Trump Needs To Enact Insurrection Act In Seattle, Right Now!

Martial law over the entire country, send in the active troops. Stop this shit now before it's in every dumbass liberal run cities and states.
Asshole mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkan needs to be made an example of. This jerk is not only reckless and irresponsible, but she has the gall to make light of a very dangerous situation, that she is causing by keeping her police away from the screwballs who have taken over a small section of the city. Some of these thugs are armed, and all of them have declared this area a "cop-free zone".

Durkan also makes the astonishing claim that >> "It is unconstitutional, and illegal to send military to Seattle." FALSE! It is 100% legal, and Durkan would be well advised to keep her nose in the city level , and not try to venture out into federal politics and law. What IS ILLEGAL, is her removing the police from enforcing the law in Seattle, and she should be jailed for doing that.

Several square blocks of Seattle remain under control of a group of radicals who are calling for the defunding of the police department and have dubbed the area the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" – or CHAZ.

So what is going to happen in this area that contains homes and businesses both ? Already it's been reported that the takeover thugs are extorting businesses to pay them "protection money", reminscient of the days of Al Capone's organized crime outfit in Chicago in the 1930s.

This lunacy has gone far enough. People are being robbed, and without police in the area, who knows how many rapes, assaults, or even murders are going on, or will happen in the next days or week ?

Trump has been threatening to send in the troops to restore law and order if local and state authorities can't "straighten it out," the president says. Well, it's worse than that, The idiot or deranged mayor, when asked about the situation, has jokingly smiled and said "Maybe we'll have a summer of love" She apparently has no interest in stopping this lunacy.

The Governor of Washington, Jay Inslee, so far has been just as criminally negligent. He tweeted >> "What we will not allow are threats of military violence, against Washingtonians coming from the White House. The US military serves to protect Americans, not the fragility of an insecure president."

These 2 sentence are chock full of inaccuracies.
1. Inslee WILL allow military intervention by US troops, or he will be sitting in a federal prison, if he does anything to interfere.
2. The "Washingtonians" that Inslee is talking about protecting, are criminal anarchist thugs, who are extorting people, and engaging in treason.
3. The US military is President Trump's business, and none of Inslee's, who should shut his mouth about the US military.
4. Nobody cares about Inslee's opinion of Trump, and tweeting it, only makes Inslee look more like a fool.

Since both of these 2 stooges are doing nothing to stop the takeover of the Seattle streets, and lawlessness going on there, Trump should declare the Insurrection Act, send the US troops in, liberate the area, and arrest the criminals responsible including the 2 loser loons, Durkan and Inslee.

If this ends without them doing immediate jailtime, something will be really wrong here.

No, because the Press will attack him for it.
Let the Seattle Dems take care of the problem, because they created it.

The FBI found no intelligence "indicating Antifa involvement" in violence surrounding Sunday's protest near the White House despite President Donald Trump's attempts to cast blame on radical leftists, according to an FBI situation report obtained by The Nation.

An FBI source told the outlet that other situation reports, produced daily by the FBI since the weekend, have similarly shown no evidence of Antifa involvement

In the two weeks that saw an uprising against racial injustice and police brutality spread from the streets of Minneapolis to cities across America, the specter of violent, left-wing militants invoked by President Trump and a chorus of conservative voices has yet to materialize.

In other words, you are a liar.

So anti- fascists must not believe that this isn’t a cause they are going to support? Now, that is interesting.

Sorry Antifa does not exist. I know you need a whipping boy There is no evidence of anything that is organized by anyone.

Then last year who was rioting in Portland?
Gee. I thought conservatives were in favor of local self-government. Hmmm, guess only when it fits their purposes
No, because the Press will attack him for it.
Let the Seattle Dems take care of the problem, because they created it.
Screw the press. The day when POTUS defers to the leftist press, it's all over. I say run roughshod over the press. Stomp them with campaign ads and debates.

And yes, it is a problem for Seattle,, but it can quickly be a national problem, when these lunatics start occupying places around the country.
Gee. I thought conservatives were in favor of local self-government. Hmmm, guess only when it fits their purposes
Warning is one thing. Stealing land, occupying it, and obstructing justice is another.
The FBI found no intelligence "indicating Antifa involvement" in violence surrounding Sunday's protest near the White House despite President Donald Trump's attempts to cast blame on radical leftists, according to an FBI situation report obtained by The Nation.

An FBI source told the outlet that other situation reports, produced daily by the FBI since the weekend, have similarly shown no evidence of Antifa involvement

In the two weeks that saw an uprising against racial injustice and police brutality spread from the streets of Minneapolis to cities across America, the specter of violent, left-wing militants invoked by President Trump and a chorus of conservative voices has yet to materialize.

In other words, you are a liar.
You're saying that all this violence and disruption is not left-wing ? Antifa or not ?

How about the Seattle "Autonomous Zone" ? Not left-wing ? Have you seen their list of demands ?

There is no antifa. I do not support the use of the military asgainst Americans.
This lunacy has gone far enough. People are being robbed, and without police in the area, who knows how many rapes, assaults, or even murders are going on, or will happen in the next days or week ?
No, because the Press will attack him for it.
Let the Seattle Dems take care of the problem, because they created it.
Trump will be forced to once he wins re-election. Things will go badly ten times over this November when he wins.

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