Trump must ruthlessly put down Progressive coup

Progressive operatives lurking inside the government and Intel community are staging a coup d'etat and must be dealt with accordingly. Gone are the days when government employees do the work of the American people. This seditious faction nested inside the government is undermining a duly elected President, threatening national security and violating all of our most basis rights and freedoms.

They must be dug out root and branch and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It's sedition, it's a coup and it must be be dealt with accordingly.
dude, our current president got elected by Wikileaks.
So what... Was the information we were getting false ??
just "one-sided"; or, does the right wing, think they can "fly" by themselves.
Getting Half the Honey Was Sweet Enough for the Bear

Being attacked by Globalists from all sides for being undemocratic, Putin's only motive was to expose how corrupt and contemptuous of the people our democracy has become. He hit paydirt at the DNC, but the RNC only revealed that its Establishment, however unwillingly, was afraid of what the voters would do to it if it dumped Trump. So Populism won on that side and wouldn't help Putin's case against our form of government.
Sooooooo, agencies are corrupt when certainly improper and very possibly illegal communications take place between a political campaign and the one country that really does pose an existential risk to us. Fascinating.
. No, what is more fascinating is the undermining of a U.S. Presidency by using any means nessesary, and this by groups who can't believe that their access to power has been cut back . We have witnessed this now in many forms that it has taken, and also by the actions we have seen being taken in such a radical manor.

How is anyone but Trump undermining his presidency when people in his campaign had contact with Russian intelligence? No one is making that up. It may not have been illegal. But neither was Hillary's selling access to the DoS.
He is certainly into authority, though calling him authoritarian might upset his followers.
. We need some cracking of the whip after such an out of order situation in which this nation has experienced over the last 25 years now. The Obama administration took radical chaotic ways to the extremes, and they divided this nation like it is right now. Sadly the idiots in the Republican party who are working against Trump like with MCcain and Graham due to personal reasons, will deliver this nation back to the leftist crazies, and yet they will be gone by the time their crap hits the fan due their short sighted idiocy. It's time to think about the country, and quit thinking about oneself or one group or one cause in life. We are 300 million, and we have been ruled by a ruling class that only gave a crap about their own bull crap while the nation suffered greatly as a whole.
Yep, it's getting to that point, it needs to nipped in the bud quickly. These unAmerican assholes need to be hung in public.
Heil Trump!
. Your hopes and dreams, but we know who the real facist are here. It's not Trump although he is trying to be set up as such.
You can't even explain why Trump isn't a fascist.

How do you disprove a negative?
You don't. You defend all of the fascist accusations made against him. None of you can.

Ok, let's address one of your myths. He expressed dissatisfaction with a couple of specific court decisions, how is that any more fascist than when your dear leader did the same?
Sooooooo, agencies are corrupt when certainly improper and very possibly illegal communications take place between a political campaign and the one country that really does pose an existential risk to us. Fascinating.
. No, what is more fascinating is the undermining of a U.S. Presidency by using any means nessesary, and this by groups who can't believe that their access to power has been cut back . We have witnessed this now in many forms that it has taken, and also by the actions we have seen being taken in such a radical manor.

How is anyone but Trump undermining his presidency when people in his campaign had contact with Russian intelligence? No one is making that up. It may not have been illegal. But neither was Hillary's selling access to the DoS.
. Hillary lost, and Russia was not responsible for it no matter how much the leftist want it to be so. They want it because they think that they can get at Trump whom they rabidly hate because he won't kiss their ace.
I think most Americans still aren't getting it. It's not just a Communist/Progressive Coup-attempt. It's a Neocon Republican attempt as well. McCain, Graham, and others are working very closely with Democrats to sabotage Trump. Will he survive? We'll see. Stay tuned.
Sooooooo, agencies are corrupt when certainly improper and very possibly illegal communications take place between a political campaign and the one country that really does pose an existential risk to us. Fascinating.
. No, what is more fascinating is the undermining of a U.S. Presidency by using any means nessesary, and this by groups who can't believe that their access to power has been cut back . We have witnessed this now in many forms that it has taken, and also by the actions we have seen being taken in such a radical manor.

