Trump must ruthlessly put down Progressive coup

Sorry, show me the part where they're not allowed to talk to Russians.

Show us where they're identified as "Russian Intelligence"
Logan Act - Wikipedia

It depends on what was discussed. The NYT reports at least 3 people in the Trump campaign had contacts with Russian intelligence during the campaign. If the sanctions of Russia were discussed with any mention of Trump being favorably disposed ... we have a felony Houston. Then the question is whether the communications are directly connected to Trump. If so .... we have an impeachable offense.

There's that word again "IF", assumptions and speculation is all regressives have, hint, that might be enough for you, not for the rest of us.
Yeah, Trumpbot, that's why I used "if." JFC

Like I said earlier, you regressives are long on accusation and really short on proof.
You fucking idiot Trumpbot I was posting that the dems have a lot left to prove.

Yet you keep pushing the "ifs", I guess you have a problem with consistency.
It's a good thing that most Trump supporters are frightened of their own shadow. They won't do shit, as usual.

We sure ain't afraid of you weaklings....we believe in voting and we did and we won. Now that you've realized you can't overturn that election, you're trying to sabotage the new president by picking off his advisors one by one. And when that doesn't work, you'll spread fake news about his family and friends. And when that doesn't work, you' won't do shit (as usual).
The Deplorables are fit to be tied now that all news stations including their beloved Fox News is covering these developing Russian scandals.

It's not like we didn't warn you about Trumputin.
They are "scandals because there is no evidence. No one but you lefties are fit to be tied. No sale!
Yep, it's getting to that point, it needs to nipped in the bud quickly. These unAmerican assholes need to be hung in public.
Only illegals to federal law, say that. When are you going to get, "legal" to 10USC311?

Maybe you should familiarize yourself with the sedition acts.
illegal is illegal, dear; or, do you simply call kettles black, just for political fun and political profit?
dude, our current president got elected by Wikileaks.
So what... Was the information we were getting false ??
just "one-sided"; or, does the right wing, think they can "fly" by themselves.

LOL "one-sided". Hillary and the Dems were free to explain themselves. They couldn't.
How many wikileaks were about Mr. Trump? Just one-sided information being passed on as, "news coverage"?

It's Trump's fault he's never done anything illegal and unethical?
just "one-sided"; or, does the right wing, think they can "fly" by themselves.
Let's sum up the first 3 weeks of the new Trump administration. He's gone from a laughing stock to putting this country in grave danger.
Thanks a lot deplorables for your infinite wisdom.

Alternatively, in less that 3 weeks, the Dems = Party > Country have exposed themselves as willing to engage in sedition rather than carry out the will of the American people in helping the duly elected President.

I mean, that's another way of looking at it
Sure it is.. if you're cerifiably insane!
No reasonable people are blaming Trump's Russian scandal on the democrats.
As far as the will of the people more people voted for Hillary than Trump no matter how much he and you lie about it.
He really needs to drain the swamp in the CIA and NSA. Hopefully the new DoJ will investigate how and exactly who authorized illegal taps on Flynn, and find out if they tapped the entire incoming administration. If so, there will be people going to jail.

If you're too dumb to know that if you're communicating with high level Russian intelligence officers, those communications are going to be monitored ...

... well, you're probably too dumb to be anywhere near the White House.

You're long on accusations and very short on proof.

Hey, I'm just reacting to news being reported by veteran journalists ...

... you're more than welcome to rely on some click bait authored by Macedonian teens that you found on your FB feed, if that makes you feel more secure.

So you're relying on sources that confirm your bias, get back to me when they actually start naming their sources. BTW what's a FB feed?
Maybe because Obama isn't President any longer and it gets tiring you blaming him for Trump's treasonous behavior.
Let's sum up the first 3 weeks of the new Trump administration. He's gone from a laughing stock to putting this country in grave danger.
Thanks a lot deplorables for your infinite wisdom.

Alternatively, in less that 3 weeks, the Dems = Party > Country have exposed themselves as willing to engage in sedition rather than carry out the will of the American people in helping the duly elected President.

I mean, that's another way of looking at it
Sure it is.. if you're cerifiably insane!
No reasonable people are blaming Trump's Russian scandal on the democrats.
As far as the will of the people more people voted for Hillary than Trump no matter how much he and you lie about it.

Revealing the SIGINT on Flynn's call is a violation of federal law, that's without any hearings or investigations. The Leakers will be exposed
Ha ha ha . Even your beloved Fox Newsis running with Trump's Russian scandal. What to do what to do.
You have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

That is fake news no mattter who broadcasts it. There is no "Russian scandal." What we do know is the swamp was not completely drained. There is an Obama Shadow Government in place consisting of leftover and embedded political appointees and intelligence agency employees, activist judges and the MSM. Like you, they are extremely butthurt that Crooked Hillary lost and that Obama's legacy is one of total fail. Your butthurtness will never go away if you latch onto fake news.
also from Webster's:
Definition of coup

  1. 1: a brilliant, sudden, and usually highly successful stroke or act <She pulled off quite acoup when she snagged the usually reclusive author for an interview.>
    Origin and Etymology of coup
    French, blow, stroke

Sissy Putty

The snowflake insurrection is a coup by kooks. The #NeverTrump one is a coup by Kochs.
Ha ha ha . Even your beloved Fox Newsis running with Trump's Russian scandal. What to do what to do.
You have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

That is fake news no mattter who broadcasts it. There is no "Russian scandal." What we do know is the swamp was not completely drained. There is an Obama Shadow Government in place consisting of leftover and embedded political appointees and intelligence agency employees, activist judges and the MSM. Like you, they are extremely butthurt that Crooked Hillary lost and that Obama's legacy is one of total fail. Your butthurtness will never go away if you latch onto fake news.
I see nuzzing, nuzzing, nuzzing
Progressive operatives lurking inside the government and Intel community are staging a coup d'etat and must be dealt with accordingly. Gone are the days when government employees do the work of the American people. This seditious faction nested inside the government is undermining a duly elected President, threatening national security and violating all of our most basis rights and freedoms.

