoup. And it shows that Trump is listening more and more to Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus and others saying, “Look, we know there’s no Russian ties to you, but if anybody else has ties prove it to people, get rid of them.” And so, all the news is saying today, “This proves it’s a Russian operation, this is going to bring Trump down, this proves the investigation is just going to get started now.” And John McCain’s running around foaming at the mouth, and the Republican leaders are on Fox News with their chest out going, “Yeah, we’ll get to the bottom of this, we’ll keep Trump on a short leash. We know how to keep you safe from them durn Ruskies.”

Just like we knew it would go. So, I know Trump’s super smart, so maybe Flynn did some other things, because that’s really what it is. I shouldn’t say maybe Flynn did other things, Flynn’s not bad and Flynn’s a super patriot and led, inside the government, the countercoup against the globalists who were about to end free speech, totally take over, just -- in the name of net neutrality start total censorship. Again, everything’s upside-down, real hardcore evil was about to commence. They admitted that, that was their plan if Hillary got in. But it was so obvious, so over the top, that finally people in our government and the citizens and across the world are awakening saying, “No, we don’t want this.”

And so Flynn’s on the phone 18 hours a day, and they’ve got so many regulations and so many different things that they could go through all that and they could find a few things Flynn might not have dotted or crossed perfectly like Dinesh D’Souza, and then you see that’s the big embarrassment . So don’t think Flynn’s gone because of this made-up Russian crap.

There was paperwork filed in consulting deals previous to the campaign with Turkey. And I’;ll just put that out there, nobody else knows about that kind of stuff, just so everybody understands what’s really going on. You’ve got to be 100 percent absolutely pristine clean – which he was – but it doesn’t matter, they’re going to go after everybody , they’re going to try and persecute whoever they can to intimidate everybody in that White House if they can’t intimidate Trump to toe the line or we’re going to personally destroy you and your family."""
No. Investigate who was doing illegal wiretaps on the political opposition. Charge them with their crimes, and find out who ordered them to do it.

Well that's hardly a coup, is it?

Spying on an incoming administration with the intention of blackmailing, leaking information, and trying to subvert it.....yes that could be seen as a coup. It's an attempt to get Trump removed from office. The globalist want Trump out, they will take Pence or any other GOP. It's not surprising that loons like you are going along with it.

Well, saying something bad about Trump "could be seen as a coup", I mean, there are people who will see anything as a coup. People who break the law should be punished, it's that simple. This isn't a coup.

But it didn't take you long to whip out the insults, did it. Your argument must be amazing if you have to resort to insults so quickly. Bye.

We're not talking about citizens just being against Trump and protesting or wishing he was gone. We're talking about government agencies actively engaging in undermining the President. Most "coup" attempts are from within a government to unseat a leader.

So who are these operatives?

Seems to me that Flynn is the problem and was fired because he lied to Pence and others about his conversations with the Russian ambassador PRIOR to Trump taking office. What fucking arrogance, not to mention being illegal.
Now it appears that Trump knew weeks ago that Flynn had talked about sanctions being removed but did nothing. How? Because the telephone calls are transcribed! But he's blaming the intel community anyway.

Waah...waaah....Sorry, but you're the real snowflake. Not the ones like I us who knew Trump's admin was going to be a fucking train wreck.
. Once President, why didn't the situation come to light in a meeting between the Intel community and the President ? Why wasn't this done by protocol, and why wasn't it done decent and in order ? The leaking that led to a supposed gotcha moment against this Mike Flynn is highly suspect, and the leakers need to be brought before Congress or the President to explain themselves. The air needs to be cleared immediately in all of this.
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Progressive operatives lurking inside the government and Intel community are staging a coup d'etat and must be dealt with accordingly. Gone are the days when government employees do the work of the American people. This seditious faction nested inside the government is undermining a duly elected President, threatening national security and violating all of our most basis rights and freedoms.

They must be dug out root and branch and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It's sedition, it's a coup and it must be be dealt with accordingly.

This ^^^ is a call for a purge, Uncle Joe Stalin must be very proud of CrusaderFrank.

BTW CF, trump has undermined himself. Remember, if you ever learned, these three themes in novels: Man against Man; Man against Nature; and Man against Himself.

The final story when written will have trump against all of the above, and it is all because he is unfit and unqualified to be the POTUS; as a narcissist, he will blame other men and nature, never himself. And as a megalomaniac, he may create more chaos in the world than any past war, economic collapse or pandemic.

Yes, we have to purge the people who are illegally using their government power to subvert the will of the American people by undermining the duly elected president.
Progressive operatives lurking inside the government and Intel community are staging a coup d'etat and must be dealt with accordingly. Gone are the days when government employees do the work of the American people. This seditious faction nested inside the government is undermining a duly elected President, threatening national security and violating all of our most basis rights and freedoms.

They must be dug out root and branch and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It's sedition, it's a coup and it must be be dealt with accordingly.

This ^^^ is a call for a purge, Uncle Joe Stalin must be very proud of CrusaderFrank.