How is anyone but Trump undermining his presidency when people in his campaign had contact with Russian intelligence? No one is making that up. It may not have been illegal. But neither was Hillary's selling access to the DoS.
. Hillary lost, and Russia was not responsible for it no matter how much the leftist want it to be so. They want it because they think that they can get at Trump whom they rabidly hate because he won't kiss their ace.
That does not make what was imporper, and maybe illegal, ok. TAKE SOME FUCKING RESPONSIBILITY
Heil Trump!
. Your hopes and dreams, but we know who the real facist are here. It's not Trump although he is trying to be set up as such.
You can't even explain why Trump isn't a fascist.

How do you disprove a negative?
You don't. You defend all of the fascist accusations made against him. None of you can.

Ok, let's address one of your myths. He expressed dissatisfaction with a couple of specific court decisions, how is that any more fascist than when your dear leader did the same?
Here's a direct quote:

"Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!"

He believes the court system is dangerous. In another quote he said the court system was a national securty concern.
Sooooooo, agencies are corrupt when certainly improper and very possibly illegal communications take place between a political campaign and the one country that really does pose an existential risk to us. Fascinating.
. No, what is more fascinating is the undermining of a U.S. Presidency by using any means nessesary, and this by groups who can't believe that their access to power has been cut back . We have witnessed this now in many forms that it has taken, and also by the actions we have seen being taken in such a radical manor.

How is anyone but Trump undermining his presidency when people in his campaign had contact with Russian intelligence? No one is making that up. It may not have been illegal. But neither was Hillary's selling access to the DoS.

Who specifically in Trumps campaign was in contact with Russian intel and what were their names and what was discussed?
As far as the will of the people more people voted for Hillary than Trump no matter how much he and you lie about it.

No, more CALIFORNIANS (mostly illegals) voted for the witch than Trump, but Trump won ten more states and 306 electoral votes, 36 more than he needed.
. Your hopes and dreams, but we know who the real facist are here. It's not Trump although he is trying to be set up as such.
You can't even explain why Trump isn't a fascist.

How do you disprove a negative?
You don't. You defend all of the fascist accusations made against him. None of you can.

Ok, let's address one of your myths. He expressed dissatisfaction with a couple of specific court decisions, how is that any more fascist than when your dear leader did the same?
Here's a direct quote:

"Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!"

He believes the court system is dangerous. In another quote he said the court system was a national securty concern.

Now you want to try actually answering the question I asked?
. Your hopes and dreams, but we know who the real facist are here. It's not Trump although he is trying to be set up as such.
You can't even explain why Trump isn't a fascist.
. You can't explain why he is. We are all ears.
OKay well that's easy.

1) He's condemned the court system in the US
2) His campaign has strategized with Russian officials
3) He's signed a shitload of EOs without any concept of their legality or the perspective of Congress.
4) He's made no attempt to explain how he would work with congress on anything, like funding his retarded wall idea.
5) He says any negative polls on him are fake and shouldn't be trusted.

You one funny mofo!!
You know I'm right. You just can't admit it.

OK, right on point 1.. but then so did Obama. #2 is just plain insane. #3, OK, yet so did Obama. #4.. who cares? #5... I believe him.

. Your hopes and dreams, but we know who the real facist are here. It's not Trump although he is trying to be set up as such.
You can't even explain why Trump isn't a fascist.

How do you disprove a negative?
You don't. You defend all of the fascist accusations made against him. None of you can.

Ok, let's address one of your myths. He expressed dissatisfaction with a couple of specific court decisions, how is that any more fascist than when your dear leader did the same?
Here's a direct quote:

"Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!"

He believes the court system is dangerous. In another quote he said the court system was a national securty concern.

The Courts have gone political. It is very dangerous. He's Spot On.
Sooooooo, agencies are corrupt when certainly improper and very possibly illegal communications take place between a political campaign and the one country that really does pose an existential risk to us. Fascinating.
. No, what is more fascinating is the undermining of a U.S. Presidency by using any means nessesary, and this by groups who can't believe that their access to power has been cut back . We have witnessed this now in many forms that it has taken, and also by the actions we have seen being taken in such a radical manor.

