Trump Needs to Concede and Put All Resources into the Georgia Senate Races

First off, his ego won't allow it. Second, he doesn't care about the Republican party. Only himself. Third, these two races will be run offs. While I'd love to see Kelly Loeffler get sent packing, given the make up of voting population in GA that will vote in these run offs, they're probably safe in the Republican column. Democrats best chance to pick up seats were in NC (Tillis), ME (Collins), IA (Ernst), and yes believe it or not, SC (Graham). And that didn't materialize.

I would categorize the GA races as leaning GOP, but not safe. Tillis looks like he will prevail and the Graham was never an opportunity. The polls were so off the mark on that race.
Georgia is doing a recount and they still have Military votes to count.

Which may spare Perdue a runoff election, but it won't make Trump the president.
If Trump truly cared about the Republican Party he would concede what is a very obvious loss at this point and redirect all efforts into the two Georgia Senate races which will head to run offs. The one saving grace for the Republicans is the appearance of them keeping control of the Senate and thwarting a left wing agenda. If they lose those two seats Schumer gets control. Instead of wasting millions on legal challenges that are ultimately going to fail, Trump should be redirecting that money to those two contests and encouraging his supporters to do the same. I have little faith this will happen, however. The man is too much of a self absorbed narcissist.
That was funny!

Trump is NOT a spineless Republican, he will not back down.
But isn't the reverse equally true? Those who spent the last 4 years convinced that election interference was so minimal as it would not be significant enough to sway the election, are now claiming that it could radically alter the entire course of the election.

. . .now, seriously, I didn't vote. None of the candidates really appealed to me. Nor could I cast a ballot that would ethically endorse a corrupt system that would legitimize a system that brought us to this point. I thought they were all corrupt. But, of all of them, I thought Trump was definitely the most entertaining, better for the economy, and most likely to say, "no" to insane NWO policies, and the "NEW NORMAL." But he was doing so, so I didn't, when they came down the pike, I NEVER trusted him and always thought he was controlled opposition, so I could not vote for him.

With that said?

I have not, anywhere, been able to find a single, solitary incident, of provable MASS voter fraud, in any state. Are there little incidents that are probably true? Or sure, there was that time when a couple dozen were found in the trash, and that time when a whistle blower mail-man up north was collecting some past the dead-line, etc. But we are talking about a large scale, concerted effort, to collect, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Biden ballots, while keeping it a secret from conservative poll workers, conservative postal workers, conservative poll watchers that volunteered in dozens of states? Nope, this has not materialized, no where, no proof, not in alternative media, not in conservative media. When ever gossip or rumors emerge? And with cell phone everywhere? That would be pretty easy to catch. OTH? Reasonable explanations abound.

Hell, this whole idea is less believable than the 9/11 truthers, the moon landing woo, and the JFK truthers. That is a massive conspiracy of unfounded proportions. . . to believe this you would have to be in a cult, similar to something like Scientology to swallow.

Every poll told us to expect this. Everyone of us KNEW someone, had someone in our life that mailed in a ballot, we all knew it would take time to count them, why is this a shock?


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Is that like believing vaccines are the best state of the art medical care?
If Trump truly cared about the Republican Party he would concede what is a very obvious loss at this point and redirect all efforts into the two Georgia Senate races which will head to run offs. The one saving grace for the Republicans is the appearance of them keeping control of the Senate and thwarting a left wing agenda. If they lose those two seats Schumer gets control. Instead of wasting millions on legal challenges that are ultimately going to fail, Trump should be redirecting that money to those two contests and encouraging his supporters to do the same. I have little faith this will happen, however. The man is too much of a self absorbed narcissist.

I nearly killed another keyboard with coffee reading your first sentence. Trump care about the Republican Party? :laugh:

I like our chances. QAnon Kelly or Reverend Warnock? Crooked David or John Ossoff. It ain't even a choice people with a brain need to think about.

Looks as if the Lincoln Project's work isn't quite done!

Piss off. Republicans will lose all trust if they don't stand with and fight with that base that brought them back from the brink of extinction that got Donald Trump elected in the first place.
Yes, they should go down with the ship.

Is that like believing vaccines are the best state of the art medical care?
Nope. That is totally an apples to oranges, false equivalency fallacy. You can even look at the vaccine insert itself, and SEE the contra-indications. If you want to know more about the scientific background about SAFE vaccination controversy, see RFK jr.'s site, Children's Health Defense.

There is even a special fund set up by the government to protect vaccine manufacturers from vaccine damage liabilities.

Our elections are different, they go back two-hundred years, and as the government gets larger and more corrupt, so too, does the opportunity for elites to manipulate the masses to destroy the process and turn it into an imperial state. Study history and how Caesar came to power.

Is that like believing vaccines are the best state of the art medical care?
Nope. That is totally an apples to oranges, false equivalency fallacy. You can even look at the vaccine insert itself, and SEE the contra-indications. If you want to know more about the scientific background about SAFE vaccination controversy, see RFK jr.'s site, Children's Health Defense.