BTW CF, trump has undermined himself. Remember, if you ever learned, these three themes in novels: Man against Man; Man against Nature; and Man against Himself.

The final story when written will have trump against all of the above, and it is all because he is unfit and unqualified to be the POTUS; as a narcissist, he will blame other men and nature, never himself. And as a megalomaniac, he may create more chaos in the world than any past war, economic collapse or pandemic.
. So far you leftist are the ones making war with Russia over Hillary's loss, so don't try and make a claim that Trump is the dangerous one. You leftist take the prize. In fact your wrecklace actions have caused innocent cops to be gunned down in our streets, and you people lied about Michael Brown causing Ferguson to be totally destroyed, and then hardly no one was arrested afterwards. I could keep going, but you are going to come here and say Trump is dangerous ? Get real !
Progressive operatives lurking inside the government and Intel community are staging a coup d'etat and must be dealt with accordingly. Gone are the days when government employees do the work of the American people. This seditious faction nested inside the government is undermining a duly elected President, threatening national security and violating all of our most basis rights and freedoms.

They must be dug out root and branch and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It's sedition, it's a coup and it must be be dealt with accordingly.

This ^^^ is a call for a purge, Uncle Joe Stalin must be very proud of CrusaderFrank.

BTW CF, trump has undermined himself. Remember, if you ever learned, these three themes in novels: Man against Man; Man against Nature; and Man against Himself.

The final story when written will have trump against all of the above, and it is all because he is unfit and unqualified to be the POTUS; as a narcissist, he will blame other men and nature, never himself. And as a megalomaniac, he may create more chaos in the world than any past war, economic collapse or pandemic.

Yes, we have to purge the people who are illegally using their government power to subvert the will of the American people by undermining the duly elected president.
. Yes, bring them to justice.
"An amazing battle for dominance is playing out between the elected US government, and the Intelligence Community, who consider themselves to be the permanent government."

-Julian Assange
How do you disprove a negative?
You don't. You defend all of the fascist accusations made against him. None of you can.

Ok, let's address one of your myths. He expressed dissatisfaction with a couple of specific court decisions, how is that any more fascist than when your dear leader did the same?
Here's a direct quote:

"Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!"

He believes the court system is dangerous. In another quote he said the court system was a national securty concern.

Now you want to try actually answering the question I asked?
Obama said nothing of the sort. Quit bringing him up. Stop being a pussy and address Trump himself.

Really what would you call denigrating the Supreme Court on national TV in the State of the Union address or criticizing the TX district court and the 5th circuit court of appeals on declaring his DAPA action unconstitutional? Is your dear leader a fascist too? Now answer the question and stop deflecting.
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You don't. You defend all of the fascist accusations made against him. None of you can.

Ok, let's address one of your myths. He expressed dissatisfaction with a couple of specific court decisions, how is that any more fascist than when your dear leader did the same?
Here's a direct quote:

"Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!"

He believes the court system is dangerous. In another quote he said the court system was a national securty concern.

Now you want to try actually answering the question I asked?
Obama said nothing of the sort. Quit bringing him up. Stop being a pussy and address Trump himself.

Really what would you call denigrating the Supreme Court on national TV in the State of the Union address or criticizing the TX district court and the 5th circuit court of appeals on declaring in DAPA action unconstitutional? Is your dear leader a fascist too? Now answer the question and stop deflecting.

When President Obama criticize the Citizen United decision at the State of the Union address, he did not denigrate the courts as Trump did in his tweets.
You don't. You defend all of the fascist accusations made against him. None of you can.

Ok, let's address one of your myths. He expressed dissatisfaction with a couple of specific court decisions, how is that any more fascist than when your dear leader did the same?
Here's a direct quote:

"Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!"

He believes the court system is dangerous. In another quote he said the court system was a national securty concern.

Now you want to try actually answering the question I asked?
Obama said nothing of the sort. Quit bringing him up. Stop being a pussy and address Trump himself.

Really what would you call denigrating the Supreme Court on national TV in the State of the Union address or criticizing the TX district court and the 5th circuit court of appeals on declaring his DAPA action unconstitutional? Is your dear leader a fascist too? Now answer the question and stop deflecting.
Give me an exact quote in context or shut the fuck up. Either that, or addresss Trump's obvious fascism
Ok, let's address one of your myths. He expressed dissatisfaction with a couple of specific court decisions, how is that any more fascist than when your dear leader did the same?
Here's a direct quote:

"Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!"

He believes the court system is dangerous. In another quote he said the court system was a national securty concern.

Now you want to try actually answering the question I asked?
Obama said nothing of the sort. Quit bringing him up. Stop being a pussy and address Trump himself.

Really what would you call denigrating the Supreme Court on national TV in the State of the Union address or criticizing the TX district court and the 5th circuit court of appeals on declaring in DAPA action unconstitutional? Is your dear leader a fascist too? Now answer the question and stop deflecting.

When President Obama criticize the Citizen United decision at the State of the Union address, he did not denigrate the courts as Trump did in his tweets.

