Trump orders immediate declassification of key documents in Russia hoax

You're too stupid to back quote.

Hey, I get it traitor - it's all falling down around you. Your masters told you that Trump would be driven from office and your party would usher in paradise like Venezuela has.

Now it's all crumbling down around you.

Newly revealed text messages between FBI paramours Peter Strzok and Lisa Page include an exchange about preparing talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to give to President Obama, who wanted “to know everything we’re doing."

The message, from Page to Strzok, was among thousands of texts between the lovers reviewed by Fox News. The pair both worked at one point for Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe of alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016, about prepping Comey because "potus wants to know everything we're doing." According to a newly released Senate report, this text raises questions about Obama's personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation.

In texts previously revealed, Strzok and Page have shown their disdain for Republicans in general, as well as Trump, calling him a "f---ing idiot," among other insults.

Among the newly disclosed texts, Strzok also calls Virginians who voted against then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe's wife for a state Senate seat "ignorant hillbillys." (sic)

That text came from Strzok to Page on Nov. 4, 2015, the day after Jill McCabe lost a hotly contested Virginia state Senate election. Strzok said of the result, "Disappointing, but look at the district map. Loudon is being gentrified, but it's still largely ignorant hillbillys. Good for her for running, but curious if she's energized or never again."}

FBI lovers' latest text messages: Obama 'wants to know everything'

All the treason of you Marxist pigs declassified for the world to see..
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:You're too stupid to know what Obama was asking for.

Yeah, that's it - you can lie it all into the cornfield....

As always, you aren't debating anything.

Nothing to debate. You're a lying commie fuck. I've already accepted the fact that you're mentally ill, that you are a pathological liar immune to fact and reason.

I've proven my point - which didn't need to be proven as you already knew it. Obama ordered the DOJ and FSB to rig the election. You seem to think that if you lie just a little bit more, no one will notice the declassified documents proving the treason by you gutter scum Stalinists.

I simply expose you as the unbalanced Marxist you are and provide the facts for rational people to read.
See how easy it is to prove you are a liar. There is zero proof "Obama ordered the DOJ and FBI to rig the election", because you didn't provide it. Keep the lies coming boss. You keep an ongoing resume on this forum for all to see.

The FBI should investigate if Obama ordered the DOJ and FBI to rig the election or else they are guilty.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:You're too stupid to know what Obama was asking for.

Yeah, that's it - you can lie it all into the cornfield....

As always, you aren't debating anything.

Nothing to debate. You're a lying commie fuck. I've already accepted the fact that you're mentally ill, that you are a pathological liar immune to fact and reason.

I've proven my point - which didn't need to be proven as you already knew it. Obama ordered the DOJ and FSB to rig the election. You seem to think that if you lie just a little bit more, no one will notice the declassified documents proving the treason by you gutter scum Stalinists.

I simply expose you as the unbalanced Marxist you are and provide the facts for rational people to read.
See how easy it is to prove you are a liar. There is zero proof "Obama ordered the DOJ and FBI to rig the election", because you didn't provide it. Keep the lies coming boss. You keep an ongoing resume on this forum for all to see.

The FBI should investigate if Obama ordered the DOJ and FBI to rig the election or else they are guilty.
Do it. I'm not afraid of that, because it never happened.
he will have the evidence of the investigation being bogus once the files are released. it's there. congress already saw them and said so. it's why they are slow releasing them, cause it incriminates them all. too fking funny. I am patiently waiting.
Boss, get a hold of yourself. There is no Congress. Jordan and Meadows who are heading this up, work at the pleasure of Trump, not the people. Those two will have the same trouble they had with the memo. It went down as a failure, because it was manufactured based on lies. Their interpretation of the declassification will have nothing to do with the interpretation of the justice department. How do we know that? Because four judges said the FISA process was on the up and up. Declassifying can only harm witnesses and investigators. It's total obstruction on the part of Trump. I was right about the Nunes memo, and I'm right about this. And thanks for playing.
ahhhh lookie lookie at the snake. son, your shit doesn't work on me. I will be laughing my balls off when this is all exposed. I'll remember you though and make sure I comment.
So, the real creature has come out of the ground only to prove he or she was not ready to. You do realize you are not debating anything right? Attacking me isn't going to change reality and the truth. And those three have already exposed themselves months ago with the redacted memo by Democrats, proving that Jordan, Meadows, and Nunes, are nothing more than thugs working illegally to obstruct justice.
I'm debating the fact that key documents will be declassified and will show the russia russia was a hoax. prove me wrong. and again, I will enjoy it when they are released.
Mark this spot. The declassified material relative to the FISA applications, were already exposed in the memo scam by Nunes, Jordan, and Meadows. How do we know? Four judges told us so.
Then how would they be giving up security issues?
The ignorance, the hate, and the lies, are slowly doing the Right in.