There is even a special fund set up by the government to protect vaccine manufacturers from vaccine damage liabilities.

Our elections are different, they go back two-hundred years, and as the government gets larger and more corrupt, so too, does the opportunity for elites to manipulate the masses to destroy the process and turn it into an imperial state. Study history and how Caesar came to power.
I don't see it as a false equivalency.

I will though entertain the matter in my thoughts for the day. Who are we gonna call the Caesar of today?

And who will follow as Octavius? (that's the one that would be concerning)
If Trump truly cared about the Republican Party he would concede what is a very obvious loss at this point and redirect all efforts into the two Georgia Senate races which will head to run offs. The one saving grace for the Republicans is the appearance of them keeping control of the Senate and thwarting a left wing agenda. If they lose those two seats Schumer gets control. Instead of wasting millions on legal challenges that are ultimately going to fail, Trump should be redirecting that money to those two contests and encouraging his supporters to do the same. I have little faith this will happen, however. The man is too much of a self absorbed narcissist.
How would conceding help the Republican party?

Is that like believing vaccines are the best state of the art medical care?
Nope. That is totally an apples to oranges, false equivalency fallacy. You can even look at the vaccine insert itself, and SEE the contra-indications. If you want to know more about the scientific background about SAFE vaccination controversy, see RFK jr.'s site, Children's Health Defense.

There is even a special fund set up by the government to protect vaccine manufacturers from vaccine damage liabilities.

Our elections are different, they go back two-hundred years, and as the government gets larger and more corrupt, so too, does the opportunity for elites to manipulate the masses to destroy the process and turn it into an imperial state. Study history and how Caesar came to power.
I don't see it as a false equivalency.

I will though entertain the matter in my thoughts for the day. Who are we gonna call the Caesar of today?

And who will follow as Octavius? (that's the one that would be concerning)

Let's not draw parallel's too closely. That isn't the point here.

The point is, there is no evidence of massive, wide scale voter fraud. OTH, the representative of the populists, that one that has done so much for them, seems to have no inclination to concede.

. . . it looks like he intends to cross the Rubicon, and his supporters intend to follow him. . . rule of law be damned. Which, ironically, had been their biggest gripe the past four years.

I don't think he will meet the same fate though. Nor will his supporters or those that oppose them, everyone will meet the same end together if this madness doesn't stop.

Which is precisely why I did not come out to vote in this circus.

Piss off. Republicans will lose all trust if they don't stand with and fight with that base that brought them back from the brink of extinction that got Donald Trump elected in the first place.
Yes, they should go down with the ship.
Don’t get cocky. Your beloved democrats are already infighting over backing far left kook ideology. It’s not going to end well for them.
If Trump truly cared about the Republican Party he would concede what is a very obvious loss at this point and redirect all efforts into the two Georgia Senate races which will head to run offs. The one saving grace for the Republicans is the appearance of them keeping control of the Senate and thwarting a left wing agenda. If they lose those two seats Schumer gets control. Instead of wasting millions on legal challenges that are ultimately going to fail, Trump should be redirecting that money to those two contests and encouraging his supporters to do the same. I have little faith this will happen, however. The man is too much of a self absorbed narcissist.
Oh I hope Trump keeps filing shit right up through the runoffs. (I don't see any way the dems get both seats …. not unless Perdue goes Klan again .. and there doesn't really seem to be a history of Jim Crow in Perdue's background … maybe he just got caught up in the atmosphere of Trump when he started belittling a fellow senator's name and drawing a big Jew nose on a pic of Osoff.)
If Trump truly cared about the Republican Party he would concede what is a very obvious loss at this point and redirect all efforts into the two Georgia Senate races which will head to run offs. The one saving grace for the Republicans is the appearance of them keeping control of the Senate and thwarting a left wing agenda. If they lose those two seats Schumer gets control. Instead of wasting millions on legal challenges that are ultimately going to fail, Trump should be redirecting that money to those two contests and encouraging his supporters to do the same. I have little faith this will happen, however. The man is too much of a self absorbed narcissist.
Oh I hope Trump keeps filing shit right up through the runoffs. (I don't see any way the dems get both seats …. not unless Perdue goes Klan again .. and there doesn't really seem to be a history of Jim Crow in Perdue's background … maybe he just got caught up in the atmosphere of Trump when he started belittling a fellow senator's name and drawing a big Jew nose on a pic of Osoff.)
Trump does not owe the Repub Party a lot. He did however wake some of them up. They have a problem listening to their voters. Like they are planted shills that run for office and then do what the elitists tell them. The tea party started for the peasant and was infiltrated and diminished. Trump ran and run. And look what he put up with for 4 years. He has more courage then all in D.C. He may have not show it at times, but very few of the general population would have had that fortitude. I can imagine Biden having to put up with that. He would die quickly. Between his anger and Kamala stating she is a woman every time someone gets tough with her and not reverse makes it another comedy act. If we had still just the 3 major networks this could never happen. Non Progs, take care of your own and do not trust a Prog.

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