Trump orders immediate declassification of key documents in Russia hoax

Donald Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records

About damned time! According to Judge Napolitano on Fox&Friends, this will take a while to become public in order to protect certain sources and not interfere with ongoing investigations.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders cited “reasons of transparency” for the president’s decision, as well as requests from Congressional investigative committees in a statement confirming the action.

Trump ordered the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to declassify select parts of the FISA court application to spy on his former campaign surrogate Carter Page during the 2016 election.

Trump also ordered that FBI interviews with Bruce Ohr be released surrounding the ongoing Russia investigation as well as all text messages relating to the Russia investigation from former FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

The volume of unclassified information is likely to throw the Russian investigation into chaos as the motivations for the investigation into Trump campaign collusion will likely be revealed.

More @ Donald Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records | Breitbart
Not going to happen. With Trump ordering the obstruction of an investigation into him, law enforcement will have an awful lot to say about that. It's very likely they won't allow the president to be privileged over evidence against him.
how you figure that exactly? does he have the authority? yes. sorry, you don't want to follow orders, your fired. it's really quite simple leftist loser.

you must be thinking of another donald trump.
He can certainly have those documents declassified. But it will come at a cost to the security of those doing the investigating, plus witnesses, and there will be an obstruction of justice charge attached to that declassification. Count on it.

LMAO you can't obstruct justice by releasing documents you tard.
Donald Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records

About damned time! According to Judge Napolitano on Fox&Friends, this will take a while to become public in order to protect certain sources and not interfere with ongoing investigations.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders cited “reasons of transparency” for the president’s decision, as well as requests from Congressional investigative committees in a statement confirming the action.

Trump ordered the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to declassify select parts of the FISA court application to spy on his former campaign surrogate Carter Page during the 2016 election.

Trump also ordered that FBI interviews with Bruce Ohr be released surrounding the ongoing Russia investigation as well as all text messages relating to the Russia investigation from former FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

The volume of unclassified information is likely to throw the Russian investigation into chaos as the motivations for the investigation into Trump campaign collusion will likely be revealed.

More @ Donald Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records | Breitbart
Not going to happen. With Trump ordering the obstruction of an investigation into him, law enforcement will have an awful lot to say about that. It's very likely they won't allow the president to be privileged over evidence against him.
how you figure that exactly? does he have the authority? yes. sorry, you don't want to follow orders, your fired. it's really quite simple leftist loser.

you must be thinking of another donald trump.
He can certainly have those documents declassified. But it will come at a cost to the security of those doing the investigating, plus witnesses, and there will be an obstruction of justice charge attached to that declassification. Count on it.

LMAO you can't obstruct justice by releasing documents you tard.
Says what law bozo?
The ignorance, the hate, and the lies, are slowly doing the Right in.

No, it isn't.

Your ignorance, hate and lies are incessant. Still, you Communists have lost over 1000 elected positions since corrupt Barry was elected in 2008.

So your hate is not hurting the right.

This civil war you've started will eventually turn hot, you get ever more shrill and ever more violent at every loss. When you get highly violent then we will quickly do you Stalinists in.
Prove it, or it's yet another lie?

You're too stupid to back quote.

Hey, I get it traitor - it's all falling down around you. Your masters told you that Trump would be driven from office and your party would usher in paradise like Venezuela has.

Now it's all crumbling down around you.

Newly revealed text messages between FBI paramours Peter Strzok and Lisa Page include an exchange about preparing talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to give to President Obama, who wanted “to know everything we’re doing."

The message, from Page to Strzok, was among thousands of texts between the lovers reviewed by Fox News. The pair both worked at one point for Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe of alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016, about prepping Comey because "potus wants to know everything we're doing." According to a newly released Senate report, this text raises questions about Obama's personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation.

In texts previously revealed, Strzok and Page have shown their disdain for Republicans in general, as well as Trump, calling him a "f---ing idiot," among other insults.

Among the newly disclosed texts, Strzok also calls Virginians who voted against then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe's wife for a state Senate seat "ignorant hillbillys." (sic)

That text came from Strzok to Page on Nov. 4, 2015, the day after Jill McCabe lost a hotly contested Virginia state Senate election. Strzok said of the result, "Disappointing, but look at the district map. Loudon is being gentrified, but it's still largely ignorant hillbillys. Good for her for running, but curious if she's energized or never again."}

FBI lovers' latest text messages: Obama 'wants to know everything'

All the treason of you Marxist pigs declassified for the world to see..
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:You're too stupid to know what Obama was asking for.
Ha liar, we're still waiting?

Don’t pretend you GAF about National Security.

If it was Obama calling for the release of the texts and documents, you would be slurping his junk.
Obama would never in a million years, do it!

