Trump needs to prioritise this agreement, how Canada violates NAFTA Part II...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
The second part of the NAFTA issue which Trump and his administration will be address. As with the first part I presented yesterday, this explains some of the ways in which Canada stabs America in the back and violates NAFTA. I explained how Canada utilises state agents to interfere with American businesses who are operating in Canada to give Canada an advantage. This results in management in companys' being state operatives, often a general disparaging of the company from within; and/or, the attempt to spread interest in unions or other tactics designed to undermine the businesses self determination.

Another major abuse which Canada engages in, and for one in which there has been trade problems and even lawsuits against Canada is the Communist method of funding businesses while pretending they operate in the free market. This is not communist in the traditional sense, the state doesn’t own the business, but, Canada will fund these businesses sometimes to the tune of hundreds of millions to ensure that the jobs are kept in Canada, in fact, buying American jobs. Since media is complacent and state owned in the case of our only National news network CBC, much of this theft from taxpayers that is given to businesses to buy jobs isn’t reported.

A recent example involves General Motors. A few weeks before the election there was an announcement by GM in the U.S that they were cutting 2,000 jobs. This came only a couple of weeks after GM in Ontario announced they were going to remain here (after threatening to leave). The reason they stayed and kept the thousands of jobs in Ontario? They were given money. Lots and lots of taxpayers money. Money that was not publicly announced Canadians but which a reporter our of Michigan had reported and broke during the negotiations. He knew more about the negotiations and the payoffs than Canadians did.

The totals became much greater than was original reported, to the tune of $550M from both the province and Federal government! All given to GM simply to keep jobs in Canada and not explore the U.S, which again, had cut jobs about the same time. This tactic alone is deplorable, but, it actually circumvents NAFTA rules while obviously running counter to basic capitalist theories. Name any number of American business that are operating in Canada and you will be sure to find something similar in a large number of them. They aren’t in Canada due to lower wages, better performance from workers or a specific skillset, nor even due to our lower tax rates in Ontario (for now), or the dollar exchange, they are in Canada because they are greatly funded by the Canadian government to stay.

In the NAFTA agreement, Chapter 10 deals with government procurement, of which giving money to a company in order to ensure they don’t move elsewhere is not part of such a process. The concept is that a government cannot treat a domestic business differently (more favourably) than a business from one of the other nations, however, Canada engages in such payments to a foreign business like GM, at the expense of American employees (who as stated, just lost 2000 jobs). Theoretically it could probably be challenged, but it won’t, and Canada could simply say “we aren’t treating our OWN businesses any differently” which is certainly true since Canada is one of the few industrialized nations without it’s own domestic automobile industry so there is no comparable.

Chapter 11 allows for a dispute mechanism to protect for investors (of course, there are no protections for businesses who experience the “Canada Tariff”, when covert RCMP agents et al (TPS, OPP, CSIS) interfere with their business on Canadian soil). Canada has been sued the most because we have violated NAFTA the most. Almost certainly, the biggest loser in these tactics has been the American worker. What process can or rather WOULD the U.S engage when they hear of 2000 jobs leaving for Canada, simply because Canada paid the company the money to come here? Maybe this will change, in fact I hope it changes, possibly retroactively so that companies like GM don't exploit U.S workers.

Here is an article illustrating how Canadian taxpayers, American employees and citizens, along with Adam Smiths ideals of capitalism are being fleeced. This article illustrates the Canadian tactic:

Canada had paid approximately $140,000 PER JOB, to keep 1000 Canadians employed at Ford in Oakville, Ontario. Think about that. Why wouldn’t investors want to move to Canada when Canada is basically paying for their operations? Of course Canada will attract these jobs, they are buying votes whiel the province and nation goes insolvent.

This discussion is far from over, I will try and outline more specifics in the coming weeks to provide you all with some of the information you need to counter Canada’s abuses. I will also connect directly with the U.S, as my whistleblowing about particular tactics have fallen on deaf ears in Canada. The new administration needs to understand the great costs to American employees with such tactics. Especially in Toronto and Ontario.

I am a believer in laissez-faire economics, along with the expansion of civil liberties. I love free trade agreements in theory, I have zero respect for abuses of these agreements. Without a doubt, this crony capitalism leads to weaker innovation, competition and there are drastic global consequences that we can’t see immediately. I want to see North American businesses excel and protect the way of life we know and love. Abuses of agreements with allies is not a positive step in protecting this way of life. Canada violates to such a degree that there is no wonder 99% of Canada wanted Clinton to win, they are scared out of their wits that Trump will understand the truth about Canadian and tactics. if he keeps his word, the prices of Canadian businesses are going to decrease dramatically.

Thank you for your time. I will do my part to help the incoming administration deal in facts that aren't reported by very many.
I heard the Canadian PM say he supports it. I am not up on Canadian politics but if it's good for us and them, where is the down side?
I heard the Canadian PM say he supports it. I am not up on Canadian politics but if it's good for us and them, where is the down side?

Read both parts of what I posted the last two days. Trade agreements are generally good for both countries, as long as both countries operate fairly and honestly. Of course every Canadian with half a brain loves this deal because we manipulate American businesses and pay for U.S companies to come here while they cut jobs in America. It's a GREAT deal for Canada, especially since there is no accountability for said abuses.

Remember when Trump said during the campaign that countries are taking advantage of America in trade agreements? Canada is one of them, and doing so in the worst ways. My "reward" for blowing the whistle on these tactics was excessive interference and efforts to ruin me. I no longer remain silent and I look forward to Trumps administration and team being in place.

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