Trump paid less in taxes than a household that makes 20k per year

If I was in Trump’s position, I would not be able to live with myself paying a few hundred dollars in taxes. I’m sure I would take advantage of deductions to some extent, but a few hundred while being a millionaire? That’s pathetic.
Why do you blame the rich, Microsoft paid no taxes, this lies on the shoulders of Congress for making laws that allow theses deductions. Democrats rule the House, the Senate and the Executive branch, why have they not tightened these loopholes so people like Trump and Microsoft pay more in taxes! Shame on the government, not the people that obey the law and take the legal deductions.
Let this be a lesson in tax politics. The wealthy and corporations are not “taxed enough already” because they do not pay the OFFICIAL tax rate. They pay an EFFECTIVE tax rate.

Trump paid $716 in federal taxes in 2016 and 2017. The average 20k household plays more than $800. Those making between 50k and 75k pay an average of 5k in taxes.

“Real estate offers some unique tax advantages, mainly the ability to write off depreciation against income. It’s common for a real estate investor to show a loss on their income tax return while receiving positive cash flow for the year.

Fractional real estate investors also receive similar benefits. The investment platform Arrived Homes, known for letting investors buy shares of rental properties with as little as $100, paid out $47,000 in dividends to investors in 2021, but only about $2,800 was considered taxable income. The rest was nontaxable return of principal.

That means Arrived Homes investors collectively only needed to report $2,800 in taxable income, despite receiving $47,000 in dividends. Arrived Homes has already paid out $303,000 in dividends so far in 2022 and investors will likely get another nice break come tax time next year.

Another likely reason for Trump’s low tax bills is the use of a tax loss carryforward. Companies such as The Trump Organization can carry losses over from one year to offset taxes in subsequent years. Trump used this strategy after realizing nearly $1 billion in losses in the early 1990s. He was able to carry those losses over each year until 2005.”

Everyone pays an effective tax rate.

No one actually pays tax on their entire income
Maybe the Democratic Congress should pass some laws to tie up their rich buddies loopholes. I sure with majorities in the House and Senate, they could pass it and Biden would surely sign the bill.

It amazes me why people blame the person taking legal tax cuts and breaks and not Congress that sets up the laws to begin with. That is just stupid thinking.

It’s not thinking at all. It’s regurgitating the talking points the msm feeds them.
It’s not thinking at all. It’s regurgitating the talking points the msm feeds them.
That's all they ever do. An original thought or a sincerely derived belief would cause them to spontaneously combust.

I remember when I went through the awakening from that which our poster friend is to what I am now, and it was pretty heinous.
Regardless of what Trump paid or did not, the the ability to write off depreciation on real estate that is gaining 20% in value a year is a joke. One of the 10,000 plus things wrong with our tax code
Whats hilarious is….all the disgusting Libtards like Billy000 and JackOfNoTrades tell us daily how Trump used his office of the presidency as a profit center for himself and the Trump Organization…THEN two threads later they tell us how he’s a phony billionaire and that his companies don’t make money….you have to admit, these TDS’ing whack-jobs are fascinating as all hell.
What's inconsistent about it? Trump has to make money some way. He's a shitty businessman so may as well use the power and influence of his office to make the money up somewhere.
Again, he's corrupt..and incompetent....and a giant fraud. Which is why he doesn't want anyone to see his tax returns.
What's inconsistent about it? Trump has to make money some way. He's a shitty businessman so may as well use the power and influence of his office to make the money up somewhere.
Again, he's corrupt..and incompetent....and a giant fraud. Which is why he doesn't want anyone to see his tax returns.

You little girls still doing the tax return thingy?
Is there anything you idiots won’t fall for?
Let this be a lesson in tax politics. The wealthy and corporations are not “taxed enough already” because they do not pay the OFFICIAL tax rate. They pay an EFFECTIVE tax rate.

Trump paid $716 in federal taxes in 2016 and 2017. The average 20k household plays more than $800. Those making between 50k and 75k pay an average of 5k in taxes.

“Real estate offers some unique tax advantages, mainly the ability to write off depreciation against income. It’s common for a real estate investor to show a loss on their income tax return while receiving positive cash flow for the year.

Fractional real estate investors also receive similar benefits. The investment platform Arrived Homes, known for letting investors buy shares of rental properties with as little as $100, paid out $47,000 in dividends to investors in 2021, but only about $2,800 was considered taxable income. The rest was nontaxable return of principal.

That means Arrived Homes investors collectively only needed to report $2,800 in taxable income, despite receiving $47,000 in dividends. Arrived Homes has already paid out $303,000 in dividends so far in 2022 and investors will likely get another nice break come tax time next year.

Another likely reason for Trump’s low tax bills is the use of a tax loss carryforward. Companies such as The Trump Organization can carry losses over from one year to offset taxes in subsequent years. Trump used this strategy after realizing nearly $1 billion in losses in the early 1990s. He was able to carry those losses over each year until 2005.”