So blatantly lying about the decision is not denigrating the court?
The decision had nothing to do with campaign finance or foreign contributions, your dear leader said otherwise. What would you call it?
Ah, digging deeper into this theory lies the rub: Alex Jones and InfoWars...The Godfather of Fake News. Hahahahaha......Connecting the dots on this bullshit is so easy.

This guys babbles almost as badly as KellyAnorexia Nervosa Conway.

The video for this bullshit below: Alex Jones Blames Flynn Resignation On “Coup” Inside White House
ALEX JONES (HOST): Make no mistake. What you’ve seen is the ongoing countercoup. And it’s not a good sign because there was a coup, we had a countercoup. It’s a countercoup to the countercoup. And it shows that Trump is listening more and more to Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus and others saying, “Look, we know there’s no Russian ties to you, but if anybody else has ties prove it to people, get rid of them.” And so, all the news is saying today, “This proves it’s a Russian operation, this is going to bring Trump down, this proves the investigation is just going to get started now.” And John McCain’s running around foaming at the mouth, and the Republican leaders are on Fox News with their chest out going, “Yeah, we’ll get to the bottom of this, we’ll keep Trump on a short leash. We know how to keep you safe from them durn Ruskies.”

Just like we knew it would go. So, I know Trump’s super smart, so maybe Flynn did some other things, because that’s really what it is. I shouldn’t say maybe Flynn did other things, Flynn’s not bad and Flynn’s a super patriot and led, inside the government, the countercoup against the globalists who were about to end free speech, totally take over, just -- in the name of net neutrality start total censorship. Again, everything’s upside-down, real hardcore evil was about to commence. They admitted that, that was their plan if Hillary got in. But it was so obvious, so over the top, that finally people in our government and the citizens and across the world are awakening saying, “No, we don’t want this.”

And so Flynn’s on the phone 18 hours a day, and they’ve got so many regulations and so many different things that they could go through all that and they could find a few things Flynn might not have dotted or crossed perfectly like Dinesh D’Souza, and then you see that’s the big embarrassment . So don’t think Flynn’s gone because of this made-up Russian crap.

There was paperwork filed in consulting deals previous to the campaign with Turkey. And I’;ll just put that out there, nobody else knows about that kind of stuff, just so everybody understands what’s really going on. You’ve got to be 100 percent absolutely pristine clean – which he was – but it doesn’t matter, they’re going to go after everybody , they’re going to try and persecute whoever they can to intimidate everybody in that White House if they can’t intimidate Trump to toe the line or we’re going to personally destroy you and your family."""

We need a single word to describe this ^^^ post, four paragraphs of word salad, wrapped in tin foil and placed in the smallest of a dozen Chinese Boxes, the largest wrapped in electrified razor wire and hidden in the space between the ears of Alex Jones.
Progressive operatives lurking inside the government and Intel community are staging a coup d'etat and must be dealt with accordingly. Gone are the days when government employees do the work of the American people. This seditious faction nested inside the government is undermining a duly elected President, threatening national security and violating all of our most basis rights and freedoms.

They must be dug out root and branch and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It's sedition, it's a coup and it must be be dealt with accordingly.

What, is this Turkey? Just name all your opponents as anti-American and then lock them up for being anti-American?

No. Investigate who was doing illegal wiretaps on the political opposition. Charge them with their crimes, and find out who ordered them to do it.

Well that's hardly a coup, is it?

It's treason, no question about that.
Progressive operatives lurking inside the government and Intel community are staging a coup d'etat and must be dealt with accordingly. Gone are the days when government employees do the work of the American people. This seditious faction nested inside the government is undermining a duly elected President, threatening national security and violating all of our most basis rights and freedoms.

They must be dug out root and branch and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It's sedition, it's a coup and it must be be dealt with accordingly.

This ^^^ is a call for a purge, Uncle Joe Stalin must be very proud of CrusaderFrank.

BTW CF, trump has undermined himself. Remember, if you ever learned, these three themes in novels: Man against Man; Man against Nature; and Man against Himself.

The final story when written will have trump against all of the above, and it is all because he is unfit and unqualified to be the POTUS; as a narcissist, he will blame other men and nature, never himself. And as a megalomaniac, he may create more chaos in the world than any past war, economic collapse or pandemic.

Yes, we have to purge the people who are illegally using their government power to subvert the will of the American people by undermining the duly elected president.

Yes, bring them to justice.

I can name these ^^^ posts in two words: Seig Heil

BTW, trump won the electoral college vote, he lost the popular vote by millions. He was not 'duly' elected, he was the choice of a minority of voters
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As far as the will of the people more people voted for Hillary than Trump no matter how much he and you lie about it.

No, more CALIFORNIANS (mostly illegals) voted for the witch than Trump, but Trump won ten more states and 306 electoral votes, 36 more than he needed.
Wow! he won 10 mor states than hr and couldn't even come close to winning the popular vote, even with the 10 more states!!

that's nothing to brag about!!

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