Trump on the Issues


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Trump on the Issues:

Listed below are some of the Issues and his thoughts on them. Some are so basic and being ignored that I couldn't help but emphasize them with a :eusa_clap:.

Trump on Abortion

• Donald Trump is pro life.

• Although Trump opposes abortion he respects the rights of women to make their own choices.

• The only abortion procedure Trump feels should be banned is partial birth abortion.

Trump on Afghanistan

• Donald Trump thinks we should withdraw from Afghanistan as soon as possible.

• He said that giving a withdrawal date was “a stupid mistake”, :eusa_clap:

• He believes now that the Taliban knows when the U.S. will withdraw, they will merely wait for us to go and re-take the country. :eusa_clap:

Trump on the Budget

• Donald Trump thinks that if something isn’t done soon, we’ll have a crash worse than that of 1929.

• In 1999, he proposed taxing the rich with a one-time 14.25% tax to erase the national debt, which he still thinks is a good idea. :eusa_clap:

• He said that such a plan would save billions annually in interest payments.

• Eliminating debt would boost the economy 35% and income taxes could be lowered.

Trump on Business & Labor

• Trump believes the biggest danger to both business and labor is China.

• He believes that we are rebuilding China instead of taking care of our own country.

• Trumps thinks that If we’d alter our trade policies, we could pay off the debt and start creating more jobs right here. :eusa_clap:

Trump on China

• Trump says we give way too many advantages to China and they're laughing at how easy it is to take advantage of the U.S.

• He thinks that we should tax all imports from China 25%. That would encourage buying American and balance out the trade deficit. :eusa_clap:

• Human rights are important - if the Chinese are oppressed, then there shouldn't be much of a market for US goods. We are betraying our principles by allowing them to violate basic rights of their people.

• We should not keep our markets open to countries that oppress their people or steal from us.

• He said that the US makes better products but China manipulates their currency so people almost have to buy Chinese products to stay in business.:eusa_clap:

• China makes it nearly impossible to do business there but wants our technology and for Americans to buy their products.

Trump on the Deficit

• Donald Trump believes that the deficit would be greatly reduced if government would stay out of things in which it doesn’t do well, which is a very long list. :eusa_clap:

• He would take the government out of providing public conveniences such as farm subsidies, food safety, energy regulations and transportation and limit it to defending the constitution and our shores. This will save billions, even trillions. :eusa_clap:

Trump on the Economy

• Trump believes raising taxes is foolish seeing that the US is the highest taxed nation in the world.

• He thinks the economy would improve if we would charge the countries we protect.

Trump on Education

• Donald Trump thinks our education system is in trouble.

• He would teach citizenship and stop 'dumbing down' the curriculum. :eusa_clap:

• He would make schools safe and be tough on troublemakers. :eusa_clap:

• Trump says diplomas are often little more than attendance certificates. Lower levels should cover the basics, teach study skills and prepare kids who want higher education. :eusa_clap:

• He says, forget self esteem, challenge kids and allow small failures. Failing incentivizes kids to do better when handled properly. People fail in life but if properly prepared they will get back up and try again. Schools these days encourage them to give up and nurse their hurt feelings.

• Trump thinks that schools should compete, school choice encourages competition.:eusa_clap:

• He would do away with the Department of Education and let local and state governments run their schools as they see fit—this would also encourage competition and people would move to the best school districts, growing the economy while providing better education.

Trump on Energy

• Trump thinks we should use our natural resources to solve our energy problems while helping the economy. :eusa_clap:

• He believes that the US has so much oil in our ocean and we should get it. :eusa_clap:

• He thinks that we don't use much of our natural gas but we should.

• He said that Abu Dhabi has plenty of oil but just went to natural gas because they want us to buy oil at ridiculous prices. Unless we use our natural resources we’ll always be prisoners of OPEC.

Trump on Foreign Affairs

• Donald Trump wants the US to quit appeasing dictators. :eusa_clap:

• He knows that foreign policy is not as easy as drawing up a general plan, be thinks we should be deal-makers instead of chess players.

