Trump must ruthlessly put down Progressive coup

You are the fucking stupid....

They were listening to the Russian, you know the enemy... Still surrendering there comrade...

The Russians are your enemies?? When did that happen?

Nope; no declared war anywhere I can see.


The Russian Government is the enemy of freedom and liberty.



How'd that work out? Does the so called President not understand recent history?

Seems to me that Russia could be quite useful once they're put in their place. The USSR is over and Russia has done some dumb things. They need redirecting; a strong US presence will do that. Syria for example. 400000 DEAD already; that's an intolerable situation and Obama did fa to stop the slaughter. Russia saw the vacuum and went for it; US policy was a dismal tragic failure.

Now America leading, where it should be; no worries.

Progressive operatives lurking inside the government and Intel community are staging a coup d'etat and must be dealt with accordingly. Gone are the days when government employees do the work of the American people. This seditious faction nested inside the government is undermining a duly elected President, threatening national security and violating all of our most basis rights and freedoms.

They must be dug out root and branch and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It's sedition, it's a coup and it must be be dealt with accordingly.

you have officially lost it and become useless....
Regressives are trying to soothe their butthurtness by supporting the Obama shadow government (leftover political/intelligence agency establishment, anti-American judges, and MSM). But the thing is, their butthurtness is only going to get worse as The Donald pushes forward and Makes America Great Again!
Regressives are trying to soothe their butthurtness by supporting the Obama shadow government (political establishment and MSM). But the thing is, their butthurtness is only going to get worse as The Donald pushes forward and Makes America Great Again!
Ha ha ha . Even your beloved Fox Newsis running with Trump's Russian scandal. What to do what to do.
You have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
Regressives are trying to soothe their butthurtness by supporting the Obama shadow government (leftover political/intelligence agency establishment, anti-American judges, and MSM). But the thing is, their butthurtness is only going to get worse as The Donald pushes forward and Makes America Great Again!
So how's that working out so far?
The White House Is Already In Flames | The Huffington Post
The reason Bush insisted they stay on was precisely because he knew the attack was coming

What did he do to protect the country if he knew the attack was coming? Did they warn the Airlines that bin Laden was determined to strike in the USA and that hijacking a plane might be part of that plot?

Absolutely, I mean it's not like hijacking airplanes had been use by terrorist before, RIGHT? OH WAIT...............
Progressive operatives lurking inside the government and Intel community are staging a coup d'etat and must be dealt with accordingly. Gone are the days when government employees do the work of the American people. This seditious faction nested inside the government is undermining a duly elected President, threatening national security and violating all of our most basis rights and freedoms.

They must be dug out root and branch and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It's sedition, it's a coup and it must be be dealt with accordingly.

you have officially lost it and become useless....

You'll thank me later for warning you
Let's sum up the first 3 weeks of the new Trump administration. He's gone from a laughing stock to putting this country in grave danger.
Thanks a lot deplorables for your infinite wisdom.
Now that there are intercepted phone calls of Trump aides contacting Russian intelligence a full year before the election, it's getting harder and harder for deplorables to say Putin didn't help Trump get elected with a straight face.

So what were they talking about , Trump whores?
The floor is yours.

Sorry, show me the part where they're not allowed to talk to Russians.

Show us where they're identified as "Russian Intelligence"
Logan Act - Wikipedia

It depends on what was discussed. The NYT reports at least 3 people in the Trump campaign had contacts with Russian intelligence during the campaign. If the sanctions of Russia were discussed with any mention of Trump being favorably disposed ... we have a felony Houston. Then the question is whether the communications are directly connected to Trump. If so .... we have an impeachable offense.

There's that word again "IF", assumptions and speculation is all regressives have, hint, that might be enough for you, not for the rest of us.
Now that there are intercepted phone calls of Trump aides contacting Russian intelligence a full year before the election, it's getting harder and harder for deplorables to say Putin didn't help Trump get elected with a straight face.

So what were they talking about , Trump whores?
The floor is yours.

Sorry, show me the part where they're not allowed to talk to Russians.

Show us where they're identified as "Russian Intelligence"
Logan Act - Wikipedia

It depends on what was discussed. The NYT reports at least 3 people in the Trump campaign had contacts with Russian intelligence during the campaign. If the sanctions of Russia were discussed with any mention of Trump being favorably disposed ... we have a felony Houston. Then the question is whether the communications are directly connected to Trump. If so .... we have an impeachable offense.