No, it isn't.

Your ignorance, hate and lies are incessant. Still, you Communists have lost over 1000 elected positions since corrupt Barry was elected in 2008.

So your hate is not hurting the right.

This civil war you've started will eventually turn hot, you get ever more shrill and ever more violent at every loss. When you get highly violent then we will quickly do you Stalinists in.
The Civil war of voter suppression with the illegal help from Russia, is the battle for the salvation of this country. That is the Civil war the Left is going to have.

The Civil war will be if the left pulls off a coup.

Yep, if the Khmer Rouge somehow remove our president, then all hell breaks loose.
Knock yourself out. In the pursuit of the rule of law and justice, our Constitution is preserved, and the integrity against this illegal election. I'm willing to die for it. So bring all the rest of the cowards to the party with you when you come.
Boss, get a hold of yourself. There is no Congress. Jordan and Meadows who are heading this up, work at the pleasure of Trump, not the people. Those two will have the same trouble they had with the memo. It went down as a failure, because it was manufactured based on lies. Their interpretation of the declassification will have nothing to do with the interpretation of the justice department. How do we know that? Because four judges said the FISA process was on the up and up. Declassifying can only harm witnesses and investigators. It's total obstruction on the part of Trump. I was right about the Nunes memo, and I'm right about this. And thanks for playing.
ahhhh lookie lookie at the snake. son, your shit doesn't work on me. I will be laughing my balls off when this is all exposed. I'll remember you though and make sure I comment.
So, the real creature has come out of the ground only to prove he or she was not ready to. You do realize you are not debating anything right? Attacking me isn't going to change reality and the truth. And those three have already exposed themselves months ago with the redacted memo by Democrats, proving that Jordan, Meadows, and Nunes, are nothing more than thugs working illegally to obstruct justice.
I'm debating the fact that key documents will be declassified and will show the russia russia was a hoax. prove me wrong. and again, I will enjoy it when they are released.
Mark this spot. The declassified material relative to the FISA applications, were already exposed in the memo scam by Nunes, Jordan, and Meadows. How do we know? Four judges told us so.
Then how would they be giving up security issues?
By exposing investigators and witnesses, which exposes their families. Come on man, you can't be that stupid not to know that?
ahhhh lookie lookie at the snake. son, your shit doesn't work on me. I will be laughing my balls off when this is all exposed. I'll remember you though and make sure I comment.
So, the real creature has come out of the ground only to prove he or she was not ready to. You do realize you are not debating anything right? Attacking me isn't going to change reality and the truth. And those three have already exposed themselves months ago with the redacted memo by Democrats, proving that Jordan, Meadows, and Nunes, are nothing more than thugs working illegally to obstruct justice.
I'm debating the fact that key documents will be declassified and will show the russia russia was a hoax. prove me wrong. and again, I will enjoy it when they are released.
Mark this spot. The declassified material relative to the FISA applications, were already exposed in the memo scam by Nunes, Jordan, and Meadows. How do we know? Four judges told us so.
Then how would they be giving up security issues?
By exposing investigators and witnesses, which exposes their families. Come on man, you can't be that stupid not to know that?
The villains, yep that’s what I want! People who tried to take my vote! Fk them. See how that works? They can go to jail and I’d be thrilled!
The ignorance, the hate, and the lies, are slowly doing the Right in.

No, it isn't.

Your ignorance, hate and lies are incessant. Still, you Communists have lost over 1000 elected positions since corrupt Barry was elected in 2008.

So your hate is not hurting the right.