• Deal-makers can put our interests first, know when to back off, when to be tough and never settle for less than America deserves. :eusa_clap:

• Trump believes that if countries want our help they should have something to give in return other than vague promises of 'working toward democracy'. They need us more than we need them; we should use our leverage to benefit everyone but especially ourselves.
I'm not sure I am going to vote for Trump, but knowing the issues is part of the path of getting there. I have questions on how he would accomplish some of these plans.

But when we hear and see candidates like Hillary, all we know is she speaks with forked tongue and she won't speak to issues with the press around. Those sound bites are killing any credibility she had left.

So we have an informed electorate, I think it's important to know each candidate stand on the issues. If we don't, we sound like a drunk at the neighborhood bar.
I'm not sure I am going to vote for Trump, but knowing the issues is part of the path of getting there. I have questions on how he would accomplish some of these plans.

But when we hear and see candidates like Hillary, all we know is she speaks with forked tongue and she won't speak to issues with the press around. Those sound bites are killing any credibility she had left.

So we have an informed electorate, I think it's important to know each candidate stand on the issues. If we don't, we sound like a drunk at the neighborhood bar.
Trump's position gives you a solid starting point. The last six or seven years we have lacked a base plan. And that is what he brings to the table a base plan.

hillary's answer? More "free stuff".
Sanders answer? More "free stuff".

We are going BROKE getting "free stuff".
There isn't a thing wrong with those positions. They are common sense solutions that 50 people picked at random out of the phone book have already come up with. Trump is only saying what every other intelligent person already knows.
I'm not sure I am going to vote for Trump, but knowing the issues is part of the path of getting there. I have questions on how he would accomplish some of these plans.

But when we hear and see candidates like Hillary, all we know is she speaks with forked tongue and she won't speak to issues with the press around. Those sound bites are killing any credibility she had left.

So we have an informed electorate, I think it's important to know each candidate stand on the issues. If we don't, we sound like a drunk at the neighborhood bar.
Trump's position gives you a solid starting point. The last six or seven years we have lacked a base plan. And that is what he brings to the table a base plan.

hillary's answer? More "free stuff".
Sanders answer? More "free stuff".

We are going BROKE getting "free stuff".
And I'm not sure if the statement is in this batch of issues, but Trump discusses the problem with subsidies. He is a man who is brilliant when it comes to the economy. We have to give him that.
There isn't a thing wrong with those positions. They are common sense solutions that 50 people picked at random out of the phone book have already come up with. Trump is only saying what every other intelligent person already knows.

Would you call Hillary smart? She sure isn't saying these things.
I'm not sure I am going to vote for Trump, but knowing the issues is part of the path of getting there. I have questions on how he would accomplish some of these plans.

But when we hear and see candidates like Hillary, all we know is she speaks with forked tongue and she won't speak to issues with the press around. Those sound bites are killing any credibility she had left.

So we have an informed electorate, I think it's important to know each candidate stand on the issues. If we don't, we sound like a drunk at the neighborhood bar.
Trump's position gives you a solid starting point. The last six or seven years we have lacked a base plan. And that is what he brings to the table a base plan.

hillary's answer? More "free stuff".
Sanders answer? More "free stuff".

We are going BROKE getting "free stuff".
And I'm not sure if the statement is in this batch of issues, but Trump discusses the problem with subsidies. He is a man who is brilliant when it comes to the economy. We have to give him that.

And Obama's EXPERT on the economy.....

There isn't a thing wrong with those positions. They are common sense solutions that 50 people picked at random out of the phone book have already come up with. Trump is only saying what every other intelligent person already knows.

Would you call Hillary smart? She sure isn't saying these things.
Trump's money is based on smarts.
Hillary's money is based on deception.
Trump on Gun Control

• Donald Trump generally opposes gun control.

• He thinks that every law abiding citizen should have a gun if they want to.

• Trump believes that assault weapons should be banned, “who needs them except criminals and police?”:eusa_clap:

• He wants a longer waiting period for hand guns, rifles and shotguns. We should be able to tell within 72 hours if a person has a record or mental issues that would prohibit ownership. :eusa_clap:

Trump on Health Care

• Donald Trump believes that people should have access to affordable health care.

