Trump on twitter: why would Kim Jong Un called me 'old' when i would never call him "short & fat"?

i can't keep up with Juvenile Donald. "chemistry with Putin"? you mean bromance with Putin? who is writing these tweets?


Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Those are both funny and on point.
i can't keep up with Juvenile Donald. "chemistry with Putin"? you mean bromance with Putin? who is writing these tweets?


Donald J. Trump on Twitter
This guy is such an embarrasment and humiliation for our country. He behaves like the 'president' of a banana republic. He has no common sense, no diplomacy, no dignity, no decency--those comments are those of a little kid. It's horrible.
Maybe he called Trump old because 'batshit crazy' isn't a term that translates well into Korean.

It doesn't matter if it translates or not, just as long as the Jong Dong believes it. We want all our foes to think that Trump is nuts and capable of anything.
Trump's right: North Korea's dictator is short & fat.

And evil.

And the world better deal with him. Now. Are you listening, China?
to heck with China , USA needs to deal with the 'norks' in the way that makes sense to the USA . If China wants to follow the USA LEAD , well thats ok with me
"Donald Trump crying about Kim Jong-un calling him fat is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen from a U.S. President. He just showed the world that he is weak, and can easily be flustered by verbal/written insults." - Crooked Hillary
i can't keep up with Juvenile Donald. "chemistry with Putin"? you mean bromance with Putin? who is writing these tweets?


Donald J. Trump on Twitter
This guy is such an embarrasment and humiliation for our country. He behaves like the 'president' of a banana republic. He has no common sense, no diplomacy, no dignity, no decency--those comments are those of a little kid. It's horrible.
so how has killing NK ass worked out for us?

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