Is the IRS on to him? Why don't we ever hear from them on Trump's taxes?
You little girls still doing the tax return thingy?
Is there anything you idiots won’t fall for?
LOL. What is it that you think Trump is afraid of letting everyone see his tax returns? Audits??? one, not even Trump gets audited for 20 years continuously. Illegalities?? The IRS would have thrown the clamp on him years ago if that was the case. They want their money. It's because his tax returns are an embarrassment to his built up legacy of his master of the Art of the Deal. He doesn't want anyone to see that he's a massive fraud, writing off massive losses. We know he's already a failure as a businessman. But if people actually get to see how much money he's lost over the years, his persona will be gone in a puff of smoke. :auiqs.jpg:

Otherwise, he would have released them. Like EVERY OTHER political candidate and major office holder has before him. :)
Is there ANYTHING you sycophants won't excuse when it comes to your savior? :bowdown:
LOL. What is it that you think Trump is afraid of letting everyone see his tax returns? Audits??? one, not even Trump gets audited for 20 years continuously. Illegalities?? The IRS would have thrown the clamp on him years ago if that was the case. They want their money. It's because his tax returns are an embarrassment to his built up legacy of his master of the Art of the Deal. He doesn't want anyone to see that he's a massive fraud, writing off massive losses. We know he's already a failure as a businessman. But if people actually get to see how much money he's lost over the years, his persona will be gone in a puff of smoke. :auiqs.jpg:

Otherwise, he would have released them. Like EVERY OTHER political candidate and major office holder has before him. :)
Is there ANYTHING you sycophants won't excuse when it comes to your savior? :bowdown:
Wow. Profound. ;)
LOL. What is it that you think Trump is afraid of letting everyone see his tax returns? Audits??? one, not even Trump gets audited for 20 years continuously. Illegalities?? The IRS would have thrown the clamp on him years ago if that was the case. They want their money. It's because his tax returns are an embarrassment to his built up legacy of his master of the Art of the Deal. He doesn't want anyone to see that he's a massive fraud, writing off massive losses. We know he's already a failure as a businessman. But if people actually get to see how much money he's lost over the years, his persona will be gone in a puff of smoke. :auiqs.jpg:

Otherwise, he would have released them. Like EVERY OTHER political candidate and major office holder has before him. :)
Is there ANYTHING you sycophants won't excuse when it comes to your savior? :bowdown:
That's strange - that "failure of a businessman" is back in The Forbes 400. How can that be?

Dumb ass.
That's strange - that "failure of a businessman" is back in The Forbes 400. How can that be?

Dumb ass.
You lemmings will swallow anything.

"Editors of Forbes did, however, note the massive fraud lawsuit facing the former president, which threatens the value his hoard if it ends in a judgement against him".

Smoke and mirrors.
You lemmings will swallow anything.

"Editors of Forbes did, however, note the massive fraud lawsuit facing the former president, which threatens the value his hoard if it ends in a judgement against him".

Smoke and mirrors.
Isn't it funny that we use the same descriptors for each other and the behaviors we each believe the others indulge in?

Except we don't encourage raping or killing children.
And that's why he doesn't want people to see his tax returns. Massive losses written off. They would show him as a fraud.
The guy who wrote the Art Of The Deal, laid bare as little better than a real estate scam artist.
Trump's persona gone in a puff of smoke.
why did John Kerry, liberal war hero, hide is big yacht in another state to avoid taxes
Let this be a lesson in tax politics. The wealthy and corporations are not “taxed enough already” because they do not pay the OFFICIAL tax rate. They pay an EFFECTIVE tax rate.

Trump paid $716 in federal taxes in 2016 and 2017. The average 20k household plays more than $800. Those making between 50k and 75k pay an average of 5k in taxes.

“Real estate offers some unique tax advantages, mainly the ability to write off depreciation against income. It’s common for a real estate investor to show a loss on their income tax return while receiving positive cash flow for the year.

Fractional real estate investors also receive similar benefits. The investment platform Arrived Homes, known for letting investors buy shares of rental properties with as little as $100, paid out $47,000 in dividends to investors in 2021, but only about $2,800 was considered taxable income. The rest was nontaxable return of principal.

That means Arrived Homes investors collectively only needed to report $2,800 in taxable income, despite receiving $47,000 in dividends. Arrived Homes has already paid out $303,000 in dividends so far in 2022 and investors will likely get another nice break come tax time next year.

Another likely reason for Trump’s low tax bills is the use of a tax loss carryforward. Companies such as The Trump Organization can carry losses over from one year to offset taxes in subsequent years. Trump used this strategy after realizing nearly $1 billion in losses in the early 1990s. He was able to carry those losses over each year until 2005.”

If you don't like the tax law and loopholes your piticians have created, contact them, demand they change them, demand they get rid of the loopholes, and demand Democrats pay their taxes.

Remember how Obama promised to have the smoothest transition evuh ... and then struggled for months to get any Cabinet members approved because almost every nominee had not paid their taxes for years, ironically to include Sect of the TREASURY, lil' Timmy Geithner?!
why did John Kerry, liberal war hero, hide is big yacht in another state to avoid taxes
Who cares??? :) I don't give a shit what Trump paid in taxes.
John Kerry hasn't spent his entire life building a persona and an image based on bluster, bravado, and bullshit. :auiqs.jpg:
Trump has. Massive business losses. Art of the Deal, my ass. :)
Is the IRS on to him? Why don't we ever hear from them on Trump's taxes?

This type of common sense does not penetrate the leftist skull. A normal brain can use reason to formulate this relevant and simple question. The leftist brain cannot. That’s why the fall for it every single election.

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