Trump On Profiling Muslims: It's 'Common Sense'

A lot of time, energy and safety are wasted verifying those of us who fit no dangerous profile.
If only we didn't have that pesky constitution.

I know! We could just ignore it! Why not?

Where in the Constitution does it say non-citizens cannot be profiled?
What it says in the constitution is that you cannot base governmental policy on religion. Profiling Muslims is idiotic. A Muslim from England does not present the same threat as a Muslim from Pakistan presents. You want to profile then you profile based on country of origin. Those states that support terrorism or harbor extreme Islamic groups are where the threats come from - not Muslims at large.

Trying to profile a 3rd of the planet is pointless anyway - that is not even profiling. You need something more specific. Profiling a religion is even more asinine and stupid - you cannot prove a religion. You know what you can prove though? Country of origin (or if you cant they are not allowed here anyway). Trumps statements on the matter are the height of ignorant thinking.
If only we didn't have that pesky constitution.

I know! We could just ignore it! Why not?

Where in the Constitution does it say non-citizens cannot be profiled?
What it says in the constitution is that you cannot base governmental policy on religion. Profiling Muslims is idiotic. A Muslim from England does not present the same threat as a Muslim from Pakistan presents. You want to profile then you profile based on country of origin. Those states that support terrorism or harbor extreme Islamic groups are where the threats come from - not Muslims at large.

Trying to profile a 3rd of the planet is pointless anyway - that is not even profiling. You need something more specific. Profiling a religion is even more asinine and stupid - you cannot prove a religion. You know what you can prove though? Country of origin (or if you cant they are not allowed here anyway). Trumps statements on the matter are the height of ignorant thinking.

Where does it say you cannot profile non citizens? What you provided was your own interpretation. What clause(s) are you referencing to back it up?
A year ago a white supremacist killed those black people in that church .

Didn't hear much about "profiling " fr the right back then ?
Another Nazi just killed a British politician.
It's funny how the retards notice the religion of the terrorists, but utterly fail to notice that 99.9999 percent of the victims of terrorism are Muslims.

Conflating the victims of terror with the terrorists is the biggest asshole move of the Millennium.
Recent surveys show that most people in several countries with significant Muslim populations have an unfavorable view of ISIS, including virtually all respondents in Lebanon and 94% in Jordan.

More generally, Muslims mostly say that suicide bombings and other forms of violence against civilians in the name of Islam are rarely or never justified, including 92% in Indonesia and 91% in Iraq. In the United States, a 2011 survey found that 86% of Muslimssay that such tactics are rarely or never justified.

Appendix A: U.S. Muslims — Views on Religion and Society in a Global Context
Did anyone ever stop to consider the fact that if you profile someone just because of their religion, you are setting them apart from society and making them feel picked on?

I mean..............they had to stop the "stop and frisk" laws because they were used to profile minorities unfairly, and the minorities felt picked on because of it.

Do the same thing with the Muslims, and it won't be very hard for them to self radicalize, because they already feel angry about being set apart from society.
Considering all terrorist acts have been and are being committed by Muslims in the name of their religion, profiling them is one of the keys to defending against them. Increasing the profiling of Muslims will save innocent lives. Trump is right, it's common sense to do so.

Donald Trump calls profiling Muslims ‘common sense’
Problem with Republicans is they don't know when to shut up about torture and spying. We all know our government spies and tortures. Just don't get caught. Republicans aren't very smooth
It's funny how the retards notice the religion of the terrorists, but utterly fail to notice that 99.9999 percent of the victims of terrorism are Muslims.

Conflating the victims of terror with the terrorists is the biggest asshole move of the Millennium.

Muslims do kill other Muslims when they run out of Christians and Jews to kill.
If only we didn't have that pesky constitution.

I know! We could just ignore it! Why not?

Where in the Constitution does it say non-citizens cannot be profiled?
What it says in the constitution is that you cannot base governmental policy on religion. Profiling Muslims is idiotic. A Muslim from England does not present the same threat as a Muslim from Pakistan presents. You want to profile then you profile based on country of origin. Those states that support terrorism or harbor extreme Islamic groups are where the threats come from - not Muslims at large.

Trying to profile a 3rd of the planet is pointless anyway - that is not even profiling. You need something more specific. Profiling a religion is even more asinine and stupid - you cannot prove a religion. You know what you can prove though? Country of origin (or if you cant they are not allowed here anyway). Trumps statements on the matter are the height of ignorant thinking.

Where does it say you cannot profile non citizens? What you provided was your own interpretation. What clause(s) are you referencing to back it up?
I have already given you the citation. It is in the first amendment. I can't help it if you do not like what it says.
If only we didn't have that pesky constitution.

I know! We could just ignore it! Why not?

Where in the Constitution does it say non-citizens cannot be profiled?
What it says in the constitution is that you cannot base governmental policy on religion. Profiling Muslims is idiotic. A Muslim from England does not present the same threat as a Muslim from Pakistan presents. You want to profile then you profile based on country of origin. Those states that support terrorism or harbor extreme Islamic groups are where the threats come from - not Muslims at large.

Trying to profile a 3rd of the planet is pointless anyway - that is not even profiling. You need something more specific. Profiling a religion is even more asinine and stupid - you cannot prove a religion. You know what you can prove though? Country of origin (or if you cant they are not allowed here anyway). Trumps statements on the matter are the height of ignorant thinking.

Where does it say you cannot profile non citizens? What you provided was your own interpretation. What clause(s) are you referencing to back it up?
I have already given you the citation. It is in the first amendment. I can't help it if you do not like what it says.

what you wrote is your interpretation.

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