Releasing classified information of an on going investigation on himself and his campaign,


Have at it, baby....

What a fucking moron...


Prove it, or it's yet another lie?

You're too stupid to back quote.

Hey, I get it traitor - it's all falling down around you. Your masters told you that Trump would be driven from office and your party would usher in paradise like Venezuela has.

Now it's all crumbling down around you.

Newly revealed text messages between FBI paramours Peter Strzok and Lisa Page include an exchange about preparing talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to give to President Obama, who wanted “to know everything we’re doing."

The message, from Page to Strzok, was among thousands of texts between the lovers reviewed by Fox News. The pair both worked at one point for Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe of alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016, about prepping Comey because "potus wants to know everything we're doing." According to a newly released Senate report, this text raises questions about Obama's personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation.

In texts previously revealed, Strzok and Page have shown their disdain for Republicans in general, as well as Trump, calling him a "f---ing idiot," among other insults.

Among the newly disclosed texts, Strzok also calls Virginians who voted against then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe's wife for a state Senate seat "ignorant hillbillys." (sic)

That text came from Strzok to Page on Nov. 4, 2015, the day after Jill McCabe lost a hotly contested Virginia state Senate election. Strzok said of the result, "Disappointing, but look at the district map. Loudon is being gentrified, but it's still largely ignorant hillbillys. Good for her for running, but curious if she's energized or never again."}

FBI lovers' latest text messages: Obama 'wants to know everything'

All the treason of you Marxist pigs declassified for the world to see..
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:You're too stupid to know what Obama was asking for.

Yeah, that's it - you can lie it all into the cornfield....

As always, you aren't debating anything.

Nothing to debate. You're a lying commie fuck. I've already accepted the fact that you're mentally ill, that you are a pathological liar immune to fact and reason.

I've proven my point - which didn't need to be proven as you already knew it. Obama ordered the DOJ and FSB to rig the election. You seem to think that if you lie just a little bit more, no one will notice the declassified documents proving the treason by you gutter scum Stalinists.

I simply expose you as the unbalanced Marxist you are and provide the facts for rational people to read.
Too funny

Is he going to declassify the documents that point to his guilt?

no winger, documents that prove the guilt of the Clinton campaign, Comey, Strzok, McCabe, Rosenstein, Obama, Lynch, Holder, and the entire bunch of lying assholes. Its over dude, better pack your shit and move to Venezuela.
What are the proven lies? Are you part of the investigation, that you would know that they all lied via these documents? If you can't answer that question honestly, you are the liar, not them. Where's the evidence?

the email exchanges between stozok, page, comey etc very clearly prove that high ups in the FBI were conspiring to create lies to bring Trump down. More is coming as the FISA warrants are made public, the entire establishment cabal is being brought down by the best president in history. The corruption and lying is being made public and that is exactly why the establishment pukes in both parties are scared shitless of Trump.

WTP and the others of the Khmer Rouge simply don't grasp that that is wrong. To these gutter scum traitors, the goal of putting the party in power is so lofty that shitting all over our Constitution and our civilization is not only justified, but indeed noble.
If you actually knew what the truth was, you wouldn't honestly be able to call it "corrupt". So you lied. And, as proof, four judges are already calling you a liar.

We all know what the truth is Comrade, including you. Obama used the DOJ and FSB to rig the 2016 election.

That you AGREE with his treason doesn't alter what it is, treason.

ya got it backwards, dude. Its the left that is doing itself in. The truth is coming out, the FISA warrants are being declassified, the dem/media/FBI corrupt cabal is being outted, its over, the American people are fed up with your lying socialist bullshit.

The Marxist scum WTP is female.

I won't call her a woman, she doesn't deserve that title.
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Donald Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records

About damned time! According to Judge Napolitano on Fox&Friends, this will take a while to become public in order to protect certain sources and not interfere with ongoing investigations.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders cited “reasons of transparency” for the president’s decision, as well as requests from Congressional investigative committees in a statement confirming the action.

Trump ordered the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to declassify select parts of the FISA court application to spy on his former campaign surrogate Carter Page during the 2016 election.

Trump also ordered that FBI interviews with Bruce Ohr be released surrounding the ongoing Russia investigation as well as all text messages relating to the Russia investigation from former FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

The volume of unclassified information is likely to throw the Russian investigation into chaos as the motivations for the investigation into Trump campaign collusion will likely be revealed.

More @ Donald Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records | Breitbart
Not going to happen. With Trump ordering the obstruction of an investigation into him, law enforcement will have an awful lot to say about that. It's very likely they won't allow the president to be privileged over evidence against him.
how you figure that exactly? does he have the authority? yes. sorry, you don't want to follow orders, your fired. it's really quite simple leftist loser.

you must be thinking of another donald trump.
He can certainly have those documents declassified. But it will come at a cost to the security of those doing the investigating, plus witnesses, and there will be an obstruction of justice charge attached to that declassification. Count on it.