There's that word again "IF", assumptions and speculation is all regressives have, hint, that might be enough for you, not for the rest of us.
Yeah, Trumpbot, that's why I used "if." JFC
Let's sum up the first 3 weeks of the new Trump administration. He's gone from a laughing stock to putting this country in grave danger.
Thanks a lot deplorables for your infinite wisdom.

Alternatively, in less that 3 weeks, the Dems = Party > Country have exposed themselves as willing to engage in sedition rather than carry out the will of the American people in helping the duly elected President.

I mean, that's another way of looking at it
He really needs to drain the swamp in the CIA and NSA. Hopefully the new DoJ will investigate how and exactly who authorized illegal taps on Flynn, and find out if they tapped the entire incoming administration. If so, there will be people going to jail.

If you're too dumb to know that if you're communicating with high level Russian intelligence officers, those communications are going to be monitored ...

... well, you're probably too dumb to be anywhere near the White House.

You're long on accusations and very short on proof.

Hey, I'm just reacting to news being reported by veteran journalists ...

... you're more than welcome to rely on some click bait authored by Macedonian teens that you found on your FB feed, if that makes you feel more secure.

So you're relying on sources that confirm your bias, get back to me when they actually start naming their sources. BTW what's a FB feed?
Why did my post about arresting and jailing Obama get sent to the rubber room when in essence I was saying the same thing as the OP?
Now that there are intercepted phone calls of Trump aides contacting Russian intelligence a full year before the election, it's getting harder and harder for deplorables to say Putin didn't help Trump get elected with a straight face.

So what were they talking about , Trump whores?
The floor is yours.

Sorry, show me the part where they're not allowed to talk to Russians.

Show us where they're identified as "Russian Intelligence"
Logan Act - Wikipedia

It depends on what was discussed. The NYT reports at least 3 people in the Trump campaign had contacts with Russian intelligence during the campaign. If the sanctions of Russia were discussed with any mention of Trump being favorably disposed ... we have a felony Houston. Then the question is whether the communications are directly connected to Trump. If so .... we have an impeachable offense.

There's that word again "IF", assumptions and speculation is all regressives have, hint, that might be enough for you, not for the rest of us.
Yeah, Trumpbot, that's why I used "if." JFC

Like I said earlier, you regressives are long on accusation and really short on proof.
No. Investigate who was doing illegal wiretaps on the political opposition. Charge them with their crimes, and find out who ordered them to do it.

Well that's hardly a coup, is it?

Spying on an incoming administration with the intention of blackmailing, leaking information, and trying to subvert it.....yes that could be seen as a coup. It's an attempt to get Trump removed from office. The globalist want Trump out, they will take Pence or any other GOP. It's not surprising that loons like you are going along with it.

You are the fucking stupid....

They were listening to the Russian, you know the enemy... Still surrendering there comrade...

The Russians are your enemies?? When did that happen?

Nope; no declared war anywhere I can see.


The Russians committed a great sin. They reject the Globalist Agenda and multiculturalism, thus they are "the enemy" to progressives. This is why Hillary wanted to start a conflict with them, it's why the progressive lemmings do. Their masters demand it.
you have been propagandized! Way to go! :clap:
Now that there are intercepted phone calls of Trump aides contacting Russian intelligence a full year before the election, it's getting harder and harder for deplorables to say Putin didn't help Trump get elected with a straight face.

So what were they talking about , Trump whores?
The floor is yours.

Sorry, show me the part where they're not allowed to talk to Russians.

Show us where they're identified as "Russian Intelligence"
Logan Act - Wikipedia

It depends on what was discussed. The NYT reports at least 3 people in the Trump campaign had contacts with Russian intelligence during the campaign. If the sanctions of Russia were discussed with any mention of Trump being favorably disposed ... we have a felony Houston. Then the question is whether the communications are directly connected to Trump. If so .... we have an impeachable offense.

There's that word again "IF", assumptions and speculation is all regressives have, hint, that might be enough for you, not for the rest of us.
Yeah, Trumpbot, that's why I used "if." JFC

Like I said earlier, you regressives are long on accusation and really short on proof.
You fucking idiot Trumpbot I was posting that the dems have a lot left to prove.

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