This civil war you've started will eventually turn hot, you get ever more shrill and ever more violent at every loss. When you get highly violent then we will quickly do you Stalinists in.
The Civil war of voter suppression with the illegal help from Russia, is the battle for the salvation of this country. That is the Civil war the Left is going to have.

The Civil war will be if the left pulls off a coup.

Yep, if the Khmer Rouge somehow remove our president, then all hell breaks loose.
Knock yourself out. In the pursuit of the rule of law and justice, our Constitution is preserved, and the integrity against this illegal election. I'm willing to die for it. So bring all the rest of the cowards to the party with you when you come.
Illegal election you’re right, they’re about to be exposed by those documents. It’s about fking time
Yeah, that's it - you can lie it all into the cornfield....

As always, you aren't debating anything.

Nothing to debate. You're a lying commie fuck. I've already accepted the fact that you're mentally ill, that you are a pathological liar immune to fact and reason.

I've proven my point - which didn't need to be proven as you already knew it. Obama ordered the DOJ and FSB to rig the election. You seem to think that if you lie just a little bit more, no one will notice the declassified documents proving the treason by you gutter scum Stalinists.

I simply expose you as the unbalanced Marxist you are and provide the facts for rational people to read.
See how easy it is to prove you are a liar. There is zero proof "Obama ordered the DOJ and FBI to rig the election", because you didn't provide it. Keep the lies coming boss. You keep an ongoing resume on this forum for all to see.

The FBI should investigate if Obama ordered the DOJ and FBI to rig the election or else they are guilty.
Do it. I'm not afraid of that, because it never happened.

Sure, I’ll get right on it
You don’t know if physical harm would come to anyone by releasing the text messages and FISA warrant.
Wow, you still cannot come out of this retarded state of mind. Key words here you used, "you don't know". Thank you! Because of accidental stupidity, you made my case for me. Thanks!

You're scared traitor.

You should be.

It all just blew up.

Fuck the blue wave, that's the least of your worries. All of the conspirators are going to prison.

I still urge the president to pardon that traitor Obama though.
The ignorance, the hate, and the lies, are slowly doing the Right in.

ya got it backwards, dude. Its the left that is doing itself in. The truth is coming out, the FISA warrants are being declassified, the dem/media/FBI corrupt cabal is being outted, its over, the American people are fed up with your lying socialist bullshit.
If you actually knew what the truth was, you wouldn't honestly be able to call it "corrupt". So you lied. And, as proof, four judges are already calling you a liar.

the president has the authority to declassify any government document. If the DOJ and FBI defy his orders they are subject to prosecution and removal from their jobs. The corruption has been demonstrated and verified by the Strzok emails and comey's testimony under oath. the deep state/dem house of cards is collapsing and the USA is the winner.
The ignorance, the hate, and the lies, are slowly doing the Right in.

No, it isn't.

Your ignorance, hate and lies are incessant. Still, you Communists have lost over 1000 elected positions since corrupt Barry was elected in 2008.

So your hate is not hurting the right.

This civil war you've started will eventually turn hot, you get ever more shrill and ever more violent at every loss. When you get highly violent then we will quickly do you Stalinists in.
The Civil war of voter suppression with the illegal help from Russia, is the battle for the salvation of this country. That is the Civil war the Left is going to have.

The Civil war will be if the left pulls off a coup.

Yep, if the Khmer Rouge somehow remove our president, then all hell breaks loose.

and we have the guns, the military, and the police. They have pussy hats and safe spaces. It will be a very short war.
If the GOP keeps the Senate nothing will happen even if the House impeaches Trump. The Senate won't convict. Even if the dems take the House, if Trump replaces Sessions to manage Mueller's report, even less would happen since he would not accept the Mueller report without examining the dems crimes as well. Maybe Huber has that covered with his Grand Jury, lets hope so.
How can a FISA warrant in total be partisan?
Well, I'm not sure what thread or poster that moronic question is for, but here is what is being released:

"(1) pages 10-12 and 17-34 of the June 2017 application to the FISA court in the matter of Carter W. Page; (2) all FBI reports of interviews with Bruce G. Ohr prepared in connection with the Russia investigation; and (3) all FBI reports of interviews prepared in connection with all Carter Page FISA applications,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said.

Sanders continued “in addition, President Donald J. Trump has directed the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to publicly release all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr.”"