How is anyone but Trump undermining his presidency when people in his campaign had contact with Russian intelligence? No one is making that up. It may not have been illegal. But neither was Hillary's selling access to the DoS.

Who specifically in Trumps campaign was in contact with Russian intel and what were their names and what was discussed?

Flynn sat next to Putin, therefore Russia!
You can't even explain why Trump isn't a fascist.

How do you disprove a negative?
You don't. You defend all of the fascist accusations made against him. None of you can.

Ok, let's address one of your myths. He expressed dissatisfaction with a couple of specific court decisions, how is that any more fascist than when your dear leader did the same?
Here's a direct quote:

"Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!"

He believes the court system is dangerous. In another quote he said the court system was a national securty concern.

The Courts have gone political. It is very dangerous. He's Spot On.

The 9th Circus usurped executive power from President Trump. Seems as though he was spot-on.

"Tony Shaffer: “I would put this right at the feet of John Brennan and Jim Clapper and I would go so far as to say the Obama White House was directly involved before they left. Ben Rhodes and those folks… The Democrats are behind this and some of the Republicans are involved with the leaks. So I say ‘Bring it on!’”

D'OH! The irony!!
Sooooooo, agencies are corrupt when certainly improper and very possibly illegal communications take place between a political campaign and the one country that really does pose an existential risk to us. Fascinating.
. No, what is more fascinating is the undermining of a U.S. Presidency by using any means nessesary, and this by groups who can't believe that their access to power has been cut back . We have witnessed this now in many forms that it has taken, and also by the actions we have seen being taken in such a radical manor.

How is anyone but Trump undermining his presidency when people in his campaign had contact with Russian intelligence? No one is making that up. It may not have been illegal. But neither was Hillary's selling access to the DoS.
. Hillary lost, and Russia was not responsible for it no matter how much the leftist want it to be so. They want it because they think that they can get at Trump whom they rabidly hate because he won't kiss their ace.
That does not make what was imporper, and maybe illegal, ok. TAKE SOME FUCKING RESPONSIBILITY
. If it were not for the hypocritical nature of your statements, you leftist might get somewhere in all of this. Remember "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" right ? You people can't even pick up your stone because it is so heavy with your own current politicized guilt, that it makes it to heavy for you all to pick it up or throw it, but here you are doing everything you can to pick it up and throw it regardless. You can't destroy someone, and turn right around and do wrong yourselves. It don't work that way.
What, is this Turkey? Just name all your opponents as anti-American and then lock them up for being anti-American?

No. Investigate who was doing illegal wiretaps on the political opposition. Charge them with their crimes, and find out who ordered them to do it.

Well that's hardly a coup, is it?

Spying on an incoming administration with the intention of blackmailing, leaking information, and trying to subvert it.....yes that could be seen as a coup. It's an attempt to get Trump removed from office. The globalist want Trump out, they will take Pence or any other GOP. It's not surprising that loons like you are going along with it.

Well, saying something bad about Trump "could be seen as a coup", I mean, there are people who will see anything as a coup. People who break the law should be punished, it's that simple. This isn't a coup.

But it didn't take you long to whip out the insults, did it. Your argument must be amazing if you have to resort to insults so quickly. Bye.

We're not talking about citizens just being against Trump and protesting or wishing he was gone. We're talking about government agencies actively engaging in undermining the President. Most "coup" attempts are from within a government to unseat a leader.

So who are these operatives?

Seems to me that Flynn is the problem and was fired because he lied to Pence and others about his conversations with the Russian ambassador PRIOR to Trump taking office. What fucking arrogance, not to mention being illegal.
Now it appears that Trump knew weeks ago that Flynn had talked about sanctions being removed but did nothing. How? Because the telephone calls are transcribed! But he's blaming the intel community anyway.

Waah...waaah....Sorry, but you're the real snowflake. Not the ones like I us who knew Trump's admin was going to be a fucking train wreck.

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