• He has advocated a single payer system in the past but believes the new health care law is unconstitutional and so costly that it will bankrupt the country.

Trump on Immigration

• Donald Trump thinks that legal immigration should be difficult and illegal immigration should be impossible.

• He believes that we can’t absorb all the illegals and thinks that they’re destroying our economy. :eusa_clap:

• He wants to take care of our own people first. We’re bankrupting our states with illegals that take advantage of hospital emergency rooms, entitlement programs and public education. :eusa_clap:

Trump on Iran

• Donald Trump believes that our soldiers have no business in the Middle East.

Trump on Iraq

• Trump believes we should withdraw from Iraq and the Middle East.

• He would not be in Iraq unless our own interests are directly threatened. :eusa_clap:

• Trump would not offer humanitarian intervention.

Trump on Israel

• Donald Trump maintains that Israel is our best friend.

• He thinks we should do everything we can to protect Israel

• He believes that Israel should be the cornerstone of our policy in the region.

• They’ve always been there for us and we should be there for them. They are the only stable democracy in a region that is not run by dictators. They are pioneers in medicine and communication and a close fair trading partner. :eusa_clap:

Trump on National Security

• Trump believes that America is ill prepared for a biological attack.

• He would prepare for biological attack by stockpiling and rotating antibiotics and other remedies while training emergency workers. :eusa_clap:

• He thinks that there should be sensors in major cities for early warning of biological devices activated. :eusa_clap:

• He thinks that the public should be educated to reduce panic if an attack occurs.

Trump on North Korea

• Trump believes that we should stop North Korean nukes by force if necessary.

Trump on Poverty

• Trump believes that teen moms should not receive assistance unless they meet tough requirements. Living in group homes might reduce further pregnancies by lending moral support.

• He said that there are many people that work out of churches, temples or on their own who want to care for the poor and disadvantaged—let them, and restrict public assistance.

• He thinks that states, cities and counties should partner with faith-based charitable organizations and others. He believes that communities should work together instead of depending on public assistance. :eusa_clap:

Trump on Same Sex Issues

• Donald Trump is not in favor of same sex marriage.
I agree with 60% of it...

What do I disagree on?
-Deregulating energy, economics, businesses. Allowing the corporations to do as they wish with food, energy, etc = fucking our standards of living.
-I disagree that rising taxes shouldn't be done. We should raise them on the super rich.
-I think we should spend more on science and infrastructure.
I agree with 60% of it...

What do I disagree on?
-Deregulating energy, economics, businesses. Allowing the corporations to do as they wish with food, energy, etc = fucking our standards of living.
-I disagree that rising taxes shouldn't be done. We should raise them on the super rich.
-I think we should spend more on science and infrastructure.

He is advancing the idea of raising the taxes on the wealthy 14.25% one time to help draw down our debt.

I don't agree with everything Trump does either. But how he feels and if he can control the outcome of some of these issues is not likely. He can have personal thoughts on. say abortion and gun control, but those issues probably cannot be addressed by just the president.
I like how the list keeps saying "Trump thinks" this and "Trump thinks" that. How about just stating his spoken position without the little twist?
I like how the list keeps saying "Trump thinks" this and "Trump thinks" that. How about just stating his spoken position without the little twist?
I'd like to see a candidate say "I will demand this and that." That will come back to haunt them. Is that what you're talking about?
I like how the list keeps saying "Trump thinks" this and "Trump thinks" that. How about just stating his spoken position without the little twist?
I'd like to see a candidate say "I will demand this and that." That will come back to haunt them. Is that what you're talking about?
No, I would just rather hear what he has to say rather than someone telling me what they think he thinks. That being said, I agree with a lot of what he says but not everything, and his position has changed a few times on a few issues as well.
I like how the list keeps saying "Trump thinks" this and "Trump thinks" that. How about just stating his spoken position without the little twist?
I'd like to see a candidate say "I will demand this and that." That will come back to haunt them. Is that what you're talking about?
No, I would just rather hear what he has to say rather than someone telling me what they think he thinks. That being said, I agree with a lot of what he says but not everything, and his position has changed a few times on a few issues as well.
It's hard to get closer to what he says than his own writings on the issues.

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