Yeah, the argument for 'total transparency' goes right out the window when only 21 pages of 412 pages are being released. WIth the vast majority of the FISA application where the FBI disclosed the politcal motive for the Steele Dossier remaining secret.
If the GOP keeps the Senate nothing will happen even if the House impeaches Trump. The Senate won't convict. Even if the dems take the House, if Trump replaces Sessions to manage Mueller's report, even less would happen since he would not accept the Mueller report without examining the dems crimes as well. Maybe Huber has that covered with his Grand Jury, lets hope so.

As it relates to impeachment, you are kinda correct. While Trump certainly won't be convicted in a Republican Senate .....control of the House gives democrats control over vital subcommittees with subpeana power.

You thought Benghazi and its 8 investigations were fun? With the democrats leading the investigations, the doors are open to subpeana tax returns, open investigations into ethics violations by Trump appointees, reopen the House Intel committee's investigation into Russian meddling, investigate Trump's charities, open a formal investigation into Kavanaugh, impeach Kavanaugh (if he's ever seated), investigate Don Jr's meetings with Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin, and censure Trump daily for lies or abuses of power.

Subpeana power means that all sorts of secrets get told.
What I don't understand is why the MEDIA is all up in arms about Trump releasing the texts and warrant?

What do they give a shit?


Maybe the warrant and texts could be LEAKED.....OOPSIES!
If the GOP keeps the Senate nothing will happen even if the House impeaches Trump. The Senate won't convict. Even if the dems take the House, if Trump replaces Sessions to manage Mueller's report, even less would happen since he would not accept the Mueller report without examining the dems crimes as well. Maybe Huber has that covered with his Grand Jury, lets hope so.

As it relates to impeachment, you are kinda correct. While Trump certainly won't be convicted in a Republican Senate .....control of the House gives democrats control over vital subcommittees with subpeana power.

You thought Benghazi and its 8 investigations were fun? With the democrats leading the investigations, the doors are open to subpeana tax returns, open investigations into ethics violations by Trump appointees, reopen the House Intel committee's investigation into Russian meddling, investigate Trump's charities, open a formal investigation into Kavanaugh, impeach Kavanaugh (if he's ever seated), investigate Don Jr's meetings with Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin, and censure Trump daily for lies or abuses of power.

Subpeana power means that all sorts of secrets get told.

Where have you been for the last two years? The MSM doesn't need subpoena power to make fake news stories up about Trump or his team. Trump could care less what the House subcommittees do. Its all noise. If/when the Mueller gig is over its focusing on 2020 and the next USSC justice to retire.
If the GOP keeps the Senate nothing will happen even if the House impeaches Trump. The Senate won't convict. Even if the dems take the House, if Trump replaces Sessions to manage Mueller's report, even less would happen since he would not accept the Mueller report without examining the dems crimes as well. Maybe Huber has that covered with his Grand Jury, lets hope so.

As it relates to impeachment, you are kinda correct. While Trump certainly won't be convicted in a Republican Senate .....control of the House gives democrats control over vital subcommittees with subpeana power.

You thought Benghazi and its 8 investigations were fun? With the democrats leading the investigations, the doors are open to subpeana tax returns, open investigations into ethics violations by Trump appointees, reopen the House Intel committee's investigation into Russian meddling, investigate Trump's charities, open a formal investigation into Kavanaugh, impeach Kavanaugh (if he's ever seated), investigate Don Jr's meetings with Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin, and censure Trump daily for lies or abuses of power.

Subpeana power means that all sorts of secrets get told.

Where have you been for the last two years? The MSM doesn't need subpoena power to make fake news stories up about Trump or his team. Trump could care less what the House subcommittees do. Its all noise. If/when the Mueller gig is over its focusing on 2020 and the next USSC justice to retire.

You do need a subpeana to get tax returns.
As always, you aren't debating anything.

Nothing to debate. You're a lying commie fuck. I've already accepted the fact that you're mentally ill, that you are a pathological liar immune to fact and reason.

I've proven my point - which didn't need to be proven as you already knew it. Obama ordered the DOJ and FSB to rig the election. You seem to think that if you lie just a little bit more, no one will notice the declassified documents proving the treason by you gutter scum Stalinists.