LMAO you can't obstruct justice by releasing documents you tard.
Sure they said so. Don’t you know they own you
The ignorance, the hate, and the lies, are slowly doing the Right in.

No, it isn't.

Your ignorance, hate and lies are incessant. Still, you Communists have lost over 1000 elected positions since corrupt Barry was elected in 2008.

So your hate is not hurting the right.

This civil war you've started will eventually turn hot, you get ever more shrill and ever more violent at every loss. When you get highly violent then we will quickly do you Stalinists in.
The Civil war of voter suppression with the illegal help from Russia, is the battle for the salvation of this country. That is the Civil war the Left is going to have.

ya got it backwards, dude. Its the left that is doing itself in. The truth is coming out, the FISA warrants are being declassified, the dem/media/FBI corrupt cabal is being outted, its over, the American people are fed up with your lying socialist bullshit.

The Marxist scum WTP is female.

I won't call her a woman, she doesn't deserve that title.
Exposing you as a big fat liar has finally gotten the best of you. Good!
The Civil war of voter suppression with the illegal help from Russia, is the battle for the salvation of this country. That is the Civil war the Left is going to have.


What Russia, Commie fuck?

The only Russian connection is you Stalinist piles of shit and your fabricated dossier.

You are waging a civil war to end America, but you're losing, and badly. As you lose, you get violent and more frantic, as you have with these lies about Kavanaugh. This is the way you Stalinist motherfuckers are.

At some point, you evil scum will pick up weapons, because face it, you're losing; when you do, we end you.
if it is bogus, you are stating that as fact What is your evidence it is bogus? If you do not prove that, you are a liar. To do what? Hide the real evidence? Obstruct this investigation to cover up wrong doing? If trump has done nothing wrong, why would it be hidden? If it is hidden, then that confirms his guilt. Simple as that.
There is nothing written that says he cannot, or is in the Constitution. It's an open question that has never been challenged? And why are you so obvious in your complicity to protect a criminal?
Negative! Constructing a lying story on Air Force One to tell the world that the Trump Tower meeting was about adoptions, while later admitting it wasn't, is a text book definition of obstruction.

It's been posted several times on this thread. Start looking.
he will have the evidence of the investigation being bogus once the files are released. it's there. congress already saw them and said so. it's why they are slow releasing them, cause it incriminates them all. too fking funny. I am patiently waiting.
Boss, get a hold of yourself. There is no Congress. Jordan and Meadows who are heading this up, work at the pleasure of Trump, not the people. Those two will have the same trouble they had with the memo. It went down as a failure, because it was manufactured based on lies. Their interpretation of the declassification will have nothing to do with the interpretation of the justice department. How do we know that? Because four judges said the FISA process was on the up and up. Declassifying can only harm witnesses and investigators. It's total obstruction on the part of Trump. I was right about the Nunes memo, and I'm right about this. And thanks for playing.
ahhhh lookie lookie at the snake. son, your shit doesn't work on me. I will be laughing my balls off when this is all exposed. I'll remember you though and make sure I comment.
So, the real creature has come out of the ground only to prove he or she was not ready to. You do realize you are not debating anything right? Attacking me isn't going to change reality and the truth. And those three have already exposed themselves months ago with the redacted memo by Democrats, proving that Jordan, Meadows, and Nunes, are nothing more than thugs working illegally to obstruct justice.
I'm debating the fact that key documents will be declassified and will show the russia russia was a hoax. prove me wrong. and again, I will enjoy it when they are released.
Mark this spot. The declassified material relative to the FISA applications, were already exposed in the memo scam by Nunes, Jordan, and Meadows. How do we know? Four judges told us so.
The ignorance, the hate, and the lies, are slowly doing the Right in.

No, it isn't.

Your ignorance, hate and lies are incessant. Still, you Communists have lost over 1000 elected positions since corrupt Barry was elected in 2008.

So your hate is not hurting the right.

This civil war you've started will eventually turn hot, you get ever more shrill and ever more violent at every loss. When you get highly violent then we will quickly do you Stalinists in.
The Civil war of voter suppression with the illegal help from Russia, is the battle for the salvation of this country. That is the Civil war the Left is going to have.

The Civil war will be if the left pulls off a coup.
The ignorance, the hate, and the lies, are slowly doing the Right in.

No, it isn't.

Your ignorance, hate and lies are incessant. Still, you Communists have lost over 1000 elected positions since corrupt Barry was elected in 2008.

So your hate is not hurting the right.