They must be dug out root and branch and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It's sedition, it's a coup and it must be be dealt with accordingly.

Could not agree more. The CIA is corrupt and needs to be dealt with and harshly.
Yep, it's getting to that point, it needs to nipped in the bud quickly. These unAmerican assholes need to be hung in public.
Only illegals to federal law, say that. When are you going to get, "legal" to 10USC311?

Maybe you should familiarize yourself with the sedition acts.
illegal is illegal, dear; or, do you simply call kettles black, just for political fun and political profit?

Here's a challenge for ya, try translating that gibberish into a coherent sentence.
So what... Was the information we were getting false ??
just "one-sided"; or, does the right wing, think they can "fly" by themselves.

LOL "one-sided". Hillary and the Dems were free to explain themselves. They couldn't.
How many wikileaks were about Mr. Trump? Just one-sided information being passed on as, "news coverage"?
. So Russia wanted to support a real leader, is that a bad thing even though no one knows to what extent Russia's involvement was ? Obama didn't like what they did to his boy Morsi in Egypt or he hated Netanyahu in Israel, but that was all just fine and dandy eh ? The problem with us is that we think we can just throw our weight around in the world, but then here we are guilty of the same bull crap ?
I thought it more than a coincidence that Putin decided to try and hack our election after we basically tied sanctions to either him pulling out of Ukraine or Russia dumping him. We do influence other countries. Until W, we only did so with countries that disrupted free trade.

However, it's something completely different IF a US candidate either cooperated in hacking our election or offered to do something if elected. That would be a felony.
. If Trump did none of these things you hope for, then it's going to be hell to pay, so you better take it all the way or get ready to pay the consequences of the accusations that you and the left have been leveling against this administration. On top of it all you people who are infuriating one of our strongest foes in the world need to use your brains again. If that nation joins with other nations like China militarily, then this nation will be in a heck of a predicament or mess in the world. The left is creating a super deflection for this nation in order for it to try and move forward, and the intelligence officials that are undermining our nation need to be fired if engaged in espionage acts against this nations Presidency.
Progressive operatives lurking inside the government and Intel community are staging a coup d'etat and must be dealt with accordingly. Gone are the days when government employees do the work of the American people. This seditious faction nested inside the government is undermining a duly elected President, threatening national security and violating all of our most basis rights and freedoms.

They must be dug out root and branch and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It's sedition, it's a coup and it must be be dealt with accordingly.
Yes, may Trump's facism reign through the centuries to come!
Progressive operatives lurking inside the government and Intel community are staging a coup d'etat and must be dealt with accordingly. Gone are the days when government employees do the work of the American people. This seditious faction nested inside the government is undermining a duly elected President, threatening national security and violating all of our most basis rights and freedoms.

They must be dug out root and branch and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It's sedition, it's a coup and it must be be dealt with accordingly.

Prosecute them all under RICO:

- The violent rioters who destroy property and assault people who don't worship the Prog God.
- The career bureaucrats who violate the law by leaking private phone records, tax returns, etc.
- The "organizers" and "financiers" who promote, staff and fund these efforts.
Let's sum up the first 3 weeks of the new Trump administration. He's gone from a laughing stock to putting this country in grave danger.
Thanks a lot deplorables for your infinite wisdom.

Alternatively, in less that 3 weeks, the Dems = Party > Country have exposed themselves as willing to engage in sedition rather than carry out the will of the American people in helping the duly elected President.

I mean, that's another way of looking at it
Sure it is.. if you're cerifiably insane!
No reasonable people are blaming Trump's Russian scandal on the democrats.
As far as the will of the people more people voted for Hillary than Trump no matter how much he and you lie about it.
. Poor lying pandering Hillary, she LOST and that was just great. :dance:
Progressive operatives lurking inside the government and Intel community are staging a coup d'etat and must be dealt with accordingly. Gone are the days when government employees do the work of the American people. This seditious faction nested inside the government is undermining a duly elected President, threatening national security and violating all of our most basis rights and freedoms.

They must be dug out root and branch and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It's sedition, it's a coup and it must be be dealt with accordingly.

Could not agree more. The CIA is corrupt and needs to be dealt with and harshly.

The C.I.A. might respond with....
....extreme prejudice.

Good luck and send news about how it works out.
He really needs to drain the swamp in the CIA and NSA. Hopefully the new DoJ will investigate how and exactly who authorized illegal taps on Flynn, and find out if they tapped the entire incoming administration. If so, there will be people going to jail.

If you're too dumb to know that if you're communicating with high level Russian intelligence officers, those communications are going to be monitored ...

... well, you're probably too dumb to be anywhere near the White House.

You're long on accusations and very short on proof.

Hey, I'm just reacting to news being reported by veteran journalists ...

... you're more than welcome to rely on some click bait authored by Macedonian teens that you found on your FB feed, if that makes you feel more secure.

So you're relying on sources that confirm your bias, get back to me when they actually start naming their sources. BTW what's a FB feed?
Maybe because Obama isn't President any longer and it gets tiring you blaming him for Trump's treasonous behavior.

Do you have any that remotely relates to what I actually said?

Oh and since you brought it up, your dear leader blamed Bush for 8 fucking years, you never tired of that.

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