I simply expose you as the unbalanced Marxist you are and provide the facts for rational people to read.
See how easy it is to prove you are a liar. There is zero proof "Obama ordered the DOJ and FBI to rig the election", because you didn't provide it. Keep the lies coming boss. You keep an ongoing resume on this forum for all to see.

The FBI should investigate if Obama ordered the DOJ and FBI to rig the election or else they are guilty.
Do it. I'm not afraid of that, because it never happened.

Sure, I’ll get right on it
You're not done yet? :777:
Wow, you still cannot come out of this retarded state of mind. Key words here you used, "you don't know". Thank you! Because of accidental stupidity, you made my case for me. Thanks!

You're scared traitor.

You should be.

It all just blew up.

Fuck the blue wave, that's the least of your worries. All of the conspirators are going to prison.

I still urge the president to pardon that traitor Obama though.
The ignorance, the hate, and the lies, are slowly doing the Right in.

ya got it backwards, dude. Its the left that is doing itself in. The truth is coming out, the FISA warrants are being declassified, the dem/media/FBI corrupt cabal is being outted, its over, the American people are fed up with your lying socialist bullshit.
If you actually knew what the truth was, you wouldn't honestly be able to call it "corrupt". So you lied. And, as proof, four judges are already calling you a liar.

the president has the authority to declassify any government document. If the DOJ and FBI defy his orders they are subject to prosecution and removal from their jobs. The corruption has been demonstrated and verified by the Strzok emails and comey's testimony under oath. the deep state/dem house of cards is collapsing and the USA is the winner.
The Strzok emails were not illegal and no corruption was uncovered by Comey. Those two claims are both lies, and you can't prove otherwise. You are a liar.

I also noticed how you avoided the fact that the four judges approved the FISA warrants, and did their job, and you couldn't dispute that fact. In the meantime, while Trump orders the documents to be declassified, authority or not, he is committing obstruction.
Prove it, or it's yet another lie?

You're too stupid to back quote.

Hey, I get it traitor - it's all falling down around you. Your masters told you that Trump would be driven from office and your party would usher in paradise like Venezuela has.

Now it's all crumbling down around you.

Newly revealed text messages between FBI paramours Peter Strzok and Lisa Page include an exchange about preparing talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to give to President Obama, who wanted “to know everything we’re doing."

The message, from Page to Strzok, was among thousands of texts between the lovers reviewed by Fox News. The pair both worked at one point for Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe of alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016, about prepping Comey because "potus wants to know everything we're doing." According to a newly released Senate report, this text raises questions about Obama's personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation.

In texts previously revealed, Strzok and Page have shown their disdain for Republicans in general, as well as Trump, calling him a "f---ing idiot," among other insults.

Among the newly disclosed texts, Strzok also calls Virginians who voted against then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe's wife for a state Senate seat "ignorant hillbillys." (sic)

That text came from Strzok to Page on Nov. 4, 2015, the day after Jill McCabe lost a hotly contested Virginia state Senate election. Strzok said of the result, "Disappointing, but look at the district map. Loudon is being gentrified, but it's still largely ignorant hillbillys. Good for her for running, but curious if she's energized or never again."}

FBI lovers' latest text messages: Obama 'wants to know everything'

All the treason of you Marxist pigs declassified for the world to see..
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:You're too stupid to know what Obama was asking for.
Ha liar, we're still waiting?

Don’t pretend you GAF about National Security.

If it was Obama calling for the release of the texts and documents, you would be slurping his junk.
Obama would never in a million years, do it!

Releasing classified information of an on going investigation on himself and his campaign,


Have at it, baby....

Obama had all his loyal cronies infesting the FBI and the DOJ. They are participating in this coup against Trump.

Declassifying those documents is in no way impeachable.
You're sure that the Mueller report to DOJ will see the light of day? I recall a case where a private server and gross negligence was excused because there was "no intent". I'm sure that Trump's DOJ will match or trump the excuses made for Hillary.

Read the law, gross negligence in the Espionage Act REQUIRES you knowing that you are committing a felony.... and requires you obtaining the T/S info from ''its proper place''.... neither happened.

Comey was right.

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both

The text of the law doesn't support your claim, dingbat.

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