This civil war you've started will eventually turn hot, you get ever more shrill and ever more violent at every loss. When you get highly violent then we will quickly do you Stalinists in.
The Civil war of voter suppression with the illegal help from Russia, is the battle for the salvation of this country. That is the Civil war the Left is going to have.

The Civil war will be if the left pulls off a coup.

Yep, if the Khmer Rouge somehow remove our president, then all hell breaks loose.
The Civil war of voter suppression with the illegal help from Russia, is the battle for the salvation of this country. That is the Civil war the Left is going to have.


What Russia, Commie fuck?

The only Russian connection is you Stalinist piles of shit and your fabricated dossier.

You are waging a civil war to end America, but you're losing, and badly. As you lose, you get violent and more frantic, as you have with these lies about Kavanaugh. This is the way you Stalinist motherfuckers are.

At some point, you evil scum will pick up weapons, because face it, you're losing; when you do, we end you.
Lol! You just string along one lie behind the other.

What is the proof of a "fake dossier"? Now we all know you can't provide that proof, because you are big fat liar.

Empty statements full of lies. That's all you're about.
The ignorance, the hate, and the lies, are slowly doing the Right in.

No, it isn't.

Your ignorance, hate and lies are incessant. Still, you Communists have lost over 1000 elected positions since corrupt Barry was elected in 2008.

So your hate is not hurting the right.

This civil war you've started will eventually turn hot, you get ever more shrill and ever more violent at every loss. When you get highly violent then we will quickly do you Stalinists in.
The Civil war of voter suppression with the illegal help from Russia, is the battle for the salvation of this country. That is the Civil war the Left is going to have.

The Civil war will be if the left pulls off a coup.
The Left is only interested in the truth, justice, and the adherence to the rule of law. So relax there Sling Blade.
The ignorance, the hate, and the lies, are slowly doing the Right in.

No, it isn't.

Your ignorance, hate and lies are incessant. Still, you Communists have lost over 1000 elected positions since corrupt Barry was elected in 2008.

So your hate is not hurting the right.

This civil war you've started will eventually turn hot, you get ever more shrill and ever more violent at every loss. When you get highly violent then we will quickly do you Stalinists in.
The Civil war of voter suppression with the illegal help from Russia, is the battle for the salvation of this country. That is the Civil war the Left is going to have.

The Civil war will be if the left pulls off a coup.
The Left is only interested in the truth, justice, and the adherence to the rule of law. So relax there Sling Blade.

Sure thing, Sybil.

The left and the law rarely intersect.
Prove it, or it's yet another lie?

You're too stupid to back quote.

Hey, I get it traitor - it's all falling down around you. Your masters told you that Trump would be driven from office and your party would usher in paradise like Venezuela has.

Now it's all crumbling down around you.

Newly revealed text messages between FBI paramours Peter Strzok and Lisa Page include an exchange about preparing talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to give to President Obama, who wanted “to know everything we’re doing."

The message, from Page to Strzok, was among thousands of texts between the lovers reviewed by Fox News. The pair both worked at one point for Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe of alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016, about prepping Comey because "potus wants to know everything we're doing." According to a newly released Senate report, this text raises questions about Obama's personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation.

In texts previously revealed, Strzok and Page have shown their disdain for Republicans in general, as well as Trump, calling him a "f---ing idiot," among other insults.

Among the newly disclosed texts, Strzok also calls Virginians who voted against then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe's wife for a state Senate seat "ignorant hillbillys." (sic)

That text came from Strzok to Page on Nov. 4, 2015, the day after Jill McCabe lost a hotly contested Virginia state Senate election. Strzok said of the result, "Disappointing, but look at the district map. Loudon is being gentrified, but it's still largely ignorant hillbillys. Good for her for running, but curious if she's energized or never again."}

FBI lovers' latest text messages: Obama 'wants to know everything'

All the treason of you Marxist pigs declassified for the world to see..
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:You're too stupid to know what Obama was asking for.

Yeah, that's it - you can lie it all into the cornfield....

As always, you aren't debating anything.

Nothing to debate. You're a lying commie fuck. I've already accepted the fact that you're mentally ill, that you are a pathological liar immune to fact and reason.

I've proven my point - which didn't need to be proven as you already knew it. Obama ordered the DOJ and FSB to rig the election. You seem to think that if you lie just a little bit more, no one will notice the declassified documents proving the treason by you gutter scum Stalinists.

I simply expose you as the unbalanced Marxist you are and provide the facts for rational people to read.
See how easy it is to prove you are a liar. There is zero proof "Obama ordered the DOJ and FBI to rig the election", because you didn't provide it. Keep the lies coming boss. You keep an ongoing resume on this forum for all to see.

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